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    File : 1274191204.png-(86 KB, 850x850, 1273644732184.png)
    86 KB Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:00 No.34985145  
    Hey /a/, why do you hate the American anime industry?

    They license shows to bring it stateside, and the original creators of the work get paid as well through the process.
    >> Anonymous !.inAWESOME 05/18/10(Tue)10:00 No.34985164
    And then they hire Steve Blum to voice the male lead.
    >> tripfags everywhere !LvxlojWmsQ 05/18/10(Tue)10:01 No.34985182
    and they turn my mature anime into funimated ones
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:01 No.34985183
    >the original creators of the work get paid as well

    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:02 No.34985219

    I can't remember the last time they changed the source material.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:03 No.34985226
    they do. its not like they'd give out licenses for free.
    anyway, I dont exactly hate it; sometimes the subbing is just pretty bad, and that is not something I'd like to pay for. I will not say anything about dubs, I simply dont care about them but I cant say someone is wrong for wanting them or anything.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:03 No.34985239
    Kaibe is still not licensed
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:04 No.34985256
    seto no hanayome seems to be pretty bad and recent
    translating "chivalry" to "honor among thieves" just ridiculous.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:04 No.34985259
    >They license shows to bring it stateside

    Years late.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:04 No.34985262
    >shit subs
    >shit dubs
    >slow shows

    By the time they get shit into the States, I would've already watched it.

    Also, not a US citizen, this shit doesn't matter to me.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:05 No.34985264
    >I don't know how licensing works

    The Japanese company pay the original creator for rights, after that the Japanese company is free to do with it as the company wants.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:05 No.34985269
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:07 No.34985302
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    inb4 shitstorm, same pic last night.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:07 No.34985303
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    Are there any other recent commercial sub failures I should be aware of?
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:07 No.34985308
    well, I thought the one you'd like to support would be the Japanese company. they certainly do get money.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:09 No.34985350
    But their main market isn't the American market.

    They get money off the DVD sales in Japan + various other shit (such as dolls, posters) that otaku buy.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:09 No.34985351
    I'm scared at what the english dub will be like for Index and Railgun, personally.

    "Such misfortune" is a mouth full. Kuruko's voice alone would be hard to pinpoint with english. Index would be hard as well. And if they bring in fucking Wendi to do Misaka, the clones, and LO, I bust a fucking nut.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:09 No.34985353
    >support the industry

    I think you have a mistake.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:11 No.34985400
    >But their main market isn't the American market.
    that doesnt make the money they get irrelevant.
    feel free to read the thread
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:11 No.34985419

    You are imagining English dubbed Haruhi voice as Misaka.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:12 No.34985422
    How about you? Not a single mention of anyone wishing to purchase.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:12 No.34985430
    I'm pointing out that they can survive fine with out it.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:13 No.34985455
    yet there was discussiona bout the money going/not going to the "original creator" / "Japanese company x".
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:14 No.34985470
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    I fucking hate you
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:14 No.34985476
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    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:14 No.34985480
    But you see, newfriend, /a/ simply doesn't support the industry.

    The more you know as you lurk more.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:14 No.34985485
    i would support it if they didn't dub everything and just subtitled it properly. too much localization and giant yellow subs is crap.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:15 No.34985487
    That's a counterargument to OP, retard.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:16 No.34985522
    room/collection threads
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:17 No.34985546
    If the anime industry died tomorrow, I would still have more than enough on my backlog to keep me busy until my attention wanders elsewhere.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:18 No.34985578
    Lose anime being "mainstream" in America?

    Yes, oh god, yes.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:18 No.34985579
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    But then you wouldn't get any new series once you watched them all.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:18 No.34985583

    Even if they stooped, its too late. Too many faggots roaming around getting their faggot friends into animu.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:18 No.34985584
    all licensors and localisators should just die
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:19 No.34985597
    Well, there's still the game industry.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:20 No.34985625

    The more you lurk, the more you learn.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:20 No.34985631
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    I buy R2 and BlueRei anime. Expensive but worth it.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:22 No.34985673
    >They license shows to bring it stateside
    >They create newfags on /a/
    >Hey /a/, why do you hate the American anime industry?
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:22 No.34985680
    >Too many faggots roaming around getting their faggot friends into animu
    This by far and away. I honestly hate the American anime fanbase. Shounen up the ass. Not just any shounen, no. Linear shounen with no depth. Every person I've met throughout highschool and college has been this way and the most complicated they can get is Death Note, and even then they might not have the attention span to go through the 37 episodes.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:23 No.34985693
    gtfo funi devs
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:23 No.34985698
    >Implying I'm American.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:24 No.34985713
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    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:25 No.34985731
    That's a pretty poor justification for not buying considering the state of the anime industry today. Maybe if the Japanese publishers were receiving more revenue via whatever means, the studios wouldn't be in such dire straits. The main case for this that can be made would be Big O S2 where US interests were so high on CN, they co-produced S2.

    Don't like subs for a particular series? I can understand that as it can be pretty disconcerting when you are used to seeing something different. Not all anime is like that and the anime and manga industry itself is/was filled with actual oldfags these days (before they kicked the bucket for the most part.) If you don't want to buy anime period because you don't think it's a worthwhile hobby or don't have any money to waste on luxury hobbies that should be shown on television normally, that's perfectly fine too. Just to don't try to make lackluster excuses and arguments.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:28 No.34985806
    There was a thread like this yesterday only it was about some guy proposing that /co/ and /a/ be fused because "they're both cartoons and comics", so I'll copypaste some of what I said before. Whatever I say about the /co/ people, pretend it's casual anime watching newfriends.

    >Is Haruhi not a good enough show to stand on its own, in the realm of actual television
    It is, however the /aco/ fusion board would probably be filled with mainstream, linear shounen that only people that watch Adult Swim or people new to anime would talk about. The more obscure (To the masses anyway), old or even newer anime airing in Japan right now would be outnumbered by the sheer amount of mainstream stuff that really no one here cares about.

    I then spoke more about casuals:
    Except that for at least a year there will be a ton of recommendation threads, Adult Swim threads, big 3 threads and other stuff -we don't want.- Talking about them isn't bad, but if you were to get people new to anime, we'd have over 8 pages of this stuff for about a year. Even then, because 4chan is mainstream thanks to the shithole known as /b/, maybe if we're lucky it would reduce to 2 or 3 pages.

    Talking about exactly what this thread is about:
    >Unless you have a friend who directly hands you things it's basically impossible to get into, due to different boards and different websites and different standards
    I'm not the majority but I got myself into it just fine. It's also exactly -because- of the those different boards and websites that anime is portrayed the way it is over here. The average American anime viewer I can assume, and correct me if I'm wrong, will watch anime for fights and mild story. If the anime is too long or the story gets too deep they will drop it. Acquaintances I know that I casually talk to about anime fit the bill dead on for this. The most complex thing they can get into is Death Note.

    Anyone have anything to say about this post?
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:29 No.34985818
    Whether you wanted to or not, when you buy a set with a dub you're paying for the voice actors. That's half the reason buying series is so expensive.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:30 No.34985842
    All I really want is to be able to turn on my TV and watch an episode subbed within a week of it airing in Japan.

    Don't bother me until then.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:32 No.34985879
    dont forget censorship up the ass to appease to the christian groups and other feminist groups
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:33 No.34985924
    are feminazis lobbying against anime now? more proof that they should spend their time doing other things, like cleaning, and making me a sandwich
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:34 No.34985946
    >Don't like subs for a particular series? I can understand that as it can be pretty disconcerting when you are used to seeing something different.
    I'm not the anon you quoted. This is one of the main reason I hate licensing. The translations. They're terrible. It's a script rewrite rather than a direct translation. I hate it even more when they include Japanese audio but the only available subtitles are DUBTITLES. This is why I stopped buying anime at 12.

    I saw Death Note subbed. Ryuk had an easygoing, always comical voice and personality in the Japanese version. Not in the English version, no. The voice actor they gave him made him try to sound more sinister at all times, even at points he was happy in the Japanese version. They also did the same with Light. Instead of sounding sinister in his thoughts, it's all the fucking time. Anyone could tell he was up to no good after hearing his English voice.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:37 No.34986004
    The majority of what gets over here is action-packed shounen and light comedies like Ouran and Love Hina. We may get some better things, however most of the time we don't. This is another reason I hate the American fanbase. They dismiss anime as kiddie shit even though in Japan different shows are aimed for different ages. There are shows aimed for people above 20 that have complex plots. Do we get them? No.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:39 No.34986059
    >>34985806 here
    Found another thing that might be worth mentioning. Guy was calling me an elitist asshole even though all I did was Bring up a few points.

    >If there's anyone who is an uncivilized jackass it's you for putting yourself on a higher level than other human beings
    Look, I'm trying to have a discussion with you. No need to resort to namecalling. Reread my post. I said the -average- American anime viewer. It's a given those at /a/ will have heard of others, but the majority of Americans haven't. Keep in mind I'm just giving a generalization. Can you honestly go up to an anime fan at your school or work and expect them to have heard of nearly ANYTHING mentioned on /a/? It would be rare.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:43 No.34986133
    Sure, tl;dr.

    A board join with /a/ and /co/ would be dumb for many reasons. /co/ has long threads with comic dumps with several issues for story time and they can last long enough for people to actually read it via 4chan without being constantly bumped. /a/ simply moves at too much of a rapid rate. This is also a main argument involved with splitting off manga - not because of content but rather to slow thread creation and posting. If "Big 3" threads weren't spammed on the days that they came out, it'd be an improvement.

    Honestly, if your goal is try to introduce new people into anime, 4chan is probably not the best way to go about it. If a person is interesting in a different category, they should be able to search via google to see if anything interests them.

    There hasn't been that much censorship especially during anime boom era outside of the 4kids stuff which was mostly shounen. Some old stuff was censored like Sailor Moon but that was also applicable to above.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:50 No.34986319
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    >This is one of the main reason I hate licensing. The translations. They're terrible. It's a script rewrite rather than a direct translation. I hate it even more when they include Japanese audio but the only available subtitles are DUBTITLES. This is why I stopped buying anime at 12.

    Dubtitles and "rewrites" aren't particularly common in modern licenses, AFAIK.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:52 No.34986378
    because fuck dubtitles and every company that does them.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:53 No.34986404
    Hey anonymous, why do you want me to hate Index?

    Seriously, stop using her for posts related to this. I already don't particularly care for her, and associating her with these threads is not helping. Also its pointless, because To Aru * will never be brought stateside anyway
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)10:57 No.34986492
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    Hidamari Sketch got it pretty bad, it seems like it was farmed out to a 5th string team who communicated over the phone and worked only with the audio stream with no video (pic super fucking related).

    Granted, I know that Hidamari is niche even within its niche, and there is no way they could've expected it to sell much and it's amazing it was brought over at all, but there's really no excuse for shit like this.

    Other than this and random translation and typographical errors, there's also a part where a whole line was just missed, so the next few lines got brought forward one and were spoken by the wrong character. It seems like references to Sae's masculinity (mostly by Miyako) were toned down (for example the "newhalf/newquarter" bit was rendered as "you like to crossdress/you sometimes like to crossdress" which is fucking lame).

    Not to mention the fact that they used the broadcast rather than DVD footage for episodes 1, 5, and 6.
    >> Butta !!BFsOTZxm4Ii 05/18/10(Tue)10:59 No.34986530
    I don't have a problem with R1 anime. Dubs can be as shitty as they want; they're mostly irrelevant to my viewing. Subs vary depending on the company(FUNimation's are a shit-ton better than Bang Zoom!'s, for instance) and since FUNimation are the ones licensing almost everything, it's awwwwwright.

    Now, R1 manga? Fuck that censored, uncomprehensibly adapted shit. It's more or less the same as really bad scanlators, except you paid for it. Ugh.

    >implying studios give out shows for free
    MIPTV, you ignoramus.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)11:03 No.34986632
    >Now, R1 manga? Fuck that censored, uncomprehensibly adapted shit. It's more or less the same as really bad scanlators, except you paid for it. Ugh.
    What the hell series are you reading that get that treatment? Pokemon Adventures? (not saying this condescendingly towards the series, it's just the only example with actual censhorship I can pull off the top fo my head)

    I buy manga regularly and genuinely can't remember the last time I actually saw something censored.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)11:07 No.34986729

    It's old, but here's an example of some manga censorship in the licensed English version.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)11:14 No.34986888
    Most manga aren't censored and translators that are bad are normally dropped after fan complaints these days. Both the anime and manga industry have come a long way from the past. Yes, some of them are equal to bad fan translations because English manga publishers pretty much pulled talent from the scanslations industry including translators. I knew of a few, for example, who worked for Tokyopop and the like.

    Most of the people working solely for a publishing company (and may not have ties to manga/scanslations outside of working for said company) were pretty cool too for the lack of a better word when they came around to chat with people on IRC. That feels like such a long time ago though and I can't help but feel that hostility has unnaturally grown for whatever reasons.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)11:14 No.34986917
    Exactly my point.
    That shit barely goes on anymore. Same for anime. Whenever somebody says they don't buy licensed anime because it's all censored they immediately demonstrate the invalidity of any view they might have on the matter, because it's outdated.

    Censorship still happens, but it's the exception now, not the norm.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)11:17 No.34986994
    >I buy manga regularly and genuinely can't remember the last time I actually saw something censored.
    Easiest instances to point out is when the original cover art is censored and/or modified. For example, compare the US and Japanese covers for Negima vol 16 and 23.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)11:19 No.34987024
    >That's a pretty poor justification for not buying considering the state of the anime industry today. Maybe if the Japanese publishers were receiving more revenue via whatever means, the studios wouldn't be in such dire straits. The main case for this that can be made would be Big O S2 where US interests were so high on CN, they co-produced S2.
    Hey, guess what just came and by? The recession. (no help there, America.) Anime/Manga has been, is, and will be for a small demographic of any country. To ludicrously license everything left right and centre (Viz, was it?) is partly why the American anime companies are dying. And again, I'd like to reiterate that I support these American companies going belly-up.

    What of in the glorious country of NIPPON? They have a self-sustainable model; where good companies grow and improve and bad ones die off.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)11:22 No.34987089
    >What the hell series are you reading that get that treatment? Pokemon Adventures?
    I read the scanlations as far as they went (Gold arc). What was edited in the official translations?
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)11:23 No.34987101
    Okay, but that's only one series, with two instances of censorship, and only on the covers, did they change anything inside the volumes? (I'm aware of censorship within earlier volumes, but that's stopped so isn't really valid)

    Remember, I didn't say censorship didn't exist, just that it is pretty rare these days.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)11:26 No.34987157
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    Pokeball boobs removed, replaced with her confusing them with some stupid tagline or something. I don't know, I don't remember, just that it made no fucking sense.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)11:27 No.34987178
    >I buy manga regularly and genuinely can't remember the last time I actually saw something censored.
    I'm not surprised. If you buy it rather than read a scanlation you don't even know what is censored or not because you're not given a comparison.

    You mean the Tokyopop that adds shitty jokes that weren't there to begin with and further rewrites the script?
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)11:30 No.34987265
    It would help if you read the entire post before criticizing specific points in order to make yourself feel better. If you want licensing companies to kick the bucket, that's great. I don't see what logical reason there is to do so however when they have only shown mostly improvements over time. There are a few things they need to still work out, but it's not as if there is no market in English speaking communities or sites like this wouldn't exist in the first place. Some of these so called "English" companies were direct extensions of Japanese ones.

    Sustainable? No, if it was sustainable, then we would still have diversity and other things. It hasn't been sustainable so they have moved to what sells while others having trouble. You can argue that this is how capitalism works which is true. I believe video games also underwent a similar period of transition but perhaps for different reasons.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)11:30 No.34987269
    /a/ doesn't appreciate anime enough to actually pay for it.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)11:31 No.34987299
    I like how you claim to know all of my reading habits outside of what I've stated.

    Even with the series that I'm buying without having read them as scanlations first, it's pretty obvious that they haven't censored anything (otherwise Goku's penis wouldn't be clearly visible in Dragonball, nor Natsumi's underwear in Sgt. Frog).
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)11:32 No.34987327
    Again, that's not for every series. Not every series received the Battle Vixen treatment. You would know if you actually tried them out perhaps?
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)11:33 No.34987355
    I used to buy tons of dvds. But I gradually got sick of how expensive it became and how they liked to milk that 8th dvd of a series with 3-4-2-3-etc episode counts.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)11:40 No.34987542
    Alright. Fair enough. What about scripts? When I'm reading an official English manga and I know there's something wrong I get a bit annoyed.

    I haven't read Battle Vixens. I dropped Tokyopop a couple years back after GTO and a few others I can't remember.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)11:42 No.34987588
    Not going to pay for English audio track I don't want.
    I'd rather import.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)11:43 No.34987612

    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)11:43 No.34987618
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    Stop here, struck with terror.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)11:47 No.34987737
    You probably don't import very much. If you do, that's pretty stupid for most cases as you are better off buying cheaper English dvd boxsets on sale (maybe with less extras though) and turning to Japanese audio with no subs on.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)11:49 No.34987773
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    My Face when i heard Animax dubs were not the same as american dubs.

    No one talks about the animax dubs -

    we in asia don't get your FUNi subtitles, crunchyroll's limited, no HULU.

    we have no other legal alternatives than Eyeshield 21 and naruto shippuden on CR and animax dubs on cable.

    Tell me what to do?
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)11:51 No.34987844
    American proxy and torrents.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)11:53 No.34987903
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    proxy can. torrents cannot. i'm in singapore :(
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)11:57 No.34988034
    Damn boy.. You have 4 dollars? That's gangsta
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)11:58 No.34988071
    Here's what it comes down to. I don't want to pay for an English version because of what they do to it.

    They might mess up the script through localization or "polish" it to make it more appealing. If they don't fuck that up, the voices might not match the character. If they do, the voices only match the character's look without giving regard to their age or -personality- (Very evident in FMA. Ed is 12). If they don't fuck that up, voices are usually bland. If they're not bland, congratulations. They have produced a decent dub that only comes along once every 100 anime.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)12:08 No.34988333
    That link is priceless. They're talking about why DVDs of English licensed anime doesn't sell well.

    >Fansubs are free, DVDs aren't. Haruhi sold well on DVD; it truly did. How well? I don't know, and the only people who do know for certain are still working at Bandai, and they would very quickly no longer work at Bandai if they were to leak that information.

    >Fansubs are free, DVDs aren't.
    Ignoring all the shit they do in terms of voices and characters, "polished" translations they attempt, they blow it off and say "FANSUBS ARE FREE LOL". This is yet another reason I don't support these morons.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)12:10 No.34988388
    >>34988071 here
    Forgot to mention. When an anime gets licensed, the fansubs usually stop depending on the company. I want a damn translation, not a rewrite. I won't even pirate the DVDs.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)12:11 No.34988413
    enjoy your police state
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)12:12 No.34988433
    Don't worry... Index and Railgun haven't been licensed yet... and neither has K-On! for some strange reason. One would think those would be slam-dunks for licensing.

    Anyway, one of the worst mistranslations in recent memory was in the Love Hina manga. Anyone who has watched or read it subbed/scanslated will know that Keitaro always refers to Naru by her last name. Well, TokyoPop dropped all the honorifics and had everyone call each other by their first names. Ruined a fair number of jokes including the final joke in the manga. Very sad.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)12:13 No.34988473
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    Found this image at

    How about try licensing more unique manga instead of the same bullshit you've been licensing for years? There are a lot of good manga that aren't your generic shounen fightan or extra generic comedy like Love Hina or Ouran. Get some that aren't being scanlated but look enjoyable and i might consider buying them (What a concept).
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)12:14 No.34988481
    >When an anime gets licensed, the fansubs usually stop depending on the company
    No they don't. At most the fansub group X "stops" subbing the show and "out of nowhere" a new group Y starts subbing the show with the exact same fonts, opening lyrics and whatnot.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)12:16 No.34988527
    >How about try licensing more unique manga instead of the same bullshit you've been licensing for years? There are a lot of good manga that aren't your generic shounen fightan or extra generic comedy like Love Hina or Ouran. Get some that aren't being scanlated but look enjoyable and i might consider buying them (What a concept).

    See Viz's SigIkki project. Hell, they post translated chapters online for free.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)12:17 No.34988559
    >Don't worry... Index and Railgun haven't been licensed yet... and neither has K-On! for some strange reason. One would think those would be slam-dunks for licensing.
    I don't think America would have the same reaction as Japan towards anything moe, especially stuff like K-On. If anything we'd get angry moms and hardcore bible thumpers for stuff like Railgun (Kuroko swimsuit anyone?).

    >Anyone who has watched or read it subbed/scanslated will know that Keitaro always refers to Naru by her last name. Well, TokyoPop dropped all the honorifics and had everyone call each other by their first names. Ruined a fair number of jokes including the final joke in the manga. Very sad.
    Well shit. And that's why I stay away from Tokyopop even if there aren't scanlations.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)12:19 No.34988577
    Almost every show just gets a box set nowadays.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)12:20 No.34988610
    >One would think those would be slam-dunks for licensing.
    Moe doesn't really sell well in America because the fans prefer pirating them. The licencing fees must be fucking huge, too, since Japan doesn't really understand the American market.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)12:20 No.34988621
    I rarely see this happen, however I'm aware it sometimes does. What really annoys me, though, is what you said -never- happens for manga.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)12:22 No.34988660
    Sounds pretty interesting. This might be a good idea. How are the translations compared to scanlations if there are any?
    >> AIJOU !dYUUJOUw3k 05/18/10(Tue)12:22 No.34988669
    I hate it because they seem to operate on the mistaken impression that ANYONE buys a TV show before watching it. Ever. And because of this they push their BUY DVDS NOW without really going to the effort give us a high quality free version on TV with ads first. They get the most popular shows on Hulu in lower quality than popular shows, and Funimation streams in very low quality, but that's just not enough. I can watch House in HD the day it comes out and then buy the DVDs months later if I feel like it. Why should I have to watch Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood in my firefox window as if it were a youtube screen, covered in pixels and other bullshit?
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)12:23 No.34988679
    License To Love Ru and they would have an easy 14 volumes sold to me and many others. But I guess Shounen Jump doesn't want their lineup to be Pirates, Ninjas, Death Gods and then Naked Aliens.

    After the smashing success of series like Shana I would think another show by the same studio would be a no brainer. Same deal goes for K-On when you consider how well Haruhi sold and how they went back and re-released Clannad with a dub after the sub only version did so well.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)12:24 No.34988716
    America is filled with closet homos who can't watch little girls do things because they think it might be gay. They're repressed like that. one nipple slip or sexy in game action and they're in a panic.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)12:25 No.34988747
    >Why should I have to watch Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood in my firefox window as if it were a youtube screen, covered in pixels and other bullshit?
    Because very few American channels actually offer anime, and most of the ones that do have their timeslots filled. It isn't like Japan where a fuckton of channels get anime all the time.

    Japan's anime airtimes are the equivalent of our cartoons' airtime.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)12:25 No.34988765
    Viz usually has decent to good translations. I dunno, I guess you could compare the scanlations of Bokurano or Doredohedoro (sp?) which are the only two series in the project which are scanlated.

    Many of them are too weird for scanlations. Tokyo Flow Chart is amazingly bizarre, for instance.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)12:25 No.34988767
    This. Do they realize that not everyone lives in japan and not everyone gets all these shows on public access TV for free there?

    every country has its own advertisements and stuff and we pay our TV licenses. that's how shit stays cheap on TV - but most of it is not watchable or we don't like the shows in our country.

    >> AIJOU !dYUUJOUw3k 05/18/10(Tue)12:28 No.34988856
    What they should do is get license to translate and sell poplar magazines stateside, in simultaneous releases. They should also be faster in releasing volumes. I find it completely unacceptable that in the 21st century, a graphic novel could be SEVERAL volumes behind the Japanese version in translation.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)12:28 No.34988867
    >But I guess Shounen Jump doesn't want their lineup to be Pirates, Ninjas, Death Gods and then Naked Aliens.
    Hell, Shounen Jump in Japan offers a lot more. I think if they made it a weekly or even a twice a month issue -with all the shit that's in the weekly and monthly Japan issues- there wouldn't be much of a problem in terms of manga.

    Shounen Jump, as far as I know, is pretty decent when it comes to translations. Honorifics and calling by last name are sometimes dropped (Which sometimes gets in the way like the Love Hina guy said) but other than that it's pretty okay. I really wouldn't mind if they got a few more series.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)12:31 No.34988943
    >Many of them are too weird for scanlations
    I'm sorry, but could you elaborate on that? Are you saying the language and dialogue (Kanji jokes, wordplay, etc) used are too weird to attempt or that the story and content are too weird?
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)12:33 No.34988967
    1000 times this. Also soccermoms and biblethumpers.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)12:34 No.34988997
    i hate the american anime industry because i hate anime in general, i only watch it because it's free
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)12:38 No.34989119
    in 98 replies to a lame troll thread OP, I'm certain this has been said. But I'll say it again.

    I don't mind rewarding the original producers since it'd prompt them to make more of what I like, but reward some international media company for insulting my American face with their halfbaked asinine dub (and/or partial Macek-job or rewrite?)


    Total boycott.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)12:38 No.34989127
    I fully agree with you, especially since scanlators are getting them out within 24 hours of Japanese release.

    >Image: Do we simply shut these sites down?
    Yes, by all means. Go ahead and kill the manga industry further. Honestly, if a series has been going for a year, no one is gonna wait another year for your ass to publish an English version. They're killing the god damn series for anyone that wants it. They will ALWAYS been at least a volume or two behind and the translations might be off. They're alienating the fans more than supporting them. You do not fucking do this. If people like the series, they'll buy it even after reading scanlations. Hell, I did because Shounen Jump is actually okay with translations.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)12:39 No.34989147
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)12:48 No.34989443
    Nowadays, I've noticed that standards have really risen in (manga, I don't buy anime) translations. The whole rewriting thing doesn't really happen anymore except for manga obviously meant for kids; which I'm not interested in buying. In fact, a lot of the time in the last couple of years, I'd say the official translations make a lot more sense than fan ones which are usually (not always) amateurish, only barely QC'd, or both.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)12:55 No.34989693
    >I'd say the official translations make a lot more sense than fan ones which are usually (not always) amateurish,
    Could you elaborate on that? The vast majority of scanlations I've seen are great. The only thing wrong might be cleaning or image quality, but I easily get past that because the translations are nice. If there's a language joke, it even explains it unlike official translations who change it into something new.

    >Nowadays, I've noticed that standards have really risen in (manga, I don't buy anime) translations. The whole rewriting thing doesn't really happen anymore except for manga obviously meant for kids
    I'm interested now. What company does this? I'd like to be able to respect at least one.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:11 No.34990192
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    >"polished" translations

    >I want a damn translation, not a rewrite.

    >partial Macek-job or rewrite

    Seriously, guys, I don't think Macekre rewrites are that common in today's licensing business. Wouldn't it make more sense to rally against plain bad/lazy translations instead?
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:14 No.34990271
    don't stealth-reply, shill
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:17 No.34990359
    DelRay does an AMAZING job with translating manga. They properly use honorifics and typically have 2-8 pages of translator notes in the back of the volume explaining any cultural references or other things your average reader wouldn't pick up on. And aside from the aforementioned censorship of a couple Negima covers, they don't censor anything (and that's just to allow it to be sold in stores, you can't blame them for that, really)
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:19 No.34990410
    Dat font.

    >Wouldn't it make more sense to rally against plain bad/lazy translations instead?
    Yes it would, however most groups do a good job. Because they aren't looking for money out of this, they actually put in effort to make it great. I'm not saying all companies don't put in an effort, but there really seems to be a difference between them. For some reason American companies like to translate and phrase it will the stereotypical villain lines or words from western scripts. Fansubs handle this a lot better by translating it the way they're actually saying it. Maybe I'm just picky, but I don't care for it. I like the bottom sub in that screenshot best.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:20 No.34990440
    >why do you hate America?
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:21 No.34990468
    God damn. This is the shit I'm looking for. This is what everyone should be doing. I'll check them out then. Thanks.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:21 No.34990488
    GTFO kimmo
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:21 No.34990490
    And to give credit where credit is due, they actually included a color page of volume 16's unaltered art just inside the cover. Volume 23 was not as lucky but you did get it in normal b/w screen-tone a few pages in.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:28 No.34990672
    Well then. I like color. Out of curiosity, how's the page size? Is it still tiny as hell compared to fullsize pages?
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:29 No.34990705
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    >Yes it would, however most groups do a good job.

    I was talking about bad official subs, such as Hidamari and Seto no Hanayome, which have been mentioned in this thread.

    You're right that many fansubs groups do a really good job, but fansubs also have many severe problems that are almost omnipresent, such karaoke and on-screen TL notes.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:33 No.34990802
    >such karaoke and on-screen TL notes.
    Out of curiosity, is it that much of a bother? Takes up maybe 1/12 of the screen lengthwise. I'd also like to know what the joke or whatever they feel needed a note now then rather than looking it up later. If I miss it the first time I can't appreciate it. It'll just be an "Oh, so that's what it meant" moment.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:33 No.34990820
    >Yellow subs
    Nostalgia bomb.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:34 No.34990829
    American manga releases are actually larger than the Japanese... and that insert was the same size as the cover. It was just a glossy page right behind the cover.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:39 No.34990973
    Seriously? Manga here is 7.5x5 inches. How small are Japanese volumes? Is it just the weekly/monthly that are huge?
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:40 No.34990994
    I just checked vol 16 and damn, I never even noticed they did that.
    Yeah Del rey has done a pretty good job with Negima
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:40 No.34990999
    you know that's bullshit though
    fansubbers don't stick to only what's free on TV
    there's fansubs of OVAs, movies, pay-per-view, AT-X paid subscriptions, and as soon as the DVD/BD release comes out everybody drops the TV version and switches to that, and includes all the extras

    You guys want for free what Japanese are expected to pay for, so stop bullshitting about that and just admit it
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:41 No.34991021
    The last show I bought was Stellvia and the slimpack tincan thing. They never came out with box sets until a year after the dvd set was complete, thus charging full price for the whole thing. Even if you went DVD pacific or some shit it was still pricey. By the time they started the slimpack boxset thing I had broadband and never looked back.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:41 No.34991027
    japanese manga are about 1cm shorter and the pages dont run all the way to the spine
    you can read the whole page clearly, and without having to flatten it open and damage the spine
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:42 No.34991052
    mad, buyfag?
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:42 No.34991058

    You upset?
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:42 No.34991076
    >You guys want for free what Japanese are expected to pay for, so stop bullshitting about that and just admit it
    No, we want a good job done. We might pay for it if the official quality was even close to being on-par with fansubs. If even groups with little experience can do better than large companies, I think that's pretty damn sad.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:43 No.34991122
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    I'm indifferent to foreign localization industries.
    I just buy BDs from Amazon Japan.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:44 No.34991132

    The fuck? They had rewrites for the first few volumes, followed by erratic translation quality before evening out around volume 20.

    Also, why the hell shouldn't we "blame them"? This was after stating that there would be no edits. That's the kind of shit they just won't learn from.

    They can cry about "DA CULTURAL DIFFERENCES" straight to the grave. Officially translated manga is becoming less and less relevant. Needlessly editing shit, any shit, is not helping.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:45 No.34991152
    >you can read the whole page clearly, and without having to flatten it open and damage the spine
    Jesus fuck that's useful. And here I am trying to scan my official volumes I bought, getting shit quality because I didn't want to kill the spine.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:46 No.34991185
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    P.S. loli or porn-ey cover art / box art means fewer (non-internet) retail sales, not more.

    I don't understand why people IN THE INDUSTRY, who've supposedly studied the demographics involved, cling to such crappy caricatured stereotypes. (Oh wait, no, I do. They're still losing sales, but I do.)
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:48 No.34991251

    How much do you waste on shipping?
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:48 No.34991259
    I'm rich and I watch em raw so I don't give a damn and buy them.
    >> Juikabloth 05/18/10(Tue)13:48 No.34991262
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    It's been a while since I saw one of those boxes in my room ;_;
    That'll end in July with Alter's Yoshika and Sanya.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:48 No.34991267
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    Comparison for you. Love Hina is the only series I own both japanese and english for so it's what you get. But that is the standard size for both american and japanese manga volumes.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:48 No.34991270
    In a thread full of people complaining about edits and censorship you're suggesting cover art should be changed?

    yeah that's going to go over well
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:49 No.34991280
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    >Out of curiosity, is it that much of a bother?

    It is. It screws up the reading rhythm, breaks immersion and goes against the norm of translator's invisibility. A good rule of thumb is, if there are more than two lines of text on the screen, you're approaching a cognitive bottleneck which may force the viewer to pause the video.

    Besides, TL notes are usually a sign of lazy translation, when the translator hasn't bothered to come up with a simple, functionally equivalent line.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:49 No.34991283
    Where I live it's cheaper to buy dvd than to pay a shitload of money for bandwith . The choice is clear
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:49 No.34991292
    I don't care about the American anime industry because I am not american...
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:50 No.34991318
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    Amazon has an interesting shipping system
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:52 No.34991353
    I think that's the one edit that people will let slide as if you've got loli tits or barely clothed females on your covers it's straight to the porno aisle or you're banned from being sold in stores.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:52 No.34991371
    440 yen has got to be for domestic shipping. The shipping fees to the USA is like 3300 yen.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:53 No.34991381
    Okay, "usually" was poor word choice. I'd go with "sometimes." This is mostly the case with older manga, because fan-translating standards have risen recently as well (although they do bigger watermarking now sometimes which is the most annoying thing in the history of ever). But if you read the earlier volumes of Berserk, there are a ton of issues to take that you wouldn't find in any officially translated manga (with the exception of rewritten shit).

    As for good translations, Yen Press and Del Rey do a good job. Although both companies have blurbs on their products that are among the most retarded things you'll ever read, for some reason.
    >> Juikabloth 05/18/10(Tue)13:53 No.34991391
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    >Queen's Blade
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:54 No.34991415
    These days, they only do TL notes to fuck around, though, which is even worse.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:54 No.34991416
    >It screws up the reading rhythm, breaks immersion and goes against the norm of translator's invisibility
    Would you rather they omit the joke completely or leave it to you to understand it? If you can miss it that's a problem.

    >if there are more than two lines of text on the screen, you're approaching a cognitive bottleneck which may force the viewer to pause the video.
    That's why you leave the TL up for maybe 2 more characters' dialogue.

    >when the translator hasn't bothered to come up with a simple, functionally equivalent line
    That would be a rewrite, which is frowned upon. If I wanted a rewrite I'd buy the English release. I want a translation.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:55 No.34991436
    What you don't seem to understand is that the nips pay 100$ per month for TV and watch a shitload of ads to watch their show for "free"
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:55 No.34991444
    >HURRDURR I know nothing about translation
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:55 No.34991449
    Where I live it's a monthly fee. Where are you? Korea?
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:56 No.34991472
    Sounds like a more expensive version of cable television in the rest of the world, where we pay for services but still get ads.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:56 No.34991496
    Domestic shipping is free.

    The reason you get results like >>34991318 is because you can pre-order a bunch of items months in advance and only pay "single shipment" shipping, but Amazon splits up the order and ships each individual item as it comes out at no extra charge, splitting she shipping cost across all the shipments.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:57 No.34991505
    >I'll just dismiss what he says instead of answering a valid comment
    Don't be so childish. We're having a discussion here.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:57 No.34991510
    Probably Australia or some other third world country.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:57 No.34991516
    I never understood the people who are always talking about bandwidth. I've never had to concern myself with bandwidth once.

    I'd also like to know.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:57 No.34991525
    It's a montly fee but with a maximum of 5go +10$ per go up to 100$ . Rural Canada
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)13:58 No.34991568
    The problem is that you are spouting nonsense without even taking into account the practices of professional translators, and likely without any knowledge of the structure of the Japanese language.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:01 No.34991644
    >the practices of professional translators
    Okay. I was talking about a rewrite, which is what professionals (At least in companies) usually do. You even supported that.
    >when the translator hasn't bothered to come up with a simple, functionally equivalent line.
    What's your Idea of equivalent? I'd like to know.

    Your other complaint was pausing the video. What if they kept the note up longer?
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:05 No.34991735
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    >Would you rather they omit the joke completely or leave it to you to understand it?

    You seem to be underestimating translators' ability to create functionally equivalent lines. TL notes can be used to explain the original joke further, but they do not belong on the screen.

    >That's why you leave the TL up for maybe 2 more characters' dialogue.

    Then it would just be an even more flagrant violation of the invisibility norm.

    >That would be a rewrite, which is frowned upon.

    Creating a functionally equivalent translation =/= rewrite. A "literal" translation without any functional equivalence would be nigh unintelligible gibberish. You should read some Christiane Nord, she has some pretty good examples of this.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:06 No.34991777
    156 posts and 23 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:10 No.34991908
    Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. I am raging so hard at the Answerfans section.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:11 No.34991929
    I'm not a professional translator by any means... but speaking as someone who has done QC work for scanslations before (Sketchbook is the prime example that I'll use) there are often times where it is impossible to re-write a phrase or line of dialogue into english without totally losing the meaning. So you've got to make the painful choice of having TL Notes everywhere or write it into proper english.

    The worst is when you've got puns that work perfectly in japanese but for obvious reasons won't in english. Do you translate it and explain the joke in a TL note or do you re-write the joke and hope you did a good job?
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:11 No.34991935
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    >What's your Idea of equivalent? I'd like to know.

    The target text achieves the same textual effect as the original. For example, an entertaining text remains entertaining even when it's been translated. An instructive text remains instructive, and so on.

    I'm not the durrr-anon, BTW.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:12 No.34991969
    Except there's a serious discussion this time. Don't be sad.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:12 No.34991976

    Can you speaketh nipponese or do you time the subs yourself?
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:13 No.34992010
    >the original creators of the work get paid as well through the process

    ITT: Lies
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:13 No.34992025
    i`ve bought hatsukoi gentei manga from japan (also anedoki, love kawashita), and i`m dissapoint with the quality and size of tankobons. reading those small kanji is a pain in the eyes. reading scanlations on my Full HD 24" monitor is much more comfortable. so guess what i do?
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:14 No.34992061

    >>34991568 here.
    You're quoting lines I didn't write. >>34991735 is not me, but explains it well enough. I'll give you an example.

    Japanese: chichi wa watashi ni osake o nomasete kureta
    Literal translation into English: "Father gave me allowing to drink alcohol."

    That is not an acceptable translation, however, and even fansubbers will change it to something like "Father let me to drink alcohol." So there you have re-writing right there and you probably didn't even know it was happening right under your nose.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:17 No.34992161
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    >Do you translate it and explain the joke in a TL note or do you re-write the joke and hope you did a good job?

    Many professionals prefer the combination of functional "duct tape fix" translation, supported by a note in liner notes. Translation is an inherently flawed practice, so there's really no point in worrying over some signal loss.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:17 No.34992169
    yeah I know Japanese

    I hear on DVDs it's pretty easy to load subtitle files into VLC or whatever but I don't know about BD.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:18 No.34992205
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    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:20 No.34992268
    I hate them.

    Where I live, they don't air any anime on tv. But still licensed anime gets removed from the internet in an attempt to make me IMPORT the anime.

    What a bunch of greedy cuntflaps.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:20 No.34992269
    >TL notes can be used to explain the original joke further, but they do not belong on the screen.
    Where would you (If you were in charge of a fansub group), put them?

    >Then it would just be an even more flagrant violation of the invisibility norm.

    >Creating a functionally equivalent translation =/= rewrite.
    See, but they way you were describing it, it sounded like you were implying they make a new joke but along the same lines as the original.

    >Do you translate it and explain the joke in a TL note or do you re-write the joke and hope you did a good job?
    I myself would translate the words the best I can, trying to preserve it, and explain what the joke is in a note if it's not very obvious. Something like "This is a play on words. [Word] sounds similar to [Word]"
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:21 No.34992275
    You're not making sense.
    For the line you gave, "Father let me drink alcohol" is the literal translation, not a rewrite.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:23 No.34992357
    well the above "tsundora" joke can`t go without TL note
    and i`m ok with that
    also i rage at how they have translated manga on display in book shop but don`t give original name anywhere on the cover or in the book. how the fuck i`m supposed to know what is this they are even selling? maybe i would even consider buying it, but i don`t really want to buy anything i`ve not even heard of. i live in russia and here we have licensed crappy chinese and korean (as far as i can tell) "manga". maybe they do it to save licensing costs, i dont know. but you wouldn`t buy some lame-ass "internet dating" manga (that`s the name on cover, yeah) from some obscure author you know nothing about, would you?
    and we also have Тетрадь Смерти (Death Note), yeah classy, if you want to look cool in school then read this
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:25 No.34992406

    I heard Russian dubs are god tier, though.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:25 No.34992407
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:26 No.34992444
    New to the discussion here, and I support *good* TL notes

    Some of the best TL notes I've seen in fansubs, especially for historical/cultural references take a few minutes before or after (typically before) the show to explain things. WOrks amazing.

    As for play on words, one of the best translation jobs I've seen comes from ARIA, where the fansubbers translated the line literally, then placed romanized Japanese above the words in question. Simple, didn't break the flow of the show, and extremely effective in letting the audience get the joke without having to *explain* it.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:27 No.34992472
    >chichi wa watashi ni osake o nomasete kureta
    >father TOP I DAT alcohol ACC cause-to-drink gave
    >(TOP = topic particle, DAT = dative particle, ACC = accusative particle)

    Don't tell me I'm not making sense. If "father let me drink alcohol" is the literal translation, then what happened to the word "gave"? Do you understand that in a "literal translation," you can't just omit the main verb of a sentence?
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:33 No.34992629
    dont worry Funi OP, I plan to buy a shitton of animu once i get a job
    really, a lot of it
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:35 No.34992703
    But that's just it... when you're translating you're supposed to translate the meaning... not exactly what is being said word for word. If you wanted a translation like that, a machine can do it for you.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:38 No.34992771
    yeah they are actually. i`ve encountered some shitty ones a couple of times, but there`s always better alternative from another group in that case, and most of the stuff gets TLed really great. i`ve never seen any of the QUALITY translations like sometimes get posted here (with nonsense TL and long TL notes). also russian is somehow more adequate to translate from japanese, it just manages to pack more sense in shorter lines, while english subs tend to have much longer lines. i watch both languages though, it doesnt matter much to me. i also know a bit of japanese, so that i can check if the subs are actually accurate when choosing them.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:38 No.34992776
    Because I don't want to pay extra for dubs, those no talent voice actors don't deserve to be paid.

    I would however buy an official sub only version because I like having the nice disc and case
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:38 No.34992782
    I generally buy things that I like once they come out here. I'm planning on purchasing Eden of the East and a couple of Ghibli movies in the future.

    The only time that it annoys me when people say that they won't buy is when they claim that the dvds are overpriced when they're only charging a fourth of what the Japanese companies are. I mean holy hell I can kind of get not wanting to buy something because you don't like the translation but don't dance around the issue and say that it's too expensive because it's not.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:39 No.34992797
    You people don't seem to understand that there is quite a bit of re-writing in professional translations, and NEVER any of the half-ass TL notes trying to explain some ridiculous idiom. Here's an excerpt from a professional translation:

    Japanese: "Hotto hito iki. Ki ga yurunda sei ka, kuufuku o oboeta S-ko-san, futo, shuutome ga chikaku no koukyuu suupaa de katta to iu donatsu no fukuro ni me ga tommatta."

    Literal translation HURR: "In a single breath said, 'ho.' Perhaps the fault of spirit relaxing, Ms. S, who suddenly remembered her hunger, suddenly her eyes stopped on the bag of donuts her mother-in-law said she bought at a nearby high-class supermarket."

    Professional translation: "S-ko breathed a sigh of relief. As she relaxed, S-ko felt hungry, and her eyes suddenly came to rest upon the bag of donuts that her mother-in-law had bought at a luxury supermarket nearby.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:39 No.34992799
    >why do you hate the American anime industry?
    This again, eh? I'll make this quick this time since I say it so often.
    1 - blu-ray prices for VHS video quality.
    2 - buying US releases supports emotionless English dubs.
    3 - the subs aren't as good as fansubber work, which says a lot about how god awful official subs are.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:39 No.34992813
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    >Where would you (If you were in charge of a fansub group), put them?

    There are lots of potential places: the group's website, text screens after the episode proper, an alternate sub track...

    >See, but they way you were describing it, it sounded like you were implying they make a new joke but along the same lines as the original.

    That's exactly what I meant, actually, but your definition of rewrite is too narrow. Like the anon in >>34992061 demonstrated, "rewrites" of such a small magnitude are present everywhere, probably in pretty much every single line of your favorite fansub. There's no black-and-white dichotomy between "accurate translations" and "rewrites". Instead, there's a continuum with varying degrees of formal accuracy vs. adaptation, and your typical licensed DVD subtitles are located nearer to the accurate end of the spectrum.

    >Something like "This is a play on words. [Word] sounds similar to [Word]"

    If you do this on-screen, you're then "rewriting" the text function. Yeah, sometimes a translator just can't win.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:42 No.34992918
    No that's not it. Fansubbers miss the meaning and try to translate the words too often and that's what we're talking about. Obviously they don't do it with simple idioms like I quoted in >>34992472, but in plenty of other phrases where the "meaning" is less obvious.

    No, machines can't do it for you, either. If you've ever tried to Google Translate a Japanese website (clearly you haven't), you'd see that over half of the translated sentences are awkward, horribly worded, or simply make no sense unless you can guess at their original Japanese wording.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:43 No.34992938
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    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:43 No.34992944
    holy shit, is this still alive? Might as well have gone "guaranteed replies"
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:44 No.34992962
    really long TL comments for some obscure cultural references or naming conventions or plot devices and setting or whatever usually go in comments.txt file, short TL notes are better left in sub. TL notes > official "rewrites"
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:45 No.34993003
    And this is what /a/ thinks makes for an eloquent professional translation which is kind of sad.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:47 No.34993040
    for some complex shows like fate stay/night i can get a pretty long comments file, and i`m fine with that. also official translations are shit
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:48 No.34993073
    Because you're fluent in English and Japanese and would totally know.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:48 No.34993092
    and also in my native language, so yes, i would
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:49 No.34993107
    maybe if you did stuff we liked instead of trying to get us to like what you do, YOU WOULD HAVE SOME CUSTOMERS
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:49 No.34993108
    most of the stuff they made, it would too good to call it shit:
    Teen Titans
    Marvin the Martian Hunter
    and a sea of more.

    The only series that pleased me was:Avatar the Last Airbender. I shit you not, that was a pretty damn good series.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:49 No.34993118
    Having a short translator's note explaining a wordplay or something is much better than some moron US studio putting some horrible cheesy joke in there instead
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:50 No.34993137
    or as far as "anime" American animation goes. if you were talking about FUNI etc etc, then I apologise.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:50 No.34993144
    Why do you guys think that dub companies would ever bother with this place?

    I'm just a normal Anon.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:51 No.34993155
    I only like literal translations now because I can understand 30-40% of the Japanese I hear in a show and sometimes the terrible wording in English, though nearly unintelligible to an average native speaker, actually helps me place the words I'm hearing in Japanese.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:51 No.34993158
    Index dick check.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:51 No.34993182
    how would "professionals" translate something like SZS or Bakemonogatari? no, really? what do you propose? also keep in mind you are limited to DVD and cannot even provide a txt with comments.

    now compare this to the fansubs i got and nice comments.txt that even describes the history of tsubasa`s family and other relevant plot points and cultural references

    fuck official translations
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:52 No.34993202
    But that's not a rewrite. Literal may not be the right word, but your example of 'rewrite' is still exactly what the person is saying, just with cleaned up grammar and sentence structure. Rewriting is changing the line to say something different in meaning, typically with the intention of the audience understanding it better.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:54 No.34993236
    You don't know what you're talking about.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:54 No.34993246
    Not that Anon but SZS is getting a sub only release so I have no idea what they're going to do there.

    Bakemonogatari will NEVER. NEVER. be licensed.

    I like it when they have a booklet that explains crap. Like Azu Manga Daioh and Haibane Renmei.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:54 No.34993258
    Haha, so true. Sooooo true. That poor guy is in nearly every anime that comes stateside. Sure, it may not always been the main character, but he is there; oh, you better believe he is voicing someone (or something).

    Though I'm sure he wouldn't complain. He is easily the richest American VA.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:55 No.34993275
    exactly. all the examples he came up so far is not a rewrites in any logical sense. example of "rewrite" and localization would be something like how "100 yen" turns into "a couple of bucks", or some other shit
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:56 No.34993307
    remember back when they kept posting the daily "/a/'s official list of must-buy anime" and the OP pic just HAPPENED to be all the new funi releases? and then the OP would vanish form the thread?
    well they obviously realized that was a stupid approach, and lately more of these kinds of threads where they are directly engaging /a/, are popping up daily.
    4chan is a fucking pirate cove and people get flack for buying things, so they figure if they can get the fucking HURR GREENTEXTAN pirate faggots to actually quit being so fuckjing cheap and buy some of the shit and support the people who make the shit they claim to love, then they can turn anyone and they might survive the year
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:56 No.34993310
    >Bakemonogatari will NEVER. NEVER. be licensed.
    why? it sold pretty well in Japan
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:57 No.34993368
    Have you seen the American release of PPD? Every episode has a separate sub track with TL notes explaining nearly everything (they seemed to miss more as the series went on). Sometimes the notes covered the entire screen. It could be enables/disabled independent of the main subs, so you could watch the show clean, then rewatch it with TL notes.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:58 No.34993381
    how about no
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:58 No.34993400
    It contains a lot of Japanese word play and some old anime references.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:58 No.34993404
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    That's just it. It won't sell well in America. It's not the type of show that does well in America. It would cost too much to license and would be very difficult to make a profit off of.

    Also a couple of pages from the Haibane booklet that came with the first Dvd.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)14:59 No.34993434
    They also did that for Excel Saga, and Nerima Daikon Bros.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)15:00 No.34993446
    SZS got licensed, and it's nothing but word play and references. It's the better show, but BMG might sell better here like it did in Japan.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)15:00 No.34993464
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    mind = blown
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)15:01 No.34993493
    It'll take off when the marketing department decides on Twilight comparisons.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)15:02 No.34993509
    Because it sold so well, Japan wants a shitton of money to license it. The most likely scenario would be Funimation being forced to pick it up in a package deal.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)15:02 No.34993524
    in after shitstorm
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)15:02 No.34993525
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)15:03 No.34993558
    A few other shows that will never be licensed are any of the Macross titles, K-On, and Angel Beats.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)15:03 No.34993562
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    >Japan's anime airtimes are the equivalent of our cartoons' airtime.
    Someone's not from here
    >> Anonymous 05/18/10(Tue)15:03 No.34993570
    That's not true at all.

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