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    File : 1274132894.png-(390 KB, 1000x862, assholes and douchebags.png)
    390 KB With love, from /cgl/ 05/17/10(Mon)17:48 No.34955871  
    In response to >>>/cgl/2963908

    Dear /a/non, no one wants to touch/fuck you because you're neckbeards with low prospects. Maybe if you tried being less like Japanese otaku and, you know, tried being more normal (Like you will have to be inevitably) you could get a girl interested in you.

    No one admires a hardcore otaku who doesn't take care of his appearance and has a shitty personality. Or stays at home and watches anime all day, without going to college or working. Being able to talk about Bakemonogatari for hours on end doesn't make you dating material bro.

    Very few would want to approach someone they know is an /a/non, who thinks of women as bitches and whores.
    There are a lot of animu-loving skanks, but if you can't spot them that easily, shame on YOU. We all can tell who's a whore from a mile away. They have a shallow love of anime.

    In reality, most of the girls on /cgl/ are a bit less ronery than you. Most are single, and haven't had great luck concerning love.

    Then again I'm speaking to a bunch of underaged faggots and shitty posters. You'll never be as good as /a/ was a few years ago.
    >> Bitches & !Whores/8sg 05/17/10(Mon)17:48 No.34955895
    noted and ignored
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)17:49 No.34955900
    >> Waffleman !!lEcQTlQ/zVh 05/17/10(Mon)17:49 No.34955924

    The majority of /a/'s userbase doesn't even LIKE real women, what are you talking about?
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)17:49 No.34955927
    /a/ is underweight
    >> Keldory♫ !!J5yLSAvowR7 05/17/10(Mon)17:50 No.34955946
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    >bitches and whores mad about us generalizing them as bitches and whores
    >generalize us as fat neckbeards who don't work / attend college
    >my visage
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)17:50 No.34955953
    also sage'ing because troll
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)17:50 No.34955955
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)17:51 No.34955986
    Fat chick who sleeps around to boost her self esteem detected.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)17:52 No.34955999
    This. Get your facts straight.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)17:52 No.34956001
    >Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...
    >> With love, from /cgl/ 05/17/10(Mon)17:53 No.34956056
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    Actually I'm quite loyal to my boyfriend. He stopped browsing /a/ because of its faggotry in comparison to old /a/.
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 05/17/10(Mon)17:55 No.34956090
    I apologize on behalf of that poster. I shouldn't have to say this, but we aren't all alike, and we don't all fit your description.

    You seem really upset, though. Maybe you should just delete this thread and find something to calm you down. You shouldn't let people like that get to you.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)17:55 No.34956102
    also this. Not /a/ related.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)17:55 No.34956106
    sage again because sage
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)17:55 No.34956113
    >Bumping her own thread in a desperate bid for attention.

    Not impressing anyone fatty.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)17:57 No.34956168
    >> Anonymous of Massachusetts !NoraVXgoIM 05/17/10(Mon)17:58 No.34956197

    Dear /a/non, no one wants to touch/fuck you because you're neckbeards with low prospects.

    >neckbeards with low prospects

    >low prospects

    So you admit all women are whores?
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)17:58 No.34956214
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    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)17:59 No.34956231
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    We don't care. go away attention whore.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)17:59 No.34956234
    No one wants to date a bum who doesn't leave his house and relies on his parents for financial support.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:00 No.34956260
    I always find /a/'s views on women amusing, stupid as fuck, but still amusing. Don't take the internet so seriously, sis
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:00 No.34956263
    Your fat rage only sexually excites me.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:00 No.34956268
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    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:01 No.34956304
    lol cumdumpsters think their catty remarks and worth two shits online.
    >> Anonymous of Massachusetts !NoraVXgoIM 05/17/10(Mon)18:01 No.34956305

    Because they're whores looking for a wallet, not a lover.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:01 No.34956316
    >No one wants to date a bum who doesn't leave his house and relies on his parents for financial support.

    Whore. What about feelings?
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:02 No.34956340
    Sup, gorespammer?
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:03 No.34956363
    Here, let me sum it up for you.
    >we're slutty because FUCK YOU YOU ARE UGLY AND NO ONE LIKES YOU
    Typical femanon defense.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:03 No.34956377
    OP was raped by her dad, that's when her weight problem started up, as well as her self esteem issues. She has no real feelings left, only morbid obesity and degrading sex.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:03 No.34956385
    what is cgl?
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:04 No.34956401
    >we aren't all alike
    This. Anonymous on the internet we may be, but there is a real person behind each poster, believe it or not.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:04 No.34956403
    ITT:Bitches and whores who are mad because they're bitches and whores.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:04 No.34956413
    > hardcore otaku
    > cosplays
    >> athens !SysNpnp3nU 05/17/10(Mon)18:04 No.34956414
    Femanons are the lowest of the low, we don't want to have anything to do with you. Go and have sex with some men at a con.

    We will drive you out of /a/, then we will take 4chan back, inch by inch we'll reclaim the website that was once almost exclusively ours.

    Armies, your goal is the complete expulsion of every woman from 4chan.

    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:04 No.34956421

    Welcome summerfriend.
    >> sidekick !!CrHUako0qX8 05/17/10(Mon)18:05 No.34956458
    Oh, you're serious aren't you?

    That's just precious. Excuse me while I go die laughing.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:06 No.34956499
    OP is athens
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:06 No.34956520
    >> CommodorePerry !d9iT/oipos 05/17/10(Mon)18:07 No.34956525
    It really depends, I do genuinely believe a lot of American/ British girls are slutty bitches.

    Now for native Europeans and Asians... they're a little more introverted and less slutty than Americans are. For the most part they just do their jobs and try to make a decent living, where as a woman in the States uses getting married as an excuse to move in and a leach off a house, and when they don't get their way, they have that person pay for child support after a bullshit divorce, they DON'T get a job, and they just get together with someone else for moral support.

    Try doing that in a fucking Marxist nation- they'll kill her, and rightfully so.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:07 No.34956536
    3d pig disgusting.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:07 No.34956558
    athens, why aren't you on /new/ more often?
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:07 No.34956560
    /a/ only jokes about hating on girls.

    /r9k/ are the real bitter faggots who hate girls.

    But sage and reported for no /a/ related.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:07 No.34956562
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    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:08 No.34956570
    Unfortunately, women don't give a damn about nice guys. If you act nice and come off as a sociable, kind person, you've already lost. Women like total bastards that will do nothing for them, and will abandon them in an instant if he finds a better fuck. They want it fast and simple, even if it ends up hurting them in the long run, because they can't stand putting an emotional investment into a nice man they might actually love in return. They can't stand it, because it might cut off their options. Even if all the other options are slimeballs that don't give two fucks about her future, she wants those options. She craves them. She needs to feel independant, like she's her own woman taking charge of her own future.

    Of course, all she's doing is ruining her future by doing that, but that's how women are. They don't know what's best for them. But they like to pretend they do, and that's exactly why they'll never be as happy as they would be if they let things happen instead of trying to take their future in their own hands and manipulate all the possibilities of their lives.

    Bitches and whores, every last one of them.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:08 No.34956573
    >Complains about being labelled BITCH/WHORE
    >Instead of replying civilly, and/or ignoring troll thread, female proves Anonymous right by being a bitch AND a whore.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:08 No.34956602
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    Anyone who doesn't sage should be banned.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:09 No.34956636
    You must be new here. don't worry you will learn.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:09 No.34956638
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    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 05/17/10(Mon)18:10 No.34956655
    It's a mystery to me why it's such a common misconception. Especially in older people, who think that people over the internet are all pedophiles because fox news or whatnot told them so, or that they're evil godless hacking robots that want to steal pictures of their grandchildren or some other hullabaloo.

    So much could be solved if people would mature a little, and realize things that are obvious.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:10 No.34956669
    The ratio of sage in this thread and the one in /cgl/ really shows which board is worse. /cgl/
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:11 No.34956694
    3-d what the fuck; feels gross man
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:11 No.34956710
    /cgl/ drama is the worst kind of drama
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:13 No.34956789
    Not really surprising. /cgl/ is full of women, so naturally being sluts, they're going to be angry.

    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:13 No.34956802
    Piece of shit femanon whores.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:13 No.34956809
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    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:14 No.34956855
    >How dare he generalize be a slut just because I'm a female on 4chan!
    >I better show him what's what by calling him a loser, since all guys on /a/ are underaged virgins
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:15 No.34956878
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    This shit is da bomb
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:16 No.34956948
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    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:16 No.34956951
    this is hilarious
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:17 No.34956974
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:17 No.34956979

    That's right, because love isn't about enjoying spending time with someone, it's about how much material goods your boyfriend can buy you.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:17 No.34956986
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    >Maybe if you tried being less like japanese
    >is a cosplayer
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:18 No.34956999
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    Seriously guys, even Key has better drama than /cgl/.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:19 No.34957050
    Athens. I love you, no homo.

    I remember why there WERE no girls on the internet on 4chan. Because they end up causing too much drama and bullshit between men and they start craving attention (camwhoring, DURHUR FEMANON HERE, etc).
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 05/17/10(Mon)18:20 No.34957086
    At the risk of contributing further to this off-topic discussion, I have four sisters and my mother, who I grew up with rather than my father, because my mom divorced him shortly after birthing his child so she could take their house and a sum of money to not have to work, and pursue her next "investment" so that she wouldn't have to do any actual work, and when she was forced to get a job, she would sleep around to improve her position. My sisters have learned from this, and now do the same.

    This is actually what a lot of women do. Having first-hand knowledge of that, I can't rightly blame people who think like the poster I'm quoting does, but it should be known that not all women are like this, even if it's not always obvious. The same is true for whatever could be said about males.

    It's not the sex of the person that makes them what they are, it's how they're raised, their environment. There are physical influences as well, but they're usually not exclusive to one sex.

    I don't really want to bump this thread though, or create any discussion here, I just wanted to say what I have and possibly end silly bickering like this in the future.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:20 No.34957089
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    Hey /a/ this is a really cool thread but seriously, check out my doubles
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:21 No.34957141
    Don't worry bitches are usually ignored in every board except /b/ and /cgl/ which is full of women, i don't give a shit about those boards so...
    >> ....Cat !uisi3/jF5A 05/17/10(Mon)18:21 No.34957143
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    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:21 No.34957155
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    cool story, bro.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:22 No.34957167
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    >it's how they're raised, their environment. There are physical influences as well, but they're usually not exclusive to one sex.

    Thank good most media targeted at females teaches them to be proper, polite, and non-slutty... Oh wait..
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:22 No.34957191
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    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:22 No.34957195
    At first, I was a little baffled by how this femanon decided to just insult us for the lack of sexual experience she assumes we have, instead of trying to provide a justification for her slutty behavior, which is what the discussion was originally about. But then I realized, that's what makes most sense for her to do. It's just the way femanons think.

    Obviously, she's not capable for any kind of self-criticism, because her behavior is completely natural to her. It's like telling a dog not to pee on a fire-hydrant, it just won't understand you at all. In her world, sex and relationships are all that matters. So it's natural for her to use that as a standard of worth for everyone else too. It makes perfect sense for her to judge us as losers if we don't have sex, because for her, not having sex means losing at life, failing to fulfill the purpose she has given herself.

    That's how femanons are like, guys. That's the kind of behavior that attracts them to this place in the first place. Don't be fooled when they try to act special, pretending to be pure girls who would make good wives, that's just their way to appeal to our specific clique so they can reap our specific supply of cocks. At least OP is honest about her nature, be more wary of those who aren't.
    >> Keldory♫ !!J5yLSAvowR7 05/17/10(Mon)18:23 No.34957210
    Q: Why is it impossible to please a woman?

    A: Because nobody has a chocolate dick that ejaculates money.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:23 No.34957217
    Well guys I have one thing to say to all of this

    I used to be a renegade, I used to fool around
    But I couldn't take the punishment, and had to settle down
    Now I'm playing it real straight, and yes I cut my hair
    You might think I'm crazy, but I don't even care
    Because I can tell what's going on
    It's hip to be square
    I like my bands in business suits, I watch them on TV
    I'm working out most everyday and watching what I eat
    They tell me that it's good for me, but I don't even care
    I know that it's crazy
    I know that it's nowhere
    But there is no denying that
    It's hip to be square
    It's not too hard to figure out, you see it everyday
    And those that were the farthest out have gone the other way
    You see them on the freeway, It don't look like a lot of fun
    But don't you try to fight it; "An idea who's time has come."
    Don't tell me that I'm crazy
    Don't tell me I'm nowhere
    Take it from me
    It's hip to be square
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:23 No.34957225
    duly noted and realized that 3d girls only want money at the end of the day
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:23 No.34957231
    I can talk about anime all day yet keep up my appearance, go outside and have an easy going personality

    But I don't get any girls, not even at conventions. What the fuck.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:23 No.34957241
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    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:24 No.34957271
    But I don't even like 3d to begin with. Guess it's time to go back to /jp/ summer /a/ it's worse than ever.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:25 No.34957322
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    Putin Triples
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:26 No.34957335
    When you step in dog shit, just remember that that dog shit is worth more than your average femanon. When you scrape it off on a railing, that putrified shit that came from the anus of a dog is worth more than a female 4channer.

    Nerdy chicks are all whores. They should all be put in chains and made to sexually service men.
    >> Anonymous of Massachusetts !NoraVXgoIM 05/17/10(Mon)18:26 No.34957352

    This is among the many reasons you should date otaku girls, the less Americanized the better.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:26 No.34957365
    reported for being a dumb thread
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:27 No.34957379
    No, you're new here. Because as a matter of fact, /a/ was never hated girls, but like it's the hip and cool thing to do in 4chan, there are a lot of idiots that act that way.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:27 No.34957384
    >you should date otaku girls

    You're an idiot.

    They're more slutty than ordinary girls.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:28 No.34957416
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    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:29 No.34957452
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    oh god, i seriously lol'd, this only reinforces the idea of bitches and whores

    Pic. related
    >> Imrinfected !!toD3+hC9ws/ 05/17/10(Mon)18:29 No.34957467

    We can't blame everything on the media, though. It's mostly parenting that has gone down the drain. People don't take responsibility for things like they should, and seldom is an adult these days any more mature than a 13 year old.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:30 No.34957484
    This thread is why I browse /a/ in the first place.

    Nevertheless, it must die.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:31 No.34957543
    Feminism is a parasite which feeds exponentially until there is nothing left in a society to then moves on to the next society prosperous enough to host it. So the first thing I would do is establish the oppression of women. I say "establish" instead of "reestablish" because women were never truly oppressed: gender roles were assigned by a division of labor based on our natural capabilities. If men truly ruled supreme with no force to stop him, the oppression of women would look something like what I would propose as "supreme dictator." It would begin as follows:

    The entire gender is outlawed. None of this 'shackles of marriage' nonsense, I'm talking actual steel shackles. All females of all ages would be systematically herded and divided by attractiveness. The ugly would be exterminated, the large would be given hysterectomies and used for labor, and the attractive would satisfy the sexual needs of the worlds men. So that's no more sickly women, no more men dying doing dangerous jobs, and virtually free sex with any woman you wanted through an international registry of brothels. Some of these women would bear children: boys given to willing fathers, girls kept by the state. Traps would be used for those men still wanting relationships and would be given special rights and privileges to promote their lifestyle. During this time of worldwide birth control, scientists would be working on an artificial womb. Once completed, the attractive women would be given hysterectomies and released to the custody of men. The ugly/large women performing dangerous jobs would have no rights and would have to defer to any male, free to be used in any manner he sees fit that does not affect her productivity. The attractive women would be sole property of whichever man owned her, deferring to him, free to be used in any manner he saw fit. There would be a steady supply of women 'released into the wild.'
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:32 No.34957572
    Now that the problem of women has been solved, giving men more free time and a generally more pleasurable and quiet life free to pursue their own interests, I would then move on to culling the herd. We have far too many people and the human race needs to be allowed to perfect itself. I would have to create a form of artificial Darwinism to unnaturally select the members of the species that would be a benefit. It wouldn't be based on race or size, but intelligence. Everyone would have to register with the state taking a series of IQ and personality test. The unintelligent would be exterminated. Of course, anyone who interfered with this new evolution of the human race would be exterminated. My armies would roam every countryside going door to door to purify our species. Furthermore, the punishment of any crime would be punishable by death. All prisons would be demolished with the prisoners still inside, innocent or not. All of the different court systems would also be demolished. A new law of common sense would reign, handed out by the most logical of judges as determined by the tests my psychologists have come up with. The punishment of all crime would be death, from murder to serial rudeness. Yes, rudeness. There will be a strict code of etiquette in the new order. Once we've gotten rid of the dregs (criminals and impolite), we could reform the governments. There would be no need for multiple currencies or different forms of government, so the economic, executive and legislative systems of all countries would be dissolved and rewritten under one worldwide government.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:33 No.34957597
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    This anon just made my day
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:33 No.34957609
    They can't really help it, when they can't even grasp the concept that what they're doing is wrong and that they should be ashamed of it.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:34 No.34957649
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    That's disgusting bro, even for /a/
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:34 No.34957668
    without sluts we wouldn't get laid anyway so why complain?
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:35 No.34957697
    Remember when you could beat a woman for talking shit. I wonder why that was in the first place? Oh that's right. Bitches and whores.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:36 No.34957723
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    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:36 No.34957738
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    One can only dream.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:36 No.34957743
    pussy why don't you grow a pair and act like a man
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:36 No.34957748
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    You are the biggest bro I have ever seen.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:38 No.34957829
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    Hey, guys. Don't mind me. Just walking Bow-Wow on my way to the Bottle Grotto.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:38 No.34957831
    You need to grow up and act like a little civilized, kiddo
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:40 No.34957897
    >Be a woman
    >Complain about /a/
    >400 posts unlocked
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:40 No.34957921
    you mad?
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:41 No.34957953

    Fucking saved. I love you /a/non, I fucking love you man.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:41 No.34957955
    U cancer?
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:43 No.34958039
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    yeah bro i think you mad
    >> OP 05/17/10(Mon)18:43 No.34958043
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    I love all these ridiculous assumptions and misogyny. Enjoy your ronery life, substandard /a/non. Old /a/ will always be superior
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:45 No.34958120
    >Old /a/
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:45 No.34958122
    How many men have you slept with?
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:45 No.34958123

    it can't be helped
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:47 No.34958195
    >Old /a/
    >implying you didn't come here on summer 2007
    >implying you actually watch anime
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:48 No.34958235
    Unless she believes she deserves what she's getting, I fully support her decision.
    Fuck yeah, parasites.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:49 No.34958297
    She does. Feminism would never have worked without instilling these ridiculous entitlement complexes in all women.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:51 No.34958378
    Ur such a dumasss. I hate it when dumshits liek you come and complain about other peoples personalities on 4chan. Why should anybody have to live up to your bullcrap standards? What gives you the right to judge somebody for the way they live. Anime isn't just some shit to casually follow. If you're looking for that just watch some reality TV. If you aren't willing to throw a good portion of your time/life into it then leave. What's so great about being "normal" anyway? If you want somebody who's just like every other douche on the street go to a fuking night club not a anime convention
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:52 No.34958393
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    Your speech is a little muffled, probably from all those cocks having been shoved down your throat, slut.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:52 No.34958412
    Thank god us men don't have any retarded ideals like that.
    Oh wait.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:53 No.34958449
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:53 No.34958461
    Hey /a/, don't let that slutty OP troll you. I love you just the way you are.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:53 No.34958468
    Hi guys, /g/ here.

    I've got a suggestion for all of you:

    How about you all quit whining about not being able to get a girlfriend, and instead get a job. Quit robbing us of our taxes you fucking bums.
    >> OP 05/17/10(Mon)18:53 No.34958486
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    I came here in 2004 bro. I've also watched anime in Japanese long before digisubs (Now called fansubs). Cry moar.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:53 No.34958488
    That would look incredibly convincing if you posted it somewhere else.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:54 No.34958528
    You must be a complete slut to accept people like us.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:54 No.34958531
    How many "girlfriend" threads are we going to get?
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:55 No.34958564
    Attention, serious newfag here. What manga is this from anyhow?
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:56 No.34958571
    >whining about not being able to get a girlfriend
    Only a femanon would interpret the posts in this thread as that.

    Do you fantasize about having sex with strangers?
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:56 No.34958589
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    Putin knows how to deal with women.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:56 No.34958600
    When did you lose your virginity, at what age?
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:56 No.34958602
    When /a/non wants a girl/boy friend bad enough, /a/non will put more effort into it.

    Honestly they know what they need to do if they ever want a chance at it, they just don't care enough at this point. Since thats the case, i don't see the point in these types of threads other than to start a shitfight.

    Yea they'll keep complaining about it, but again they're only making themselves look stupid.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:57 No.34958608
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    Look OP, I realize your not even reading this thread anymore or are just simply a troll.

    Probably an ugly fat whore at that if you're even on 4chan.

    but guess what


    So please, do us ALL favor and fuck off, ok?

    You are 3DPIG DISGUSTING to most of the people here. We're not interested in you, we don't want to fuck you and we certainly don't give a shit what your opinions are or what you think about how we choose to live our lives.

    You and people like you is why I DON'T WANT a 3D whore. You disgust me.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:57 No.34958609
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    It's better to be healthy alone than sick with someone else.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:57 No.34958630
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    >whining about not being able to get a girlfriend
    We don't do that anymore.
    Fuck them.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:58 No.34958674
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    I guess that some "Bitches and whores" isn't that bad compared to this...
    >> OP 05/17/10(Mon)18:59 No.34958682
    Age 19, with my boyfriend. Still with him 2 years later.
    >> AwesomeFinder 05/17/10(Mon)18:59 No.34958685
    My good friend i can't get a girlfriend because im not gay. You either sit, stand, or fap corrected.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:59 No.34958695
    As a matter of fact, I do, because I am a fucking GUY. Although that shouldn't matter to you, right? I guess that makes me a despicable slut too, despite the fact that I am a working class member of my community and I can support a family, huh?
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:59 No.34958696
    >Anime isn't just some shit to casually follow

    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)18:59 No.34958718
    I liek the way you think. But don't become completely closed off to 3D. I admit the chances are very low, but there may be somebody out there for you. Idk, mabe its just me being too optomistic and hoping we all get laid, lol
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)19:00 No.34958745
    Lengthy replies are the best expression of apathy, bro.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)19:00 No.34958749
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    Alright you've had your fun, back to /g/ with you now shoo shoo.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)19:00 No.34958759
    Do you fantasize about being raped?
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)19:00 No.34958766
         File1274137251.jpg-(12 KB, 300x305, Dr_Phil_teen_youtube_beating.jpg)
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    You're only lonely if you're not there for you.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)19:01 No.34958799
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    >> OP 05/17/10(Mon)19:03 No.34958855
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    No. I fantasize about consensual sex, in the missionary position, with the intent of procreation in a marriage.
    >> Solidus Snake !!1eBNuI7j9uX 05/17/10(Mon)19:03 No.34958857
    REPORTED! How this thread has lasted this long is beyond me
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)19:03 No.34958861
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    It's a moot point, don't even bother. Why you even try telling Anonymous anything is a lesson in futility.

    You may feel sorry for them, reading the endless threads they post on /a/ talking about how they can't talk to girls, and how they're so alone, but all that shit is just a trap. They don't really want friends or loved ones, they want all the convenience of having someone care about them without having to do any of the work for it. Then when they see other people going about with spouses/girlfriends, they complain that 'girls only like assholes and not nice guys like me!' instead of realizing that they themselves are the assholes, and want someone to cater to them. Why else do you think lolicon is so popular? Because little girls will love them unconditionally because they're too young and stupid to realize what an asshole Onii-chan is. It's the ideal /a/non fantasy.

    Just kick back and don't worry about it. By complaining about it and posting about it you only exacerbate the problem.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)19:04 No.34958876
    I'll take that as a year, how can you fantasize about something like being raped the shit out of and maintain you are equal to men?

    That's laughable.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)19:04 No.34958884
    lol i dont get why op cares about how we live, its our damn life we can do whatever we want with it
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)19:04 No.34958888
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    That would go well, I'm sure.
    Go for it.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)19:05 No.34958909
    Only losers narc/report
    >> OP 05/17/10(Mon)19:05 No.34958919
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    >Ignored the joke.

    What happened m/a/non? Did a woman take your job or piss in your cereal?
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)19:06 No.34958925
    I was going to say somethng remarking about the 142 replies but half of them are just people saying this thread is shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)19:06 No.34958931
    "If I agree with her, maybe she'll sleep with me!"
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)19:06 No.34958935
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    I'll just find a hikikomori girl and we can be shut-ins together.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)19:06 No.34958940

    sorry, I couldn't help but read that in the whiny voice of a malnourished high-schooler
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)19:07 No.34958965
    junk thread or genuine stupid rant?
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)19:07 No.34958987
    >"If I agree with her, maybe she'll sleep with me!"

    If this is what you took away from that post, congratulations. You're beyond hope.

    Go wank off into a towel and close this thread out, it's only going to make you upset.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)19:07 No.34958989
    Hahaha, we all know you have rape fantasies slut.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)19:08 No.34959023
    >Why else do you think lolicon is so popular? Because little girls will love them unconditionally because they're too young and stupid to realize what an asshole Onii-chan is. It's the ideal /a/non fantasy.
    How the fuck did I not figure this out on my own
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)19:09 No.34959059
    Women in male-dominated communities feel "special."
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)19:10 No.34959092
    ... oh and in case this isn't trollpasta, manbitch, your british idea of love being based solely on social class or wealth is both morally wrong and factually incorrect. In terms of a life worth living, even Mexicans have it better than you fags, at least they're human.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)19:11 No.34959107
    Whatever you say, pal. Let me know when one of those maidens whose honor you've defended on the Internet finally lets you plow her.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)19:11 No.34959127
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    >> CommodorePerry !d9iT/oipos 05/17/10(Mon)19:12 No.34959152
    "I don't care if it's a white cat or a black cat. It's a good cat so long as it catches mice." -Deng Xiaoping

    That's all I can really say to describe women.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)19:12 No.34959153
    >How the fuck did I not figure this out on my own

    Attempt to form a meaningful relationship with an Anonymous, then get a PhD and it will all become astonishingly clear to you.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)19:13 No.34959167
    Typical femanon. According to her, any guy who doesn't fit into her "perfect" worldview where all guys are on their knees, giving them attention, money and sex whenever they want, has something wrong with him. If he doesn't shower them with attention, he's a self-centered brat. If he doesn't give them money, he's poor and/or greedy. If he doesn't beg them for sex, he's gay or in denial.

    In general, just never let a femanon insult your character. Whenever she calls you a faggot, remember that a few minutes ago, she was over at /y/, schlicking to Suzaku taking it up the ass.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)19:14 No.34959198
    wow you suck /cgl/ for getting mad at people on the internet
    and you too /a/ for not saging this crap

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