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  • File : 1273877486.jpg-(730 KB, 723x1023, 10308157.jpg)
    730 KB Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:51 No.34820032  
    /a/ you can only pick one girl to save and marry from this list. The rest must die.

    Easy modo:

    If you pic Mio she will not marry you but become a cheap cock loving whore.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:52 No.34820063
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:52 No.34820068
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:52 No.34820070
    >> Yomi is my waifu ;_; !!ARzlY3aiu+r 05/14/10(Fri)18:52 No.34820077
    >become a cheap cock loving whore
    I dont mind as long as she only accepts my cock.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:52 No.34820080
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:52 No.34820086
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    too fucking easy
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:53 No.34820104
    wait why is he there
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:53 No.34820123
    What part of the word whore don't you seem to understand?
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:53 No.34820124
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:53 No.34820126
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:53 No.34820129
    Miku. Obvious choice is obvious.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:54 No.34820147
    B-But I want Mio

    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:54 No.34820152
    >> Buncha Crunch 05/14/10(Fri)18:54 No.34820154
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:54 No.34820172
    thats a fucking town you cock
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:55 No.34820190
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:55 No.34820199
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:55 No.34820203
    i pick bakemonogatari
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:55 No.34820212
    Haruh- no, wait! Aaah changed my mind! Help! NEED DIVORCE! Noooooooo!
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:55 No.34820224
    at least she'll sing to you
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:55 No.34820230
    Save Kanata, I don't give a shit for the rest.
    Or maybe Ranka, sadly she already has the hots for that faggot.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:55 No.34820232
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    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:55 No.34820234
    I guess I shall pick Ritsu since nobody loves her.

    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:56 No.34820237
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    easy Kagami
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:56 No.34820238
    Haruhi, I have this odd thing for chicks with mental issues, apparently
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:56 No.34820243
    Mughi no other choices
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:56 No.34820244
    Ritsu /yawn

    Too easy.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:56 No.34820249
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    I would choose Yuki, but i gamble that she can't die anyway.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:56 No.34820250
    Burn them all
    Burn the witches...
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:56 No.34820255
    Is there any single thing that connects all the chars in this pic?
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:56 No.34820266
    Yui, mai waifu.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:56 No.34820268
    Miku, too easy
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:56 No.34820269
    Megurine Luka. Easy.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:56 No.34820271
    I'll take the robot.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:57 No.34820276
    >Not one Ritsu vote

    Fuck you /a/... fuck you...
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:57 No.34820284

    Some of these things are not like the others. Most of these things suck.
    >> AIJOU !dYUUJOUw3k 05/14/10(Fri)18:57 No.34820285
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    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:57 No.34820288
    Ranka Lee
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:57 No.34820298
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:58 No.34820322
    Haruko hands down
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:58 No.34820327
    I choose Sakuya!

    Wait, what do you mean she's not in there? FUCK YOU SHE'S INVISIBLE
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:58 No.34820328
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:58 No.34820331
    Where's Hideyoshi?
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:58 No.34820337
    >Haruko holding a 4 string guitar

    Son of a bitch...

    At least Yui's guitar isn't fucked up.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:59 No.34820352
    Gonna go with the lesbian.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:59 No.34820362
    Fine, Azusa.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:59 No.34820371
    ffffffffff haruhi
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)18:59 No.34820379
    Where is all the love for Kanbaru!?

    Honestly though, I think I'd have to choose Yuki... =\
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)19:00 No.34820390
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    They are sometimes considered the same person.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)19:00 No.34820395
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)19:00 No.34820419
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)19:01 No.34820421
    I claim Hanekawa Tsubasa for hot kitty cat sex.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)19:01 No.34820429
         File1273878073.jpg-(304 KB, 800x1000, e3791975d14733ef9fafabef7e344f(...).jpg)
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    easy choice
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)19:01 No.34820430
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)19:01 No.34820431
    I'm going to have to go with Mikuru... and watch in horror as Yuki and the rest fade away. Then I would convince Mikuru to take me back in time and assassinate the OP so I will never have to make such a selfish decision.

    Now I can enjoy everyone all over again!
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)19:02 No.34820470
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)19:02 No.34820472
    Has Kanata no Noel...

    Well fuck you who ever drew this.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)19:03 No.34820513
         File1273878216.jpg-(188 KB, 542x800, 10632128.jpg)
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    >/a/ you can only pick one girl

    fuck you i'll pick Len
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)19:03 No.34820518
    Haruhi, then I show her all of the other shows and make her fix everything with godhax.

    Too easy.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)19:03 No.34820519
    Because she's the only option.
    1. Pick Yuki and marry
    2. Ask her to reconstruct the others.
    3. ????
    4. HAREM END
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)19:04 No.34820558
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    mio is mio
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)19:05 No.34820575
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    Torn between ghost snail loli and Tsukasa, leaning towards Tsukasa though
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)19:05 No.34820580
    I don't seriously love anyone on that picture, but I'd pick Kanbaru. She'd probably be super fun to hang out with.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)19:05 No.34820597
    Haruka and Canti are not moe. At least not in the same way as moeblobs.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)19:05 No.34820609
    misaka mikoto, easy choice.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)19:06 No.34820630

    Konota easily.....maybe Nagato......wait no no no no god fuck!!!!
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)19:06 No.34820645
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    Ninamori, even though she's not on there...
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)19:06 No.34820654
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    luckily Noel is not there
    so I chose Nadeko
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)19:06 No.34820665
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)19:07 No.34820679
    len and rin

    same person

    have to 2 for the price of 1
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)19:07 No.34820701
    This thread irks me in the wrong way:

    -Noel excluded from list
    -0 vote for Ritsu
    -0 vote for Yui

    fuck you I am dissapoint
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)19:08 No.34820732
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    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)19:08 No.34820734
    I want to marry Len but I'd rather save Haruko.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)19:09 No.34820754
    Letting God die sounds like a bad idea...
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)19:09 No.34820756
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    >>34820337's a bass guitar.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)19:10 No.34820789
    Ritsu, easily.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)19:11 No.34820844
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    gitah and trumpetah <3
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)19:13 No.34820928
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)19:14 No.34820962
    Haruhi, because she is mai waifu
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)19:15 No.34821010

    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)19:16 No.34821044
    >> Mr. Kind 05/14/10(Fri)19:17 No.34821051
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    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)19:21 No.34821212
         File1273879269.jpg-(781 KB, 723x1023, CANCER.jpg)
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    Dear Mr /a/
    This is your doctor. I'm terribly sorry to inform you that you are infected with Cancer. I've highlighted the cancer cells on the image in red.

    Please book an appointment with me so we can discuss treatment.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)19:22 No.34821256

    cool, haruhi is cancer free
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)19:22 No.34821260
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)19:22 No.34821274
    wait, how would mayoi die?

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