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05/14/10(Fri)15:21 No.34812128  1.
For the best experience of the first season, watch in the order it
aired. 2. That however is not entirely compatible with the second
season, which is mostly endless eight. 3. Endless Eight is mostly
unnecessary. You would do just fine to watch only the last episode of
it. It should be noted that the fifth episode of it was the best of the
repetitive ones for multiple reasons. Common options are: a. Watch E8
1, 2, 5, 8 b. Watch E8 1, 5, 8 c. Watch E8 5, 8 d. Watch E8 8 e.
Skip E8, nothing in it is extremely important f. Watch the whole
thing, be able to brag about your endurance.
There should be a
Mazui batch of both the seasons in the season 1+2 mixed airing order,
which is fully chronological according to the novels. |