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  • File : 1273781874.jpg-(52 KB, 480x360, eggs.jpg)
    52 KB Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)16:17 No.34768628  
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)16:18 No.34768663
    Hard boiled eggs give me stinky farts.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)16:19 No.34768689
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)16:20 No.34768709
    what force in the universe compelled you share that with us today
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)16:21 No.34768741
    hi, you must be new here
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)16:21 No.34768746
    the most unpredictable force the...a whim!
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)16:22 No.34768776
    Its still better than bell peppers and beef.
    >> Poru !tcokyoATPw 05/13/10(Thu)16:39 No.34769356

    Fuck you, OP!
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)16:49 No.34769702
         File1273783778.jpg-(44 KB, 561x768, 1210213611363.jpg)
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    See you Cowgirl
    Someday, Somewhere!
    >> Sendō Takeshi, Naniwa‮ IAKNEZ UKOYRNEZ ‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮ ‪‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬ !Tiger.wTtg 05/13/10(Thu)16:50 No.34769724
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    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)16:52 No.34769778
    ITT sad songs from the animu
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)16:52 No.34769794
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    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)16:54 No.34769859
    Anyone know the name of the song at the end of 25 when Spike meets julia again?
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)16:55 No.34769888
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)16:57 No.34769952
         File1273784258.png-(313 KB, 640x480, I hate you UK.png)
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    Space Lion will always be my favorite slow-jazz song
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)16:59 No.34770004
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:02 No.34770093
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:02 No.34770118
    When was the last time a tv anime pulled off a truly inspired, memorable, cinematic scene set to music like this? One that's so good that you can just watch it by itself and that you feel compelled to watch it whenever it gets mentioned.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:03 No.34770148
    Dat 'shrooms.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:04 No.34770195
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    >> Poru !tcokyoATPw 05/13/10(Thu)17:05 No.34770217

    Fuck i love Space Lion as well! ;_;

    Also, it's not a song from Cowboy Bebop but it haves Steve Conte singing on it together with Maaya Sakamoto and it's composed by my personal goddess, Yoko Kanno.

    It's called The Garden of Everything. Hear it, guys.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:06 No.34770243
    One of my favourite scenes ever.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:07 No.34770299
    Here you are, daylight star
    Made out of miracles
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:07 No.34770302
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    I love Pulp Fiction too!
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:08 No.34770322
    It's such a powerful scene coupled with such a beautiful and haunting song that nothing has surpassed it in terms of the impact it has on me every single time I watch it or listen to the song.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:08 No.34770332
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    >> Sendō Takeshi, Naniwa‮ IAKNEZ UKOYRNEZ ‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮ ‪‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬ !Tiger.wTtg 05/13/10(Thu)17:10 No.34770370
         File1273785012.jpg-(343 KB, 1600x1200, cowboybebop31.jpg)
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    I should rewatch Bebop sometime.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:10 No.34770382

    I'm going to heard that one right now.

    Memories of Military Boots, has anyone heard it?
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:12 No.34770466
    Oh man, that episode was sad.

    It signified the show's approaching ending pretty good IMO.

    Ed's dad was pretty damned badass.

    ;_; I wonder how she managed. I hope she didn't get flattened by a meteorite.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:12 No.34770469
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    The longer I'd stall
    The further I'd crawl
    The further I'd crawl
    The harder I'd fall
    I was crawlin' into the fire
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:13 No.34770506
         File1273785205.jpg-(42 KB, 576x448, young_Faye2.jpg)
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    >This thread

    How are you today /a/?
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:14 No.34770527
    Title: Cowboy Bebop
    Video: H264 704x480 Anamorphic 4:3
    Audio: Japanese Dolby AC3 (6ch), English Dolby AC3 (2ch)
    Subtitles: English Softsubs - edited from R1 DVDs.
    Source: HD Remastered DVD R2J

    Grabbing as we speak. That too after I grabbing the big batch tottent from bakabt last week. I am gonna marathon it this weekend.
    >> Poru !tcokyoATPw 05/13/10(Thu)17:14 No.34770540



    Yes, Yes, YES!!!!

    When Steve says "Here we see, love's last tree. Made out of miracles, emotions"...i just HAVE to replay the damn song.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:14 No.34770547
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:15 No.34770565

    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:15 No.34770573

    Have it on my hardrive

    I watch this episode every damn time someones posts
    I just fucking love it
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:15 No.34770583
    oh fuck you ;_;
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:16 No.34770601
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    I want to hug her and never let go.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:16 No.34770609
    ME ME ME
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:16 No.34770616
    Eternal waifu
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:18 No.34770656

    Oh man, I clicked on this image and for some reason my computer froze up and my music bugged out.

    Goddamn you Faye... ;_;
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:20 No.34770703
    I lost it.

    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:21 No.34770726

    Watched that episode awhile back.

    God dammit..
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:21 No.34770732
         File1273785671.jpg-(105 KB, 838x628, cowboy_bebop_838_018.jpg)
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    >I had your number quite some time ago
    >Back when we were young
    >But I had to grow
    >Ten thousand years I've searched it seems and now
    >Gotta get to you
    >Won't you tell me how

    That part gets me bad every single time. About 7 years back, I subbed my then gf and told her to fuck off when she tried to come back after we had a major fight and broke up. Now I really miss her sometimes. Never met anyone like her again.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:21 No.34770734
    After not having rewatched the anime in some years Young Faye gave me an Heart Attack and almost made me cry.

    Seriously, Bebop is just pure gold and one of the few animes I'm willing to up money for.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:21 No.34770746
         File1273785708.jpg-(162 KB, 1068x800, Young_Faye.jpg)
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    Good morning, me.
    Did you sleep well? Did you wake up feeling good? Did the light, and the wind, and the smell, and the sound, all seem like they're brand new and fresh this morning? Is each and every cell in your whole body awake and alive now? Today, you are who you are today. See? You're still me, but you're a newer version. (scene changes) Myself ten years from now. It's so far away; it's almost impossible to imagine. Am I alone or is there a wonderful person next to me? Knowing me I'm sure you're causing all kinds of trouble for lots of different people. I'm sorry, I don't mean to, but it's all right. That's part of life too isn't it? You're not perfect but you've got a lot to give, so remember: I'll always be cheering you on
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:22 No.34770766
    You know...

    I once read a doujin were Ed shows Faye an old video of loli Faye getting gangbanged, stuff happens and somehow Faye makes Ein fuck Ed in the ass as she eats Faye out.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:23 No.34770793
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    Season two fucking where?!...please...please...
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:23 No.34770810

    >season 2
    Lets not ruing a good thing

    >manly tears
    they were bitch tears and you know it
    >> sidekick !!CrHUako0qX8 05/13/10(Thu)17:24 No.34770817
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    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:24 No.34770821
    It doesn't need a second season.

    It's perfect as it is.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:25 No.34770844
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:25 No.34770851
    Young Faye had friends and an actual family and a future and a whole life ahead of her. Adult Faye is a broken wreck living day to day without any loved ones no hope and her only associates only tolerate her presence so long as she doesn't steal too much from them.

    Fuck Spike and Jet and Ed's stupid shit, Faye had it the hardest and the show doesn't even bother to resolve it for her ;_; Not even a bad end. Just left hanging so we can get oooh cool shoot out with emo tard Spike.
    >> Poru !tcokyoATPw 05/13/10(Thu)17:25 No.34770865
    Now i want to watch Cowboy Bebop all over it for the first time when i was like 9 years old on Locomotion. Still, it's my favorite anime ever.

    I wish Shinichiro Watanabe made a little sequel with Ed as the MC or something ;_;
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:25 No.34770870
    I've been listening to this song non-stop for 3 weeks.

    Need to stop..
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:26 No.34770897
         File1273785984.jpg-(1.31 MB, 2163x2285, 1256334749591.jpg)
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    >they were bitch tears and you know it

    No, that's not true! It can't be true! Why am I crying just because I saw young Faye? That's so not fair ;_;
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:27 No.34770921
    fem/a/non detected

    Now fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:27 No.34770925
    I have a pic of faye much more disturbing that that.

    But fuck it, this tread is too awesome to ruin the mood with that.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:28 No.34770950
    I never said I found that doujin disturbing, it was awesome
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:28 No.34770954

    Watanabe just needs to make another fucking show, goddammit!! I remember being so hyped up for Champloo. Bebop was like the second anime I ever watched after DBZ and I loved it so goddamn much. Champloo came on and I was like, "Hmm, interesting," but eventually just became bored with it. Don't think I've ever seen it all. That being said, I still want another show from him.
    >> Poru !tcokyoATPw 05/13/10(Thu)17:28 No.34770963

    Try downloading Steve Conte's "The Album" album.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:28 No.34770964
    >Need to stop..

    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:29 No.34770982
    You're gonna carry that weight.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:29 No.34770986

    You didn't watch the ending to Champloo?

    Do yourself a favor..
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:29 No.34770987
    She did get some resolution. Now that she's remembered her past she can go about getting a proper life, not drifting about as a con-woman.

    What did you want? For her to get married at the end?
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:29 No.34771000

    Faye had her chance, but in "Hard Luck Women" she choose to let her friends behind in return for some closure
    It was the wrong move. She belonged with those 3, they were her family. She shouldn't have just up and left without so much as a goodbye.

    And Spike fucked up just the same
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:30 No.34771013
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:30 No.34771023
    It was resolved. She regained her memories, went back to her roots on Earth and realized that those memories were all that remained of her past. Confronted with the choice between a dead life on a dead planet, or a hand-to-mouth existence devoid of inherent meaning, she chooses the lesser of two evils and goes back to the Bebop.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:30 No.34771027
         File1273786252.jpg-(78 KB, 1280x720, 1273702157820.jpg)
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    I hate you..
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:31 No.34771050
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    I cried too

    And when bang happened as well

    I tried to keep manly tears at bang but then the music and the "You're gonna carry that weight" and I just lost it and broke down like a little girl

    pic related, my face
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:31 No.34771053
    I slightly prefer Samurai Champloo because the ending and character conclusions were not horribly depressing.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:31 No.34771063
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    The moment Bebop went from good to greatest thing ever made in the history of forever.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:32 No.34771089
    Well, with Ed and Spike, it was kinda obvious where fate was going to lead them.

    Although, I would have liked for abit more closure when it came to Jet and Faye.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:32 No.34771094

    >she chooses the lesser of two evils and goes back to the Bebop

    ...only to part with Spike forever ;_;
    >> Poru !tcokyoATPw 05/13/10(Thu)17:34 No.34771148

    Well, she didn't chose that openly. She just returned to the Bebop because she met with Julia...probably she wanted to stay with Spike and Jet after that but, it's kind of implied if so.

    Fuck, Faye! ;_;


    Samurai Champloo was pretty cool, watch it again man. And yeah, we fucking need a new Watanabe's anime.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:35 No.34771175
    Fucking agreed, seconded, etc.

    That scene is just perfect.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:35 No.34771189
    Watanabe has directed two series, and one short film and they're all fucking awesome. I love him, man.

    Bebop should never have a sequel, not ever. It's my favorite anime ever by a long shot, and a sequel would go completely against everything it stood for.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:36 No.34771200


    Someone...please ;_;
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:36 No.34771203
         File1273786601.jpg-(47 KB, 500x334, sadpanda.jpg)
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    If you didn't cry, you aren't human.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:36 No.34771209
    >Reads description

    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:37 No.34771234
    Then ending was pretty much perfect. Spike could not Not go back if he wanted to continue living. He had to face up to his past and resolve that major black hole sucking up everything in his life before he could even think of moving forward. Of course he and everyone else knew that he is walking straight towards his death and only a miracle would save him from it, but there was nothing that could have been done about it.

    Faye got back her memories, even met some people from her past but then she realized where she belongs now. She came back to a place which unfortunately had changed since she left, but then that's the price you have to pay for leaving things behind. She was the one who told Ed to follow where her heart takes her so it's not as if she can complain about what happened in the end.

    Jet was the pillar holding together the platform where everyone made their home. His last scene with Spike is fucking epic. And the way he is silently just cleaning the blade at the same place over and over again after Spike leaves adds to the magic of that last episode.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:38 No.34771261
    >> Poru !tcokyoATPw 05/13/10(Thu)17:38 No.34771281

    That part was the Locomotion promo for this show. Shit just caught my eye right away.


    Mai Yamane or Steve Conte, /a/?
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:38 No.34771290
    I dunno, Spike dying after finally resolving his past makes for a bitchin' ending, but considering the amount of abuse he's survived in the past it just doesn't seem likely he'd die of his wounds; and besides, if Vicious was Spike's mirror in all respects, shouldn't 2 stars have blinked out?

    Think about it. He's the last of the Red Dragon old guard, and he just killed (usurped) their current leader. I can see Spike lying on the blasted out roof thinkng "this is it. Here I come, Julia..." only to wake up in a hospital room surrounded by Red Dragon bodyguards. "Shit."

    The line "You're gonna carry that weight..." can be seen to support this: there is no easy way to escape the past, not even death.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:39 No.34771327

    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:40 No.34771352
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:40 No.34771354
    The soundtrack is simply epic. Probably one of the few anime I can remember that has music as good as the show.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:40 No.34771358
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    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:40 No.34771368
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    It's a nice idea, but let's leave it at that.
    >> Poru !tcokyoATPw 05/13/10(Thu)17:42 No.34771423

    Well, Vicious died a few minutes before Spike did.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:42 No.34771425
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:43 No.34771431
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    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:43 No.34771440
         File1273787002.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 283 KB, 860x1216, Treasure_Video_18.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 283 KB
    Seriously, I wasn't kidding about that doujin.

    censored for the love of mankind.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:43 No.34771455

    But also, that star dimmed out afew minutes after Spike 'died'
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:43 No.34771459
    All of Spike's past attitude through the serie was born from the fact that he always felt to be half living, with one eye locked on the past while the other stuck in the present. No future whatsoever.

    Spike freed himself of his past, paid with his life. And he fully knew that.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:44 No.34771478
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    me want
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:46 No.34771529
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    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:46 No.34771530
    Vicious doesn't get a star. He is a treacherous snake.

    Besides if anyone survived it would have been Vicious. He would have been the first to receive medical treatment and he only got shot in the abdomen as opposed to multiple bullet and sword wounds.
    >> Poru !tcokyoATPw 05/13/10(Thu)17:47 No.34771562

    Talking about eyes...i read somewhere that Spike had an android eye or something. Was that true?


    I don't know...also, i think the "You're gonna carry that weitght" phrase is ment to us, the viewers of the show.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:47 No.34771586
         File1273787276.gif-(1.08 MB, 297x168, 1268955620754.gif)
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    Oh yes.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:48 No.34771602
    >Spike's final fate is left somewhat undetermined with a split between fans on whether or not he survives his final duel with his nemesis Vicious. Series creator Shinchiro Watanabe has stated that he himself is not sure of Spike's ultimate fate. On one occasion at a panel discussion in Detroit he said “I’m surprised you think the ending of Cowboy Bebop is dark. I mean, Spike might just be sleeping.”

    Why does he troll us so?
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:48 No.34771616
         File1273787335.jpg-(42 KB, 199x183, 1241547725904.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:50 No.34771648
    Yeah, it was in the last episode.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:50 No.34771664
         File1273787427.jpg-(856 KB, 2000x2962, 1256334990047.jpg)
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    Tonight I'll cry myself to sleep /a/. And all is because of this goddamn thread.

    I want to do a stupid thing like pretending that they are real, hugging every one of them and telling that everything will be fine, holding back my tears.

    ...I'm emo for Cowboy Bebop, /a/.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:50 No.34771683
    When's he going to do his next show? I want my punk knights, damn it.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:51 No.34771713
    WTF is Watanabe even up to these days. He hasn't directed anything since Champloo & Bebop film
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:52 No.34771722
         File1273787521.png-(543 KB, 880x883, 1267139989701.png)
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    You know how cramming incoherent metaphors into everyday conversation makes you sound intellectual? Then you must love Cowboy Bebop. Half of the dialogue is legitimately intellectual; the rest is pseudo-intellectual crap.

    Stuck-up otakus carry this illusion of intellectualism into their lavish praise of the soundtrack. They watch the show, buy the soundtrack, and all of a sudden, they start bragging about their newfound eclectic taste in music. No, you don't know shit about blues, bebop, or honkey tonk just because you watched an anime series.

    As far as the plot is concerned, half of it consists of lame filler about robots with feelings or shit that's left in the fridge. For now, let's just consider the half of the series that's somewhat relevant to the overall plot. Get rid of all the character introduction and character development episodes, and you might be left with only 6 episodes of plot progression.

    Of course, I've always said that episodic plots and filler can be acceptable if the characters don't suck, which brings to my next point: Cowboy Bebop has cool individual characters but unimpressive group interaction. Don't agree with me? Then please tell me, what's the most dynamic pair on the show? Jet and Spike? Spike and Faye? Faye and Ed? Face it, they're no Sanzo party. Throwing any two characters together has little more value than having them run off on their own. I know that the characters were designed to act individualistically, but that doesn't mean that they can't have group chemistry. By the way, Ed sucks.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:52 No.34771730
    Heh remember that the the entire bebop movie can be considered to be inside Spike's dream where vincent is a manifestation of his own unrestrained desires. That perfectly explains how much he mirrors Spike in almost every way, and also the sexual tension between Vincent and Faye in that one scene, and his subsequent invitation to her for joining him.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:52 No.34771743
    >Faggot: "Spike could have lived to lead the syndicate!"

    No, fuck you man. Forcing Spike to live after Julia had died is TWICE as bad as him dying. Fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:53 No.34771768
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:54 No.34771795
         File1273787648.png-(113 KB, 539x870, _smoking__by_Nocturnal_Albino.png)
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    Close but still not hard enough.
    >> Poru !tcokyoATPw 05/13/10(Thu)17:54 No.34771796

    Punk Knights? Nah! I want a Heavy Metal Queen show if so!

    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:54 No.34771806
         File1273787657.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 204 KB, 778x1132, Ed_04.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:55 No.34771843
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    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:56 No.34771866
    ITT: People who get it.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:56 No.34771885

    >As far as the plot is concerned, half of it consists of lame filler about robots with feelings or shit that's left in the fridge. For now, let's just consider the half of the series that's somewhat relevant to the overall plot. Get rid of all the character introduction and character development episodes, and you might be left with only 6 episodes of plot progression.

    The problem is, its all the episodes focused on Spike that are the 'psuedo-intellectual crap' and all the side episodes are the good ones. All the episodes where Spike goes running after Julia are the equivilant of a giant 'fuck you' to the viewer saying 'by the way, the show has no point and its just going to end on one of those sad off-notes to fit with the bebop theme we tried to roll with here'.

    The Movie has more of a plot than all the show wrapped together. And it itself is a side plot of a side plot.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:57 No.34771897
         File1273787831.jpg-(2.59 MB, 2536x3453, Cowboy Bebop 01.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:58 No.34771935
    You know what's coming kids.

    Gummed up, brain dead and can't decide
    You can't pray enough, you can't hide
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:59 No.34771951
         File1273787963.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 214 KB, 778x1132, Ed_06.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 214 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)17:59 No.34771958
         File1273787973.jpg-(2.53 MB, 2528x3445, Cowboy Bebop 02.jpg)
    2.53 MB
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)18:00 No.34771999
         File1273788054.gif-(999 KB, 236x132, 1273712833286.gif)
    999 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)18:01 No.34772004
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)18:01 No.34772028
         File1273788101.jpg-(2.17 MB, 2536x3428, Cowboy Bebop 04.jpg)
    2.17 MB
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)18:02 No.34772060
    You can be cool or you can cry
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)18:03 No.34772104
         File1273788231.jpg-(2.73 MB, 2520x3453, Cowboy Bebop 05.jpg)
    2.73 MB
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)18:05 No.34772160
    If Cowboy Bebop was the Gold Standard for animes... well, honestly, anything airing right now would be rated shit tier
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)18:05 No.34772172
         File1273788356.jpg-(2.83 MB, 2433x3444, Cowboy Bebop 06.jpg)
    2.83 MB

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