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  • File : 1273433631.jpg-(182 KB, 800x500, Yotsuba YAY!.jpg)
    182 KB Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)15:33 No.34589171  
    Why does everyone like Yotsuba?
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)15:34 No.34589196
    'Cause of Four Leaf Clover. :3
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)15:34 No.34589211
    look at her! she's /a/dorable!
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)15:35 No.34589223
    because our 4chan dictators force us to like the bitch
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)15:35 No.34589225
    Yeah I know that but I mean not just 4chan. Why everybody?
    >> Milfeulle is my Waifu !iS.Yuri/S. 05/09/10(Sun)15:35 No.34589231
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    cause she's love
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)15:35 No.34589251
    Because of Da Hootch :D
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)15:36 No.34589254
    Why not?
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)15:36 No.34589278
    Well do you hate small kids? Do you go around and kick 5-year olds in the head when you see them?

    There's something pure and interesting to see the world from a childs point of view, we can all relate to it.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)15:37 No.34589300
    It's too random. It's even more random than Lucky Star.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)15:38 No.34589360
    This person doesn't.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)15:38 No.34589362
    No. I just don't get this manga.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)15:39 No.34589383
    Well maybe it's not for you, the message and tone of the manga could not be clearer. Just find something you like and it will all work out.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)15:39 No.34589389
    Because she's a kid who just enjoys life. /a/ and /b/ actually loves her so much that Yotsuba is the mascot of sorts for
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)15:39 No.34589408
    It's the type of thing that makes you smile, it tickles the maternal instinct in all of us that make us want to become parents.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)15:40 No.34589432

    Good porn doujins source
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)15:44 No.34589563
    Anonymous has decreed that making Rule 34 out of Yotsuba is taboo and the penalty is an IRL death sentence.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)15:55 No.34589965
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    You sound like Anonymous' campaign to keep Yotsuba an exception to Rule 34 (Which has ABSOLUTELY no exceptions) actually succeeded.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)15:56 No.34590013
    Because shes funny. If you don't think its pure comedy gold, you have a shit sense of humor.
    >> Anonymous of Croatia !na1byG1GU. 05/09/10(Sun)15:57 No.34590054

    Yeah expect this,
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)15:58 No.34590074
    There's no porn of Isaac and Miria and there will never be.
    >> Anonymous of Croatia !na1byG1GU. 05/09/10(Sun)15:59 No.34590086
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    Shes spazzing out like crazy.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)15:59 No.34590111
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    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)16:00 No.34590163

    I like Yotsuba because it works in a manga. But I do hate little kids, I have 9 little cousins who are all loud and a.d.d. just like yotsuba, those little fuckers are annoying as hell irl.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)16:02 No.34590228
    And by saying that you just kicked Rule 35 into effect.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)16:03 No.34590280
    LOL so true
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)16:03 No.34590296
    There are better stories about kids in the world

    Calvin and Hobbes
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)16:03 No.34590302
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    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)16:05 No.34590406
    >If there is no porn it'll be made

    Nope, not happening. If even the nips didn't make any there's sure not coming anything from the westerners either.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)16:06 No.34590411
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)16:09 No.34590550
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    I posted this, now I demand that anonymous track me down and kill me painfully. I'm okay with being an example. Here's another one if it helps.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)16:10 No.34590562
    you mean 404 girl?
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)16:10 No.34590571
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    >> sage sage 05/09/10(Sun)16:10 No.34590587
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)16:12 No.34590651
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    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)16:13 No.34590690
    Because the manga was surprisingly enjoyable and simple .
    Because even with all the shit posted here we can still have something pure and nice to smile at us whoever we are , whatever we do.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)16:15 No.34590756
    Any person who knows about anime and manga will know her name is Yotsuba, not 404 girl.

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