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  • File : 1273295733.jpg-(89 KB, 1280x720, [Eclipse] Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhoo(...).jpg)
    89 KB Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:15 No.34519711  
    ITT: Fuckawesome villains you love.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:19 No.34519852
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:20 No.34519868

    Kingu Bradley is going to be more awesome than any other villain posted in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:20 No.34519878
    Yang Wenli
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:21 No.34519906
    Visious from Bebop. Liked him better than Spike.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:21 No.34519908
    Dio Brando
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:21 No.34519911
    itt: the same newfriend
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:23 No.34519975
         File1273296214.jpg-(30 KB, 800x450, Wrathbradley.jpg)
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    Brando is cool, but he's not even close to Wrath's tier, sorry.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:23 No.34519976
    hanzel and gretel from black lagoon
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:24 No.34520022
         File1273296297.png-(1 KB, 178x70, 010.png)
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    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:26 No.34520064
         File1273296379.png-(873 KB, 1024x768, Shishio_Makoto_wall_1024x768_b(...).png)
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    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:27 No.34520102
         File1273296458.png-(256 KB, 442x600, Bombz (3).png)
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    >> Silver !/SoulqEUZ2 05/08/10(Sat)01:28 No.34520129
         File1273296498.png-(113 KB, 411x337, 1266014792303.png)
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    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:29 No.34520165
         File1273296557.png-(229 KB, 850x528, Aizen_Sousuke_by_devilette.png)
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    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:33 No.34520350

    okay well maybe not

    how about Sawamura Ryuhei or Bryan Hawk from Ippo
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:35 No.34520411
         File1273296924.jpg-(35 KB, 225x350, battler.jpg)
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    >Wears hearts all over his body
    >Gets his ass kicked by an amateur less than a 10th his age even though he can stop fucking time and can regenerate

    Yeah, sure is better than Wrath.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:36 No.34520443
    Also far more fabulous.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:37 No.34520480
         File1273297034.jpg-(217 KB, 1000x915, 6bb0f3e4d444f3cfe3ca742111faaf(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:37 No.34520482
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:38 No.34520515
         File1273297110.jpg-(109 KB, 1280x720, Gin22.jpg)
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    Does Gin count as a villain?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:38 No.34520519
         File1273297114.jpg-(21 KB, 400x300, Naraku 2.jpg)
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    ...Tell me when Aizen has ever had like, over a million plans incase something bad happens. Never. Naraku fucking knew what was gonna happen and didn't make shit up as he went.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:40 No.34520572
         File1273297205.jpg-(12 KB, 200x226, Griffith05.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:40 No.34520586
         File1273297226.jpg-(22 KB, 300x406, aizen1.jpg)
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    you're just mad because Aizen trolls you on a weekly basis.

    He's the greatest meta-villain of all time.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:41 No.34520621
    FMA: BH Pride >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    >>>>>>>>>>> BH Wrath
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:42 No.34520664
    Naraku didn't hide behind illusions though.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:42 No.34520666
         File1273297373.jpg-(20 KB, 361x312, ...Nice try.jpg)
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    >some snotty little brat
    >better than Fuhrer King Bradley

    ...2 points.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:43 No.34520696
         File1273297414.jpg-(489 KB, 1310x768, 1272882286645.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:44 No.34520736
    >Implying shota Alucard is not a high-tier villain
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:44 No.34520753
         File1273297490.jpg-(207 KB, 660x540, legionofdoom.jpg)
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    I have a selection.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:46 No.34520792
         File1273297560.png-(536 KB, 1744x1250, 16_17.png)
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    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:46 No.34520802

    >Implying he wasn't a little sore-ass bitch.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:46 No.34520814
         File1273297596.jpg-(124 KB, 1280x720, 1271836602804.jpg)
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    Fucking supervillain
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:47 No.34520856
         File1273297664.jpg-(97 KB, 617x282, Ickle Baby Pride.jpg)
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    Yeah, he sure is scary.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:48 No.34520876
    Who is that in the bottom left?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:49 No.34520907
         File1273297754.jpg-(42 KB, 720x480, EMPEROR OF SLUTS.jpg)
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    Name anyone who can resist his charms. You can't.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:50 No.34520937
    Who is the man/lady?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:50 No.34520956

    he already fucked your waifu.... and your husbando.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:50 No.34520962
         File1273297839.png-(745 KB, 802x599, Wantsome.png)
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    >Survives shot to head
    >After being killed by godhax machine, crawls all the way to it's birthing spot and continues to fight Shirou, even without a functioning heart
    >Eats spicy as shit mapo tofu
    And that's not even the half of it.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:51 No.34520993
         File1273297866.png-(156 KB, 400x400, takano.png)
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    Never saw it coming.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:51 No.34520999
         File1273297874.jpg-(23 KB, 320x240, pokemon_teamrocket.jpg)
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    Team Rocket beats all of the above and below out of the park in villainry.

    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:51 No.34521014
         File1273297896.jpg-(79 KB, 333x500, 1262140030839.jpg)
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    You mean Kubo right?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:51 No.34521025
         File1273297913.jpg-(76 KB, 700x552, kagato004.jpg)
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    enough said.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:52 No.34521031
    >implying this entire series wasn't being made up as it went along
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:52 No.34521033
         File1273297929.png-(466 KB, 720x1457, alexander_anderson.png)
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    This motherfucker right here
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:52 No.34521049

    Also, takano sitting on your face would be amazing
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:52 No.34521051
         File1273297967.jpg-(31 KB, 300x373, hao.jpg)
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    I fucking love Hao
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:53 No.34521069
    >Fuckawesome villains you love
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:53 No.34521091
         File1273298021.jpg-(21 KB, 472x367, Anderson Fuck Yes grin.jpg)
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    But Anderson's not the villain, Alucard is.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:53 No.34521100
         File1273298035.jpg-(124 KB, 1280x720, [SZN_&_I-O]_Hajime_no_Ippo(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:54 No.34521103
    Should totally team up, since you know, Kagato hates women, and James is the closet thing to a man-woman.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:54 No.34521138
    An antagonist is fine too?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:55 No.34521152
    Hisoka yes, those other faggots, not so much.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:55 No.34521178

    >Implying Anderson, one of the protagonist's main rivals, is not a villain.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:56 No.34521191
         File1273298165.jpg-(55 KB, 640x480, knives-trigun.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:56 No.34521193
         File1273298167.jpg-(58 KB, 720x540, pierrot.jpg)
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    Hello, boy.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:57 No.34521241
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:57 No.34521256
         File1273298273.jpg-(17 KB, 320x241, WRONG.jpg)
    17 KB

    >posting at exactly the same time

    Anderson is an antagonist to Alucard, but he's not a villain. He works for fucking God for Christ's sake, LITERALLY.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:58 No.34521268
         File1273298292.jpg-(189 KB, 1457x1032, 1268206420281.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:58 No.34521273
    Antagonist =/= villain, learn it.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:58 No.34521282
    This guy's trolling right? please tell me he's trolling.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:58 No.34521287

    See >>34521138
    the rival of the protagonist is not necessarily the villain.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:59 No.34521306
         File1273298353.jpg-(105 KB, 1280x720, [Eclipse] Fullmetal Alchemist (...).jpg)
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    I love Wrath, but this sleazy bitch takes the crown for best villain.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:59 No.34521309

    O.S-G.S Hao.

    basically TTGL that stopped by mom's armor piercing slap
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:59 No.34521317
         File1273298365.png-(169 KB, 473x359, Mad Pierrot 2.png)
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    Best episode of Bebop.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:59 No.34521327

       /ˈvɪlən/ Show Spelled[vil-uhn] Show IPA
    a cruelly malicious person who is involved in or devoted to wickedness or crime; scoundrel.
    a character in a play, novel, or the like, who constitutes an important evil agency in the plot.

    Anderson is an antagonist, not a villain. The Major is a villain.
    >> Ai !!kiRQ18JhR5H 05/08/10(Sat)01:59 No.34521328
         File1273298382.jpg-(10 KB, 228x325, garyoak.jpg)
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    You can be the protagonists rival without being a villain, bro.
    >> Haru-chan !jX235bW6Ro 05/08/10(Sat)01:59 No.34521335
         File1273298391.jpg-(41 KB, 620x349, antispiral-620x.jpg)
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    I can't find a more awesome villain.

    With so little screentime and how fuckawesome the fighting with him was, I just can't pick anybody else.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)02:00 No.34521342
    A-actually.. they're about the same thing.
    An antagonist is defined as someone who opposes the protagonist.. which, in most cases.. is the villain..
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)02:00 No.34521346
    God Enel, and Blackbeard.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)02:00 No.34521365
    Fucking Gracia.
    I knew that bitch couldn't be trusted from the beginning.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)02:01 No.34521384
         File1273298466.jpg-(143 KB, 512x640, 1240173872878.jpg)
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    "Thank you! Fuck you! A villain has arrived!"
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)02:01 No.34521396
         File1273298483.jpg-(104 KB, 1280x720, theking.jpg)
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    Seriously, his entrance at the end of the last episode was so ridiculously badass I didn't know the proper reaction to have so I just started laughing. Swagger.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)02:01 No.34521415
         File1273298509.png-(50 KB, 300x225, NO!.png)
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    A villain is USUALLY the antagonist, but not always. For example, in Death Note Light Yagami is the villain, but L is the antagonist.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)02:02 No.34521432
    Nova from Rayearth.

    I guess you mean Baron Ashura.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)02:02 No.34521438
         File1273298542.jpg-(40 KB, 640x480, mugi.jpg)
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    By that definition, I suppose Bradley isn't a villian either.

    Good god people are stupid in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)02:02 No.34521450
    Someone needs to nurf this man in Brotherhood..
    He's stealing the entire show.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)02:02 No.34521453
    The anti spiral were the good guys all along , saving existence makes one a villain? sacrificing the advancement of few species (INCLUDING THEIR OWN) to save the entire universe can hardly be considered evil by anyone with at least half a brain.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)02:02 No.34521456
    That episode was made in 1998, but the animation was 2008 quality. It was surprisingly awesome.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)02:03 No.34521468

    Actually, he says:

    "Thank you, fuck you, the star has arrived"

    But I only watched the English dub, so maybe you're referring to the sub.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)02:04 No.34521503
    >I have no fucking idea what I'm talking about, so I'll just go ahead and call everyone else stupid.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)02:04 No.34521535
         File1273298694.jpg-(83 KB, 640x360, snapshot200908211343459.jpg)
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    Adam Arclight
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)02:05 No.34521539
    >That episode was made in 1998, but the animation was 2008 quality

    I'm wonder if you even know what that statement is supposed to mean.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)02:06 No.34521578

    Presumably he means that, despite being made before 2000, the animation in that episode has held up surprisingly well when compared with newer well-animated series.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)02:06 No.34521595
         File1273298789.gif-(30 KB, 200x190, 1269817370581.gif)
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    Blackbeard. The dude's not some smug, perfectly cool villain like a lot of them can be. The guy has a fun side to him and also a cowardly side that makes him very human. He's still powerful and ambitious as hell and you gotta hate him for the evil he's done but at the same time he's very personable and likeable.

    Seriously, what main antagonist has ever been introduced like this?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)02:06 No.34521604
         File1273298800.jpg-(98 KB, 666x820, a is saturated with retards.jpg)
    98 KB
    Welcome to /a/ , hope you enjoy your stay. Here's a copy of the official /a/ dictionary. "People" , in this case , refers to your average /a/'browser.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)02:07 No.34521656

    曲 者 kusemono = (n) ruffian; villain; knave; thief; suspicious fellow
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)02:08 No.34521671
    >Presumably he means that, despite being made before 2000, the animation in that episode has held up surprisingly well when compared with newer well-animated series.

    Animation does not date, good animation is ALWAYS good.
    >> Haru-chan !jX235bW6Ro 05/08/10(Sat)02:10 No.34521724
    Regardless, he was an awesomely portrayed villain/antagonist/whatever.

    Don't bring semantics into this, fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)02:10 No.34521731
         File1273299018.jpg-(8 KB, 173x213, es6bs8.jpg)
    8 KB
    Two most evil Homunculi.

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