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  • File : 1272829056.jpg-(128 KB, 707x700, Army.jpg)
    128 KB Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)15:37 No.34268326  
    Copied from r9k

    /a/ - 156
    /jp/ - 154
    /m/ - 124
    /b/ - 119
    /r9k/ - 104
    /sci/ - 99
    /adv/ - 85
    /g/ - 62
    /co/ - 60
    /v/ - 52
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)15:39 No.34268395
    What, the size of e-penis?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)15:39 No.34268417
    Sweet, random numbers!
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)15:39 No.34268433
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)15:40 No.34268447
    Sweet lanced jack
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)15:40 No.34268454
    Every board should have an IQ range of 70.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)15:40 No.34268464
    I doubt it, then /v/ wouldn't be the lowest.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)15:41 No.34268495
    Okay, so what's the relevance of these numbers?

    Is it like Lost where they'll open up a nuclear missile silo or whatever?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)15:41 No.34268500
    This is an IQ level ranking, right?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)15:41 No.34268519
    OP here: yep. At least that's what it says in r9k
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)15:41 No.34268521
    maybe its number of visitors sort of thing that each board gets....ought to be in ratios
    >> Eddie !KTuLu8x6v2 05/02/10(Sun)15:41 No.34268524
    what is this i don't even
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)15:42 No.34268548
    You mean that's what the troll thread that you've posted in every other board says in /r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)15:42 No.34268550
    This isn't IQ, its current page viewers.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)15:43 No.34268588
    >/a/ - 156
    >/g/ - 62
    >/b/ - 119
    I don't think so tim
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)15:43 No.34268589
    Why is /a/ on top?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)15:43 No.34268593
    bullshit, /b/ moves way faster than us
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)15:43 No.34268594
    My IQ's only 130. Looks like I'm pulling /a/ down
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)15:43 No.34268600
    Speak English mofo
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)15:44 No.34268630
    >/b/ - 119

    Don't think so.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)15:45 No.34268656
    O-out of how many!?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)15:46 No.34268708
         File1272829595.jpg-(91 KB, 1280x720, lol.jpg)
    91 KB
    you fools, those are numbers of femanons
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)15:46 No.34268716
    it's not page viewers, it's random numbers.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)15:47 No.34268731
    /co/ would be way higher then.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)15:47 No.34268742
    >random IQ numbers
    >hey it's like I really took an online IQ test

    Actually, I think that the numbers are taken from this exact same thread earlier- the more replies the troll got on the thread- the more dumb they were.
    Well, bumps to be fair.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)15:47 No.34268750
    You were seeing traps.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)15:49 No.34268812
    /sci/ would be the highest
    Then again, maybe /sci/ is only retarded when it comes to evolution/global warming trolls.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)15:49 No.34268817
         File1272829779.jpg-(29 KB, 381x380, babby.jpg)
    29 KB
    /sci/ - 144
    /g/ - 137
    /co/ - 128
    /m/ - 128
    /a/ - 126
    /jp/ - 126
    /r9k/ - 120
    /b/ - 104

    OP is full of shit, here are the ACTUAL numbers.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)15:50 No.34268845
    No, it's IQ. Go look in r9k if you don't believe me.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)15:50 No.34268846

    that makes sense
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)15:50 No.34268860
    There are two types of threads in /sci/:
    Pseudoscience trolls and religion trolls.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)15:52 No.34268909
    Every board has an IQ of 110-125. /prog/, /b/, and /v/ are the only exceptions. /prog/ having IQ's in the 140-150's. /b/ and /v/ having 90-100.

    /a/ is debatable. /a/ back when the wikispammer was terrorizing Big 3 threads would've definitely been in the 110-125 range. However, after he left we've been swarmed with Big 3 threads and newfags. So right now it maybe in the 90-100 range.

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