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  • File : 1272772379.jpg-(129 KB, 620x798, 1206402355246.jpg)
    129 KB How did You /a/nons Got Into Anime in the First Place? Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)23:52 No.34237920  
    1. How did you people got into anime in the first place?
    2. How did you discovered 4chan via the anime otakudom and what brings you back daily?
    3. How do you hide your power levels so that normalfags won't detect your otakuness?

    Picture somewhat related, one of the anime I'm planning to watch sometime soon.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)23:53 No.34237949
    DBZ, didn't know it was called anime. Then Toonami.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)23:56 No.34238086

    Forgot 2 and 3

    I don't remember, but I was a /b/tard at first.

    Stream(yes, steam motherfuckers), secure browsing. Tsundere to anime when someone talks about it. Don't have anything related to it(ie dolls or DVDs)


    now get out
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:00 No.34238254
    1. Toonami
    2. I came here for /b/ at first (like 99% of the people here), then moved to /sp/ (haters gonna hate) then started visiting here to keep up with Code Geass
    3. I'm on the football team and the Jazz Band. I'm pretty much the exact opposite of what people think about when they picture someone who watches anime
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:04 No.34238462
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:07 No.34238644
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    1. My parents rented My Neighbor Tortoro for me when I was young. Then started watching Pokemon and DBZ.
    2. I don't get the first part of that question, 4chan was raiding some forum that I don't remember years ago and since then I've been coming here. I keep coming back because strangely enough I've grown attached to all you retarded assholes and love you like family, no matter how much you piss me off.
    3. Just don't go around talking about anime and manga and what not. Don't fucking wear a naruto headband or wear a shirt that says how much you love hentai (yes, there was a kid at my college that did that, made me rage).

    Just be normal, hide my real self. Then relax and enjoy 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:09 No.34238709
    1. Toonami
    2. Real life friends /b/ when I was 13
    3. I don't hide it, I have otakufriends
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:10 No.34238732
    1. lolDBZ
    2. Discovered it in 06 googling mudkipz. Found ED. Life changed.
    3. Kinda, yeah. I wouldn't say "hide", but I don't bring up anime with my normalfag friends.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:10 No.34238738
    1.Saint Seiya, french television
    2.Because of all the funny images and memes on the web related to this website.Some years of lurking then some sometimes.
    3.In France, nobody cares anymore of your powerlevel if you don't talk loudly about hentai and little girls. But because i liked anime, i did some martial arts and now i'm a wrestler/stuntman/actor for amateur movie and a gym trainer.

    Yeah, that makes you two jocks liking anime here.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:10 No.34238762
    1. Sailor Moon when it first aired in 1995.
    2. Friends whining about being posted on /cgl/
    3. I don't. Most people think it's interesting. But I don't go around yelling Japanese or wearing Animu t-shirts either.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:12 No.34238857
    1. Toonami, then some shows like Love Hina led me to discovering anime
    2. Started at /b/, then moved to /a/ a short while after
    3. I don't talk about it. I keep shit hidden and I know how to lock a god damn door. (To keep my figurines and shit in.)
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:14 No.34238913
    1. Watching sailor moon on TV.
    2. "Hey you like loli, check out this cool '/l/' place on this site 4chan." and nostalgia of a better time brings me back.
    3. Everything anime/manga related I have is on my computer or packed away where you can't see.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:14 No.34238931
    1. Watching CLANNAD, despite it not being my first (I did watch Toonami, but CLANNAD got me into following shit with subs.)
    2. Heard of 4chan before and heard it was shit. Came here via Bile Fascination. I came straight here and don't really browse any other boards.
    3. Easy, I don't go outside. I also don't talk much about any of my hobbies.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:16 No.34239049
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    1. Started with Toonami, then 'Adult Swim', then Netflix anime rentals, then anime site ddl (lolipower, etc), and finally torrents.
    2. I discovered 4chan while doing research on series I was interested in. All paths lead here eventually. Basically, I saw someone mention 4chan and anime in a forum somewhere and googl'd it. First accessed 4chan sometime in 2005, but was intimidated by it. Came back a year later (Winter '06) and lurked until after the /a/-/jp/ split, then became a regular poster in '07.

    3. I own no anime merchandise and only discuss anime with people who have expressed an interest. I have plenty of anime related content on my computer, but everything not worksafe is encrypted. I'm pretty much a normalfag.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:17 No.34239096
    1. Watched Gundam SEED on Adult Swim. The scene where it showed Flay Allster's breasts sealed the deal. Bleach is what got me into fansubs though (oh lawd).
    2. I discovered 4chan through, sadly, a video game fansite I was a member of. Someone offhandedly mentioned /b/ as horrible and my curiosity was piqued. I had a look and saw how stupid it was, then saw /a/ and have been here since. I'm a social retard though, so 4chan provides a good outlet for the basic social interaction a human requires to not go insane.
    3. Mostly by shutting my mouth. But that cat somehow got out of the proverbial bag somehow regardless.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:20 No.34239195
    1. Saw a Rosario + Vampire doujin, decided to watch the anime (note: I actually have been watching anime since I was little, but R+V was my first step into socially crippling addiction)

    2. Friend actually introduced me to 4chan because he's a fag that breaks rules 1 & 2 of /b/. I went through several phases. I started off at /b/ like everyone, then became a /v/irgin, and now I'm currently stuck in /a/ with the rest of you sad saps. Sometimes I check /adv/ since its recent inception.

    3. I stopped wearing my TTGL shirt.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:20 No.34239224
    2.Heard about it from someone in school back in 04, came and clicked on the /a/ board been here since.
    3. I live with an animation major and a tokusatsu fanboy, what's to hide really?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:21 No.34239257
    >1. Watching CLANNAD, despite it not being my first (I did watch Toonami, but CLANNAD got me into following shit with subs.)
    So basically, you are the cancer.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:22 No.34239304
    1. Toonami
    2. I didn't. It started with /b/, then /a/. Haven't been on /b/ in 2 years.
    3. To everyone I am a gamer, with a collection of over 3000 vidya... shelves and shelves. What they don't see is my hard drive with (albeit more vidya roms and isos) terabytes of animu.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:22 No.34239310
    Wouldn't a committed animation major actually be critical about anime rather than embrace it? Not that I'm implying that your roommate loves his major or anything.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:28 No.34239543

    He's a big fan of Miyazaki Hayao, and Kon Satoshi. Series wise doesn't really follow anything but was quite the fan of Azumanga and Haruhi. I've been trying to get him to watch the Girl that Leapt Through Time, but you know how finals can be...
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:29 No.34239595
    Most American Animators seem to like Anime.

    I've heard that Pixar has thing on their app that mentions that you have to like Ghibli.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:29 No.34239611
    1. I lived in Asia for 5 years as a child. Watched all my anime in Chinese and Japanese.
    2. I knew about 2chan and hoped on 4chan when it started
    3. Because of 1. I don't have to, but I talk about everything equally; sports, movies, TV, games.
    I pwn weeaboos, I lived in Japan so my attachment to the language and culture is justifiable.
    I am a motha fucking day walker.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:30 No.34239640
    Why would you think that?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:31 No.34239679

    He's a really big Pixar fanboy... he even told me that they play Miyazaki films at the Pixar Cafeteria.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:31 No.34239682
    1. I started off as a narutard. somewhere near the end of the big 100 I got tired of waiting for shippuden and tried watching something else. started off with Eureka 7 and then evangelion. my brain: "this... what is this? is this what they call a plot? how come that fight only lasted for 1 episode? I... am intruiged. I want to go deeper..."
    and then after 10 more animus I found higurashi. Balls were dropped and I ditched the narufag scene.
    2. I was going through my brother's hidden stash of anime when I noticed that his browser was open. and call me a fag, but I dont come daily. more like once or twice a week.
    3. Once I stopped being a weaboo I stopped shouting out rasengan. looking back, I am so happy that eureka 7 saved me. those were dark, dark times.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:32 No.34239724
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    1. One christmas eve when I was like 9 or 10 a local channel(SBS) ran a marathon of bubblegum crisis 2040 from like midnight till whenever. Shit blew my fucking mind and I stayed up all night to watch it.
    2. Someone mentioned 5chan and I found 4chan from there
    3. I don't talk about anime ever.

    I really do still like bubblegum crisis
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:33 No.34239756


    Didn't quote correctly.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:34 No.34239836
    1. Don't remember what my first anime was, maybe DBZ or Sailor Moon, but FLCL and Princess Mononoke were what really got me into it.
    2. Don't remember.
    3. I don't talk about my loli collection or figyas, but I don't hide the fact that I watch anime.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:35 No.34239849
    No you did. I deleted my first post because I made a big grammar error.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:35 No.34239865
    Is tekkonkinkreet the only anime to show a "special" kid that was born that way?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:38 No.34240028
    1. G-Force on Cartoon Network and Voltron
    2. /b/ with /g/ as tech support, then /wg/, then subscribed to /wa/'s RSS feed, finally /a/ which is now a daily staple
    3. I'm not an idiot
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:39 No.34240094
    well alright then.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:42 No.34240214
    I find that compared to western animation, a hefty chunk of anime has backgrounds that move less, and mouths are animated poorly when characters are talking.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:46 No.34240413
    1. The first anime I ever saw was Dragonball. Was really young so didn't really understand it was anime. When I got into Pokemon, DBZ, Digimon, Monster Rancher, Escaflowne, Gundam Wing, etc. still didn't know they were anime. Dropped my anime heritage for all of one year to try to be a normalfag, but that shit just doesn't work. I was back into anime a year later more then ever with the first local airing of Inuyasha. From there it escalated, and now I'm basically who I am today.

    2. I knew about /b/ thanks to the interwebs and some irl friends who browsed casually but couldn't shut the fuck up about it. Checked it out from curiousity but didn't really stay at first. Then I started to become interested in /a/, and realized despite all it's shit it's still the best place to discuss anime while being generally entertaining to boot. I like it here, even if sometimes this place can make me sad for some of you.

    3. I don't hide my powerlevel, because I don't give a fuck. Normalfags know I like anime. Some of them have a problem with that, but most of them don't. There was a time when I wouldn't of fought back if people tried to pick on me, but now I think people have a grudging respect for me because they know I'm not a pushover. Liking anime doesn't make you a loser; it's being a loser that makes you a loser. Still antisocial and all that though.
    >> Tekkactus !yDE403/aMc 05/02/10(Sun)00:47 No.34240458
    1. Toonami. You really had to ask this shit?

    2. I honestly don't remember how I found out about 4chan, but I come back because with the number of people, there's new stuff to read every few minutes. It's a huge time-sink.

    3. I'm a casualfag. I don't need to hide anything.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:47 No.34240481
    I find that Western animation has thick magic marker lines and zero shading.

    Although I love the backgrounds in stuff like Flapjack, and the CGI-coloration of Chowder is kinda cool, it's still all cartoony junk whose main merit is slapstick comedy or potty humor, and not anything of depth.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:49 No.34240604
    Anime does a lot of stuff differently.

    Anime animates hair and faces separately, and animates before they record the voice acting.

    That doesn't mean that it can't be appreciated in it's own right however.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)01:19 No.34241919
    1). Sailor Moon and Samurai Pizza Cats made me aware of anime. I had watched Nickelodeon's anime offerings years before without knowing where they originated.

    2). Followed some IRC links. Decided to find the source.

    3). I only mention this or that series when I recognize it in students' art, t-shirts, or supplies. (I'm a teacher.)
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)01:37 No.34242819
    >How did you discover anime?
    A few factors, watched My Neighbor Totoro as a kid, Adult Swim when I was older, had a weeaboo friend.

    >How did you discover 4chan
    I sort of knew 4chan through osmosis. I don't remember the exact point I gained the knowledge of it's existence.

    >What brings you back?
    Interesting threads and lulz.

    >How do you hide your power levels so that normalfags won't detect your otakuness?
    I don't generally bring up the fact that I watch anime unless I'm certain the other person does.

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