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  • hey guys, just fyi: we've got this great board called /r9k/. it's really good and we'd enjoy it if you checked it out, posted some, and stuck around for a while. see you there! toodles~

    File : 1272403925.jpg-(67 KB, 1440x900, 1272402260030.jpg)
    67 KB Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:32 No.34046231

    Now we bring to light what huge degenerates /a/ is. Moot says you're all faggots.

    Also Hamtaro General.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:38 No.34046438
    who wants me to post the PRIPRIPRPRPIR flash?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:39 No.34046462
    Not me.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:40 No.34046502
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:41 No.34046516
    I like the text that appears all over the video. CUTTING EDGE!
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:41 No.34046519
    it's hamataro faggot OP
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:41 No.34046521
    Moot took his mom to the time gala.
    What a fuckin' boss.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:42 No.34046552

    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:42 No.34046568
    wouldn't you be proud of your weeaboo son too?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:43 No.34046588
    OMTO is OLEV
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:44 No.34046596
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    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:44 No.34046620

    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:44 No.34046630
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    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:44 No.34046631
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:45 No.34046637
    >Time finally admits they got pwned. Over 9000!

    okay. this best be a troll.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:45 No.34046639
    I thought we used brute force.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:45 No.34046641
    Marblecake also the game
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:45 No.34046651
    >> Meth !!yKNKxhr7QFT 04/27/10(Tue)17:45 No.34046656
    Hamtaro, oh shit that reminds me. Anyone still interested in a Hamtaro stream? I have the episodes downloaded because of a thread a few weeks back.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:45 No.34046659
    lol at universal rage also
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:45 No.34046666
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    Which one of you faggots did this?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:45 No.34046669
    I lol'd at the 3DPD Konata thread on /g/ shown in the video.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:45 No.34046677
    I think that's sweet.
    Also, I like how they avoided mentioning the Marblecake/Scientology connection.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:46 No.34046686
    These hacks are known as 'bots'

    Don't you just love the technical language here
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:46 No.34046697
    why the fuck not mah nigga?
    dat loli has one cute motherfukin hamstah maaan.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:46 No.34046703
    FFFFFFF I was about to post my rage face, but that reminded me that my pc died today and I'm now on a borrowed laptop.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:47 No.34046716
    Holy fuck, are slowpokes.
    And moot is as awkward and unfunny as ever.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:48 No.34046762
    A community of degenerates because we don't use Facebook or Twitter? I take exception to that!

    Shit, it's almost time for my 6PM trap fap. brb
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:48 No.34046768
    I actually seen this story on /g/.

    Basically TIME did knew what was going on, but did not do actually anything to stop it. This is actually old news.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:48 No.34046771

    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:48 No.34046772
    i wish moot could just publicly show his little girl side. He hides his weeaboo powers too much.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:48 No.34046773
    he needs to learn from peeps like Izaya.
    and be more master troll, i mean he's in the perfect position to do some pretty funny ass shit and get away with it.
    to bad he's a pussy
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:48 No.34046802
    Awwww moot went to the Time 100 Party with his mommy.
    >> Clockwork Loyalty (Place FC here) !!4b3DtY5ordZ 04/27/10(Tue)17:49 No.34046806
    Are you expecting moot to look like a comedian?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:49 No.34046814
    I seem to have misplaced my sexmakesbabies.jpg
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:49 No.34046816
    >the guy is talking about irc
    >show 4chan

    I didn't understand what the woman from Time said about moot in the end. Anyone catch that?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:50 No.34046836
    I bet "Voted Time Magazine's Most Influential in 2009" Looks pretty cool on a resume.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:50 No.34046845
    >> Baraggan Luisenbarn 04/27/10(Tue)17:50 No.34046873
    Lol'd at the rampant censoring of everything when they showed the board.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:51 No.34046881
    Well, it was his mom's credit card that he used to fund 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:51 No.34046884
    lol moot brought his mom to the times party
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:51 No.34046889
    "a cute college in in a suit"
    and than "yes(he does live with his mom or he did bring his mom" bitch needs to pronunciate correctly
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:51 No.34046909
    lol yes.
    they should've shown /d/
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:51 No.34046911
    I think you overestimate what he could do.
    He isn't a pussy, he's just not a stupid /b/tard.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:52 No.34046923
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:52 No.34046927

    i bet who could get any job with that.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:52 No.34046928
    /g/ also commented on that as well...TIME is a family magazine and they do not want to take any chances. I thought is was arbitrary as well.
    >> Clockwork Loyalty (Place FC here) !!4b3DtY5ordZ 04/27/10(Tue)17:52 No.34046933
    Makes him better than Obama, Putin and all other 97 persons who were in the list, I'd say why not make him president.
    >> Sendō Takeshi, Naniwa‮ IAKNEZ UKOYRNEZ ‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮ ‪‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬ !Tiger.wTtg 04/27/10(Tue)17:52 No.34046939
         File1272405149.jpg-(935 KB, 2592x1944, mootwon.jpg)
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    Fun times...
    >> nvm !HmmlolGoKw 04/27/10(Tue)17:52 No.34046940
    >12 hours a day in front of the computer

    >he spends the whole day in front of his computer
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:53 No.34046960
         File1272405185.png-(18 KB, 614x604, 1269480634256.png)
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    >degenerate hackers that spend their whole day on the computer trying to hack things

    all things considered, id take that as a compliment
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:53 No.34046961
    >They're not really into facebook or twitter.. I'd call them a bunch of degenerates.

    What the fuck, Time? Not being into your bullshit social networking makes us degenerates?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:53 No.34046963
         File1272405191.jpg-(34 KB, 251x176, 1270068007926.jpg)
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    >a community of degenerates
    >> Bitches & !Whores/8sg 04/27/10(Tue)17:53 No.34046970
    the fact that people would actually go to the effort to manipulate the poll in his favor goes to show how influential moot has been

    doesnt mean he deserved top spot, but he definitely deserved to be on the list
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:53 No.34046973
    It was "did he bring his mom" and I think it's a pretty cool thing to do for her.
    "Sorry for being a failure, how about I take you to a star-studded party to make up?"
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:53 No.34046975
    i'm not talking about some bullshit little pranks, i mean he could really throw some good punches at...niggers, and fat old ladies...pffft nevermind
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:53 No.34046980
    I was thinking that they should've shown /b/ cause they're the guys responsible, but then I actually thought about it.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:54 No.34046988

    … dont we all?
    >> Baraggan Luisenbarn 04/27/10(Tue)17:54 No.34046997
    Anyone who doesn't have a facebook should be wiped off the planet, didn't you know?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:55 No.34047013
    You'll never be moot's mom. ;_;

    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:55 No.34047043
    I spend 16 hours a day on the PC.

    Nobody can beat me.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:56 No.34047048
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    >A community of degenerates
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:56 No.34047062
    yep, I liked how they made that comparison. As if facebook and twitter is what "normal" people should do, and you're a degenerate otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:56 No.34047068
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    > Time magazine has finally gotten to the bottom of that whole 4Chan vs. the Time Top 100 marblecake fiasco last year. They just lost the game. And so did you.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:56 No.34047073
    I think its a good comparison to what we most of us would be like IRL. The kids who didn't participate in any clubs or sports and stayed home all the time.

    That's sorta what 4chan is, compared to all the normalfags in the internet. Everyone else with on Facebook and Twitter with their friends and we're here.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:56 No.34047077
    I don't think those two comments are necessarily related.
    We don't like social networking and also we are degenerates because of what we do instead of social networking.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:57 No.34047102
    i'd like if those sites never existed...then maybe, just MAYBE humanity would still be respectable

    but i'm probably just overestimating again
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:57 No.34047106
    They all think he is involved with everything that anon does...
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:58 No.34047124
    if that was to happen, this whole world will be filled with degenerates like you and me bro.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:58 No.34047125
    Because that's the "norm".
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)17:58 No.34047137
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    >> Sendō Takeshi, Naniwa‮ IAKNEZ UKOYRNEZ ‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮ ‪‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬ !Tiger.wTtg 04/27/10(Tue)17:59 No.34047166
         File1272405586.jpg-(309 KB, 800x1120, moot is jesus.jpg)
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    There's also this

    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:00 No.34047182
         File1272405613.jpg-(130 KB, 600x500, 1263456103485.jpg)
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    and whats wrong with that?
    maybe i'd like that.. bro(?)
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:00 No.34047197
    Because we love m<3<3t we sent him to a party
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:01 No.34047214
    >They don't go on facebook, twitter.

    >They are a bunch of degenerates that spend all their time online.

    That women is lies all lies
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:01 No.34047216
    any youtube link for that video?
    anyone want to rip it?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:01 No.34047220
    I'd call social networking addicts degenerates, they just try to inflate their egos by acquiring many random acquaintances and spouting their random thoughts that most people would keep to themselves.

    But I'm just making negative generalizations. What's this thing about us "hacking"? Most 4chan shennanigans or Anonymous shennanigans in general simply rely on brute force and manipulationof a mass of people rather than actual computing skills. So rather than social networking, is it social exploitation?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:01 No.34047228
    >a community of degenerates
    ahahahaha. I love when clueless normalfags talk about 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:01 No.34047229
    Better at least get around to making a twitter page. Wouldnt want all that degeneration from not telling strangers about that second poo i took today to seep in.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:02 No.34047238
    dude, you use social networks?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:02 No.34047242
    Oh god, what am I reading?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:02 No.34047262
    pretty everyone on 4chon has the same opinion as you anon, we are one congealed mass of opinions,hate, and animu womens.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:02 No.34047263
    Why did they censor the Konata cosplayer's finger but not her face?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:03 No.34047276
    This is a pretty awful video. This sounds like a fucking highschool report....
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:03 No.34047279
    >a community of degenerates
    >ahahahaha. I love when clueless normalfags talk about 4chan.
    you're implying the statement above is incorrect?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:03 No.34047280
         File1272405802.jpg-(34 KB, 704x396, KyonFacePalm.jpg)
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    >Didn't watch the video even though the link is readily available
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:03 No.34047281
    Get out normalfag.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:03 No.34047289
    The original screen play for "The Matrix"
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:03 No.34047290
    >They're not really into facebook or twitter.. I'd call them a bunch of degenerates.

    yeah, because those place are shit, facebook is full of attention whores and in twitter are just MORE stupids attention whores!!

    fuck you times, i deal with attention whores in college and daily life, i dont want to also deal with them in the internet.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:04 No.34047308
    For a good reason, they could not fit in with normals or have little interest in them. Especially those who are into anime and manga.
    And we are in a sense degenerates, some 4channers use facebook so they can function, but they hate it.

    I actually commented on this as well. and I said something to the effect that 4chan as a whole are a community of degenerates because we have no social lifes or do not participate in mainstream social life.

    Shit, my host mask at rizon even says ""
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:05 No.34047324
    He went with his mom??
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:05 No.34047330
         File1272405921.jpg-(36 KB, 208x228, 1266336659403.jpg)
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    twitter is only 3...
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:05 No.34047333
    I think 4chan has made me a better person my making me privy to the flaws present in myself as a human being. With this knowledge I can strive improve myself.....or just sit around and look at loli porn and say cruel things about England, guess it depends on the weather.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:05 No.34047337
    >community of degenerates

    So true.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:05 No.34047342
    WTFO!!! you are just another attention whore!
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:05 No.34047345
    >They don't go on facebook, twitter.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:06 No.34047366
    I'm always amused by media calling 4chan a community of hackers. I have fifty times more understanding of software systems than 99.999% of 4chan users, but I couldn't hack my way into a paper bag.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:06 No.34047367
    >They don't go on facebook, twitter.
    >They are a bunch of degenerates that spend all their time online.

    Now THIS is what I want to hear.
    Fuck yes.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:06 No.34047374
    The 4chan TIME stunt involved an exploit. The exploit is the vulnerability in the voting system that TIME did actually fix completely.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:06 No.34047375
    Yeah, and wearing a snazzy looking suit too.

    I'm sure those TIME faggots were impressed.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:06 No.34047381
    >facebook and twitter
    If they're calling us degenerated on their turf, well we can safely say that they are degenerates on ours for not associating with our mainstream.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:07 No.34047387
    maybe /g/?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:07 No.34047389
    The fact you're trying to hack your way into a paper bag is quite evident of your skills.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:07 No.34047397
         File1272406049.jpg-(90 KB, 371x514, 1271212540226.jpg)
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    > A community of degenerates
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:07 No.34047404
    someone tell me how to read that shit
    I don't understand that site
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:07 No.34047405
    cute little polish kid in a suit
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:07 No.34047410
         File1272406077.jpg-(74 KB, 475x403, 34a62e455fa0bd55adb0f67572b89a(...).jpg)
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    >They're not really into Facebook or Twitter. I would call them... a community of degenerates? Who just spend their time all day trying to figure out how to hack things.

    TIME, I am disappoint. But I still grinned insatiably.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:08 No.34047412
         File1272406080.jpg-(41 KB, 480x480, 1268665526479.jpg)
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    The text on the video is FUCKING ANNOYING
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:08 No.34047413
    You took your mom? moot, you doofus.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:08 No.34047431

    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:08 No.34047438
    Yes, that was sort of the point of the allegory ...
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:09 No.34047451
         File1272406153.gif-(724 KB, 490x480, 1250786065984.gif)
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    10/10 would SUGOI again.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:09 No.34047453
    Yeah, but I'm talking about in general. Most raids on /b/ are the internet equivalent of sending 100,000 Persians at 300 Spartans. However when that one guy finds the goat path, that's when all hell break loose.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:09 No.34047455
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    as for you, you sound like an eccentric.
    welcome to the club anonymous #979862324324
    we hope you like your new outlook on life!
    have this complimentary obsession,waifu,and lastly an nice trollface for people who get in your way.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:09 No.34047456
    anon is degenerate because he doesn't use myspace (a tool people use for casual sex and post noods) or twitter (twitter is fucking terrible. it's like for ADHD faggots who can't even sit still long enough to blog post like Koda, they have to Instant Message and they have to do it NAO!!!!)
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:09 No.34047462
    >4chan home to over 9 million users

    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:09 No.34047467
    The problem is that the mainstream media does not look at the entirety of 4chan. The 4chan community is a bunch of people who are into niche interests: Such as anime and manga, video games, and Japanese culture, even mainstream topic such as technology, music, books, and science and math.

    Maybe we should write moot a email to change 4chan's title to "a community of degenerates" or "a community of social no lifes"
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:10 No.34047482
    basically its like this guy says >>34047220

    Amongs the people who make up 4chans userbase there is always someone who knows how to hack and is willing to. And thats all it takes. We got people for all kinds of things, it just has to be the right thing. Like that cat that some anons saved a while back.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:11 No.34047498
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:11 No.34047508
    >Who just spend their time all day trying to figure out how to hack things.

    Well, software crackers, hardware crackers, George Hotz... not 4chan though. I doubt most people in /g/ could hack jack shit, least of all the rest of 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:11 No.34047521
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    That surprised me. Was that serious?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:11 No.34047523
    >>34047482 Like that cat that some anons saved a while back.
    I don't go on /b/, what's this about?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:12 No.34047531
    I like how they had to add "ACTUALLY, IT WAS 16 MILLION" after moot got the number wrong. Seems pretty assholeish.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:12 No.34047545
         File1272406349.jpg-(19 KB, 195x243, 1241726243761.jpg)
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    I'm glad moot got to go to a fancy party because of anon
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:12 No.34047548
    lets make a country trolls trolling trolls
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:12 No.34047552
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    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:12 No.34047557
    you didn't even bother to watch a video?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:12 No.34047562

    that should get all the normalfags on /b/ in a hissy fit
    it would be glorious
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:13 No.34047567
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    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:13 No.34047572
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    pic related
    the one that got away.....(the cat not the person)
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:13 No.34047580
    >They're not really into Facebook or Twitter.

    you now, i always found funny, that people DONT FUCKING KNOW that "normality" or "being normal" is just A FUCKING statistical fact.

    take 100 people (all are women and lesbian), then you claim "all people are women and lesbian"... fuck you times!
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:13 No.34047582
         File1272406405.gif-(113 KB, 320x320, yunowidewatsfds.gif)
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    Degenerates? in my /a/?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:13 No.34047588
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    See you soon.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:13 No.34047592
    That's actually the amount of VISITORS, not users per month.

    Currently there are about 56,634 active IP using this site.
    >> Meth !!yKNKxhr7QFT 04/27/10(Tue)18:13 No.34047600
    Me too, he's such a sweet guy. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:13 No.34047601
    overall the media doesn't know that /b/ isn't 4chan
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:13 No.34047602
    I wonder who will win this year; Celty?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:13 No.34047603
    i will bring the loli and traps
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:14 No.34047605
    Moot's mom wanted to go to the party?
    Class act that Moot.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:14 No.34047608
    >9 million users

    When I think that there are 9 million people who are potentially as disturbed or more disturbed than myself I get hard.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:14 No.34047615
    He maybe famous but he is not protected. what if someone breaks into his home and stabs him in his sleep?

    Last I remember Moot is not living the life of luxury.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:14 No.34047621
         File1272406468.png-(55 KB, 1251x519, normalfagsona.png)
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    >They don't use facebook or twitter
    >They spend 12 hours a day on the computer
    >I'd call them a bunch of degenerates.

    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:14 No.34047634
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    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:14 No.34047635
    Google "dusty the cat"
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:14 No.34047636
         File1272406495.png-(192 KB, 743x642, 1272044837982.png)
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    Moot is trolling the shit out of us: the trolls.

    We are approaching a troll singularity here, people.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:15 No.34047646
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:15 No.34047649
         File1272406522.jpg-(71 KB, 756x719, MIKIAFRO.jpg)
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    Oh how did I lol after seeing that. So "normal" people use the internet only for facebook and twitter? Give me a break...
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:15 No.34047655
    Maybe he should buy a dog or something then?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:15 No.34047658
    >They're not really into Facebook or Twitter.

    So? Good lord, I've got plenty of real life, much better adjusted than me friends who barely pay any attention to Facebook, least of all Twitter. If spending all your time Twittering somehow became a measure of normalcy, I'm cool with being a degenerate.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:15 No.34047670
    Why? You can just move to the United States.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:16 No.34047675
    and took pictures of himself naked jerking off and cumming on himself
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:16 No.34047689

    Ah. Makes sense. Figured time would fuck up something so basic.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:16 No.34047694
    Why did they censor her hand in that picture? Isn't she just pointing her finger? Or is this a photoshop I'm unaware of?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:16 No.34047704
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    let's form a moot honor guard, standing around his house and protecting him from all evil.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:18 No.34047738
    > Let's all meet at his house in the guise of protecting him, then rape, murder, and rape him
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:18 No.34047741
    And he still is not.

    4chan is currently making a small profit as of now. But no one in the staff gets a pay check. moot himself actually does some part-time consulting work and other odd jobs.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:18 No.34047747

    I'm okay with this.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:18 No.34047748

    4chan = /b/, to the rest of the internet and the world, at least.

    And honestly, as stupid as it is that they always ignore the fact that there's 50 other boards out there, it's better for us all. Because /b/ both scares off all the moralfags, and traps in the newfags so they don't escape for a few years, thus leaving the other boards mostly unharmed during immigration from publicity.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:18 No.34047759
    Oh god with a face like that I cant say no~

    I'd be his body guard
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:18 No.34047761
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    Will we play Amazing Grace every day at the same time from the watch tower?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:19 No.34047775
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    let's not
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:19 No.34047786
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    >and other odd jobs.

    Like prostitution?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:20 No.34047795
    This post, oh god this post

    That screencap is all that there is to it. If i didnt want to go to a site where every thread is aboslute deranged crap then i wouldnt.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:20 No.34047799
    They could have emailed moot or did some basic research. But no and this proves again the mainstream media does not do any REAL research for a proper story.

    TIME thought the Konata cosplayer was giving the middle finger.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:20 No.34047819
    but at the same time /b/ attracts all the moral fags and newfags to the point were /b/ is diluted with them and eventually all of 4chan
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:21 No.34047825
    exactly, compared to them we're "normal" in the psychological sense(to a degree) mainly because most of us understand the world and generally don't give a fuck about most of the stuff people get all whiny bitch about. Now if only we had motivation maybe we'd be out there too, but "sadly" we're lazy.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:21 No.34047834
    Fuck yay we are degenerates that don't use facebook or twitter.
    At least they got that one thing right. Ah moot trying to tell the media the difference between hacking and manipulating and bringing his mom to the gal,
    Oh moot.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:21 No.34047839
         File1272406879.jpg-(54 KB, 704x396, [FFFpeeps] Kaichou wa Maid-sam(...).jpg)
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    and kneel when he goes out
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:22 No.34047874
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    >a community of degenerates
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:23 No.34047895
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    faggot deleted his post
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:23 No.34047905
    ah well I watched it and it's not moot who calls us degenerates it's the indian cunt wearing a shawl for whatever reason, moot doesnt take responsibility or place blame he just laughs at it as you would expect.

    Apparently using google to answer Palin's email questions = hacking now.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:23 No.34047915
    But there are always going to be ones who will bypass /b/ or get into /b/ but quickly mature out or lose interest and go into the real product= the other 50 some imageboards...
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:24 No.34047919
    And some of us are, to an extent we decide on our own for ourselves.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:24 No.34047925
    Same here, it's awesome to think that we have a ton of potential manpower to do something awesome, yet probably never will.

    I think we should become techno vikings and rape and pillage whole countries with our entire userbase, shit would be sweet
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:24 No.34047932
    >Apparently using google to answer Palin's email questions = hacking now.

    Using anything other than facebook and myspace on the internet is basically hacking to the uninformed.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:24 No.34047933
    >TIME thought the Konata cosplayer was giving the middle finger.
    Well that's just plain silly.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:24 No.34047934

    easymodo =3
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:24 No.34047936
    >degenerates that don't use facebook or twitter
    yeah right
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:25 No.34047949
    "Anonymous" should win.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:25 No.34047956

    Best screencap ever. Let me revel in your filth forever, 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:25 No.34047958
    Yeah that part was a tad confusing. If I recall no one here took responsibility, they just found the emails that were already posted on the internet and all we did was sit around, laugh, photoshop penises onto something, etc.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:25 No.34047961
    I just hacked into 4chan to post anonymously.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:25 No.34047963
    I want to thank moot for giving us this website

    Thank him by giving him a blowjob
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:25 No.34047964
    easymodo sees all
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:26 No.34047974
    I use facebook, I would never mention 4chan on there because I'm not a faggot

    I do ridicule idiots who become a fan of some meme shit, shit is so cash. Everyone thinks I hate 4chan IRL
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:26 No.34047986

    You could also just...write him an email...
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:26 No.34047996
    get out normalfags
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:27 No.34048016
    That's truly the work of hackers on steroids.
    >> Clockwork Loyalty (Place FC here) !!4b3DtY5ordZ 04/27/10(Tue)18:27 No.34048030
    moot is charismatic yes, but I'm still up with the idea that he should delete /b/.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:27 No.34048031
    >techno vikings

    i like this idea, and the rape and the pillage and more rape.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:28 No.34048044
    >A community of degenerates because we don't use Facebook or Twitter?
    seriously, they are the only time wasters in which you may function in society. fucking cunt.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:28 No.34048065
    It's true, we're all fucking degenerates here one way or another.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:29 No.34048075
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    I'd play a game of pretend with him
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:29 No.34048078
    >delete /b/

    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:29 No.34048079
         File1272407360.jpg-(105 KB, 249x737, 1256858282832.jpg)
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    faggot attention whore who would guzzle cum for literally no other reason than to get all that delicious drizzle.
    also gtfo mah /a/ /b/ is to the right.
    on a sidenote you sound like eh cool guy
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:29 No.34048085

    Good. Never let anyone know you go on 4chan.

    Happened to me once. Smirked at an image of EFG some retard was drawing on the board in highschool. Wrong fucking move. He tailed me for the rest of the semester spewing /b/ meme shit and talking about nazis and pedophiles in the middle of class.

    And yet he still managed to get a date for prom and fuck her too. Fuck it all.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:30 No.34048117

    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:30 No.34048132
    Are you crazy? If moot deleted /b/, it would be a shitstorm for us all.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:30 No.34048135
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:30 No.34048138
    A lot of you guys just seem like normal dudes who are just a little lonely right now, but care about your education, have a strong sense of morality, pretty normal sexual tastes and will eventually go on to get married, have children and a full-time job.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:30 No.34048147
    Okay, that is a bad BAD idea.
    Do you think /b/tards would just be okay with this and leave 4chan?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:30 No.34048149
    You dont understand, we need /b/ to be here as a place to keep most of the shit at bay.

    If that is gone then just expect every board to be turned into another /b/
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:31 No.34048154
    You hacker!
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:31 No.34048181
    >he thinks that all the boards aren't already just /b/ with a theme
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:32 No.34048183
    the underhanded anarchist /b/tards always seem to come out on top of situations
    as long as they also have some form of a psychological disorder...
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:32 No.34048188
    Yeah, I was thinking someone could read that as omto too, if he was retarded enough.

    Cool text effects anyways.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:32 No.34048190
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    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:32 No.34048201
    >he's never seen the slow boards
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:32 No.34048205
    /b/ is 4chan shield to normal faggotery
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:32 No.34048208
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    He does a better job nowadays
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:33 No.34048225
    >to keep most of the shit at bay
    >to keep most of the shit at bay
    >to keep most of the shit at bay
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:33 No.34048227
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    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:33 No.34048230
    Deleting /b/ would be like opening Pandora's Box. They'd spread to all other boards on the internet including 4chan's existing boards and corrupt everything. That, or just go to /x/ and take it over as usual.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:33 No.34048238
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    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:34 No.34048248
    i still have most o' them zone flashes
    >> Clockwork Loyalty (Place FC here) !!4b3DtY5ordZ 04/27/10(Tue)18:34 No.34048252
    I have a job
    I work out everyday
    I have friends

    And i still agree, I still wonder why the fuck I'm still here.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:34 No.34048263
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    >implying I wouldn't pierce the heavens instead
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:34 No.34048264
    What really needs to happen is we need to move /b/. If moot could make a random board completely unassociated with 4chan and get everyone to move by making the old /b/ redirect to it, we wouldn't have to worry about normalfags infecting the site anymore.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:34 No.34048271
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    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:34 No.34048276
    True. Whenever /b/ froze, the various boards get invaded, not only /x/, but /a/ as well. If moot deletes /b/ 4chan will become unmanageable.

    moot said if the website goes down for good /b/ will be the last imageboard to go.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:35 No.34048278
    Because you're an attention whore. gtfo
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:35 No.34048286
    >normal dudes
    >a little lonely right now
    >care about your education
    sure, will have a BSc. soon, then on to bigger and better things
    >have a strong sense of morality
    Strong, yes. But also ... different.
    >pretty normal sexual tastes
    I don't think so
    >get married, have children
    >full-time job.
    definitely, as soon as I finish said education. And once I'm rolling in the money, women will be all over me, because they're bitches and whores like that.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:35 No.34048290
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    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:35 No.34048293
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    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:35 No.34048295
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    This is my life
    I'm not going anywhere soon
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:36 No.34048311
    Stop samefagging and acting like you haven't never seen a post claiming that before.
    >> Clockwork Loyalty (Place FC here) !!4b3DtY5ordZ 04/27/10(Tue)18:36 No.34048327
    That's my class bro, deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:36 No.34048341
    Moot's a scrawny little bitch.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:37 No.34048351
    even if thats sarcasm its annoying
    don't call me normal

    i mad
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:37 No.34048363
    He wishes to be the little girl. Are you new or something?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:38 No.34048375
    I'm here because I like you guys, plus it costs no money to hang out with you

    Not to mention this is the only place I can really indulge in my nerd hobbies. There is something comforting about being around people just like yourself
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:38 No.34048379
    Another option would be to leave 4chan in the shitter ourselves and make another site
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:38 No.34048385
    Tripfags don't count.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:38 No.34048399
    >A community of degenerates

    If only they knew who really surfs 4chan...
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:39 No.34048404
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    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:39 No.34048419

    4chan's the only place I've told anybody anything about myself that wasn't just a total lie.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:39 No.34048426

    And boy if you knew how many chans there are out there created with that in mind, yet all of us are still here.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:39 No.34048427
    Still mostly degenerates.

    Normalfags aren't regulars here. They come and go.

    Us degenerates are always present.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:40 No.34048440
    >>34048138 A lot of you guys just seem like normal dudes who are just a little lonely

    Dude I'm 22 and I'm yet to get a girlfriend... sometimes I wish I wasn't such a dork when I was a kid and a teen. Otherwise I agree with you, we're pretty normal here.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:40 No.34048444
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    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:41 No.34048455
    >pretty normal sexual tastes
    Wanting to dress up like a trap and get ravaged by several large men isn't all that normal.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:41 No.34048466
         File1272408082.jpg-(56 KB, 428x371, newfags and tripfags.jpg)
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    Clockwork Loyalty (Place FC here) !!4b3DtY5ordZ 28264 posts 04/27/10(Tue)18:34 No.34048252
    >28264 posts

    you're a terrible person, you aren't one of us, but neither a normalfag.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:41 No.34048474
    That is the reason why 4chan exists. Providing an outlet for people to talk about stuff.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:41 No.34048476
    Not sarcasm. I hear a lot of you talking about your jobs and people even talking about their kids. A few weeks ago there was a thread where the OP announced that he was going to be a father and asking for congratulations, and the thread maxed out with positive responses, no trolling or "GTFO normalfags" at all. If you really look around, you'll see that it's true, sorry to break your internet persona, I know a lot of people come here because they want to feel different from society but the truth seems to be otherwise...
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:41 No.34048477
    How would that fix anything?
    Now, if all the other boards were twinned at the same time, so that there's one completely cancerous /b/ site with a load of dummy boards, something good might come of it for a short time at least.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:42 No.34048506
    Yeah. Also, 4chan's software and usability could be so much better, but it's useless to try to make a competing site.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:43 No.34048523
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    >care about your education
    >have a strong sense of morality
    >normal sexual tastes
    >will get married
    >have children
    >and a job
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:43 No.34048546
    I'm perfectly happy to be one of you, perfectly happy
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:43 No.34048555

    Being a father isn't normalfaggish.

    And if you think we're all just acting then you're severely mistaken.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:44 No.34048565
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    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:44 No.34048570
    When I think "degenerates" I think "trouble makers".

    When I think "person who frequents /a/" I think "that quiet guy sitting in the back near the window".

    We're not degenerates, just different.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:44 No.34048575
    That wasn't in /a/ then.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:44 No.34048600
    There is no such thing as "normalfags".

    Only newfags and trolls.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:45 No.34048612
    Speaking of the software...moot mentioned in the New York Times, that he is currently doing a reboot of the 4chan imageboard software known as "Yotsuba". The imageboards you are seeing and use is an interface that is more than ten years old.

    As for the details of the is a mystery.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:45 No.34048619

    Well, we're just using "degenerates" as a catch-all for anybody different, because that's the word the girl used.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:45 No.34048622
    fuking lol'd
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:46 No.34048632
    >Board with frequent waifu discussion threads
    >Claiming to be normal and not a bunch of degenerates
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:46 No.34048637
         File1272408375.jpg-(32 KB, 286x352, 121depression2.jpg)
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    Me too bro. And the longer I stay here the more I feel 4chan is normal while real life seems more and more full of pretenders.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:46 No.34048646
    That's not it at all, just that we like certain people and not others. An anon with a kid is still an anon
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:47 No.34048668
    I miss that little thumbtack guy who used to guide you into not being a newfag. anyone have screencaps of that little guy?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:47 No.34048672
    >"that quiet guy sitting in the back near the window"
    That's the place where the main character always is, so of course I'll sit there.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/10(Tue)18:47 No.34048682
    But to American society, they are "trouble makers" because they do not participate in mainstream socialization, especially in the high school years.

    To understand that, take a look at what school districts in the US did after the columbine incident. They gone after the victims of bullying instead of dealing with the root cause of bullying.

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