Helvetica thread.
so moe~
Arial is superior
Wingdings was here.Helvetica is a loser.
What a slut.
>>33959928Times New Roman >>>> Shit > Helvetica > Ariel
I was going to report this, but it's /a/ material now. Enjoy your thread!
Calibri is mai waifu.IMPACT is GAR.Times New Roman is pretentious.Helvetica is bro.
>>33960032>Times New Roman is pretentious.FAGGOT
>>33960032Times New Roman is a masterpiece which a baka gaijin such as yourself can not understand.
always use it, always love it
I think Helvetica is the only typeface to get its own movie:http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0847817/
>>33959928Arial: A font about nothing. It's so boring, I typed 2 words and fell asleep.
this is not funny
>>33960152I disagree, I'm having a good laugh here.
>>33959928Arial is based on Helvetica.
>>33959968Shit >>> Times New Roman. Seriously.Arial Narrow is my font of choice.>>33960141Lol'd.
Comic Sans>Helvetia>Arial Black>*>>>>>>>>>>Times New Romaninb4 people tsundere for Comic Sans IT WAS MADE FOR IMPORTANT PEOPLE SO YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND ANYWAY FAGGOTS
>hating on Times New RomanFUCK YOU, HATERS. Popular = Good
>>33959928You must be a troll but in case you aren't Arial is a crappy font Microsoft made to copy Apple cuz Mac's default font was Helvetica.The result is a butchered version of a great font (admittedly though, how much you see helvetica around you these days makes it really boring).
>>33960239Actually comic sans wasn't made for ANYTHING. All (good) fonts have a purpose for their design, comic sans does it. Though I am an elitist about this stuff.
Trebuchet MS > *
Univers. That is all.
>>33960239You do realise that most companies will immediately throw out your CV, resume, whatever, if you've written it in Comic Sans, right?
>>33960434>dirty dogThey couldn't even get that right. Fail.
Just when I though /a/ couldn't get sillier.
>>33960342Fixed sys 2.0 is obviously the best font ever. These newer fonts are just plain shit.
>>33960434too bad that Trebuchet MS is 101 not 105
No love for Tahoma and Verdana?
no one talks about verdana :3mai waifu, don't steal.
Protip : if it's shipped by default with Windows, don't use it.ESPECIALLY arial, impact, comic sans, times new roman. There are literally hundreds of alternatives for those.
torrent for Helvetica font where
Using Helvetica or its retarded brother makes you appear just as unrefined as using Comic Sans, Papyrus, and Monotype Corsiva. >>33960395It had a purpose. MS needed a font with the metrics of TNR for Bob but they needed it to look as retarded as their unborn product.
>>33960563except Consolas. It is my favorite monospace font.
Comic Sans is often used in primary schools because the letter 'a' is written in the modern lowercase style.
Comic sans is such a slut!
>>33960532>>33960561no one talks about good fonts
>Helvetica is a typeface which is used all over the world, but is equally reviled as it is loved. Much like anime is.Anime is used all over the world?
>>33960470>implying I would ever apply for a job and leave my mother's houseLOLOLOLOLCOMIC SANS FUCKS YOUR SHIT EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK
Helvetica is more than a font. It is a revolutionary typeface that changed graphic design forever.
>>33960532>>33960561I was just about to mention Verdana too. Good to see some love.
/a/..... a board about anything BUT anime and manga...
Helvetica can go to hel.
>>33960592Oh yes, mine as well. I wasn't really talking about the 2007 batch of new stuff.
>>33960563there is good reason why to use default windows fonts.
trolls, all of you
>>33960593That's why it's shit tier. I hate subtitles that use that shit too.
4chan is now 4vetica.
>>33960507That's actually a pretty cool image.
See, moot? This is the power you hold over us.Do you feel like God yet?
lol typography
>>33959859What is the difference between Helvetica and Arial?
>>33960733Who said he wasn't already God?
>>33960532Tahoma is moe
>>33960127We had to watch that in a tech writing class. This font puts me to sleep. Make a movie about Wingdings.
>>33960746I want to kill someone everytime I see arial's capital R. One of the shittiest glyph I've ever seen.
Comic Sans is the best
I'm an Arial Black person.
>>33960775Great Big Sea
>>33960746Mostly use of diagonals.
>>33960801I bet you also stream anime and use VLC.
What don't you guys talk about REAL fonts.Like Frutiger.
Never heard of this font
>>33960795Possibly my favorite virus is the one that converts all system fonts to Wingdings. It's as hilarious as it is aggravating.
>>33960849Fruitiger is god.Just as good as Helvetica.
We really need a /font/.
Times New Roman is the equivalent of Bleach of fonts
Geometric fonts > All.
Helvetica? I liked it better back when it was called Akzidenz Grotesk.You kids wouldn't know.
Serifs are for pussies and newfags.
>implying you can tell Helvetica and Arial apart
>>33960895This. A thousand times, this.
>>33960896Comic sans = One pieceArial = Naruto
>>33960932>>33960841You clearly can tell arial and helvetica apart. In fact, they're quite different.Arial's better though.
Calibri is better
Sans Serif > Serif.No exceptions.Fuck your readability: sexy > all
>>33960896yeah. use something else tan Times New Roman or Arial if you want to save evey fucking work in .pdf format
>>33960896Fuck you.Times new roman is the DBZ of fonts.
/a/ hates Comic Sans/a/ is tsundere for ArialOnly newfags sage Helvetica threads
>>33960924no we don't.Now get the hell out of my /a/, pops.
Larabie = generic moe harem
I wish I had Helvetica, but it's like a hundred dollars.Charging money for fonts? Really?
Geneva is beyond godtier.
>>33960970Shut your hole.Helvetica is far superior.
Are you big enough of a nerd to suscribe to Myfont's newsletters?http://new.myfonts.com/newsletters/I love seeing all the new stuff coming out.
Real men always use Wild Words.Even in official documents.
>>33961041kids don't know about my Fixedsys
Almost none of the fonts form the 'a's correctly for schoolteachers who don't want to confuse their students.Ironically, comic sans is one font that does.Where is your god now?
Only serif font that doesn't make my eyes bleed is Georgia.
Should be /a/ - Arial vs. Helvetica
>>33961108comic sans, because I want to use a font for gradeschoolers.
>>33961108Hah, that's actually quite true.Shame I write my a's like most fonts do with the ahoge.
>>33961086Since '08.
Wingdings > Alldiscuss
>>33961161it is now known as the ahoge. Period.
I'm a total fag for Franklin Gothic Demi.
Tahoma is the strongest font.
Calibri is to fonts like moe is to anime.
>>33961108Students should learn properly.'a' should not look like 'o''q' should not look like 'g'
We all know Courier New is superior.
>>33961166>its>thenStop making Calibri look bad, faggot.
I prefer...Arial Unicode.
Helvetica > Arial faggotry
>>33961246my a's, q's, y's, and g's all look the same. Along with my 9s and 7s.Dysgraphia for the win.
GodDAMN, I had a link to a font specially designed to help illiterates reading. I forgot how they're called.
>>33961247Oh please!American Typewriter > Courier New
Someone make a thread about Arial vs Helvetica on /fa/.They should know.
>>33961357Apples > Oranges
>>33961247Courier New was supreme until Consolas came along.
Would anyone care to discuss the finer points of Trebuchet MS? I must say, it is quite the exquisite type face.
>>33961213Holy shit. This couldn't be more true.
Inconsolata > Consolas
i lol'd too. hahaha.
>>33961382FUCK. YOU.
hey guys I heard you like papyrus ◔ヮ◔
>>33961382More like pretentious.
>>33961444Shitty font for a shitty film.Shocking!
>>33961213can't unsee. I like the font verdana myself
>>33961380Impact is shit, sorry. Try Univers ultra condensed, you'll not regret it.
>>33961394just Googled, and I am intrigued. Downloading .ttf.
>>33961444NOOOO! NOT ANYMORE! STOP! STOOOOOOOP!That movie was more of a horror movie than a magical wonderland because of that abomination of a font.
>>33961387Forgot the tagline!
>Not liking Times New Roman
>>33961235Agreed.Bliss Pro is my waifu.But occasionally I cheat on her with DTLProkyon.
>>33961514>>33961387KONAMI WILL SUE
>>33961381Before Consolas, Monaco, Vera Mono, Proggy, ProFont, and dozen more were already superior to Courier New.
/a/ - Typef/a/ces
>>33961596I can't remember.Pic fucking related: my alias-to-be. And with italics like that, no wonder I cheat on Bliss.
Courier all the way motherfuckers. Y'all just hatin' cuz Helvetica is boring as shit.
>>33961371Same application = comparable
So where do you guys download your fonts at?
>>33961651Ah hang on. I think it was in a Rapidshare (3 downloads) of '100 best commercial fonts' or something like that. But it was a while back, and hard to find even then.
>>33961735dafont, google.
>>33961713Courier? You best be joking. At least use Courier New.
>>33961744Ugh, Georgia's just ugly. she's such a slut, too
Futura is the bees knees.
> he still uses MS Word to prepare his documents!
>>33961767Some wonky line spacing you have there, bro.
...for simple, elegant gentlemen like myself.
What's the typeface used for the Utena manga?
What's the difference between century gothic and futura?
>>33961714I'll see what I can do... might have to dig out an external HD though.
>>33961792Ignore him, he's just trying to look like an oldfag or something
>>33961735AbstractFonts, since it lets you customize the font preview.
request archive of this thread
>>33961832Futura is the one used on Italian train station signs.Do not ask why I know that.
>>33961828Ah century gothic, you've assisted me countless times for my old grade school bristol board projects
>>33961814Maximum of seven characters in a row. More than that and it gets kinda icky.But it is a brilliant front. Geometric fonts are the best.
>>33961514>>33961387MOOT WILL SUE
Jokewood rocks
>>33961943so DEEP
>>33961514Oh my god this looks amazing, I must get it
>>33961922> gentlaman
>>33961832Futura is more vertical, uses more 90 degree angles and so on. More geometric
>>33961166Look at those horrible rounded edges. No definition whatsoever
The only troll in the world we feed willingly.
Found the old archives for the "100 best commercial fonts".Prokyon is among them.If anybody wants, I could put them together in a single rar, and put 'em up on Mediafire. First time though, so be patient.
>>33961922I liked it ever since Mazui used it for Railgun.
I read this thread while listening to Susamu Hirasawa - Forces.Best thread in ages
/r/ standard Helvetica DL.In exchange, Helvetica Neue Pro.http://www.mediafire.com/?4eydjmt2n2e
>>33961651exact name of font please? google returns a bunch of italian shit for "casali font"
A serious font thread. Never change, /a/.
>>33962180I have it, but without kerning.>>33962256It's Prokyon.
>>33962347Prokyon is correct. DTLProkyon may get results too.
4chan in Helvetica sucks dongs, though.
>>33962225Link please
>>33962395>>33962416I remember this thread.
>>33962395>XXIth>twenty-onethHow fucking retarded are you?
>>33962478Dude, don't make fun. He just has a terrible lisp and pronounces it "Twenty-firfth"
>>33962454Shouldn't have bought a Mac.
>anime & helveticawtf is this shit moot
>>33962478As a matter of fact, it's "viginti unusth".
>>33962508"Lisp" is such a cruel word.
>>33962514No, just tried it in Stylish.
>>33962461The site it came from doesn't work anymore, but it was from a font pack called Roadgeek 2005.
>>33962539Now THIS is a REAL font.
>>33962570Worse than Calibri.
Holy crap.http://www.dafont.com/azudings-1.font
>>33962536who cares its win
>>33962584Sakutarou? What are you doing here?Silly raion, you are not a font.
>>33962623Oh fuck yes.
So far we have Times new roman - BleachComic sans - One pieceArial - NarutoWingdings - Shaft (Not a show but whatever)What about Consolas? Texhnolyze?
>>33962623This. Is fucking awesome.
>>33962560mac fag
I handwrite my lower case A's as they appear in helvetica.
>>33962560They should never have left their condensed Garamond behind.Actually, I miss Chicago even more.
>>33962623in before somone complains about the original artstyle
>>33962064do want
>>33962689I handwrite Copperplate. Lowercase is for faggots.
>>33962560No true italics.Orphan moe~
>>33959968>>33959968>>33959968Proof: you are posting in Times New Roman.
>>33962461>>33962575Here's the full pack.http://www.mediafire.com/?l4wy421noin
>>33962754What? No I'm not. No serifs in my post, sir.
>>33962771So... what do I do with these, anyway?
>>33962718>implying copperplate doesnt have lower case
>>33962754Burichan is in TNR. Yotsuba B uses arial.
Fuck yeah I love Helvetica.
archive, NOW
>>33962845>invitation>comic sanstrollface.png
>>33962914Normally I would say easymodo, but if ever there was an archive-worthy /a/ thread, this would be it.
>>33962845Lold at the comic sans
>>33962914Only three requests so far. ;_;
>>33962812>he still doesn't know how to install fonts
this thread made my day
>>33963013Even more scary, if he has never installed fonts before, then he's running with whatever default fonts the computer and programs came installed with.
>>33962845This chart sure is unreadable
>/a/ - Anime & HelveticaI go away for 2 hours and the XXX's are gone, and moot changes the board name again? What was the reason this time?Oh well, at least [a/ is finally back to /a/
>>33963052You only need Calibri.
>>33963085>What was the reason this time?If you're posting in this thread you should know already.
>>33962712Finally, a response.A 98MB file is making its way onto Mediafire, and all going well it should be ready in 5 minutes.
Holy shit, how do I not have Helvetica installed?
>>33963085I find it humorous that /a/ has less faggotry without the XXXs.
First glance I thought Sora no Woto.
>>33963128Oh, this thread is the reason? I thought this thread was a response. I don't see what's so funny about it though. Looks like moot was just looking for an excuse to change the title again.
>>33963082Looks like this retard doesn't know about fucking ctrl+scroll.
>>33963146Dirty Windows user.
i've noticed a resurgence of arial latelyit makes me fucking sick
>>33963236Are you saying Helvetica is not worthy of its own board?
Best font, right here
if you ever doubted whether helvetica kicks arial's ass:http://www.mimeartist.com/helvetica/
I like Calubri because fucking Word uses it sometimes when I start it up, so when I'm writing some shitty essay for a few pages, I remember to switch it to Times New Roman, and suddenly I get like an extra 3/4 of a page. feels good man.
>>33963360go design a logo with ms paint faggot
>>33963427It's just a pun. Arial can suck my dick.
>/a/ - Anime & Helvetica
Right:100 well-known fonts, organized by folder (so they might be a bitch to install). Also some font folders seem to be a little... incomplete. But then this wasn't my creation to begin with. Hope it works:http://www.mediafire.com/?tdn3dkfgmjzPic semi-related, some epic fonts in my possession. Some of those fonts are in this file, but not all. Some of them were sourced elsewhere (eg. Bliss). Others are free (eg. The Great Thunder).Pointless, /a/-related trivia:The Baccano font most closely resembles ITC Elan. Use an upside-down V for the A.Eden of the East OP uses Helvetica... but you probably knew that.That'll do for now. Deleted and reposted as the last attempt fucked up.