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  • File : 1272124518.jpg-(660 KB, 1208x974, 1255991567170[1].jpg)
    660 KB Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)11:55 No.33891XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)11:56 No.33891XXX
    yeah. as if i'd visit a page with that name...
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)11:56 No.33891XXX
    OMG people who have different opinions than I do but are still open minded enough to like something that I like.

    I am so mad.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)11:57 No.33891XXX
         File1272124635.jpg-(26 KB, 281x322, ichigo.jpg)
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    >looks at manga reviews
    >finds death note
    >score a 7/10 in "Bad Religion"
    >my face
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)11:57 No.33891XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)11:57 No.33891XXX
    Let's do a test /a/, without actually going there, what are the chances of this random anime community be better than /a/?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)11:59 No.33892XXX
    >2/10 in bad religion

    the fuck?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)11:59 No.33892XXX
         File1272124778.jpg-(4 KB, 126x121, 1271796836024.jpg)
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    >Christian Anime Alliance
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:01 No.33892XXX
    >New Picture Posting Rules
    >- No nudity, period.
    - If it a bikini/men's trunks cover it, it must be covered.
    - This is a little harder to judge, but nothing excessively clingy or detailed.
    - No clothes slipping off--bra straps, spaghetti straps, etc.
    - No undergarments. No, swimsuits don't count for this rule.
    - No openly suggestive or seductive poses.
    - No overly-endowed women as far as it can be helped.
    - If you're posting a pic of your favorite bishie, make sure his pants are zipped/buttoned.
    - For pics of couples, their hands should not be found anywhere inappropriate.
    - Speaking of couples, absolutely NO pictures promoting homosexual couples.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:01 No.33892XXX
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    >implying death note is not crap.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:02 No.33892XXX
    That's no fun.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:02 No.33892XXX
    >Berserk is a really hard title to review. On one hand, you’ve got one a very graphic story, filled with extreme gore, nudity, and, quite often, graphic sexual situations that could even be considered hentai by some. On the other hand, Berserk could also be considered one of—if not the—best manga ever written.

    At least they've got some people with a decent head on their shoulders.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:02 No.33892XXX
    >- If you're posting a pic of your favorite bishie, make sure his pants are zipped/buttoned.

    Remember that, /a/
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:03 No.33892XXX
    Why don't we go there and give them some good advices
    Like Boku no Pico
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:03 No.33892XXX
         File1272125032.jpg-(36 KB, 481x394, 1224949042123.jpg)
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    Hey everyone,

    These titles are NOT what we consider to be anti-Christian. The purpose of this list is to keep the peace, not tell you which shows you should or shouldn't watch. These titles were selected because they have caused trouble in the past or are extremely likely to given the content.
    The staff has decided it would be extremely beneficial for us to post which titles we'd prefer not be discussed. These titles are either highly controversial, extremely inappropriate, or both. We have noticed all discussions in the past on these titles has only erupted into tension, rude posts, etc., for the sake of keeping the peace, these are the titles we ask you discuss privately amongst yourselves via PM or off-site:

    Neon Genesis Evangelion
    End of Evangelion
    Evangelion: Death and Rebirth
    Angel Sanctuary
    Bible Black
    Yami No Matsuei
    Revolutionary Girl Utena
    Any hentai titles whatosever, no exceptions!

    If you have a suggestion for a title to be added to this list, please PM me. Violators will have their thread closed, deleted, and most likely a private chat with one of the staffers.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:05 No.33892XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:06 No.33892XXX
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    cool thread but check out my doubles
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:06 No.33892XXX
    So let me get this straight...

    A christian anime fansite? ok, i can accept that.
    The reviewers download subs to do their reviews? a little hypocrite arent we?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:07 No.33892XXX
    Isn't pirating against christianity?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:07 No.33892XXX

    >implying Bible Black doesn't promote Christian values.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:07 No.33892XXX
    i dont think they like haruhi:
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:07 No.33892XXX
    so whats their opinion on angel beats?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:07 No.33892XXX
         File1272125262.png-(4 KB, 203x231, 804.png)
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    I just want to strap all of the users to chairs and make them watch boku no pico 24/7
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:10 No.33892XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:11 No.33892XXX
    >Just finished first three episodes of Angel Beats! and although it was fun, and I was liking it enough, there were one too many red-flag moments spiritually-wise that I am not going to continue it.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:12 No.33892XXX
    hahah oh wow
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:15 No.33892XXX
    made me rage

    good job op
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:18 No.33892XXX
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    >too many red-flag moments spiritually-wise
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:20 No.33892XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:20 No.33892XXX
    Oh thank you. Was great fun to read.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:21 No.33892XXX
    What the hell are red flag moments?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:22 No.33892XXX

    >Bo-BoBo's shirt reveals too much chest
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:22 No.33892XXX

    Moments when Bible says it's wrong.
    >> Shota Doctor !Irabu/l84E 04/24/10(Sat)12:22 No.33892XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:22 No.33892XXX
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    Chest? I'll show you chest, bitch.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:23 No.33892XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:23 No.33892XXX
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    >Anime is very rapidly becoming ingrained in our culture, with no signs of stopping any time soon. This is our chance as Christians to show the world we are not stiff-minded hypocrites, but instead yearning to show them the love of Jesus Christ.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:23 No.33892XXX

    signs that you will go to hell for watching the show?

    Kinda like how "the smell of burning Styrofoam" is a red flag that your ramen is gonna explode
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:23 No.33892XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:24 No.33892XXX
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    >> ~Anus Party~ !E74oY61m1s 04/24/10(Sat)12:24 No.33892XXX
    >Looks for KnJ
    >finds nothing
    Aw man, that would have been hilarious...
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:25 No.33892XXX
         File1272126308.jpg-(20 KB, 408x245, 1245281560865.jpg)
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    the fuck am I looking at
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:25 No.33892XXX
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    >Welcome to MOES, Members Observing Efficient Sigs.

    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:27 No.33892XXX
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    wtf their more attractive then half of us ever will be.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:27 No.33892XXX
    The reviews are actually fine, but the forum is fucking retarded.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:27 No.33892XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:27 No.33892XXX
    Just reading from the green text has already lit my rage a bit, I'd rather stay out from it rather than having a heart attack because of high blood pressure.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:28 No.33892XXX
         File1272126483.jpg-(344 KB, 1280x720, 1269991760930.jpg)
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    >Revolutionary Girl Utena
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:28 No.33892XXX
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    What a shock, they don't like Elfen Lied. I lol'd.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:28 No.33893XXX
    >implying anybody over 14 likes Elfen Lied.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:31 No.33893XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:31 No.33893XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:32 No.33893XXX

    This just doesnt make sense in any way.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:32 No.33893XXX

    >Religious Material Details
    >Haruhi is God, and she sure isn’t Yahweh. Despite the presence of a creating god, the show’s universe appears to generate naturally and atheistically. The worst of both worlds? If you’re looking at Haruhi as a serious attempt at cosmology, certainly. Even as fiction, it’s quite clear that the writers are asking their questions in a framework that doesn’t expect any answers from above.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:32 No.33893XXX
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    >I know I will regret this... [pic]
    >so far I think you win....
    >Why? Because I'm Asian? XD
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:32 No.33893XXX
    I loved the story and atmosphere but the random nudity ruined it for me. If you are mature enough for the violence and nudity you'll get a tragic series out of this. I cannot recommend it under any circumstance.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:33 No.33893XXX
         File1272126796.jpg-(34 KB, 347x347, 1263986684514.jpg)
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    Too bad she's saving herself for marriage and you'll never get anything from her except for quick, boring sex in the missionary position once a month in the name of procreation.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:34 No.33893XXX
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    >> Elekari !lNagato3DA 04/24/10(Sat)12:35 No.33893XXX
    >No Boku No Pico review
    >You can submit a review
    >> MisterDetective !!PNO0L8Juzyg 04/24/10(Sat)12:35 No.33893XXX
         File1272126905.png-(201 KB, 850x695, d01fbd09305b4900f5fdd698ca0b52(...).png)
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    What do think think of NEEDLESS?
    >> M. 04/24/10(Sat)12:35 No.33893XXX
         File1272126908.png-(63 KB, 310x258, Goku_powering_up_for_20minutes.png)
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    These people seem pretty weird, TBH. And I'm a Christian myself.

    >missionary position

    OH GOD
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:36 No.33893XXX
    oh god someone do it
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:37 No.33893XXX

    More like uglier than the average [a/non.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:37 No.33893XXX

    They're probably too busy fapping to review it.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:38 No.33893XXX
         File1272127099.jpg-(50 KB, 1024x768, 1271108415359.jpg)
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    This is possibly the worst site I've seen on the internet
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:38 No.33893XXX
    she only watches dubs of shitty entry-level series. i guarantee it.
    >> Elekari !lNagato3DA 04/24/10(Sat)12:38 No.33893XXX

    Writing out a review in my head, gonna make it seem like a family-friendly christian anime...
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:39 No.33893XXX
    >on 4chan

    Be sure to send me a postcard from Hell.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:39 No.33893XXX

    Yes yes yes yes. Recommend it for everyone, all ages. Say they should watch it with their families.

    >> Elekari !lNagato3DA 04/24/10(Sat)12:40 No.33893XXX

    I'll copypasta the review here when I'm finished
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:40 No.33893XXX
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    make me proud [a /
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:40 No.33893XXX
    Do not Discuss Animu:
    Neon Genesis Evangelion
    End of Evangelion
    Evangelion: Death and Rebirth
    Angel Sanctuary
    Bible Black
    Yami No Matsuei
    Revolutionary Girl Utena

    made me smirk
    >Bible Black
    when I saw that I laughed like a maniac
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:40 No.33893XXX
         File1272127235.png-(9 KB, 211x136, smack.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:40 No.33893XXX
    I'm Christian and what is this.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:42 No.33893XXX
    get out
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:42 No.33893XXX
    What's wrong with Evangellions?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:42 No.33893XXX
    Someone make a Berserk Thread ASAP
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:43 No.33893XXX
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:43 No.33893XXX
         File1272127400.jpg-(251 KB, 1354x616, screen_167.jpg)
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    just fuck your dog already
    >> Elekari !lNagato3DA 04/24/10(Sat)12:43 No.33893XXX

    May take me 20 minutes to a day, but it'll be finished soon
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:43 No.33893XXX
    Its got scary "NEW AGE" philosophy in it and talks about Adam and Eve and shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:43 No.33893XXX
         File1272127431.jpg-(44 KB, 768x432, 1264664160030.jpg)
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    I've heard a lot of negativity directed at Naruto and I thought I'd make up this thread so we Naruto fans can say why we still enjoy the show.
    Here are my reasons:
    1. Character Development: I really enjoy how the characters have changed over time. Sometimes I look at Naruto and say "Is this the same bratty kid who spent more time hitting on Sakura than anything else?" He's actually grown into a responsible person. I didn't really like Jiraya much at first, but when I learned his backstory, I began to rethink my perception of him.
    2. Creepy villains: Is it just me or are Orichimaru and Pain just plain creepy?
    3. Music: I have to say I enjoy the music to Shippuden more than the original. My favorite openers are "Heroes Come Back" (the first opener) and "Blue Bird" (the third opener). I also liked the "For You" closing with all the little kid versions of the characters playing around.
    4. The atmosphere: If the Village in the Leaves really existed, I wouldn't mind living there. It seems like a nice place.
    SO what about the rest of you?

    >tl;dr - naruto is ok.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:44 No.33893XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:45 No.33893XXX
    no u
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:45 No.33893XXX
    Well, looks like they have a furry on their hands. Thats gonna be hard one to explain to daddy the preacher.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:45 No.33893XXX
         File1272127553.gif-(139 KB, 200x150, 1270787811029.gif)
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    What about Kodomo No Jinkan?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:45 No.33893XXX
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    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:46 No.33893XXX
    This thread smacks of children. Stop ruining my /a/ you edgy teens.
    >> Rbo !ynVR.xq/s2 04/24/10(Sat)12:46 No.33893XXX
         File1272127578.png-(160 KB, 303x196, 35832527263987566554.png)
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    >this thread
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:47 No.33893XXX
    discuss all you want it isnt listed
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:47 No.33893XXX
    You mad because you're a conservative moralfag religiontard that needs to leave /a/?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:47 No.33893XXX
         File1272127651.jpg-(44 KB, 700x394, setsuna-f-seiei1.jpg)
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    Muslim atheist appears.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:48 No.33893XXX
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    People are frightening sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:49 No.33893XXX
    christians don't like gays

    see >>33892087
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:49 No.33893XXX

    Somebody needs to make this sound like it's for all ages and submit a review on it too.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:49 No.33893XXX
    I'm a Christian, and I post on /a/ and enjoy anime.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:49 No.33893XXX
         File1272127778.jpg-(41 KB, 720x480, Shoujo Kakumei Utena - 27.mkv_(...).jpg)
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    >Revolutionary Girl Utena
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:49 No.33893XXX
    Why are people getting angry at christfags who watch animu?
    >> MisterDetective !!PNO0L8Juzyg 04/24/10(Sat)12:50 No.33893XXX
         File1272127801.jpg-(56 KB, 1201x280, b.jpg)
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    Looks like they don't like hentai.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)12:50 No.33893XXX
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