ITT: screencaps
Hurray, time to celebrate how unfunny 4chan is.
ITT, people post screencaps of threads they where in that they thought where LOL EPIC XD, but actually aren't funny at all.And if anybody posts a cap of a rp thread they are officially king faggot.
>>33891913>>33891909Haha, oh wow.
>>33891913Even worse when you try to shoop in a successful combo you've tried, and failed at, everyday.
Were the last 4 digits blocked since yesterday or did it just change?
From yesterday
>>33891986Even worse is that he doesn't know the difference between "where" and "were".
>>33891995some faggot from /g/ started shit when he got the "33888888 get" with a 'you amd' biri biri pic. Tripfaggotry commenced, moot got tired of it. This happened about an hour ago
>>33892396Oh lawdy
so, does anyone have older screencaps frmo when /a/ had some actually funny threads?