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  • File : 1272047755.png-(797 KB, 1079x608, yuislappedwithmoney.png)
    797 KB Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:35 No.33851266  

    I got shitloads of money and I don't know what to do with it.

    I'm a programmer which rarely leaves his house, because I'm allowed to do most of my work from home, and I don't particularly like anything, except for anime and video games.

    Since I pirate those, I practically don't spend money for anything else than basic food/bills/maintenance. Over the years the money on my bank account has stocked up to a big pile and I really have no idea what to do with it.

    I need suggestions on what to spend money on. I don't want to buy anime/video games because I don't like the direction they are going and I don't want to support the industry.

    I was thinking that maybe I should buy servers to host files so more people can pirate. I also went to a lot of fansub sites and donated some money. But my money doesn't seem to go away.

    Should I maybe get an otaku room? Full of expensive figurines and dakimakura? Will anime/video game companies get any money if I buy shit like that?

    And no, I won't send you any.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:36 No.33851300
    Put it all into junk bonds.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:37 No.33851332
    Seriously man, don't spend any money if you dont know what to buy.

    Invest in a new hobby if you have to, like piano.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:38 No.33851361
    >I got shitloads of money and I don't know what to do with it.
    stopped reading there. if you dont know what to do then you deserve to be poor
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:38 No.33851371
    Are you me of the future?
    Wait, I'll have University loans to pay off.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:38 No.33851378
    go to some poor country, and buy a loli sex slave
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:39 No.33851403
    Didn't they lock up Garry Glitter for trying that?
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:39 No.33851422
    Go to Japan

    ejaculate on unsuspecting women
    In Japan public sperm related offences are common
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:39 No.33851426
    This, learn an instrument.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:40 No.33851461
    Buy a house, car, and travel.

    No need to force yourself in buying random shit like anime figures.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:41 No.33851480
    Get a girlfriend.
    That'll take care of you excessive money problems.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:41 No.33851493
    I think they'd be much less tolerant if it was a Gaijin barbarian.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:41 No.33851503
    They cost $20 where I live so I don't think that will help.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:41 No.33851513
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    Get something like this
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:42 No.33851534
    Invest that shit and become richer.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:43 No.33851569
    The question you should ask yourself is: do you want 1,000,000 one dollar whores, or one $1,000,000 whore?
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:44 No.33851621
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    I was thinking of something along these lines to be honest.

    Too risky.

    I don't want either of those.

    But I already have a waifu. Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:44 No.33851640
    How did you become a programmer? I'm pretty antisocial myself, so a job like that would be perfect
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:46 No.33851678
    Buy a new house, go travel the fucking world.
    >> 魔女ッ子taku !!+u6GlUR97Zg 04/23/10(Fri)14:46 No.33851684
    Give it to moot.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:46 No.33851719
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:47 No.33851726
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    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:47 No.33851734
    Programmer working from home huh?
    Yeah, okay. Good luck with that.
    My suggestion is to save your money; you'll be needing it soon.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:47 No.33851738
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    Find something you love and spoil yourself. For me, that's Mega Man. I buy quite a bit of stuff that is from that series. Books, doujin, figures, the video games themselves and their Japanese counterparts. It all depends on what you love. Personally, I love books and figures so my collection reflects that, though I do have some CDs and other novelties.

    In the end, only you can decide what you truly want. Buying a server isn't such a bad idea, and heck, if you want to MAKE some more money, you could even sell some hosting to some people who're currently providing pirated anime.

    Have fun with your money! Getting it is fun, but getting rid of it is always more fun!
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:48 No.33851769
    hire a team to build you a gundam! lol
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:48 No.33851784
    I live my life for entertainment, but you already said you don't want to buy anime or vidya gaems so I have no suggestions.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:49 No.33851807
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    Buy a bigger harddrive.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:49 No.33851818
    buy a house in a gated community so your computer will be safer
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:49 No.33851821
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:51 No.33851882

    Source on this, what anime is this glorious "Ritsu" from
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:52 No.33851936
    -Buy suits, wear suits all the time.
    -Get a crazy Japanese toilet with washer/dryer.
    -Get some Roombas.
    -Replace all the doors in your house with automatic sliding doors.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:52 No.33851937
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:52 No.33851945
    BUY the anime and video games you actually do want to support?

    Or you could always buy an empty pool, throw it all in there and start swimming.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:53 No.33852011
    have kids and put them in Swiss Boarding school

    Give them a good life you never had
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:54 No.33852039
    You seem to like K-On! so I suggest you buy all the instruments/equipment that appear in the show, like the Japanese hardcore fans do.

    They are quite expensive, the money doesn't go to the producers and having them will make you happy.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:55 No.33852063


    and get some CD's and Stocks.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:55 No.33852064
    Play World of Warcraft and buy a CELESTIAL STEED
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:55 No.33852069
    OP, you're my future self.
    I don't have a steady income right now so I'm not spending any, but when I do I'll be exactly like that.
    Having money without being infected by consumerism eh
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:55 No.33852087
    For the love of everything that's holy, DON'T start buying figurines.

    Seriously, all your money will go away with that and you will be embarassed to bring anyone to your room. It's not even a guilty pleasure, it's a guilty guilt.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:55 No.33852097
    I wish I could make money from home. I'm so scared of gettingna job ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:56 No.33852106
    use it somehow to troll people in real life

    you'll feel great
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:56 No.33852132
    server farm sounds like a good idea if you aren't a fig enthusiast.

    Are you sure there aren't any new electronics you are interested in buying? New computer, new TV, etc? How about a comfier chair? A new mattress?

    Personally I would invest in a really nice DDR arcade set, but I'm a rhythm gaming enthusiast.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:56 No.33852135
    Be the first man to actually do this.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:56 No.33852145
    >> TRDR! > DRRR! !5EYJ7VxEeU 04/23/10(Fri)14:57 No.33852176
    Have you tried drugs?
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:57 No.33852190
    Buy better versions of things you like. Huge TVs, expensive as fuck computers, sweet ass chairs...
    >> Lei !!/ht2N+ZVBnx 04/23/10(Fri)14:57 No.33852193
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    How much money? You should go to AIC and produce a Seto no Hanayome season 2.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:59 No.33852237

    Pay Funimation to bring School Days over to America.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:59 No.33852243
         File1272049150.jpg-(27 KB, 640x358, 1246732332934.jpg)
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    OP, you don't like where anime is going? You have money? Make one yourself, faggot!
    Hire animators and a composer, pick a non-popular manga you like and fucking buy it/ask author if he wants it to be animated. Sub it yourself / hire translator.
    Or make a game based on anime/manga
    >> Super Robo (The Return of the HERO) !WVsQRm30Y6 04/23/10(Fri)14:59 No.33852253
    Get a social life.
    Get a girlfriend.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)14:59 No.33852257
    Give me a nice high-end PC first and we'll talk.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)15:00 No.33852292
    Fork Plan 9, disregard bitches, achieve SATORI.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)15:01 No.33852334
    Make everything in your house look like it's from the future.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)15:01 No.33852336
         File1272049293.jpg-(111 KB, 840x1120, 014c43a1202a20590a8db37e9a4baf(...).jpg)
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    You inspired me to hunt down real copies of my favorite games I only experienced as ROMs. Cheers

    So he can run off to Mexico again? No thanks.

    This is an great idea. I'll definitely do this. Can learn to play something too.

    Already ordered a few. Will see how I'll feel.

    I still have to go to the office twice a week, I just do most of the work from home.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)15:01 No.33852342
    Which languages do you know?
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)15:02 No.33852365
    >I don't want to buy anime/video games because I don't like the direction they are going and I don't want to support the industry.
    Fuck the hell off then, why ask on an anime board you dumbshit. Oh right, you just wanted to brag. Nobody cares that you got your first job.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)15:02 No.33852372
    >>ITT People getting trolled, not realising it
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)15:02 No.33852380
    >go to office twice a week
    This is me too, not a programmer though.
    I spend money on blu-ray discs.
    >> Pixel !Robot5E.jE 04/23/10(Fri)15:05 No.33852490
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    Have a pool built.
    Fill the pool with Jell-O
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)15:05 No.33852513
    Actual production costs: $150,000+ an ep
    Costs to get pretty much whatever the fuck broadcast, you get back whatever gets made on advertising and an agency handles the details: $500,000-$1,000,000+ an ep

    He's a programmer, not a hedge fund manager. If he's sitting on a few years' savings a oneshot OAV might be doable.

    Alternatively: Actually sponsor a subgroup. Dictate what they work on, when they get it done, pay them going rate, troll the fuck out of group leaders who post on /a/.

    For $3,000-$40,000 an ep you can do this legitimately and just give the discs away.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)15:05 No.33852515
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)15:06 No.33852547
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    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)15:06 No.33852556
    I've always thought a late night security guard at a company or something would be a cool job. Nobody around, just sit there and get paid
    >> Anonymous 04/23/10(Fri)15:07 No.33852578

    Lol 150k an episode? Are you serious? I don't think you even have an idea on how much it really is.

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