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04/21/10(Wed)18:40 No.33774283 File1271889626.jpg-(65
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 First, I would buy all the
necessities for raising a baby. She would be with me at all times during
the day, and put to sleep in a proper crib.
Fast forward a few
years. I take her to school. While she's home I do my best to make sure
she's a well-informed person. Unless she wants to do a sport of some
type, we go hiking together or go for simple walks to bond. We also go
to parks so that she can meet other kids. She's so cute when she plays,
it brings out that genuine smile of hers.
By this time in our
life together I have improved my culinary skills, so most of the time I
cook her meals. I gradually teach her how to do chores and how to cook,
and reward her as such. I need some help around the house if I'm a
single parent, after all. She's skilled at many of the things I teach
her, even more so than her old pops. She even teases me about it
sometimes, like when I crack an egg and get some of the shell in the
As she ages into her teen years I continue to encourage her
to succeed and pursue what she wants in life, so we discuss her future
goals. I help her the best I can. I know by now the life we so closely
cherished will soon be over, and it kills me inside. But I'm also happy,
because my lovely daughter is getting the most out of her life, even
with the misfortune of having only one incompetent dad.
the college years are here. I've gotta say good bye. What a bittersweet
feeling. I try to hold back my tears, but my insightful daughter knows
I'm choked up. As I see her off she gives me a kiss on the cheek and
thanks me for doing my best. I force an awkward, yet goofy smile and she
chuckles as she walks into her ready dormitory.
That's the
general idea of it. |