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    Oh hey, the shit has e-mailed me in the past. Will post those in a few.
    Here they are. Who knows this guy? He brags about friends coming to him and complaining—"Chris Beer" from New Zealand.
    (Googling "" has a few interesting hits.)

    File : 1270998404.jpg-(38 KB, 450x338, 1216491546400_f.jpg)
    38 KB Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:06 No.33307037  
    This show is up there. Up there with the most misunderstood animus of the last 2 decades.


    It may have a premise that is catered to young women struggling with their sexuality, and it may have the most fucking annoying Intro/Outro I've ever bared witness to, and hell, the fanbase is fucking atrocious. These are all reasons why it's tossed aside so much by people these days, and of course, these are reasons why it is so misunderstood.


    If you're willing to look past this, you might find that Ouran is absolutely brilliant. It stands alongside Azumanga Diaoh and H&C and holds the title of most well conducted ensemble cast in the entirety of SoL animu. Every single character is brilliantly developed. They're also all worth their weight in relevancy, to which they all equally bounce off each other fluently.

    Did I mention how things actually 'happen' in each episode? The writers were actually using their brains, apparently. This is of course very rare in SoL animu.

    And in spite of the premise, there is a sheer lack of fanservice. I was seriously expecting the female lead to be thoroughly exploited, but no.

    To wit :

    Any of you out there who have dropped this show half an episode in (like I did at first), I really think you should reconsider and pick it up again. You won't regret it.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:08 No.33307068
    >And in spite of the premise, there is a sheer lack of fanservice. I was seriously expecting the female lead to be thoroughly exploited, but no.

    No sir, there is fanservice. You must realise that this is a shoujo. It does not cater fanservice to the male viewers.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:09 No.33307079
    i tell people like you countless times, but you do not listen to your sempai, also i enjoyed the way the END came in
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:09 No.33307080
    it is indeed funny
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:09 No.33307085
    I saw a fat fangirl reading it on the subway.

    No im not giving it a chance.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:09 No.33307088
    is that the anime with the epic reverse trap?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:09 No.33307095
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    >the most fucking annoying Intro/Outro I've ever bared witness to
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:10 No.33307101
    >it may have the most fucking annoying Intro/Outro I've ever bared witness to
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:10 No.33307103
    It was one of my first anime. Liked it because it was funny back in the day. Also, Kiss Kiss fall in love is awesome. Agree on the ending though.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:11 No.33307136
    OP, I share the exact same opinion as you.

    The anime was definitely great. I enjoyed every minute of it. The only reason this show gets bad reputation is simply because of the fanbase.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:12 No.33307144
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:12 No.33307152
    >lack of fanservice.

    Dear anonymous. To us women or maybe some gay men this animu had crap load of fanservice and plenty of scenes fap to.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:12 No.33307153
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:12 No.33307154
    I'm stll reading the manga
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:12 No.33307159
    As far as I'm aware, [a/ more or less agrees that this anime is awesome. Other communities, however, would probably be a bit put off by it due to some of the weird fetishes involved.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:13 No.33307162
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:13 No.33307169


    Fuck, this must be how WOMEN feel when they watch shows like Kampfer, huh.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:13 No.33307172
    >Every single character is brilliantly developed. They're also all worth their weight in relevancy, to which they all equally bounce off each other fluently.

    Apart from Takashi.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:13 No.33307180
    There was pleanty of fanservice. I appreciated it
    >> Tsundere !XIPRZ1UDlw 04/11/10(Sun)11:13 No.33307182
    >annoying Intro/Outro
    KISS KISS FALL IN LOVE I can excuse, but Shissou is not annoying!

    >And in spite of the premise, there is a sheer lack of fanservice
    You REALLY misunderstood this, huh?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:13 No.33307192
    But at least the show acknowledges the fact that it panders creepy fetish groups.

    "You're a gay pedophile and we know it"
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:14 No.33307204
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    You should have just posted this.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:14 No.33307207
    Or generally any other fan-pandering shows.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:15 No.33307220
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    >people not liking Ouran's ED
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:15 No.33307221
    it is indeed very funny and very well done

    i suggest you go watch it
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:15 No.33307225
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    pic related
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:15 No.33307230
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:16 No.33307248
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    Also, best character in the show, he needed at least one more episode imo.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:17 No.33307265
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:18 No.33307301
    >Not liking KISS KISS FALL IN LOVE

    Suck my fabulous cock.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:20 No.33307375
    Meh, it was good. It wasn't the best, but it's up there in the top tier of anime.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:20 No.33307377
    OP here

    I should reiterate, when I say fanservice, I mean lewd, blatant fanservice, ala boobshots/crotchshots etc. Of course, I considered the sparkles and foggy camera shots to be satire and laughable. But I guess if you look into it, there was actually women out there who got wet over that sort of thing : A form of fanservice I'm less familiar with (also one I'm less annoyed by, as I find it laughable).
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:21 No.33307392
    hello newfriend, you must be quite new here.

    thanks for the recommendation, but most of /a/ has watched and loves Ouran.

    >no fanservice

    wait, what?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:22 No.33307417

    No joke.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:23 No.33307458
    I admit /a/ after every episode I wen to bathroom and fapped like a goddamn thunder while imagining all those boys in perverted sitations
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:24 No.33307465
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    Shiro should have got more screen time.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:24 No.33307478
    Ouran is a fun show. Girls like it because it has all the typical shojo tropes, guys like it because it makes fun of all those tropes.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:25 No.33307484
    The female audience does not their fanservice shit crammed down their throats; they like to imagine shit happening.

    Sparkles and bubbles.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:26 No.33307507
    The Lobelia girls episodes were shit.
    >> Shinji Matou !!WkywU9y+p7k 04/11/10(Sun)11:28 No.33307548
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:29 No.33307570

    Admittedly, yes, they were annoying. But we have episodes like 'Haruhi In Wonderland' and 'The Door The Twins Opened' to make up for this.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:29 No.33307572
    Dear God.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:30 No.33307601
    My favourite epoisode was "Honey senpai's three bitter days".
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:31 No.33307618

    Did nekozawa ever find out if haruhi was a girl or not? They never really say and then, poof, he graduates and is never seen again.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:31 No.33307619

    okay, now I feel very bad for laughing at that.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:33 No.33307656

    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:33 No.33307669
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    No fanservice?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:35 No.33307710
    I think it's one of the best modern shoujo anime ever. Too bad manga got much worse.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:37 No.33307753
    Somehow I ignored all the gay fanservice in the show.
    >> Anomalous 04/11/10(Sun)11:38 No.33307786
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)11:39 No.33307824
    Beelzeneff is a bro

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