Angel Beats
They were paid?
>>33228691>>33228670>>33228718ITT: We realize Japanese people never wore braces.
Voice actors?
>>33228783What the fuck is this guy implying?
>>33228760Two things: sage only works in the email field, and sage only works if it's lowercase only. Try doing NOKO in capitals if you need proof.
This is all funnier than it should be.
>>33228797Oh you know, he's implying your usual implications.
cool story gorespammer
>>33228891Jesus Christ.
>>33228891you must post in this thread if the first thing you saw was the poster for the new hakuto no ken game.
My god, I never realized Japan had such low standards. No wonder hardly any good anime comes out anymore.
>>33229187Damn right I did.
>>33228634Is that... me?
why do they look like retards?>angel beatsoh wait
Kinda pointless to sub this...>[Tortoise-Commie]lol, nvm
>>33228634That's my face when I orgasm
>>33229247The problem is, compared with - to say - Haruhi, it's animation sucks hard. Especially character design.Really, sometimes bad to look at it (even though it had some visual orgy parts too)
>>33229410First Haruhi or K-on Haruhi?
>>33229292>>33229335>>33229359>>33229376Yes, but consider that GL 15 had over 22000 frames of animation, whereas an important episode in your normal series has around 12000.I think it still equates to GL's being superior even against a 52 episode animu because even by normal standards it is so infinitely superior.
>>33229376Angel Beats is 2.5 times better than other anime.
>>33229407holy shit it is kubo.
>>33229407I shat bricks
>>33229292Wait, can someone clarify at how many frames animation is in? Generally 30frames/sec is the standard for most things, but by his calculations, it's be under one frame /sec.
This is pretty hilarious, downloading this shit lol
>>33229407Oh shit. This explains EVERYTHING.
>>33229491It's 24fps, but most of the time is spent on stills, or just mouths moving, or repeating frames.
>>33229521that picture is perfect trolling material
>>33228891>High quality, beautiful animation>>33228649>There was a lot of scenes that made me cry.
You will never be asked your opinion on an anime in Akihabara.;_;
loled at this shit
>>33228891He's talking about Maeda's older works (Clannad mostly, I'm guessing).>>33228783He's talking about the time before had really started to work on his writing.
>>33229376>>33229359flawless logic
It's almost depressing...