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  • File : 1270439172.jpg-(109 KB, 600x852, spiral6.jpg)
    109 KB Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)23:46 No.33002382  
    The spirals build a team through friendship, determination, and manliness.

    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)23:47 No.33002428
    Your post in /k/ is going to get deleted. /k/ actually has a mod now; a GOOD mod.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)23:47 No.33002438
         File1270439269.png-(237 KB, 720x406, antisrift.png)
    237 KB
    Bricks shat. 10/10
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)23:48 No.33002466
    wait what...GODDAMN IT!
    >> Solidus Snake !!1eBNuI7j9uX 04/04/10(Sun)23:49 No.33002483
    it never ends!
    >> Aleister !4f1XClJGLE 04/04/10(Sun)23:49 No.33002509
         File1270439391.gif-(22 KB, 647x393, 1265418751612.gif)
    22 KB
    Good show OP

    I applaud you.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/10(Sun)23:50 No.33002524
    i don't know too much about this spiral stuff but I would bang yoko

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