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  • File : 1269988797.gif-(555 KB, 400x225, 1266044153757.gif)
    555 KB Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)18:39 No.32760037  
    What the hell is Boku no Pico and why does everyone recomend it?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)18:40 No.32760057
    Lurk forever.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)18:41 No.32760085
    Have you tried Google, OP?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)18:41 No.32760095
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)18:43 No.32760130
    A show about japanese girls spilling yoghurt.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)18:43 No.32760140
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)18:43 No.32760150
    Shota porn, perfect for trolling.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)18:44 No.32760158
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)18:44 No.32760177
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)18:45 No.32760196
    It's one of the few animu that /a/ agrees upon. It have a great plot, deep characters, and solid animation. I can't believe you're on /a/ and haven't watched it yet. Don't listen to other people and look it up on wikipedia. You're just going to read spoilers which is going to ruin the experience for you.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)18:45 No.32760197
    new fags
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)18:46 No.32760215
    Its gay little boy hentai and is recommended in an attempt to make a poor unsuspecting Anonymous watch it.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)18:48 No.32760271
    >>implying RECOMMEND BOKU NO PICO EPIC LOLZ isn't newfaggotry

    OH WOW
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)18:51 No.32760398
    welcome to [a/ newfag
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)18:51 No.32760402

    As this is 4chan, when someone asks a source, they tell them about the Shota hentai Boku no Pico.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)18:55 No.32760526
    So it isn't like Naruto or anything?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)18:56 No.32760556
    >>32760271 see >>32760057

    The only appropriate response.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)18:57 No.32760610
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)18:58 No.32760628

    So in which we let everyone know that Boku no Pico as the name of an anime when asked is trolling? That's inappropriate?

    'cause I'm doing it right now.

    Feels gooooood man.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)18:59 No.32760664

    Only in respect that you'd rather not let most of your peers know you watch it.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)19:04 No.32760847
         File1269990275.jpg-(50 KB, 720x540, 10284763.jpg)
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    It's a fighting anime, not some shotacon shit.

    Here's Pico, he's raped ten thousand women and children, has lived for over 9000 years, and is immortal. He has a weakness, however. Once a fighter can attain the power of "Boku" or "Hidden Crane Fist", they can defeat the immortal at the Black Tournament held every four years on Deadwatch Isle. Rich men from around the world create teams of demon fighters to participate.

    The power of Boku is difficult to attain. The person must first die, then be reborn as a Spirit Fighter, an agent for King Enma of the dead. That person must also have demon blood within them along with a naturally high power of Soul Energy. Once they master this, they can achieve Boku. But no one has managed to master this in the last 9000 years and Pico has terrorized the world ever since.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)19:05 No.32760895

    Oh, lawd, is that sum Yu Yu Hakusho?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)19:06 No.32760923

    No, it's Boku no Pico faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)19:07 No.32760948
    i watched all of boku no pico with /b/ and it was amazing
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)19:08 No.32760971

    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)19:08 No.32760983
    You can't say you're an otaku till you've seen Boku no Pico.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)19:09 No.32761020

    This is arguable.

    However, hope you like dicks!
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)19:13 No.32761144
    So is it like bleach?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)19:13 No.32761155
    Someone post that forum screencap, it appears it's lost in my image folders ;_;
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)19:16 No.32761252
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    You must be new here, have a fish.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)19:18 No.32761311
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)19:19 No.32761358
    Thanks bro
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)19:20 No.32761400
    old but always funny
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)19:21 No.32761418
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