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  • File : 1269926053.jpg-(38 KB, 704x396, faGGot.jpg)
    38 KB Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:14 No.32734097  
    ITT: " It must have been [gg]" subs.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:14 No.32734118
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:15 No.32734126
    ITT: Idiots who don't understand localisation.
    >> Heterosexual Faggot Kobrakai !1UATouUUMA 03/30/10(Tue)01:15 No.32734134
    in b4 checkmate
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:15 No.32734143
    superior subs lol
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:15 No.32734150
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:16 No.32734185
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    inb4 bakemonogatari
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:20 No.32734318
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    >[gg]'s subbing strategy
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:20 No.32734332
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:21 No.32734381
    yes, like you
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:22 No.32734393
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:23 No.32734447
    YES! MORE AWESOME FANSUBS! I love these threads.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:26 No.32734515
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    >> Rape-Chan !!DhEZOUaepXX 03/30/10(Tue)01:29 No.32734607
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    Jesus Christ that really is awful.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:29 No.32734611
    No, like anyone who complains when the meaning remains equivalent, as with the majority of gg's localisation choices.
    >> Aniki-tan !VGirlUzMOE 03/30/10(Tue)01:30 No.32734643
    ...Are you being serious?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:31 No.32734648
    What is wrong with [gg] subs? I don't think I've ever watched anything that they have worked on.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:31 No.32734659
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:32 No.32734673
    But none of the ones that have been posted are even from gg.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:32 No.32734680

    Sup Koda.
    >> Aniki-tan !VGirlUzMOE 03/30/10(Tue)01:32 No.32734683
    That coalguys early release episode sure was awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:32 No.32734688
    Butthurt weeaboos miss their honorifics and jumbled Japanenglish grammar
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:33 No.32734719
    People don't like the fact they do a localisation instead of a direct translation. They change things around so they mean pretty much the same, but make more sense to people with less knowledge of Japanese culture and humour. They also add curse-words in instead of impolite wording, which butthurt weeaboos don't like, even though it's the Western way of representing a certain level of rudeness towards somebody.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:34 No.32734739
    The troll subs for the first K-ON episode were fucking hilarious.
    >> Rape-Chan !!DhEZOUaepXX 03/30/10(Tue)01:34 No.32734741
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    What, I mean sure it's funny.

    But don't they have superiors or something? I don't see how they can get away with that.

    Unless of course...
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:35 No.32734769
    There's being an asshole, then there's being an aspie.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:35 No.32734774
    >localisation instead of a direct translation
    Oh then I understand completely.
    I don't watch them in Japanese because of voice acting.
    It's because I hate it how they change what they are saying.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:35 No.32734779
    Calling people on /a/ weeaboos? You're on the wrong board. We like the honorifics.
    >> Aniki-tan !VGirlUzMOE 03/30/10(Tue)01:36 No.32734793
    >Unless of course...

    My favourite was:

    Or whatever they put.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:36 No.32734798
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:36 No.32734811
    It means the exact same, it's just a different way of saying it.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:37 No.32734842
    Japanese doesn't really have curse words though. Just "I'm talking impolitely at you" words.

    Temee doesn't mean "goddamn motherfucking cunt whore" and people who are like, hurr durr, localisation, don't understand translation.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:38 No.32734868
    If you spoke like that to Japan, they'd look at you like you'd just raped their mother.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:38 No.32734886
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:39 No.32734893
    What do you mean you can be verbally rude to someone without calling them a 'slutty bitch cunt'?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:39 No.32734906
    Guess what? In the West we have "I'm talking impolitely at you" words too. They're called curse words.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:39 No.32734910
    I watch subs for the original experience, if I cared about localization I'd wait for dubs.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:40 No.32734928
    gg is too stupid to write tone into their translation.
    >> erejnion 03/30/10(Tue)01:40 No.32734937
    yeah, these trollsubs were really funny.

    on the other hand, it's really annoying when newfags start to show screenshots from them as actual failsubs.
    >> J !!VfRninXKCz+ 03/30/10(Tue)01:41 No.32734963
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:41 No.32734972

    And we also have "I'm talking impolitely at you" that aren't curse words.

    What's your point?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:41 No.32734982
    You know what? The word faggot does not belong in my cartoons, that doesn't happen in the west either. If you want to claim it's 'localization not trolling,' explain why 'faggot' is so prolific in their subs?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:42 No.32734995
    No we don't. Lrn2English.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:42 No.32735014

    lol stop beng so srs fgt xD
    >> J !!VfRninXKCz+ 03/30/10(Tue)01:43 No.32735020
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:43 No.32735026
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:43 No.32735034
    I like gg's subs...
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:43 No.32735045
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:44 No.32735058
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:44 No.32735060
    You don't have to be such a jerk about it.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:44 No.32735071
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:45 No.32735074
    so how long before this is put up on sankaku?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:45 No.32735079
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    Hello limited vocabulary.



    Let me guess. You're the kind of person who swears like a sailor IRL and can't get a point across without saying "fuck" at least once?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:45 No.32735083
    They go for how people actually converse in real life, rather than the horrible mess most cartoons/dubbed anime show.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:46 No.32735107

    so funi xD
    >> erejnion 03/30/10(Tue)01:46 No.32735119
    We HEAR our honorifics. The honorifics in the subtitles maybe would be useful to people who know at least a little about the Japanese culture... but they would be easily able to figure them out on their own while listening to the show, so pretty much it defeats all purpose and you just scare newfags with particles they don't understand. I at least don't think scaring newfags away from anime is a good thing.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:46 No.32735123
    I liked [gg]'s subs for Baka Test. The comments like that made it very enjoyable for me.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:46 No.32735128
    Actually I'm in the third year of an English degree, at a university in England. I also did Japanese as a side module in my first two years.

    Nice try though.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:46 No.32735133
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:46 No.32735134
    So many anally aggravated fansubbers here. Look, your localizations are just as bad as a direct translation of the words. Both lose a lot of meaning. What you should aim for is a good translation, and that has elements of both direct translating and localization. Let me show you what I mean. Let's take the Japanese phrase "gou ni haitte wa gou ni shittagae."
    Direct translation - "when in someone's native land, follow their laws." This is incredibly stilted and while the words have been translated into English, the nuance of the phrase has not been translated.
    Localization - "quit being a faggot and do what I do." While this gets somewhat closer to the meaning, it loses just as much trying to be cool.
    Good translation - "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." The Japanese phrase has been translated into an phrase that any English speaker should be familiar with and has the same meaning as the original Japanese dialogue.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:47 No.32735141
    >In the West we have "I'm talking impolitely at you" words too. They're called curse words.
    They're called "I'm insulting you" words.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:47 No.32735144
    >credentials on the internet

    Hey, me too!
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:47 No.32735145
    not everyone converses using the word faggot out loud all the time

    just a tip
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:48 No.32735174
    Yes they do.

    If you don't, you're a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:48 No.32735189
    >I watch subs for the original experience
    PROTIP: The only way to get the "original" experience is to be completely fluent in Japanese (both language and culture) and watch it raw. Any other way is diluting the "experience", and no, subs are not closer to the original than a dub. It fucks with plenty of shit like the pacing of lines, particular speech patterns, divides your attention between reading and actually watching, etc.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:48 No.32735190
    shitkaku has already done two "failsub" posts in the last week or so.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:49 No.32735216
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:50 No.32735232
    gg is fucking awesome, made baka test alot better IMO
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:50 No.32735241
    Demand a refund from your school, cause if you think stringing curse words together is the only way to be rude, you're not getting the education you're paying for. Hell, you're probably not even out of high school.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:50 No.32735244
    god damn you guys are a bunch of faggots, quit bitching about fansubbing and just learn to fucking deal with it, or learn to actually interpret japanese and watch the shit raw.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:50 No.32735252
    >Not say 'faggot' constantly

    nigga you trippin
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:50 No.32735254
    The "good translation" is what localization actually is. Your "localization" is just bad subs, nothing to do with localizing at all.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:51 No.32735290
    I could write an essay on evolution of language bollocks, and why it's acceptable in a media environment, but I can't be arsed. It's fucking 7AM.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:51 No.32735295

    Sup gg
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:51 No.32735313
    gg should just die for all I care.
    >> Sokai !!F3tzekPjXgA 03/30/10(Tue)01:52 No.32735319
    Wow, gg subs are way more entertaining, thank god I've been trusting them for a while.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:52 No.32735337
    Sup random /a/ fag?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:53 No.32735377
    IMO, swear words are the most efficient way of conveying disrespect, rage, etc. Anyone who intends to use the English language to the fullest can and should use some of them.

    That said, it depends on atmosphere. For Baka Test, it's ok because it's a school, which is an informal setting.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:54 No.32735383

    While I do appreciate the effort of proper localization, I still think there's a certain line when it comes to fansubs. Some shows just can't be localized very well, and any effort to do so alienates the [small] demographic that would watch it in the first place. Mostly, it's just shows set in Japan that this mindset affects, because all the honorifics and jokes/references are lost in translation. It's questionable whether shows like this would even be worth professional localization, seeing as how it still might not appeal to a typical Western viewer.

    Don't get me wrong though, I still love proper localization, but only if it works with the material. I mean, if I was watching a fantasy show like Slayers, I'd feel any use of honorifics were out of place. And proper localization usually gets rid of all those annoying "It can't be helped" and That is..." phrases, because the translators are too damn lazy to write anything creative/sensible.

    Basically, I'm saying that direct translations and localization should be applied in a case-by-case scenario.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:54 No.32735396
    I've never met an American worth speaking to who talked like that.

    most reasonable response in thread
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:54 No.32735403
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:55 No.32735420
    >Mazui/Ayako/Eclipse/TMD_Raze/KAA/[insert sub group here]>raws>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:55 No.32735424
    >> konakona !MpEqQLgus2 03/30/10(Tue)01:55 No.32735447
    i fucking love [gg]
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:55 No.32735448
    Thats a foul. I'm taking the ball and going home.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:56 No.32735479
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:57 No.32735501
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:57 No.32735514
    you're a faggot, and obviously not American, meaning your sensibilities are more in tune with a woman, and from your posts you are seemingly quite easily perturbed.

    That said, why the fuck are you on /a/, go watch your "good" translations you faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:57 No.32735524
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:58 No.32735546
    Rainer Wolfcastle: I play a man who has been gone from home for years, and when I return, I'm horrified to find out that my son is a nerd.
    Kent Brockman: Ha, ha! Hilarious!
    Rainer Wolfcastle: It's not a comedy!
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:58 No.32735550

    What are you? Fucking 12? It's past your bedtime.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:59 No.32735577
    >> konakona !MpEqQLgus2 03/30/10(Tue)01:59 No.32735579
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    also, does anyone else dislike the way 一、二and三年生 are translated into freshman, junior and senior?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)01:59 No.32735591
    If you fall for such an obvious troll, I think it's you that's up past their bedtime.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:00 No.32735608

    Nice comeback, try again when you grow hair on your nuts.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:00 No.32735612
    Yes, because I understand Japan's way of doing that shit better than America's way.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:00 No.32735633
    >Tough guy online!
    >Stutters in person!
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:01 No.32735645
    The same could be said for you. Keep watching your shitty translations.

    Maybe one day, you'll stop being such a filthy gaijin american pig and become a super sugoi nipponjin!
    >> ‬Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:02 No.32735676

    that is what you sound like.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:02 No.32735687
    hay guise let's argue about the usage of faggot in american culture

    that should make good conversation!
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:02 No.32735697
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:03 No.32735723
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:03 No.32735739
    I could do without the honorifics, but the localization is pretty shitty. Any use of the word "faggot" outside of 4chan makes you look like the /b/tards spouting memes in public.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:03 No.32735754
    >didn't read the thread
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:04 No.32735759
    I hate to break this to you, but the word "faggot" has been around for a lot longer than 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:04 No.32735770
    which of these shots are actually real and not doctored or troll subs
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:04 No.32735790
    kuns, chans etc have no need to be subbed.

    just tell me wtf my waifu is saying ACCURATELY, within 24 hours of the original airing and i have no problems

    and oh keep your shitty TN's to yourselves. WE DONT FUCKING CARE
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:05 No.32735814
    ITT: we bitch about [gg] doing what REAL, professional, subtitlers do: LOCALIZING.

    Because [gg] actually takes the time to localize many of their scripts, they (sometimes) impart a translated anime that captures the spirit of the original language better than any straight translation can.

    If you haven't seen it, go to YouTube and look up Otaking77077's 5-part video on anime fan-subbing for a better perspective of fan-subbing vs REAL subbing.

    I will grant you this: [gg] does go over the top every now and then with their profanity and other colloquialisms... but there are worse groups out there, those that translate words selectively.


    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:05 No.32735815
    Baka Test is the first show I've gotten from gg and I wouldn't use any other. Mochi's subs are lame weaboo bullshit, gg makes a good show into a great one.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:06 No.32735835
    Hate to be a /r/-fag, but /r/ing troll subs torrent name or link.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:06 No.32735842

    I do realize this, but it's usage is pretty synonymous with 4chan today. I hope you realize that saying "faggot" as an insult to anyone in public will flag you as a 4channer by anyone who's even browsed these boards in a heartbeat.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:06 No.32735845
    gg should have trollsubbed Umineko.

    Would have made it watchable if they had.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:07 No.32735854
    k im going to go out and say i enjoyed [gg]'s subs
    Nyan Koi
    Baka to Test
    I enjoyed these shows due to their humor and maybe [gg] had something to do with that.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:07 No.32735874

    The posts you linked to are saying the exact opposite of what you're saying.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:07 No.32735877
    Good Localization: Things that cannot be translated properly into English or references to Japanese culture that non-Japanese would not understand.

    Bad Localization: Changing the dialogue for the sake of sounding "common" or "natural english that you'd hear out on the street".

    Translation does not have to be word for word, but don't fucking change the entire sentence and add unnecessary additions to sound "mature" or, worse, to appease /a/.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:08 No.32735894
    wtf are you smoking? my dad calls gay's fags all the time and hes not a channer.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:08 No.32735899
    no, it'll just flag you as someone who's part of every day life. You need to step away from the computer and go outside every once in a while, not everything's 4chan related.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:08 No.32735904

    The localization alot of fansubs actually aim at are, US. We know quite a few groups are on /a/, and if you visit a few irc channels of even the good groups you know they are practically basement dwellers while spend all day on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:08 No.32735920

    I do step outside quite often, thanks for worrying. We'll just agree to disagree.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:09 No.32735927
    Please stop pretending that you're even remotely professional, Koda.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:09 No.32735928
    It really, REALLY isn't "synonymous" with 4chan, at all.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:09 No.32735948
    >Mochi's subs are accurate and bring a more "real" feel to the show

    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:09 No.32735951
    Pretty much.

    But let the kids fight each other more. They need to release stress from getting bullied all the time.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:10 No.32735963
    what's funny is that a majority of the posters probably don't understand enough Japanese to have a substantial opinion
    >> erejnion 03/30/10(Tue)02:10 No.32735964
    indeed; while their translation is over-the-top, it is actually quite good, especially for speedsubs. Thus, for watching it as ongoing, probably gg is the best group. I tend not to archive anime from them, tho. Didn't have much of a choice with SZS, but they did a really good job there translating everything, so it's ok.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:10 No.32735974

    Really? Go to any popular boards on 4chan and see if you can't find the word "faggot" scribbled all over the place like it's going out of style.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:10 No.32735978


    But it does flag you as someone who's incredibly obnoxious and immature.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:11 No.32736013

    Must just be the area I live in then.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:12 No.32736035

    I like to believe that since there were multiple groups subbing Baka Test, gg took more liberties with it, which can't be said of SZS.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:13 No.32736060

    The people my age who I know are not of the gaming community don't spam faggot as much as the people who I know have spent even a fleetingly short few weeks on here do.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:14 No.32736093
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    >> erejnion 03/30/10(Tue)02:14 No.32736099
    yeah, this is true. Still, there were things like the "troll" episode in Zan... which actually were pretty funny and sharp localizations, even if still over the top.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:16 No.32736154
    While it's true that someone who doesn't understand Japanese would have no credibility when talking about a group's accuracy, you don't need to know a word of Japanese to spot bad subs or localizations that bend over backwards to avoid falling over forward. Long before I learned Japanese, I could tell Working Designs was a horrible localization company because I found it incredibly hard to believe the Japanese would make a character spout badly pronounced Spanish in the middle of battle. Badly pronounced English? Sure. Spanish? No.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:17 No.32736186
    >Good translations leave awkward shit like "It can't be helped" in instead of adapting it to contextually to what is being said
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:18 No.32736230
    someone PLEASE tell me they have a screenshot of this
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:19 No.32736259

    After a while you realise that too literal sounds shit, no emotion, too much or too specific localization is clearly losing everything. Adding in words or phrases when a character is talking that don't fit the situation correctly is just annoying (character raging at someone and tl is along the lines of: Fuck, FUCK you, asshole, shithead [any LONG string of 'offensive' words you don't need a sentence of just swear words]).
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:20 No.32736287
    >Good translations cater to myself and /a/, because we're a super sekrit klub with awesome memes XD

    Also, "it can't be helped" is a common phrase that has been translated that way for a long fucking time. Unfortunately, there is no better alternative to translate that sentence into English. Welcome to Foreign Languages! They tend to be different than English. I know this must blow your mind right about now, but bear with me here.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:22 No.32736347
    i think you havent watched zatch bell
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:22 No.32736354

    I actually like Ted Woolsey's translations compared to the literal translations of square soft games so

    no opinion on WD though
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:25 No.32736459

    And then Bleach happened.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:26 No.32736486
    Yeah, half the reason I learned Japanese was to avoid having to deal with the translations. 90% of the time, they go too formal, and it doesn't sound like natural speech. The rest of the time, they go so nuts with the localization that there's absolutely no connection to the original dialogue. I cringe to think of what they did with Fang's dialogue in FFXIII.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:26 No.32736488
    Who said Bleach had badly written Spanish?

    It's Kubo's own made up language that happens to be similar to Spanish.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:28 No.32736530
    Yes, there's no one phrase in English that conveys everything that the phase means in Japanese! Great job so far!

    However, translating the character's particular intention in using that given phrase is entirely possible! In other words, you translate what the language means, not the language itself!

    As an example: A student character speaking in English to his teacher would use "you." If you were translating that interaction into French, the student would use "vous," not "tu," even though that distinction doesn't exist in English. Unless the student is actively being rude, that's how that conversation works in the new language!

    The same is true for Japanese! Shock and awe!
    >> ‬Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:29 No.32736557
    >> Solidus Snake !!1eBNuI7j9uX 03/30/10(Tue)02:29 No.32736573
    And that's why FFXII had one of the best translations ever in video gaming.

    In fact, for the most part, I found the English to be superior to the Japanese
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:30 No.32736584
    Wouldn't it fit to translate it into "What can you do?" or something?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:33 No.32736680
    holy shit, fran sounds just like lady amalthea from the last unicorn
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:35 No.32736726
    A.O Smith is like the best in the industry
    >> Solidus Snake !!1eBNuI7j9uX 03/30/10(Tue)02:36 No.32736738
    To add to this. I'll give a concrete example.

    In the Count of Monte Cristo, there is a part where the Count says "vous" to Haydee. Haydee then asks why he doesn't say "tu." The bad Victorian translation had it as her saying "why are you being cold" But he wasn't being cold, he just wasn't being intimate. And so the awesome Penguins classic translated it to it to her saying "why are you being so formal." Which is exactly what the Count was being.

    Point is: Although no two languages are 1:1 translatable, there are always ways to convey the same meaning. The thing is most fansubbers are shit translators and don't realize this. And most people who watch fansubs have only experienced translations via watching fansubs and have never actually experienced real translating (I have spent time comparing Beowulf and other old/middle english texts with that of their modern day english equivalents. Not only that, but I spend time looking at translator's notes at the back of novels to see how they changed things around to convey the same meaning).
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:38 No.32736787

    we aren't dealing with tale of genji here, it's baka test
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:39 No.32736823
    And you're an idiot! But that's stating the obvious. It helps to try to be a bit more original next time you try to come up with a HILARIOUS RESPONSE XD next time.
    So, apart from the fact that I still have no fucking clue what the hell you just said, I'm just going to leave and remind you that you have no idea what you're talking about and I doubt you even can understand the language, hence you don't really have a valid opinion here. Please leave /a/ and go back to animesuki or wherever the hell you crawled out from.

    仕 方ない; Literally, means/method/way not.
    Difficult phrase to translate, but Japanese is full of them
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:41 No.32736869
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    I wonder how gg would handle Zetsubou.
    >> Solidus Snake !!1eBNuI7j9uX 03/30/10(Tue)02:41 No.32736887
    I know that, but the point still stands: most fansubbers don't know how to make a good translation. They don't realize that you don't need to litter everything with TL: notes because there are ways to convey the same exact meaning without TL notes.

    If you want to put TL notes at the end of the episode, then that's fine. But shows are meant to be watched not read, and having a huge paragraph explaining something because you're too much of a shitty translator to translate properly is worse than watching a shitty dub
    >> ‬Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:41 No.32736899
    tl;dr fansub wars team otaking vs team weeaboo whoever wins we lose except if team otaking wins because it's the correct side but OPINIONS and if you disagree i invite you to fuck off back to gaia but i acknowledge your dissent
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:43 No.32736944
    Aw, are upset that I used your super original insult style against you? You poor thing.

    Then again, you are calling me an idiot when you completely fail to grasp very simple concepts, so I guess I can't have too much sympathy for you.

    It's not hard to understand, sport. When you actually translate something, you don't translate the words themselves, you translate the meaning behind the words.

    Is that simple enough for you now, or are you just going to throw a hissyfit again and throw out as many generic insults as you can?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:50 No.32737113
    I hate when when translators do stupid things like using "senior" for "senpai". Don't faggots realize that nobody talks that way? Either leave in senpai, or take it out altogether.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:52 No.32737158
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)02:53 No.32737170

    That's part of the endless argument. I'm fine with either leaving in honorifics or situation specific things, but some people hate it when a word is left untranslated. Or inconsistencies show up one minute using it, the next not.
    >> Yotsuba℃ !!FAAIIaDFYSX 03/30/10(Tue)02:59 No.32737369

    Borrowing words is absolutely nothing new in the field of translation, nor are translation notes. Not every concept can be conveyed in a different language well and forcing translation is stupid.

    The fact here is that we are experiencing foreign media and stripping away of its foreigness defeats the purpose. If anyone feels their culture is so superior then they should only take in media originally made for their own culture.
    >> Solidus Snake !!1eBNuI7j9uX 03/30/10(Tue)03:06 No.32737555
    Nice strawman there buddy. No one has ever said that American culture is superior. This has nothing to do with what culture is better or not. This has to do with the fact that good translators will localize certain things and will find ways around the language barrier to convey certain things. There's a reason why professional translators in films don't have TRANSLATORS NOTES dangling everywhere when you watch a foreign film. I've seen many french films and I don't see people bitching about keeping in "vous" or "tu" in there. The only time I see people bitching about not keeping the foreign words in there are weeaboos.

    No one complains when it's a Chinese film being subbed, a French film, a spanish film, a korean film, an italian film, etc. Or when you read novels from other languages do you complain that the translator took liberties in order to convey the same meaning?
    >> ‬Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)03:08 No.32737619
    >but some people hate it when a word is left untranslated.


    if it has an english equivalent, it damn well better be used. i can't fucking stand untranslated words with TL notes because the weeaboo fuck stick thinks it's OH SO SUGOI~~~~

    it's not about stripping away the foreign things out of it. CULTURAL things like festivals, food, names, etc can stay untranslated (and keep that fucking TL note out of there. if it has to be explained put it in a .txt)

    but anything with an english (or whatever) equivalent should be put into english. no half-translated TL Note soup, like those gintama screenshots that float around here.
    >> Solidus Snake !!1eBNuI7j9uX 03/30/10(Tue)03:16 No.32737800
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    For instance, do we really need this TL note? We can gather from the context clues from the line itself that Oyaji has to do with something old
    >> Yotsuba℃ !!FAAIIaDFYSX 03/30/10(Tue)03:18 No.32737863

    >This has to do with the fact that good translators will localize certain things and will find ways around the language barrier to convey certain things.

    No, good translators will try to convey the original as best as possible. If that means using certain words from the original language, then so be it.

    The English langauge is full of foreign words and many of them especially in the last 100 years are the result of translators borrowing them. The same can be said for many other languages, including Japanese.

    >There's a reason why professional translators in films don't have TRANSLATORS NOTES dangling everywhere when you watch a foreign film.

    Their reasons aren't related to understandability so what your saying is fallacious.

    >No one complains when it's a Chinese film being subbed, a French film, a spanish film, a korean film, an italian film, etc.

    There isn't a foreign media scene in America as large as the Japanese one. And yes, I would be angry if I watched a foreign film in any language and the people were talking like /b/tards.

    >when you read novels from other languages do you complain that the translator took liberties in order to convey the same meaning?

    Go read some foreign books. I've read PLENTY of works where they keep original words and concepts intact with footnotes explaining them. This is nowhere near new uncommon. The shitstorms associated with it when it comes to anime are mostly of the result of people just trying to be anti-weeaboo.
    >> Vx !yVLcr8kRh6 03/30/10(Tue)03:21 No.32737936
    >idiots who fucking overrate a speed-sub group
    >> ‬Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)03:22 No.32737986
    i often questioned this, then i thought "what kind of subs would baby naruto prefer?"
    >> Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)03:22 No.32737989
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    >> Yotsuba℃ !!FAAIIaDFYSX 03/30/10(Tue)03:24 No.32738031

    >it's not about stripping away the foreign things out of it. CULTURAL things like festivals, food, names, etc can stay untranslated (and keep that fucking TL note out of there. if it has to be explained put it in a .txt)

    Except culture is something embedded within language. When you not only translate, but needlessly localize into a completely different culture you are deculturalizing the original. The point of translation should be to bridge the translation gap--not the other way around.

    >but anything with an english (or whatever) equivalent should be put into english. no half-translated TL Note soup, like those gintama screenshots that float around here.

    Most of the time, but it is a case by case basis.
    >> Yotsuba℃ !!FAAIIaDFYSX 03/30/10(Tue)03:26 No.32738064

    *culture gap

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