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    File : 1269805217.png-(163 KB, 741x592, 1269723105401.png)
    163 KB Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)15:40 No.32671253  
    Anyone go to animu club and feel completely out of place for knowing the most yet not watching all the shit everyone else does? Yeah.

    So anyway, shitty animu club stories ITT.

    Pic not really related.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)15:41 No.32671279
    The most responsible thing to do with your super-high power level is suppress it as close to zero as possible.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)15:42 No.32671321
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    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)15:42 No.32671326
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)15:42 No.32671339

    But how does one do this? When we talk about animus we like, does mentioning mine betray my powerlevels? Should I simply keep quiet and inwardly revel in the fact that I don't watch typical American weaboo shit?

    Every time I go I find myself hating anime more and more, but I can't stop myself from going... I'm so weak.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)15:44 No.32671407
    protip: you failed at suppressing your powerlevel the second you joined an anime club
    >> ♡Haato♡ !6MBkN.s1ME 03/28/10(Sun)15:45 No.32671439
    Ive never been to an anime club, but I've always wanted to go.
    Why? As long as you aren't flaunting it to every person you meet in public, whats the point in hiding it? If your powerlevel embarrasses, you, you probably don't have a high enough one for it to matter anyway.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)15:47 No.32671490

    Actually, I always wondered why /a/ is so obsessed with concealing powerlevels. I can understand if they're incredibly low, but wouldn't it be a triumphant feeling to reveal your super-high powerlevel to some fat narutard?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)15:48 No.32671513

    Oho, do I have a story for you. One minute.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)15:48 No.32671531
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    I can't wait!
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)15:49 No.32671544

    fucking casualfags
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)15:49 No.32671559
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    >> ♡Haato♡ !6MBkN.s1ME 03/28/10(Sun)15:50 No.32671577
    [a/ wishes to be the normalfag, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)15:50 No.32671591
    Fairly recently I joined my college's anime club (yeah, bad move). I can remember this conversation clearly:
    Fat guy: Man, I can't wait to finish writing my fanfiction.
    (he's just sitting at the table, saying this to no one in specific, with nothing around him)
    Me, trying to be nice: Fanfiction for what?
    FG: Naruto, it's about Hinata and Sasuke. I'm also writing one about Hinata and Gaara.
    Me: ...
    FG: Want to read it?
    Me: I don't really watch Naruto.
    FG: WHOA, why not? It's really good.
    Me: Yeah, I know a lot of people like it but it's not for me.
    FG: Then what kind of anime do YOU like?
    Me: Legend of the Galactic Heroes
    FG: What?
    Me: Nevermind.

    Not that I expected much better.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)15:52 No.32671660
    I can relate to that. i stopped into mine for one day on the off chance that there was someone else hiding in plain sight. Instead i got the exact pictures of the stereotypes i hate, and one girl i would love to bang, but her voice is fucking annoying.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)15:54 No.32671753
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    Oh God. I don't hold high expectations for anime fans. The other day I was sitting at the anime club table for accepted students day, and we had a pretty strong influx of awkward kids. First question is always "what's you're favorite anime?" Responses were consistently:

    >Inu Yasha
    >the occasional One Piece

    One kid mentioned Gankutsuou. Pic related, it was my face.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)15:55 No.32671796

    The first time I went to an anime club, it was awkward.

    I felt totally out of place.
    Everyone there knew I looked out of place.
    I sort of kind of stumbled in because my friend was supposed to come along with me (she's a big anime fan herself) and backed out at the last minute.

    First off, the president of the club made sure to point out I was a girl in a skirt. He immediately skipped over and shook my hand, asking what my name was and what genre of anime I liked. There were ten guys (six of them, notably minorities) who came and one girl besides myself who arrived later in the meeting. I told him and everyone that I had gained a liking for shows that were mainly action and mecha genres. He asked what my favorite show was. I said I had a lot, but Darker than Black stood out in my mind because I couldn't think of anything else so quickly.

    The /entire time/ following this, a guy I sat next to in the lounge asked me if Gundam 00 was my favorite mecha show (specifically because Yun Kouga did the character design for it). I corrected him by saying that my favorite mecha show thus far was Saint Knight's Tale because I loved the thought of humans affected the characteristics of their machines. He'd never seen SKT, but continued to ask if I liked 00 and which character in it was my favorite.

    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)15:59 No.32671920
    If you are so fuckin' "special" prove it to them. Say what you think about animu club to president of the club.
    [Offtop] Przemek spotkanie klubu we wtorek [/Offtop]
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:01 No.32671978
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    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:01 No.32671989
    Go on
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:02 No.32672027
    first time I went an anime club at my college was a nightmare. 15 smelly, acne ridden weeboos talking about Naruto and One Piece like it was a fucking masterpiece. They ask me what I like.
    I say I like stuff like Zetsubou Sensei and Trapeze and they just look at me like I was speaking another language. Never went there again.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:02 No.32672036
    I can imagine your pain, being a girl in an anime club.

    friend of mine at my old school joined a gaming club. basically half the club would follow her around, jockey for her attention, and basically made tools out of themselves.
    >> AIJOU !dYUUJOUw3k 03/28/10(Sun)16:02 No.32672039
    Eh. My power level is average. I got lucky and went to a University that ended up having a HIGH power level club.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:03 No.32672066
    anime clubs are utter shit, at least with conventions you know it's people with a decent amount of interest rather than a fleeting fascination with Naruto
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:03 No.32672076

    I meant affecting. Anyway.

    I tried to avoid speaking to the guy, so I tried to start up a conversation with the dude on my other side while the president was waiting for more people to arrive/getting things organized.

    The guy on my other side was playing on his laptop. He told me he really enjoyed Fate/Stay Night and had a love of figures. I told him I'd never bought figures or model kits, although I had been longing to. He indulged me in conversation about his hobbies for about ten minutes, then he turned pink and opened up a game of MUGEN to avoid talking to me. I could feel the aura of discomfort around him, so I just waited for the president to speak (at this point, the 00-guy went, "You know, if you grew your hair out, you could look like Sumeragi.")

    The president then goes, "What should we watch?"
    Everyone suggests the usual stuff. Ghibli films to get people involved, Cowboy Bebop, Ouran, things with dubs and what not.

    I say, "Can we watch Mononoke? I haven't seen it, but people tell me it's really good."

    No one knows what it is. Someone thought I meant PRINCESS Mononoke, so the suggestion is dropped.

    I grew quiet for a while, then tried again. "What about Eden of the East? Or Soul Eater? I'd really like to see those..."

    Only one guy knew of Soul Eater and said the DVDs hadn't been released, so only later in the year we could watch it. I was embarrassed.

    Then, after some note was taken and the club talked about funds, the meeting was over (showings would begin next week). The only girl in the room walked up to me...
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:04 No.32672104
    I've never been to the one at my college but it doesn't sound TOO bad. Last month they played Darker than Black, Genshiken and Escaflowne.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:04 No.32672126
    Walked past the anime club table during one of the first weeks at uni. Took one look at the members. They were all deformed in some way. Never looked again.
    >> AIJOU !dYUUJOUw3k 03/28/10(Sun)16:05 No.32672144
    In my club there are always girls, sometimes pretty ones. We occasionally joke about the pathetic state of the anime loving male, and then go back to letting them watch anime like the rest of us, and treat them like human beings. Shitsux.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:06 No.32672158
    I actualy went to an anime club quite recently.

    The shows they had lined up were actually pretty damn good, Baccano(dubbed), Cowboy Bebop, LOGH.

    But the members themselves, urgh, they did nothing but talk about 4chan... "Hey, did you see that thread on /b/ that was EPIC" etc.

    I didn't want to seem like a jerk and leave, so I stayed, watch an episode of Cowboy Bebop and ate the free food they were serving.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:06 No.32672171
    I wanted to start an animeclub after school in an empty classroom. I prepared awesome series like Monster, LoGH, Liar Game (manga) and more.

    Too bad only 15 year old Naruto fans came and went when they saw I did not have any Naruto crap.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:06 No.32672187
    >No one knows what it is. Someone thought I meant PRINCESS Mononoke, so the suggestion is dropped.

    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:07 No.32672203
    I take it that anime clubs at colleges are no different than ones from high school?
    The college I attend doesn't have one and I was kind of interested in starting one in the fall semester, but looking at this I kind of don't want to anymore.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:08 No.32672249
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    I'm a sequential art major. My department IS an anime club.

    And not a very good one, either.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:08 No.32672250
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:09 No.32672280

    Weeaboos are mentally stunted, so yes, chances are, they'll be the same.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:09 No.32672282
    Pat? is that you?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:09 No.32672289
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    >Only one guy knew of Soul Eater and said the DVDs hadn't been released, so only later in the year we could watch it.

    is this for real!?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:09 No.32672290
    I played Genshiken at my school's anime club (I'm co-pres with another guy) and seriously, nobody gave a shit and we had to stop halfway. Only one person bothered looking into it and completing it after.
    I wanted to bring in Escaflowne, but it seems nobody cares about old anime either.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:09 No.32672293
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:10 No.32672335

    Simmer down you stupid little shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:10 No.32672342
    My anime club is infested with ugly, smelly (one girl, who was elected VP has admitted that she doesn't shower/brush her teeth) and altogether annoying. I go with my 3 friends in the back of the room. We consistently win the games we play (whoever wins picks the anime for next week) and troll the fatties up in front. The President is awesome. Too bad the rest of the people there are shitsux.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:10 No.32672355
    I run an anime club.

    Anyone who has interest is allowed, but we have one "rule".

    "Don't bug people about an anime they don't care about. If they want to listen, fine, but don't pester someone or act obsessed about a particular series."

    We all suggest atleast three different series to watch, going by the ratings on various websites such as MAL, or ones that seem to be unique.

    We all try to read up and agree on a series, and then watch it.

    I wish this was real. ;-;
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:10 No.32672363
    I'm thinking of starting a high power level anime club at my uni next semester. What is the best way to attract good fans?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:11 No.32672367
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    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:11 No.32672375
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    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:11 No.32672391
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:12 No.32672420

    >No one knows what it is. Someone thought I meant PRINCESS Mononoke, so the suggestion is dropped

    well what DID you mean?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:12 No.32672425
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    >one girl, who was elected VP has admitted that she doesn't shower/brush her teeth

    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:13 No.32672444
    Start with a moderately obscure series that'll catch attention to good newfans and the oldfags. With that it usually culls the weeaboos/retards from the club and leaves the poeple with legitiment interest. After that start watching other awesome series and do trips and shit.
    I used this technique for my club, with Gamkutsuou. Worked pretty swell.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:14 No.32672477
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    >hmm, maybe I should check out my college's anime club
    >oh wait my college doesn't have one because its full of hipster faggots
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:14 No.32672489
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    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:14 No.32672497
    Um, he meant Mononoke. What aren't you getting about this?
    >> AIJOU !dYUUJOUw3k 03/28/10(Sun)16:14 No.32672500
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    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:14 No.32672501
    You know, the series that came from Samurai Horror Tales.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:14 No.32672516
    wtf am i reading
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:15 No.32672532

    You know, it's not so bad now. Most of the time some people play card games at the showings and just ignore me and my friend. They also have food and the majority of people aren't so bad; they put on Black Lagoon the other day or something.



    Sorry for the pause. I was downloading something.

    ... And she asks if I like Kuroshitsuji. Keep in mind, most of the members are gone now, but a couple of guys have stuck around. I admit to her that I like it, but that I've only read the manga. She absolutely FLIPS OUT.

    "Oh my god, isn't Sebastian so hot?!"

    I turned red. "Uh, well, you know... He's nice and everything, but I'm more interested in how Ciel is reacting to the trauma of his past..."

    "Oh, so you like yaoi?!"

    I wanted to die. "Umm, I don't know. I just watch whatever. Sometimes yuri, too, you know. Like um, Utena was good . . ."

    "Yuri? Ha ha, wow. Which one do you like more?!"

    I couldn't answer very well. "I watched Junjou Romantica and thought it was great and all but I don't have a favorite!"

    One guy said, "So you watch hentai?" And laughed hard.

    I was thoroughly dying. The girl was losing her shit and the dudes were giggling like beasts...
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:15 No.32672544
    I checked the website for mine last year,it seemed great, they were watching shows like SZS, Mononoke, Genshiken, and some good movies

    Then I checked again this year,'s just not the same. Oh god.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:15 No.32672551

    I don't know, but she has a boyfriend that is exactly like her. She thinks Inu Yasha, Fruits Basket, and Fullmetal Alchemist (not Brotherhood) are the greatest animes ever created. Not to mention she's a bitch, talks shit on everyone, and has saggy breasts with dark, hairy nipples.

    She's the reason my intense dislike for anime fans has intensified over the past few months.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:16 No.32672567

    Oh god, the yaoi fangirl
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:17 No.32672600

    Anime club here.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:17 No.32672616
    Anime fans are the worst people in the world.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:17 No.32672618
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    I'm a weeaboo but I only discuss anime/manga on the internet. I can't be bothered befriending whales who love yaoi and manboys who watch dubs because they don't want to read subtitles or mangas.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:17 No.32672626
    Attract ALL the weeaboos, and keep an eye out for the ones subtly exposing their powerlevels.
    Once you've got most of them together ask "Raise your hand if you want to watch naruto." After they come forth, demand that they get the hell out, then pop in Baccano or something once they're gone.
    As for the subtle ones, track them down and tell tell them to join one by one.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:18 No.32672634
    >so you like yaoi?
    i stopped reading after that.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:18 No.32672637
    The first time I ever went to one was my freshman year of college with a friend. There were way more people than I expected, but I was one of only a few girls. I did meet one other girl who was really cool, but for the most part I felt really out of place the whole time. This one guy started talking to me about how Al Capone blew up his grandfather's house or something, and most of them seemed to think I would bite if they talked to me or something. It was the same for the couple of other girls there. A couple of the guys were pretty cute, too, but they couldn't carry on a conversation to save their lives.(One of them actually blushed, it was adorable.) But in general, tits and anime clubs just don't seem to mix.

    We ended up watching Spirited Away, which I'd already seen, but it's always good to see it again. My favorite Ghibli film.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:18 No.32672648
    The only way to tolerate anime clubbers is while drunk.

    Went to my uni's anime club with a bottle full of strange brew that was the calling card of my professional drunk friend's previous night of debauchery. I hated everyone there immediately. After downing the bottle through Shangri-La, I warmed up to the Treasurer(who was a /m/an that loved LoGH) and the President (A moderately attractive African girl). I was pleasantly buzzed by Hetalia and SenBasa, almost punched a Narutard in the mouth, threw out Urutsudoki as a horror movie to watch, then left to go get trashed at a frat party.

    Shit was so cash.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:19 No.32672661
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    oh my god get out of there anon
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:19 No.32672676
    Ugh, I have the same exact problem with Kuroshit fans. Or other female anime fans in general when they find out I like yaoi.

    "What's you favorite yow-ee series?!"
    "Kaze to Ki no Uta, although it's actually classified as a shounen-ai from th-
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:19 No.32672681
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    Wow, I'm so sorry for failing to watch every anime ever produced
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:20 No.32672706
    People who go to anime club are worse than gaiafags, well the gaiafags that don't go to anime clubs.
    Take your faggotry to one of the normalfag boards.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:20 No.32672723
    This is why I didn't join my university's anime society:

    >can go to the biiig forbiddin planet in london and go around the place be fun....?
    >hi it might be a gd idea if we could do a day trip to london to look around and go to forbidon planet (tis massive big basement full of manga O.O) might be fun ! i'll see if i can find out if any conventions or anythin happenin about anime or manga its somthin we can do XD ? ...

    This was the latest news on the official site, as written by the societies current president. Part of me wanted to join and use the fact that I am actually nominally attractive and socially capable to usurp the presidency and turn the group into Genshiken.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:21 No.32672743
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:22 No.32672762
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    >related videos
    >Sonic rap
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:22 No.32672777

    That's how you fucking do it, brother.

    Brofist for ever.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:23 No.32672800
    Pfft, Toma no Shinzo is better anway.
    >> -|- Reichsguard -|- !!bOOhb8C7gxV 03/28/10(Sun)16:23 No.32672802
    Never beein in an anime club.

    Never even SEEN an anime club.

    No one even can relate me to anime, except for about 3 people, and even they only have vague idea about my powerlevel - they (think they) know I watch some anime from time to time.

    I've seen hundreds of titles, all of them amounting to several thousands of episodes. I can name most of them when only shown some obscure screenshot. I have hundreds of dvds of anime and about 20GB of manga on my hd.

    No posters, no figurines, no talking about anime or manga. In conversation I slip away from admiting anything embarrasing, like even knowning what they are talking about.

    and to you, but I had to fix some typos
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:23 No.32672812
    >usurp the presidency and turn the group into Genshiken.
    That would be righteous.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:24 No.32672824
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:24 No.32672839
    We don't have clubs in Sweden. Bunch of antisocial, introverted pricks, all of us.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:24 No.32672840

    I was thoroughly traumatized. The girl gave me her number and I gave her my (house) number. She wasn't overweight but she looked as if she hadn't washed her face in days.

    I did not ever want to go again. But the next week, they were going to have pizza. So, I made the obvious decision and sacrificed a level of dignity for some food after my lab in the morning.

    Luckily, the next week, more people came, including my friend who is a lot more open. She also dresses more provocatively than I do, so I could simmer into the background and find a few people to connect with a lot more (like another kid who offered to lend me his Captain Harlock DVDs).

    It's not so bad now. Just saying. Be prepared for all ends of the anime-loving fan spectrum.


    I kind of just want to tell them to relax. Take some pills or something. LOVELESS and Gravitation are cool beans, but they're not the Holy Grail.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:25 No.32672860

    I would if I could, but the Prez is like my twin sis, and she even lives in Philly too. Plus, you have NO idea how rewarding it is to troll this girl and her posse...

    Her: Oh My GAWD Brotherhood is airing soon.
    Me: It's been airing for like, months!
    Her: No it hasn't, the first episode is coming out on Adult Swim like next week!


    Her: I think we should watch Fullmetal Alchemist: Conqueror of Shambala for movie night! (her posse agrees)
    Me: How?! It's a direct sequel. No one's going to know what the fuck is going on if they haven't seen the series.
    Her Boyfriend: (gets intensely angry) Wow, sorry, is it just too deep and artistic for you?

    He actually said that. I could not make that shit up.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:25 No.32672878

    Laughed hard.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:25 No.32672894
    I prefer Kaze because it has delicious brown Serge.

    My club has pretty much turned into that.
    All the weeaboos actually just stay in one corner of our meeting room, and the remainder sit around the main table and talk about the upcoming seasons and shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:26 No.32672898

    OH LAWD.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:26 No.32672921
    >go to animu club
    There's your problem.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:26 No.32672923
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    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:26 No.32672926
    My old high school didn't have an anime club, but there enough oddballs that I can tell some stories.

    For example, there was one yaoi fangirl who drew pairings - of the other students. Imagine the uproar when somebody decided to look in her drawing pad one day.

    On our senior class field trip, several of the girls went and watched a yaoi series on a portable DVD player. That was ... interesting.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:27 No.32672938
    Loled so hard at how little time they wanted to spend with this segment.

    Uh yeah I like how dere's so many types of marn-gar and aaahna-may
    >> AIJOU !dYUUJOUw3k 03/28/10(Sun)16:27 No.32672939
    It's mostly about developing a solid leadership not consistent of faggots. If the club is led by three or so people who all have high power levels, you'll have plenty of stuff to show, and won't go through that "So what do we watch" phase that always leads to entry level suggestions.
    Focus your club on sampling. DO NOT under any circumstances try and show a full series. Unless it's less than the length of a club meeting. (We marathoned Detroit Metal City once) This way, it's actually acceptable to show things that aren't great. Or to take suggestions. We showed K-ON when it first aired, and pretty much all agreed to "No more of that." And it was ok. We didn't feel the need to watch to the end. I hear about all these clubs that watch full shows and wonder how they maintain a fanbase. The only way is to show the most popular stuff so everyone keeps coming back.
    Lastly, don't tolerate shit. You own the club. You don't have to show Naruto or Bleach or the shitty first FMA or Inuyasha if you don't want to. You can stamp down on those on the grounds that everyone who cares has seen those. There are a lot of shows like that. Focus on slightly more obscure stuff. Try and give people a broad range of experience. I don't enjoy every show that I see in my club, but at least I can mark it down as something I'm not interested in.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:27 No.32672956
    But Toma has delicious yandere-Juli. Kaze is longer, though, so that's a plus.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:27 No.32672959
    My uni doesn't have an anime club, which I have found rather odd considering the number of people I sometimes see in the computer lab on manga-fox or some streaming site. There is also this one girl who carries an small external HD with her for torrents, and religiously comes to play NeoPets (this is a university, I shit you not) at appointed times of the day. Granted, I also sometimes watch anime in the computer lab when I don't have anything better to do, but for that I have a flashdrive to which I can download, and which has a proper player on it so I don't have to suffer stream. Also, I feel safe watching only choice shows in such a setting (I remember, before I knew better, I streamed ZnT with people around me. Oh god, if I could go back in time in slap myself silly)

    Off the top of my head, I know of 3 people who you can tell right away are weaboos sans anime merchendise, but anime was never a conversation point. There are also 2 /b/tards that I know of, but never cared to socialize with.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:28 No.32672964
    He's probably a Bake fan.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:28 No.32672983
    I created the--still ongoing, btw--anime club at my high school. I left about a week after it was formed because it attracted only retards.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:29 No.32672996
    The one, and only time I went to an anime club was... interesting.

    I walked in, and saw some fat whale of a girl beating the shit out of some guy, he could've been the president... I don't really know.

    Anyways, she was really beating the shit out of this guy, I have no idea what she was yelling about, I heard some people say it was because the president apparently didn't like something she liked, got annoyed and blatantly insulted it.

    After that, I backed the fuck out of the place, made whiskey, stuck rainy mood on with some song out of the Baccano soundtrack, and let the mind healing take effect.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:29 No.32672998
    >pairings of other students

    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:29 No.32673001
    >"You know, if you grew your hair out, you could look like Sumeragi."

    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:29 No.32673003
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    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:29 No.32673010
    Maybe i got lucky, i tried out my schools for about a week. the majority are exactly are you imagined, but i met a couple of decent people who could watch decent shows without making their oh-so-hilarious commentary, and didn't immediately admit their power levels.

    overall i don't think anime is meant to be watched in a Club. the most you should do is have a couple of friends with pizza and beer like once a week or so to marathon some shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:29 No.32673011
    Oh my god, THIS. I thought it would be fun to have other female animu friends, but I can't seem to find one who isn't completely batshit and loves crap like Kuroshitsuji, Junjou Romantica and Gravitation. Or Hetalia, Jesus Christ I get so fucking sick of hearing about that shitty series. I like BL, but I wish I could find another girl who did and actually liked good series. And, you know, wasn't certifiably insane.

    The one girl I know now comes up to me sometimes at completely random moments and starts talking about kawaii Yamamoto/Gokudera fanfics she reads. I don't really like talking about animu all the time or obsessing over pairings, and damn shitty ones at that. I want to bitchslap her.I'd ask her to knock it off, but it'd go right over her head. The only m/m pairings worth a shit in KHR are Xanxus/Squalo and Yamamoto/Hibari. Stupid whore.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:30 No.32673029
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    faaan, jag som ville gå med i en animeklub när jag börjar på BTH... ;_;
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:30 No.32673031
    I run an anime club. It's the only club the college has, meaning zilch notice boards or promotion, so the weeaboos who wear tshirts and headbands don't have any idea it exists. Since we're all Brits of the same age range we talk about normalfag stuff while waiting for others to arrive but it tends to end up being about video games and industry things.

    We have one annoyance: a fat Twilight fangirl who reads Vampire Diaries instead of the subtitles on certain series (Darker than Black), and leaves in protest to others (Princess Tutu). She's the kind of socially awkward person who repeats the same phrases over and over for attention because they can't form a conversation normally and doesn't understand when someone tells them 'no, bitch, you can't eat a KFC bucket AND a Subway sandwich in a NO EATING ROOM'. Also deodorant is foreign to her some weeks and of course LOOK LOOK I STILL HAVE THE TRAILER TO DARK KNIGHT ON MY PHONE. WATCH IT AGAIN. WHILE BACCANO IS PLAYING. ISN'T THE JOKER SEEEXXY?
    She has on a few occasions acted high and mighty because I haven't known certain details about Inuyasha or Beyblade off by heart. We're very fortunate that she's started to ditch (considering she moaned about how EVERYTHING was giving her nightmares).

    Her aside, the club is made of cool dudes who don't always turn up and are fine with anything I throw at them. I've been caught out on judging their tastes though -- I didn't expect requests for more Mononoke and Durarara when people had been so quiet and 'omg confused' about them before.

    Last Friday we had a Robot Unicorn Attack tournament with easter eggs as prizes. The week before we played guess-the-plot-twists with Summer Wars. And the week before that we made as many bad sex jokes about Hei as possible. I suppose sometimes faggots find faggots and magic happens.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:31 No.32673047
    The anime club I attend doesn't air full shows either, it's more like a "Hey if you liked this, go check it out yourself." We watched the first season of Princess Tutu, the Escaflowne movie, and some shorter series like Baccano and a couple OVAs.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:31 No.32673057
    Girls don't like good series. If it doesn't have some degree of yaioshit they just won't watch it.

    I to am sick of Hetalia. Everywhere you go that is anime related there are hambeasts talking about it.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:31 No.32673059

    Haha, NO. His favorite anime are Nerima Daikon Brothers, Fullmetal Alchemist and BECK (which is ok).

    Not a damn person in that club has heard of Mushishi or Zetsubou Sensei (until I forced them to watch it) - let alone LoGH. God forbid I mention Bakemonogatari. No one would know what the fuck I was talking about. Which is not necessarily a bad thing... it wasn't my favorite.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:31 No.32673063
    Girls that like decent shit only exist on the internet. Trying to find one in real life is like digging through pig shit to find a diamond.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:32 No.32673092
    In my high school the anime club was all Narutards and this one immensely obese kid who had a Bleach backpack. They even wore Naruto headbands to school and shit...I did NOT associate with them and I kept away from anyone who knew about anime.

    In my university, the anime club is slightly better..they like other stuff than just Naruto and Bleach. From what my friend has told me (I was curious, and he went to it a few times) they like dubbed shows, they don't know anything about the shows that are airing right now and that they mainly like your basic popular shows that aren't Naruto or Bleach. It's not much better and the reason why I wont go in there is because it's filled with fat yaoi fangirls apparently...Do not want.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:32 No.32673095
    That actually sounds like a pretty cool club.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:33 No.32673119
    Our club aired Katanagatari, Hanamaru Kindergarden, and Kimi ni Todoke

    Is this win?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:33 No.32673141
    How much time was devoted in said club to pa pa pa pa panda neko?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:34 No.32673162
    But we do have cons.

    I feel so fucking embarrassed sometimes when I go to does.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:34 No.32673183
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:35 No.32673192

    But seriously, why would you even get the urge to go to an anime club? The mere thought creeps me out.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:35 No.32673200

    We just watch the anime. No discussions, no side conversations. Just three hours of watching high-quality anime on a big screen, and then we GTFO.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:35 No.32673204
    No anime club at my uni that I know of (or maybe they're just very secretive). It's weird considering probably a good 40% of the population at the school is asian. But I've barely seen any signs of any anime whatsoever around here, not even that oddhorribly drawn anime-ish character you get on random posters sometimes because some organizer couldn't hire anybody else. Really no weeaboo behavior whatsoever, thankfully.

    So wherever these anime fans are, they're experts at suppression. So brofist to them.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:35 No.32673214
    Yup. One of the jocks looked at her notebook one day when she had left the cafeteria. After a few seconds, he yelled, "WHAT THE FUCK?", and everybody gathered around him. There were dozens of labeled sketches of boys kissing, having flamboyant gay sex, and what have you. I felt bad for her after they made fun of her for it, but I couldn't do anything...
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:35 No.32673217

    To talk about shows with people beside /a/?

    Although, I don't know why you'd want to...
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:35 No.32673218
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    People don't even know what I'm talking about when I mention HnG or Negima.

    I mean seriously. Seriously?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:36 No.32673252
    I used to read KHR, but I stopped after the Varia arc because the timeskip was terribad. I secretly like Hetalia, but I NEVER talk about them. Ever. Although I do have a Hetalia shirt.

    Most of the female anime fans at my school are weeaboos aside from one that goes to the club. There's also an ex-friend of mine but last time I checked she was still writing KH (and more recently, Devil Survivor) fanfics and doesn't shut the fuck up about Kuroshitsuji, Hetalia, and TWEWY.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:36 No.32673261
    Why the fuck did you even mention Negima.

    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:37 No.32673285

    Wow. I honestly feel kind of bad for her. But when I write/draw something personal, I keep it at home. That's awful.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:37 No.32673304
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    Better HnG
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:37 No.32673308
    My university doesn't have an anime club, or at least one of which I am aware, but my old high school had a "Japan Club" that consisted primarily of the weeaboos that took Japanese. Although I was taking German at the time, I decided to briefly join the Japan Club, which might as well have been called an anime club, for some bizarre reason I can't fathom nowadays. Needless to say, I stopped going after a few weeks and a couple of meetings, although I did stay long enough to witness (and take a video of) the club practicing Hare Hare Yukai dance for some school event. I think they also did the Algorithm March for some other school event.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:37 No.32673316
    She deserved it.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:37 No.32673317
    Because it's an average series meant for average entertainment and is fairly popular in the states.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:38 No.32673333
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    This one dude keeps trying to convince me that Vampire Knight is the BEST MANGA EVER or something despite the fact that I've told him with increasing levels of rudeness every time that I don't like it.
    One time I told him that it was a girl manga and he got all offended and told me that it's not. I put on my cool face and said "I bet you it says shoujo beat on the cover." His face fell and I knew I'd one. Then I had to explain to him what shoujo meant.

    I knew he had a low power level, but who the hell's power level is so miserably low they don't know what shounen and shoujo mean? Even all the gaiafags know that.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:39 No.32673366
    Bullying is harsh, but honestly I'd be pretty pissed if I was in it. Unless I looked good or something.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:39 No.32673379

    So she was the chick from Genshiken?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:39 No.32673382


    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:39 No.32673391
    >Related videos
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:40 No.32673392

    Everyone would dive in pig shit to find a diamond.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:40 No.32673396
    feel ya Op
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:40 No.32673398
    There were no anime club in my high school. Just a bunch of guys arguing about which of Berserk/CowBoyBebop/Trigun/Yakitate japan was the most awesome. And a fangirl of Escaflown.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:40 No.32673399

    Upload vid to youtube, kindly.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:40 No.32673411
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    Two people like me in one thread. Maybe there is hope in the world.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:40 No.32673420
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    So basically she was found guilty of being Tamura.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:41 No.32673431

    three people
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:41 No.32673457
    OP here.

    So we play an anime related game at the end of each meeting and whoever wins pics the anime we watch next club meeting. We only watch the first episode, and if you're interested you can check it out yourself.

    So, if I win (which I will), should I prepare Legend of the Galactic Heroes? I was thinking about it, but I know it won't go over well. But recently, with the election of fat stinky weaboo lady as next president, I just want to troll them hard. So, Y/N?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:41 No.32673468
    Kick ass club bro
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:42 No.32673471
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    u mad i enjoy negima for what it is anon?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:42 No.32673472
    I feel your pain. I recently got an animu friend IRL, and it sucks. Hard. Ironically, she likes KHR too, and the same pairing. I've always thought Yamamoto/Hibari makes more sense, not to mention the violence factor and it's more interesting. I think I like you.

    Believe it or not, I like series other than BL. She doesn't seem to understand.

    I think girls have it tougher than guys. At least you guys can relate to each other IRL; every other girl I've come across on the internet has the same problem >>32673011 and I do. It's why I spend so much time in /cm/. Why can't I know you people in real life? ;_;
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:42 No.32673473

    >having flamboyant gay sex

    she deserved it
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:42 No.32673477

    Anime clubs are cool. .90%of the time.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:42 No.32673478
    If I ever started an Anime Club, the first anime we watch would be Kaiji. That'd sort all the fuckers out.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:43 No.32673524
    Pico no chico all the way.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:43 No.32673528
    A guy? Reading Vampire Knight?

    What is this I don't even
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:43 No.32673539
    The most rage I've got is that this one guy said that Gurren Lagann was completely original, after I mentioned that 90% of it makes homages to classic super robot series such as Mazinger, Gunbuster, Getter robo etc

    I love GL but you have to be fooling yourself if you believe that GL is completely original.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:43 No.32673545

    Watch the first movie that does the first few episodes
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:44 No.32673563
    Anime club... honestly.

    If you like good anime, you're an introvert. If you like popular anime, you're just a wannabe faggot (as opposed to an actual faggot). Going to a club is pointless, because true introverts don't give 2 shits about what others think about anime, and wannabe faggots are not fun to talk to.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:45 No.32673599
    Most impressive.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:45 No.32673622
    I may do so, although I'd prefer to keep my channel clear of shit like that.
    >> (TYL!) Rokudo Mukuro 03/28/10(Sun)16:46 No.32673633
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    > Yaoifag
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:46 No.32673642

    I went to a school with a high Asian population, mainly Korean and Chinese kids with a smattering of Filipinos and Vietnamese. I also took a lot of AP classes, which were filled with mostly Asians. So every year I would go through the same scenario:

    Pimply Asian kid: Do you like anime?

    Me (surpressing mah power level hurfdurf) : Oh... no. Not really.

    Asian kid: Oh. (leans in conspiratorially) You should watch Naruto. It's really cool and you can watch all the episodes on YouTube. And then you should try Bleach. That's on YouTube too.

    Me: Cool story bro.

    And that's all I can really say.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:46 No.32673646
    I know of an anime club that meets at a library near my house. I've been considering attending a meeting to see what the people are like, but I have a feeling it'll end much like my high school anime club experience
    which wasn't too bad except for the usual influx of high power level faggots.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:46 No.32673648
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    Same guy actually argued with me that Busou Renkin ripped off of Fullmetal Alchemist the idea of alchemy/homunculus.

    >my face
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:46 No.32673658
    I'm in the same boat. Nearly every girl I know who's into anime are always into the same shit. A friend of mine reads more obscure shoujo and yaoi stories, but our tastes are still so different it's hard recommending anything to each other.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:47 No.32673681
    Well when you've never seen or heard of the anime that GL is paying direct homage to, then it seems like the most original shit ever. Remember, a lot of anime in the 'States got brought over with no hint of their original natures before the 90's or so. See: Starvengers, Tranzor Z, Robotech, that one time they had Combattler V fight the Fantastic Four for no good reason, etc.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:47 No.32673683
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    For some reason all the weeaboos around me seem to really like Trinity Blood. No idea how that got started. It's not even a stereotypical weeaboo anime anyway, but I read the first volume out of curiosity and it sure is horrible enough to be one.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:47 No.32673696
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    People will automatically think i'm trolling when i say Bakemonogatari. I'm not. I'm totally fucking serious.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:47 No.32673704
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    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:47 No.32673708
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    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:48 No.32673714
    Oh god, weeaboos. There was a kid I used to know in high-school, wveryone would clear out of the way when he would run down the crowded halls in his trench coat wearing a Hawaiian themed shirt underneath. He also never wore shoes, had hair down to his shoulders, wore glasses, was about 6’4 and weighed twice what he should’ve.

    My last semester in high-school, I got assigned to sit beside him in my drafting class… I didn’t give away my power-level to him because I didn’t him to start talking to me about all his favorite anime, but he constantly asked me questions like “DID YOU SEE NARUTO LAST NIGHT” or “WOW, YOU GOTTA WATCH THIS SHOW CALLED GURREN LAGANN” (even though I actually liked Gurren Lagann I just kept my mouth shut).

    One day I asked him why he never wore shoes and he said:

    “I don’t believe in shoes”
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:48 No.32673729
    Just make everyone read Onani Master Kurosawa. That's their requirement for becoming a member. if the faggots are turned off by reading about onani, then gtfo. If they're turned off by manga, then gtfo. If they can't finish it, gtfo. If they can't read something that isn't shounen, then gtfo.

    Simple as that. Would filter all the shit heads and you'd have something interesting to talk about at the second meeting.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:48 No.32673752
    I'd say the club i go to is good. Very good. I am 90% positive they are following the same shows that [a/ has been for the past 2 years.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:49 No.32673772
    Too... many..femanon..
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:49 No.32673779
    ....That's actually a pretty good idea.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:49 No.32673797
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    See, it's threads like these that make me love you /a/
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:49 No.32673798
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    >“I don’t believe in shoes”

    I laughed harder than I should have.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:50 No.32673825
    Some high schools in Stockholm have anime clubs.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:50 No.32673829

    That's actually a pretty damn good idea. If they drop it after the references die down, then they can get the fuck out. If they can't handle drama, slice of life, or any kind of non-action series, then they can get the fuck out.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:50 No.32673832

    It's true. Last time I saw him he was carrying all the volumes around with him in a backpack. He talked about the guy characters just like he was a fan girl too. "Oh, Kaname and Zero are so cool! blah blah blah" He also had a neckbeard and smelled kinda like bologna.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:50 No.32673839
    The reactions were the only really funny part of the whole disaster. Especially because most of the jocks were in the drawings - professing their love to each other, tender kissing, sex, etc.

    I think I was in one of those drawings, as a sub.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:51 No.32673853

    Care to explain why? OP is curious.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:51 No.32673855

    I love this pasta
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:51 No.32673859
    I don't usually mention my gender on here, but being a female anime fan gives a different perspective on this type of situation.
    >> Lerp D. Erp !7bpckXU3yA 03/28/10(Sun)16:51 No.32673871
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    >left in protest
    >Princess Tutu
    Holy fuck, kick her out and never let her return
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:51 No.32673884

    That's pretty hot.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:52 No.32673890
    I'm not sure I believe this. I find it hard to believe someone would be so batshit as to actually ship people IRL, draw and label it, and then leave it in plain view.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:52 No.32673906
    I was going to go to the anime club, but I don't because of OP's situation. The club is full of people who say things like
    >What's your favorite Knightmare
    and who do things like
    >know (and demonstrate) the handsigns for chidori
    Despite having the highest powerlevel of anyone even closely related to the club, I repress it. It's not as though people have any doubt about the size of my powerlevel, I just don't flaunt it the way these fags flaunt their smaller ones, and that's why I don't go.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:52 No.32673933
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    Problem, anon?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:53 No.32673936
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:53 No.32673940

    It's like she said. Without gender, you can't distinguish how odd it is to be a female anime viewer who chooses to go beyond the regular yaoi-versus-shoujo lineup.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:53 No.32673952

    why even bring such a thing to school
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:54 No.32673984
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    implying thats a bad thing..
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:54 No.32673988

    You'd be surprised.

    I had someone tell me I'd look good with so-and-so.

    My face? :|
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:55 No.32674027
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    Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:55 No.32674030
    I went to my uni's anime society once. We watched Princess Mononoke and Sword of the Stranger.

    Everyone there was socially awkward and said stuff like "kawaii" and other shit. Once guy was wearing a Naruto headband. They also laughed at everything even if it wasn't funny.

    In the space between the movies I had two people tell me about "Lelouge of the rebellion". I asked what it was. He explained about Zero etc etc.

    "Oh you mean Code Geass?"
    "No, Lelouge of the rebellion"
    "Isn't his name Lelouch?"
    "No, also its not 'Gee-ass' its 'Jeese' "

    I didn't go back.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:55 No.32674044
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    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:56 No.32674057
    I found a girl's notebook at school before, it was filled with KH Sora/Riku fanfiction and also had some horribly drawn attempts of what I think was them kissing in the back too.
    I knew who it belonged to, so I gave it to a friend of hers and told him what it was. He found it hilarious as well and changed Riku's name to dick on all the pages, then returned it.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:56 No.32674066
    Onani is great because it will shock most people into dropping it. People who read it to the end are probably intelligent and don't judge shit on appearances. They'll also be able to appreciate the simplicity and honest of the story.

    Animu Clubs should be more about mango anyway. Anime tends to be of a lower quality.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:56 No.32674081
    i heard our university have an anime club. didn't bother to visit it once.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:56 No.32674089
    Beats me. She probably forgot to take it with her. You leave your guard down for a second...

    Can't blame you. I didn't believe it either.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:57 No.32674098
    I haven't seen Princess Tutu. Is it as awesome as [a/ makes it out to be? Could I get a synopsis or something?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:57 No.32674110
    Hey, this has got me to thinking; would [a/ be interested in an anime club stream? We've got the powerlevels to gather a nice list of stuff to run and we could come up with stuff to make it interesting.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:57 No.32674112
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    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:57 No.32674134
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    There were alot of Yaoi fangirls in my college.

    One who blabbed about it to even me when i couldn't give two shits. So i pushed her against the wall, blocked her exit with my arm, and quietly, but sternly, criticised and proved all her yaoi fascinations to be that of some degenerative whore.

    Then i walked away with a coolface on since she seemed to shut the fuck up entirely.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:57 No.32674143
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    So it's agreed!
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:58 No.32674145
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    I remember this...
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:58 No.32674156
    what would be the point? [a/ is an anime club already... we talk about anime without restriction. Adding a stream to the mix will just make this shit even more faggotry-induced.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:58 No.32674178
    Same here actually.

    Not to sound like a tool, but i've kept a fairly athletic most of my life. With that, the few times i stopped into my schools anime club, the furry loving yaoi whale would tell me how good i would look with ears, paired with another member.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:59 No.32674182
    That's how we ran things in my old anime club. We had two screenings per term. One screening was a sampler of anime episodes. First four of show x, maybe first five of show y, basically enough to get a feel for the show to know if you like it or not. Which leads on to our next screening. During the term, the other screening is dedicated to watching a single series from start to finish. These are generally chosen from the samplers the term before, and we usually go through a 26 episode series in a term. There was once where we watched all of Prince of Tennis, I think.

    Though I think what sets our screening apart from say, watching alone in your dorm room or apartment, is the socializing factor. Yes, we actually socialize. Usually what we end up doing is spouting out comments during the show, a peanut gallery, if you will. If anyone here has been to Otakon's hentai night, you'll know what to expect. After the screening, people will stay around to talk about what they liked/disliked about the show at their own pace. We also organize trips to Otakon and movie releases - Appleseed was one, Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence was another - among other things. We even have a anime library which the school funds, which is pretty cool.

    Good times, those.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:59 No.32674196
    It's a great series if you like things like fairy tales and awesome classical music pieces.

    It's about a duck that wants to help a prince find the pieces of his missing heart, so she uses a magical amulet given to her by a storyteller to turn into Princess Tutu to save him. There's way more to it than that, but that's really the short version of it.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:59 No.32674216
    Still in highschool, and remember in my sophomore year the club was run by this awesome group of girls who played Samurai Champloo and Nadia. Unfortunately, my choir ran my free time that year and I could never attend. So now in my senior year I have been trying to show the same quality of material as they had because the current president doesn't seem to give two fucks. But there's these two sophomore girls that are always bringing shit like D. Gray-man and showing movies that take months to finish when we could be doing an episode a day. One time I brought Cowboy Bebop in and the class voted for it. They apparently could handle it and left the room.

    Apparently the teacher who lets us use her room had been a fan of Outlaw Star once. I'm thinking about bringing that in.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:00 No.32674230
    This is the lineup for summer term at my uni.

    1st slot : Baka To Test and Nuku Nuku
    2nd slot : Durararararararara!
    3rd slot : Serial Experiments Lain and Baccano!

    I would go but I went once and everyone was a massive faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:00 No.32674250
    I'm the president of a High School one, with maybe...9-15 people who show up more than once.

    It's okay. We can't meet too often though. Like once or twice a week. We are getting through Gurren Lagann and Seto no Hanayome though.

    The people are overall good. Anyone annoying doesn't show up anymore, or is in the back playing Magic or something. (People occasionally play card games if it's quiet enough)

    The math teacher who started it is awesome. She used to really be into anime. A bit sickly, though.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:00 No.32674263
    I uploaded it to my Photobucket account. Still want to see it? It's pretty horrifying.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:01 No.32674271
    basically we never had anything to do in health class so one day we jacked a tv and I brought in my ps2 so we could play some games while the teacher was off jerking it or whatever the fuck it is he did.

    I forgot that I had tokimeki memorial in the drive at the time, so when the ps2 booted up, up popped tomikemi memorial, and the one other white guy in the room, who I had no idea liked anything even related to japan yelled out OH FUCK YEA MAN THATS TOKIMEKI MEMORIAL. We proceeded to chat it up while the other students took turns playing the game, in the end everyone was laughing and having fun and I made alot of friends that day. Eventually every time the teacher was out we would have "tokimeki memorial days" and everyone would gather together, get out their respective memory cards and play it for about an hour. We exchanged phone numbers and chat names. Even to this day we remain friends!
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:01 No.32674282
    Unleash it, sir.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:01 No.32674289
    >And the week before that we made as many bad sex jokes about Hei as possible. I suppose sometimes faggots find faggots and magic happens.

    Holy shit this is awesome
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:01 No.32674295

    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:02 No.32674328
    Our club was pretty good, nice and friendly and peaceful and then some fucking retarded weeaboo lolis join, luring in some weeaboo faggot boys or some who just want to get in their pants or something. That's when it gets out of hand, fuck little girls!
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:03 No.32674332
    i'm really inclined not to believe you.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:03 No.32674363
    Enjoy, but don't say I didn't warn you.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:04 No.32674373
    This man knows what he's talking about!
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:04 No.32674374
    I went to an anime club at my secondary school. Showed anime in one of the empty classrooms after school. Organisers couldn't stream anything since all the computers had internet blocks on student accounts.
    We watched Howl's Moving Castle, Chrono Crusade and original FMA. Only trouble were the normalfags who hung around after school and disturbed us.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:05 No.32674412
    Animu Club should be about educating the masses about proper animu habits so they can be come proper animu consumers so we can get less trash licensed in Europe and Amierkkka and support good series without being pirates.

    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:05 No.32674437

    During my freshman/sophomore year in High School the anime club was watched by the school librarian. It went okay at first, raised money and got manga for the school library and whatever, but during sophomore year the weeaboos invaded and it all soured. She refused to host the club in the library anymore.
    I was president junior/senior years and got an english teacher to be in charge instead. He was a HUGE zelda/final fantasy/street fighter fan and in even through a surprise party at the end of the year for the club, and gave all the members Pokemon keychains. He's still running the club now, too.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:06 No.32674450
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    Well this doesn't seem so-
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:07 No.32674484
    that was pretty terrible
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:07 No.32674490
    Get out.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:07 No.32674503

    I'm actually friends with several of the leaders of the club, and several are interested in thinning out the lowpowerlevelfags, how would [a/ suggest doing it?

    I suggested NGE, because they'll be drawn in by the OMG ROBOTS FIGHTING ALIENS AND SHIT, and then be scared off by the ending. Ensures maximum effect and maximum coverage.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:07 No.32674518
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    >kid in the back dressed like Itachi
    >everyone out of time, lame arm waving
    >girl doesn't spin around at the most obvious part
    >no one has ANY RHYTHM, EVEN AT THE END

    I LOL'D
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:07 No.32674519
    >implying people wouldn't pirate anyways
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:08 No.32674522
    I read on their website that my uni club "DOES NOT PLAY DOWNLOADED SUBS ! ! We will only play DVDs brought in! Please obey the rules!!" bullshit

    dind't even bother reading more
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:08 No.32674530

    What a fine thread this has become.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:09 No.32674565
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    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:09 No.32674575
    A wise decision.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:10 No.32674599
    oh my god WHERE ARE YOU ANON!? ;_; I could not agree with you more. I would love to be your not-insane female animu friend!
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:10 No.32674602
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    >go to uni to get some admin shit done and walk by a bunch of the clubs
    >see the "Costume Club"
    >someone dressed in an Akatsuki cloak
    >my face
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:10 No.32674603

    Eva was pretty much deliberately designed to give that reaction, it could work great
    But I'm pretty sure you'd just get the typical "FF SHINJIS SUCH A FREAKING GAAAY FAGGOT, ENDING MAKES NO SENSE" etc etc... comments at the end of it all either way
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:10 No.32674605
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    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:12 No.32674672
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    >implying I want to interact with other people.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:12 No.32674677

    Little girls are the worst. anime fandom is rare in the UK, still Forbidden Planet/ Nostalgia in birmingham accepts orders if they don't have what you want in stock, I was filling out an order form when i noticed a small group teen girls (15-16) checking out the naruto manga display "hah, here we go" i thought, and as predicted:
    "SUGOI YO!" one says
    "II NE II NE" goes another
    "Its a manga aswell!?" says the third

    I smirked, I really didnt feel any rage, "everybody starts somewhere I guess" when I was just about finishing the form they were cuing next to me ready to pay (the clerk frequently leaves the counter, I'm guessing to masturbate to superman comics as they sell them on the first floor) and one says "whacha buyin?" "oh, I'm ordering a few things in, they dont have it here" I reply in a bemused tone. "is it a comic or manga?" the third asks. "manga" I say, galf-expecting the shitstorm to follow. Then the most embarassing slew of weaboo comments flooded my ears:
    (it was a DatteBayo messenger bag, how did i not notice, the horror i felt was immense, like a great weight was pressing down on me)

    Seriously, japanese weaboo catchphrases, narutofaggotry, yaoiness, DB, and now, gravitation...I said "sorry I gotta go", put the order form behind the desk, and went outside for a smoke, I felt... gaiaraped.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:12 No.32674686

    Also, ep with Kaworu will be quite ambiguous to watch in a group.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:12 No.32674689
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    mate that web browser your using, for the internet. FUCKING USE IT
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:12 No.32674691
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    Fuck. You're right.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:13 No.32674704

    This is now a rage thread.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:13 No.32674718
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    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:13 No.32674722

    Thank you, thread. Now downloading, although I can't find Toma no Shinzo.

    Any other recommendations for shows with dudes that like dudes that don't suck?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:14 No.32674738

    I actually joined the anime club this semester but it's nowhere near as bad all this shit,.

    Everyone sits down, lights are turned off, and we watch our chinese cartoons in peace.

    Shit like Abenobashi, Gunslinger girl, Outlaw Star, and the Kenshin OVA's.

    All in all I was expecting something more horrifying/shocking from the experience.

    Fuck you [a/, you got my hopes up.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:14 No.32674743
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    this is rage-inducing
    >> ronery [a/non !!PZFvfT0pKqM 03/28/10(Sun)17:15 No.32674782
    I was tempted to see what my uni's anime club had to offer.

    In the distance, I could clearly see Naruto, Bleach and Code Geass posters. I turned around and walked away.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:15 No.32674787
    >DB messenger bag
    While I do have sympathy, you were asking for it.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:15 No.32674789
    Oh, boy-on-boy-loving anon. I hate yaoifags too, but I like good BL and have a difficult time finding it. We should be friends.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:15 No.32674790
    I hate it when they all sit/lie down in front of the rows of books. Nearly kicked some kid in the head today when I went to pick up Bokurano.
    Another time a bunch of 14-ish girls were giggling about how yaoi Princess Princess was, and trying to talk to me about it. They left some money on shelf, and I gladly nabbed it and used it to pay for whatever I bought that day.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:16 No.32674792
    Anyone here afraid to suggest thing like Higurashi or DtB2 to their anime club

    I like to, but i'm afraid people'll think i'm a pedophile.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:16 No.32674797
    OH GOD
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:16 No.32674804
    ITT: Smart choices
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:16 No.32674807
    Hey, I'm also a not-insane-female who has this problem. I want someone to talk to animu about with but they all just draw buttsex all day and it's not my only interest...
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:17 No.32674822

    You know, if you just like dudes in general, you should check out Ristorante Paradiso. Beautiful story, music, and lots of lovely older men.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:17 No.32674833
    Guy who posted the video here, the small Asian lady walking out of the frame from about 0:07 to 0:10 is the Japanese class teacher and is actually Japanese, born and raised.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:17 No.32674840

    Seriously. What happened to all the oral sex?
    >> Silver !/SoulqEUZ2 03/28/10(Sun)17:18 No.32674863
    But Higurashi is about children killing children, not molesting them.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:18 No.32674870
    Heard "otaku club" and raged out.
    >> ronery [a/non !!PZFvfT0pKqM 03/28/10(Sun)17:18 No.32674874
    You should have replied, "Some sort of Chinese comics," and put on your trollface.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:18 No.32674879
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    I feel bad for her
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:18 No.32674889
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    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:19 No.32674896

    I lol'd
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:19 No.32674902
    Toma is manga, th entire thing's on mangaupdates. As for manga I also suggest Litchi Hikari Club if you can stomach gore.

    Also, check out Doorway to Summer (manga and anime), if you can find it.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:19 No.32674914

    Don't show that to them. Not even anime fans deserve this.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:20 No.32674949
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    Yeah, with little girls like Rika who nipaa between a kill and another.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:20 No.32674950
    I didn't bother looking for an anime club in my uni, because I'm already learning moonrunes. And not out of pure weabooness, mind you, my aim is trilingual international trade, but I had pretty much each and every cliché mentioned in this thread as classmates at the beginning. Yaoi fangirls, J-pop fans who presented full dossiers about their favourite "artist" in front of the class, even a trap and "his" friends calling at eachother in Wapanese in the hallways. God, these were the worst.

    Two years later, they all dropped out after realizing that Japanese isn't about Naruto and Yaoi, and I got the remaining girls and guys - pretty much normalfags, mind you - to enjoy enjoy some Higurashi, Black Lagoon or Mnemosyne. That was the best I could do.

    I didn't try K-ON!.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:20 No.32674962

    After School Nightmare is sort of dude-on-dude, if you think of it that way, too...
    >> The Doctor !!klhtU9Wk/oM 03/28/10(Sun)17:20 No.32674966
    >Join anime club
    >First meeting, filled with surprisingly hot girls and not too many neckbeards
    >Talk to one of the girls named Julie
    >So what anime do you like?
    >She replies "I like Death Note and Lucky Star, they're so kawaii!!!" in a fucking stupid fake Jap accent.
    >Get the fuck out of there.

    I was disappointed because they were showing SZS.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:21 No.32674982
    It's true, anime fans are pretty much the worst subset of nerd fandom in the word, once you get up from furries and the real fucked up shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:21 No.32674989
    Just checked my school's club website. Flipped through an interview with the president, he doesn't seem too bad. Likes Planetes, at least.

    >What people need, at least in a showing-based anime club, is variety. I believe one of the greatest benefits of an anime club is the ability to expose new fans to series from different genres, settings, and years. For instance, Captain Tylor, a series from the early 90s was a huge hit this year; we haven't gotten that kind of response since Gurren Lagann or School Rumble's first season. Fun is also very important, for executives and members and without it things will fizzle out. As I have said, clubs these days need to realize that the internet exists and change accordingly.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:21 No.32674992
    >>A trap

    Could you fill us in some more?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:23 No.32675047

    traps IRL are ugly, don't
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:24 No.32675086
    suggest Kodomo no Jikan instead
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:24 No.32675087
    Oh god. I now know where the inspiration for that Anime Club webcomic originates from. Shit, they even had a Mort dancing in the background.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:24 No.32675112

    Well hot damn.

    I remember a story of someone here going to some con, and them playing some Tylor episodes in one of the projection rooms by anon's request, because the other movie they were going to show got delayed or some shit. Everybody started loving it, and got angry when they got the other movie ready.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:24 No.32675116
    I fucking love After School Nightmare. And I guess it's dude-on-dude for as long as Mashiro identifies as male?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:25 No.32675121

    Yeah, I wasn't a huge fan of the people at the anime club I went to but they put me on to some good stuff and had decent variety. In between episodes they showed these lame 8 bit music videos for the most horrendous j-pop. Annoyed the shit out of me.
    >> Thelostcup !1cFi6ry2ks 03/28/10(Sun)17:25 No.32675140
    From what I can tell, the college I'm attending next year's anime clubs is leaps and bounds ahead of most of them, but I guess I'll find out for sure in the fall
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:27 No.32675192

    I suppose. I'd certainly count it. It has enough questionable material and sexual themes to go there.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:27 No.32675197
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    Googled where that came from, and fuck, man!
    York brofist, dude!
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:27 No.32675205
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    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:28 No.32675236
    My anime club as a male:female ratio of about 3:1. As far as I've know the presidents have always been girls, and so have the ones who have brought the material, including myself. Is this normal?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:28 No.32675247
    This is the best /a/ thread I've seen in weeks.

    And Higurashi is like a demented kids show of sorts. Children killing children, great what-the-fuckery.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:28 No.32675250

    You lucky bastard!
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:28 No.32675258

    Hah you know what's weird, I'm from York university too. Except it's the one in England.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:28 No.32675259
    Here's the complete Toma no Shinzo:

    It's worth it.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:30 No.32675329
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    Huh, this is an interesting turn of events.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:30 No.32675333
    My future college screens Miyazaki movies on the lawn. I am a little excited.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:30 No.32675338

    >Could you fill us in some more?

    Let's just say that he has a slightly manface, girly hair and clothes, and paid his studies by selling out his ass. And it took me 3 weeks to realize he wasn't just another ugly 1st-year girl.
    I did shit brix though.
    >> Sendō Takeshi, Naniwa‮ IAKNEZ UKOYRNEZ ‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮ ‪‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬ !Tiger.wTtg 03/28/10(Sun)17:31 No.32675390
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    >Anime club

    Those things don't exist where I live.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:32 No.32675403
    I hereby request this thread be archived.

    This has truly been enjoyable.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:33 No.32675461

    Yes it is. Seriously, whenever I see a college/uni thread here, nobody says York, so yeah. Although I did see some asian guy browsing on /a/ in one of the hallways here a few weeks ago...was kinda of funny.

    As for the club, I honestly didn't even know one existed here until I came across the website, which I thought was dead anyways. I probably wouldn't go either way, anyways.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:34 No.32675484

    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:34 No.32675494
    >This thread has been requested 3 times

    For those who don't know. Click 'Request Interface'.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:35 No.32675526

    Ahaha, I know the feeling.


    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:36 No.32675570
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    Wait a minute, I'm Asian.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:36 No.32675573
    So what's /a/'s stance on moefags? My uni's anime club doesn't have crazy amounts of Narutards, neckbeards, or yaoi-loving whales - in fact most of them are pretty good at suppressing their power levels. However, every time a show like K-ON! or Hanamaru Kindergarten is shown you can almost sense the HNNNGGG in the air.

    Not that I mind, I'm a moefag myself
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:38 No.32675640

    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:38 No.32675651
    No anime clubs on my school, but i screwed up big time once.

    I saw this dude watching inuyasha on youtube once, i vaguely knew him and i kind of pitied the fool. So i wrote a little note in which i told him to not watch anime in school, DEFINITLY not on youtube and that Inuyasha sucked ass.
    Next day he came up to me and asked me what i liked. I told him Ga-Rei Zero and Mnemosyne were my favourite shows , obviously he never heard of either of them. So he asked me if i liked Bleach. I said i absolutely hated bleach. Then he raged and yelled : ONE PIECE SUCKS EVEN WORSE. I told him that i didnt like one piece either. Then he said that Naruto was ok. I told him that i hated naruto aswell. He didnt understand.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:39 No.32675680
    Well that depends; i havn't met an open moefag outside of one man who would wear lucky star t-shirts the majority of the days of school. So it would appear they're better at hiding their power level.

    Open, they can be just as bad if not worse then shounen tards.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:40 No.32675730

    Do you go to the bottom hallway of the Technology and Advanced Learning building?

    Wait fuck this could get fucking awkward, never mind
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:41 No.32675747
    The problem with HNNNNGH is that it can only be expressed in writting on the internet, unless you actually have a real life heart attack, then you would have to pay $3K for an ambulance ride; most definately NOT worth it.

    So yeah, I don't watch moe because I can't afford health care
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:41 No.32675763

    Simply amazing.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:42 No.32675803

    Sounds like most people I meet who claim to like anime.

    "You don't like the big 3? Are you sure you like anime?"

    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:44 No.32675861

    Oh lol
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:44 No.32675863
    I used to, actually. Haven't had to since about a month ago, though.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:45 No.32675889
    >you can almost sense the HNNNGGG in the air.
    I like this. I wish there was more any of this at the anime club here.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:45 No.32675920
    I'm not even sure if my uni has a club. I went to the freshers faire and signed up for the video games society (which seemed be mostly HURR DURR Halo and Guitar Hero fags, and they also haven't emailed me once this year and I haven't been to any of their events/meetings). However there was no anime related club in sight. So we don't have a club, or the members hide their powerlevel well. If it's the former I have thought about starting one up. I'd want it to be more for finding cool people to talk to and making friends than just watching anime.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:47 No.32675969
    >See "Better Than It Sounds"
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:48 No.32676023
    >4 requests for archive

    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:48 No.32676035
    I used to go to the local college anime club when I was in elementary school (idk exactly how my friends and I started going--I think one of my friends' fathers was into anime too and had heard about the club so he brought us along once and it turned into a weekly thing). I still kind of miss it, but I don't really see the point of big viewing/tape trading clubs like that anymore--anime's just so readily available these days that there's no reason to spend almost 6hrs in an auditorium watching anime. We watched some good stuff back then: Nadesico, Utena, Slayers, Kenshin, Escaflowne. Those were the days...

    I'm in college now and I can't stand the campus anime club, they're the worst kind of weeaboos. I was in the same class as the president in one of my summer courses last year and he came up to me after class one day to talk anime. I told him my favorite anime was LoGH and he hadn't heard of it. Turns out the club was just starting to watch Lucky Star, which he thought was the greatest thing ever. Then he tried to convince me to watch/read One Piece, I said I had my fill of shonen when I watched/read DBZ back in the day and he had the nerve to give me a "you tasteless faggot" look for having watched/enjoyed DBZ (it's a classic, goddamnit!).

    Needless to say, I never attended a meeting of the club.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:50 No.32676092
    The anime club I'm in doesn't watch much moe. We've been watching Darker than Black, Legend of the Galactic Heroes, and Berserk. We finished Toradora, stopped watching K-ON and some astronomy club anime whose name I forgot, finished Michiko to Hatchin, DOGS, and watched a few episodes of Needless.

    Half of the members are graduates that don't even go to the uni anymore though, and they're pretentious little bitches. But other than that most of them are okay.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:51 No.32676120
    Sometimes a friend of mine would download Bleach at school and use the projector in the computer lab to watch it on the projector screen.

    I used to watch it with him even though it made me a little uncomfortable
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:52 No.32676148

    How to request? Sorry for newfag...
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:52 No.32676165
    Before all the shounenfag, moefag, etc. divisions, there seems to only be two types of people when it comes to anime. People who go on [a/ and people who don't. I guess everyone in these clubs don't. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:52 No.32676171
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:52 No.32676176

    You're not just a newfag, you're a fucking retard.

    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:53 No.32676183
         File1269813184.jpg-(10 KB, 640x480, 14319.jpg)
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    OH GOD


    Not everyone has watched NGE? Man that was like the third anime I ever watched.

    Am...Am I old?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:53 No.32676194

    You guys do realize that easymodo automatically archives all of /a/, right?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:55 No.32676285

    No no, that's not entirely true, sometimes you get people who go to /a/.

    The club I used to go to had a bunch of fucking retards in it, the usual gaia/livejournal/narutofan fangirls. Then one day I overheard them saying "Oh I love going to AYE! you could talk about code geass all the time! and there's no mods!"
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:55 No.32676289

    >> THE FLYING DUTCHMAN !KVW31moNek 03/28/10(Sun)17:55 No.32676290
    My uni's animu club is run by people who DETEST weeaboos. In fact, it's the loud jackasses who think this is MST3K that tend ruin things.


    >Go to TvTropes
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:55 No.32676298
    Easymodo's search is fucked.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:57 No.32676383
    >Think it's MST3K


    Maybe it's the fact they know everywhere else would immediately slaughter them for their OH SO WITTY commentary that they all choose to let loose in their little club.

    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:57 No.32676399

    So? It fucking saves the thread. Put it in favorites, a text file. It's not like 4chanarchive will ever accept the thread, just look at the sort of shit they archive - gaia, bleach, KOG. And now we have to have this shitty derailed discussion because of you retards.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:58 No.32676433
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    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:58 No.32676438
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    It's not really much of a anime club story, but from times to times I leave my house to hang out with some friends. It goes as it follows:

    Guy: Oh man, this week's Naruto was so good, did you watched, Anonymous?
    Me: Nah dude, I think it sucks ass.
    Guy: You know why you don't like Naruto? Because you don't have Anime Culture, that's why.

    At that moment, I fucking lost it. I think I probably twitched for a second.

    Me: I'm watching 11 shows this season, fuck you.
    Guy: Is any of them better than Naruto?
    Me: Are you watching any of them?
    Guy: Naruto and Bleach are airing this season, moron.

    Again, I flipped out. So from this point on, I just started to talk fast, very fast, in some sort of nerd frenesi.

    Me: Wowwowo, do you even know what a fucking season is? How many there are in anime? Wait, do you even know what is the studio that animates Naruto? Do you know the name of the faggot who does? I'm watching more shows right now than youll ever watch, so shut up. Naruto is just "protagonist gets a super power to defeat the evil" kind of show.
    Guy: Alright smart ass, then what kind of anime DON'T have this kind of plot?
    Me: Dude, what?
    Guy: You heard me.

    I thought for a second, and since this was not a long ago, I answered

    Me: Uh, Trapeze?
    Guy: What is it about?
    Me... Uh... Some very weird and stylish show about a psychiatrist who solves people's problems.
    Guy: That's shoujo shit, fuck off with that faggotry.

    Needless to say, I wanted to kill myself now.

    Me: No you asshole, that's a interesting plot that at least tries to make something new with a more subtle approach.
    Guy: Then go back to watching Evangelion, you screw-up.

    Eva is my favorite anime. I was going to argue back but realized it was pointless. Instead we just went back to playing Soul Calibur 2.
    >> Thelostcup !1cFi6ry2ks 03/28/10(Sun)17:58 No.32676445
    I should probably mention that I have a pack of weeaboos that follows me around. They think I'm Japanese for some reason.

    Majority of them are girls and they like to punch me whenever I say Naruto is shit. None of them even know what Eva is either.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:01 No.32676557

    Not anywhere near to everyone's watched Eva these days. Most people haven't even watched fucking Cowboy Bebop. It's depressing.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:02 No.32676561


    I think would of hit him.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:03 No.32676620

    I swear, when he called Trapeze "shoujo faggotry" I felt like breaking his fat face in half.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:04 No.32676652
    There was no anime club at my college. However there was a guy who I kept seeing in the hallways who was always watching anime or reading manga on his laptop. Funny thing is, he was the blackest guy I've ever seen and buff as fuck to boot.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:05 No.32676679

    Sounds like a typical Narutard. They assume all anime that isn't overpowered men fighting is shoujo faggotry and won't bother with it.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:06 No.32676724
    Dude got you bro. He got you good.
    Dude may not have a high powerlevel but he got you.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:07 No.32676743

    We all feel your rage, but you did it wrong.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:07 No.32676756

    That's fucking awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:08 No.32676777
         File1269814087.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 87 KB, 469x428, IMG_30162.jpg)
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    Did the guy look anything like this?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:09 No.32676827
    Saw some hipster couple watch Dokuro-chan in some small secluded hallway on campus last week. The guy was telling her about it (when it aired, how many seasons, all that shit) and they were both laughing.

    Saw some normalfag reading bleach on his laptop a while ago too. Was with a bunch of normalfag friends.
    >> THE FLYING DUTCHMAN !KVW31moNek 03/28/10(Sun)18:10 No.32676852

    I'm the guy who tells them to shut up. In fact, quite a few of them are on thin ice on being kicked out and blacklisted.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:11 No.32676916
    Exactly like that guy. He isn't a retard as a person, but he also plays WoW. No, fuck that, he's a fucking waste of carbon.

    Got me good? I was trolled ultra-hardcore, seriously. I'm telling you guys this because it was probably the first time shit like this happened, but unfornately it did.

    I know, I know. Until that point, I never had much contact with this kind of weeaboo before, and I'm a hard-boiled guy, to kick in.

    Wasn't trolling. I swear he was dead serious.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:12 No.32676929
    The other week I had to drive my niece to her anime club because her parents were busy. On the way I made small talk and mentioned I watched anime too. She asked me what my favorite series was, and I told her it was Gankutsuou. She never heard of it and shrugged it off. I asked her what her favorite was, and she turns to me and says "Death Note. You probably haven't heard of it though, it's pretty obscure."
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:13 No.32676951

    You are now aware all those guys post in /a/, every day.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:13 No.32676973
    >"Death Note. You probably haven't heard of it though, it's pretty obscure."

    I sniggered.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:14 No.32676991
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    >"Death Note. You probably haven't heard of it though, it's pretty obscure."

    >You are now aware all those guys post in /a/, every day.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:14 No.32677008
    d'aww so cute. is she 12, btw?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:15 No.32677028
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    Did he look like this?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:15 No.32677033

    How did you replied?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:16 No.32677055

    She's a master troll in the making. oh, I'm so proud...

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