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    File : 1269768564.jpg-(99 KB, 550x400, 8618-shonen-jump-40.jpg)
    99 KB Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)05:29 No.32655659  
    I shamelessly admit that Naruto is what got me into anime.

    I even further shamelessly admit I moved on to Bleach after catching up on Naruto and (for some period of time) thought Bleach was better than Naruto (not anymore thou).

    I gladly admit however that I finally decided to try One Piece after catching up to Bleach. After catching up in One Piece, the other two seemed so far below standards that I dropped Bleach and stuck with only reading Naruto.

    Not dropping One Piece anytime soon, even if you offered me fellatio.

    Stories of your Big 3 experiences [a/?
    Preferably if you've experienced all three.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)05:30 No.32655675
    One Piece is on an exponentially rising level of awesome.

    Naruto is pretty much a steady line.

    Bleach is going down hill sadly.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)05:32 No.32655703
    >shamelessly admit
    >gladly admit however
    I think that you meant to say "shamefully".
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)05:32 No.32655716
    Took my quite a while to get into Onepiece. Cause lets admit it, the artwork of Onepiece is shit. In terms of drawing Naruto is one of the best mangas out there.
    Dragonball Z was one of my first mangaseries, Naruto followed up later and never got into Bleach even today.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)05:33 No.32655727
    I started watching all three of them a few years ago, kept going until the anime supply dried out, then switched to the manga, which I still read to this day.

    I'm pretty sure that that story applies to 80% of /a/.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)05:34 No.32655743
    I'd say that Bleach is like a roller coaster, it has it's high points where it's better than the both than it's low points where it's complete shit. It pretty much fluctuates between these moments all the time.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)05:35 No.32655764
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    >the artwork of Onepiece is shit
    Maybe in Oda's humble beginnings but not anymore.
    Pic related. Show me any page in Naruto that come close to this level of awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)05:35 No.32655771
    I thought One Piece was a shit clone of Dragon Ball

    and Naruto was much better

    but then everything reserved

    never cared for Bleach though. It was always mediocre for me.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)05:36 No.32655778
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)05:36 No.32655783
    This isn't even the best of the best OP pictures.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)05:37 No.32655792
    you mean everything REVERSED amirite?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)05:37 No.32655811

    cue skypiea_ruins.jpg
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)05:37 No.32655812
    >I started watching
    >I'm pretty sure that that story applies to 80% of /a/.

    seriously? am i the only one who actually first READ something?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)05:38 No.32655813
    The art is pretty good but it's just the character designs that are god awful.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)05:39 No.32655839
    Reading Shonen Jump at middle school when it had just come out.
    We passed each monthly issue between all my bro's.
    My favorite series was always Shaman King, then One Piece, then Sand Land.
    I always thought Naruto was 'okay'.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)05:39 No.32655840
    Somebody post that "Big 3 Mangaka Character Design Contest" fancomic that has been floating around.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)05:39 No.32655842
    got started on naruto anime and then it dried up so i jumped to manga

    never got into bleach

    just started one piece anime
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)05:39 No.32655847
    No, you aren't. I actually find your kind annoying. Stop trying to say that the anime isn't better than the manga, just because you had the misfortune of reading the manga first.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)05:40 No.32655856
    The character design is awesome! I'm not just talking about the art character design, I'm talking about just the characters in general, their looks reflect the person and it's pretty much perfect every time.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)05:42 No.32655892
    I watched a decent amount of shows and I would always seek out DEEP things and considered myself a person of refined tastes above such things but my friend was always suggesting Naruto to me and it took a long ass time for me to finally listen to him but when I watched it, I really really liked it. It was my first experience with a shounen anime so the emotions and HEART and manly tears that they always express hit me pretty hard because I had never experienced that sort of thing before. I still like Naruto but it's fallen off a lot.

    Then I watched Bleach on my own and it was okay, then it got sucky. Now I like the trolling aspects of it.

    But man, One Piece, I wouldn't have watched this ever because I had been tainted by the 4kids version, but that same friend recommended it to me and I'm so glad I did because it's not only the best anime but the best thing and sometimes I think to myself how close I was to never watching it in my life and how much I'd be missing out.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)05:42 No.32655904
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    >the misfortune of reading the manga first.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)05:44 No.32655929
    Naruto used to be my favorite for a while back when it was still in the 200s. But for some reason I just lost all interest during the arc where they had to rescue Gaara. Haven't touched it since.

    I thought Bleach was pretty cool, but I never went further than the beginning, not even to the Soul Society arc. Not interested in it at all right now.

    I tried One Piece, but I couldn't stand the art to read more than like two chapters. Not saying it's bad, just not my thing.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)05:44 No.32655933
    Well i started Onepiece on tv, than looked for the manga at my comicstore. The mangas were in pocket size and thus really hard to read. Nowadays with the internet OP is so much easier to read cause of dina4 sized pages. But still you cannot compare the artwork of Onepiece with Naruto. I know its also a matter of style, but still Naruto artwork is superior.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)05:46 No.32655987
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    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)05:46 No.32655990
    only if you don't develop a sense of humor are they hideous, they're fucking funny and should be taken like that since its a manga that actually tries something and the charecters aren't the typical generic face number 12568 shit.

    I realized that what I liked more about OP is the characters personalities, they're so believable and watching scenes of their everyday stuff in the ship or when they hang around in islands is better then watching fights in my opinion. But adventure is a big part of OP so its only normal.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)05:46 No.32655996
    Such a shame. Your missing out man. I'm sure I'm not the only person to tell you that.

    Look past the art and before you know it, you'll love it for what it is.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)05:47 No.32656007
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    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)05:47 No.32656008
    awesome, carry on!
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)05:47 No.32656016
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    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)05:48 No.32656031
    Yeah I don't want to like put too much pressure on you or anything but every single person I know who's main problem with the series was the art got past that and later learned to love it.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)05:48 No.32656038
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    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)05:49 No.32656069
    I watched some episodes of Naruto with a friend. Most of the time it was a chore thanks to all those goddamn flashbacks and other unnecessary stupid shit. Then he got a better taste in anime and we watched better shows.

    Then another friend gave me some volumes of One Piece and promised me I'd get hooked. Yeah, right. I still haven't read past volume 4 and don't care to.

    Never watched/read Bleach.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)05:51 No.32656092
    >Then he got a better taste in anime and we watched better shows.
    No, he didn't.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)05:51 No.32656094
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    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)05:51 No.32656111
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    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)05:52 No.32656125
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    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)05:54 No.32656169
    That's your opinion man, but I'm pretty sure I liked 70s-90s good stuff better than Naruto.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)05:57 No.32656226
    JoJo and Hokuto no Ken are better than Naruto and Bleach but still not as awesome as One Piece.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)05:58 No.32656255
    Started with Naruto, and rolled with that for a while. Next was Bleach, and then just watched both of those for a time.

    Eventually I got bored of them and stopped watching anime for a while. Came back and watched the greats (Cowboy Bebop, ect.), and now I just watch whatever seems good. Though it seems I have substituted Hitman Reborn! for whatever part of me misses the shounen days, but I like Hitman more than I ever did Bleach or Naruto.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)05:58 No.32656259

    I chuckled, thanks!
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)06:04 No.32656384
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    I started with Naruto anime but couldn't wait a week for the conclusion of Gaara vs. Rock Lee, so I caught up with the manga. I dropped the anime shortly after. The manga continued to be great until the time skip.

    I then started watching One Piece anime. I ran out of Kaizoku-Fansubs at the beginning of Arabasta Arc, so I caught up with the manga at the Skypeia Arc. I dropped the anime shortly after. The manga never disappoints.

    I then started reading Bleach. The full color chapter of Ichigo's first bankai came out Christmas time around 5 years ago. I have been disappointed ever since. Didn't bother with the anime.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)06:09 No.32656475
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    I donno man, the One Piece anime has some funny ass moments. Plus, no one can deny that fight scenes and sad scenes are much better animated.

    Pic related. Boa's delusions.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)06:09 No.32656479
    I think this thread confirms:
    One Piece>Naruto>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Bleach
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)06:11 No.32656522
    Hancock and Jimbei are amazing. Hancock is HILARIOUS and Jimbei is just so amazing.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)06:13 No.32656571
    I started reading the big 3 as they began in WSJ, dropped Bleach for a while in the middle of Mexico (when Renji and Ishida were fighting Pervert Butterflyman), dropped Naruto for a long time after the fight at the valley of the end, dropped One Piece for a while during Skypea and again during Davy Back Fight.

    Currently reading all three again, just because no matter how much /a/ trolls them, fact is that there's a shitton of worse manga out there, just the vast majority of them haven't been scanlated. I can say that I like them, but I don't "look forward" to them per se. My favorites in WSJ are HxH and Bakuman.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)06:29 No.32656938
    I gave One Piece a chance because I read from Wikipedia that it was about pirates. I still read it and I have watched the first 400 episodes.

    I have never even thought about checking out the other big two.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)06:59 No.32657413
    I'd been an anime fan for quite awhile before the "Big 3" came about.

    Naruto: I was impressed with Naruto at first. A shounen fighting series with an incompetent main character who promises to show real growth? Don't see that often. Blended comedy and action very well, and had a lot of interesting character ideas. Over time though, it began to feel aimless and started slipping back into the usual tropes. Stopped following it about a year ago.

    Bleach: More or less the same story. Loved the beginning. Ichigo was a fantastic main character despite "youth who just happens to have ultimate untapped power" syndrome. Loved his speech about not being so unrealistic as to expect to save the world, but not being happy until he does enough to make a difference. Absolutely loved the supporting cast too. Unfortunately that meant I was increasingly irritated with how far they all sank after halfway through Soul Society arc. Eventually realized none of them were around for any reason other than to get their asses kicked so Ichigo can look more badass later. Christ, even Goku's friends were treated better. Stopped reading after Orihime got kidnapped, realizing the new storyline was going to be the exact same thing as the last one because Kubo ran out of ideas.

    One Piece: STILL fucking impressed. Blown away by the non traditional artwork and sheer wackyness of the character designs at first. Perfect balance of story, humor, and action. Love seeing Oda take risks with his stories that other mangaka would never dream of (Ditching the entire main cast and following the main character around with a random assortment of characters from previous storylines? And doing it in such a way that the fans are loving it?!). One of only a handful of series I keep up on now, and the only one I follow both the manga and anime as they come out.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)07:05 No.32657525
    Well, Cowboy Bebop and Dragonball Z got me into anime as a teenager.

    But as far as the Big 3 are concerned, my cousin got me into Bleach, then I watched Naruto after seeing it on Cartoon Network once. I thought Bleach was far better than Naruto at the time.

    Eventually I caught up to where Naruto and Bleach were in the manga, so I was looking for some other anime/manga, and reluctantly watched One Piece ( thought it was pretty homosex because of having seen it's faggy english dub version) but it was fucking amazing in Japanese.

    Anyway, at this point, being on the current manga chapter for all 3, it's One Piece >>>>>>>>>>>>> Bleach > Naruto (which is just emoness, retarded illogocial decisions, and legitimate homosexual obsession over Sasuke).
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)07:14 No.32657707
    got into naruto, caught up skipping filler, got into bleach, again skipped filler. watched fma... saw how bad bleach and naruto are compared to most anime. dropped both.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)07:19 No.32657800
    I started with Bleach, I loved it from the start then Soul Society came out of no where and I'm like "what the fuck is going on, this is god damn awesome" then it slowly got worse and worse, I still read it just to see what Kubo pulls out of his ass every week though for laughs.

    I read Naruto because my RL friend was telling me it was better than Bleach, I thought it was okay, I marathoned the manga and the start was pretty great and held my interest however it got boring a lot faster than Bleach did so I dropped it post time skip around the whole Pain thing.

    I tried to get into One Piece, since everyone on this board and a lot of other people I know won't shut up about it. I went into it expecting a lot and came out disappointed. I'm sure it has to do with the fact I read the manga online and that the quality of the scans and translation are both horrible but it couldn't hold my interest for shit. I got up to right after the fight where Sanji joined the crew then dropped it immediately after. It wasn't a conscious decision it was just so boring I never found myself compelled to go back to read more. I'm sure it's a great manga as people speak so highly of it, but the start is just so...lackluster.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)07:34 No.32658044
    I started watching anime that I rememberd from FoxKids. On Youtube... After I while my sister asked me wether I knew Naruto. Didn't and in a few weeks we watched 20 or so episodes together.

    I wanted to wach more and she had a slow pace so I started watching it without her. Once I caught up with the dub... I started waching Bleach. Shit was cash. I dunno how long it took me but I kept up with the dub for a while. at the time the episodes with Tsunade vs Orochimaru vs Ero-Sennin were being dubbed. I started waching the subbed episodes since I couldn't wait for weeks anymore... I started waching both series subbed.
    I donno how much later this was but. Eventually I ended up at a forum with a lot of One Piece fans. They told me I should watch One Piece. I tried getting into it 3 times. The first episode chased me out every time... Then I was like whatever and wached a lot. > 300 episdodes and disliked most of them.
    >> 1/2 Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)07:37 No.32658098
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    Being a Deepfag and all, I had this bias against One Piece, assuming it was boring and mostly a series for kids, based on my experience with the 4kids dub of the anime. The voices and the censorship were pretty bad and the 4kids sountrack was incredibly shitty... but I still watched the Baratie arc because it aired when I went to bed. I'd watch it casually every other episode, then the Arlong Saga started, and by the time Luffy vs. Arlong began, one day I really wanted to know what would happen next episode and decided to download a few of them so I wouldn't hve to wait anymore. The one thing led to another, and by the end of Arabasta I already thought this was the best-written shounen I had ever seen. I watched all the episodes up to Thriller Bark (where the anime was back then), then switched to the manga when "Nothing happened" happened. Yeah, since then, shit got pretty epic, as the last 90 chapters are nothing short of mind-blowingly awesome.

    In my opinion, it's up there wit Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou, Ode to Kirihito, Solanin, Vinland Saga, Monster, 20th Century Boys and Nausicaa, in my list of favorite mango. I really trust Oda on how he's telling his story, lovable characters, very interesting and expansive plot,
    great setting, worldbuilding, adventurin' and attention to details. IMO it's the single most consistent manga being published at the moment. So yeah, OPfan since mid 2008.
    >> 2/2 Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)07:37 No.32658106
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    Read the entire Naruto manga in late 2009 (I read a lot of manga, watched the best fights, part I and early part II were passable, the last 100 chapters have been shit-tier. I am not impressed.

    Read about 300 chapters of Bleach (and spoiled myself on the rest) this year, again, not impressed. Style-over-substance, both on characters and plot - made to look cool and nothing else. And don't get started on the bullshit about lolaztec symbolism or deconstruction of shounen archetypes, because that shit is older than you.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)07:40 No.32658158
    No I read all three in manga form first. Never watched Bleach or One Piece, watched some Naruto.
    >> 3/2 Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)07:43 No.32658196
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    Oh, forgot to repost this from another thread.
    One Piece (10/10) >>>> Naruto Part 1 (5/10) > Bleach (4/10) > Naruto Part 2 (3/10)
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)07:46 No.32658236
    I want that statue.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)07:51 No.32658297
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    Obligatory "What One Piece is like" picture.

    Too bad, man... you quit right before the very first small peak. Yeah, the terribad scanlations don't help either, that's why the One Piece anime >>>> manga until the Arabasta arc ends (ep. 130, ch 215)
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)07:53 No.32658344
    After some anime with whiny main character like Sinji I thought that it is a common thing to have a shitty main character. I was watching DragonBall and after it Z-part and was happy. I stumbled upon Naruto because it is a big bubble in my native forums. Everyone are talking about it for some reason.Watching at the failure of Naruto, his weakness and loudness I was just looking through manga. But then I remembered that in the world exists One Piece- a blowheadaway manga about insane pirates. The damn opening of the first episode made me hard. A main character that is in his teens AND can protect his friends and words. THAT WAS GREAT. Finally! It was wayyy later when I discovered the manliness of older manga characters but still I see Jotaro as a grown up and so are other chars of that time. Goku too. Yes, sometimes One Piece pissed me off with Luffy's dumbness. But that was only with his fails up to Drum island. After that Oda cut off that shitty appendix and Luffy won my whole heart. Starting from Thriller Bark One Piece became far beyond more than a manga for me. It became part of my family, standing on top of every other manga and anime. For year and a half I enjoy that delight for every week and feel complete. One Piece was the only thing my soul lacked for being in nirvana. I just look through Naruto, just for fun and to flame characters and their doings. That yellow degenerate is a failure. When he is offscreen manga is normal and enjoyable. Even Sasuke is more interesting to look after.
    Bleach was nothing for me and only year and half ago I started looking it. Just for fun. I never expected chilling grandeur One Piece is delivering from Kubo. Bleach is just...I don't know, to be in touch with jokes on forums and to spend some time every week on it for fun. While One Piece is far beyond mere time spending. It is a whole world that is joy to research.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)07:55 No.32658370

    Seems like a lot of people can't get into One Piece manga. You guys should try starting with the anime and then picking up the manga at around the Arabasta Arc. I dropped the anime before epi 100, but I still nostalgia hard whenever I listen to the first two op/ed themes.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)07:56 No.32658391
    sure is troll in here.. I mean, whoa, easy, man.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)07:57 No.32658421

    I love that picture. It is actually perfect in ites description.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)08:01 No.32658507
    Well the scans are like 12 years old and are really bad in terms of quality. The translations are awful as well, getting into One Piece via the manga can be a chore because of that.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)08:03 No.32658550
    I just reread the last about 30 chapters of One Piece in a row... I haven't done it lately. Holy crap your brain like explodes the last 8 or so chapters. I feel bad for people who read all the war straight through for the first time. I don't think they'll be able to keep the goo in their skull.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)08:08 No.32658644

    pretty much the same as OP. i was consistently put off by One Piece because of the art work in the anime. But then found a fellow anime friend crying while watching Nami's back story arc, laughed at his ass. Then watched it a few weeks later for the lolz, and a couple (can you say 100+ eps) later my friend found me sobbing at Choppers back story.

    Of the three I think One Piece has been the one that's making me consistently BaaaWWW. I've never once felt anything from Bleach or Naruto.

    Oda's a genius. While Kubo's a troll. And Kishimoto's a sexist who hates women. Hahaha.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)08:09 No.32658668
    > I feel bad for people who read all the war straight through for the first time. I don't think they'll be able to keep the goo in their skull.

    Actually I feel the other way around. OPreaders will forever be divided between those who read it in one go after the WB War started, and us, who read it week by week, brains all over the wall every chapter, speculating, thinking, talking about it, antecipating the next one and savouring it deliciously, week after week.

    I mean, if you aren't a reader by now, you already missed half the impact all those things had on us the first time we read it. Not to mention the possibility of being spoiled about any number of events.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)08:10 No.32658680
    One Piece ≥ Gintama >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)08:10 No.32658684
    I started reading both bleach and naruto when they had about 100 chapters, and on the most part I enjoyed it. They're not as good as they have been in my opinion but i figured that each chapter is about 5-10 minutes of reading each week so i don't see why i should drop it.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)08:12 No.32658718
    got into anime with naruto
    moved on to bleach
    never watched one piece
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)08:13 No.32658733
    Kinda agreed... people who read it after this will never know what was like trying to predict the next thing Oda would do ever since Impel Down, and failing miserably every single time, guessing only the most obvious stuff.

    Seriously, it's impossible to predict Oda.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)08:13 No.32658740
    I see your point. My brain has been shattered every week since Ace was freed. On Wednesdays I'm practically pissing myself in excitement mashing f5 on Mangastream.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)08:14 No.32658762
    Of the 3, the only mangaka who you can really predict what they'll do next is Kishi.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)08:14 No.32658766
    naruto > one piece > bleach
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)08:14 No.32658767
    > mashing f5 on Mangastream
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)08:17 No.32658811


    People sure like to invent useless things.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)08:20 No.32658861
    Native on Opera, addon on Firefox, very useful on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)08:25 No.32658916
    because moving your hand 5cm to hit F5 is really tiring. that's why Americans are so fat.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)08:25 No.32658932
    I'm American and I hit F5, and I'm not fat either. :(
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)08:25 No.32658934
    Sailor Moon or Ranma 1/2 was the first anime related thing I ever watched. Evangelion or Gundam Wing was what got me into anime though.. it's had to remember which one but they both deserve pretty big credit.


    I have this unfortunate thing where once I've been watching something for awhile I 'gotta see it through to the end' no matter how bad/boring it's gotten. When I watch Naruto these days it feels less like I'm watching an entertaining or fun show and more like I'm just doing it to complete a task. IT FEELS LIKE A FUCKING JOB.


    I only watch new episodes as they come out on Adult Swim. Johnny Yong Bosch threatened to throw me into a tv if I did otherwise. However, I did make one exception for that episode where they're on the beach.. oh I downloaded that one and fapped like a motherfucka!

    Which brings me to my next point: Kubo draws some really fine ladies (and a couple or so nice looking dudes as well. ex: Hitsugaya) Bleach could have the greatest filler arc ever if they did an arc in the anime devoted to just the cast going to various beaches and hot springs.. just hanging out and having fun. The only kind of fights that would be allowed would be the ones that give maximum fanservice like.. mudwrestling or something.

    >>One Piece

    Kinda like the CSI: Miami of anime. God is it stupid and I know should know better and I DO know better but hell, it's fun as fucking a goat too!
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)08:27 No.32658952
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)08:27 No.32658961
    I started out with Naruto, then I moved to One Piece followed by Bleach.

    I stopped watching anime afterwards, but Elfen Lied and Death Note got me back in the game....permanently.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)08:29 No.32658994
    Surprisingly few, if any, trolls.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)08:32 No.32659047
    Here's my experience with the big 3:

    I started watching Naruto in 2005 because some friend of mine talked me into watching it. Conceptually it was excellent but the pacing was horrible and every action scene, with very few exceptions, was ruined by tons of useless exposition and slow paced shit. I had to watch a whole 26 episode season in a day/weekend to feel some plot development. Dropped after episode 100 or so. I picked up the manga when /a/ was noisy about GARuto and been reading it weekly ever since because it's pretty fun to read a few pages now and then

    I picked up Bleach when I dropped Naruto. It was excellent, pretty and improved on all the things I hated about Naruto. Then around the Mexico arc everything went to shit, except the pendulum arc. I still read it to get trolled every week

    Lastly I gave One Piece a chance last summer because the sheer number of episodes had pushed me away from watching it sooner. I liked the comedy elements and some flashbacks were fuck-awesome (Sanji's and Chopper's come to mind), but the arcs were largely formulaics and didn't deliver. Dropped around episode 150 just after Arabasta. Will try again next summer
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)08:33 No.32659064
    > because moving your hand 5cm to hit F5 is really tiring.

    I have a small case of carpal tunnel syndrome... not that it's bothering me right now, but better to save the effort. Also, not american and not fat.

    It's good, anyways, for refreshing 2, 3, 5, 10 tabs at the same time.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)08:33 No.32659067
    If Shanks doesn't kill Akainu, I'm going to be upset.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)08:42 No.32659204
    I started reading Naruto back in 2001, I think (can't remember that well). At that time, Toriyama's World was the one scanlating it and the biggest Naruto site was Naruto Center.
    It was interesting to see Naruto becoming the biggest manga in the west.

    I don't really follow Naruto anymore (not that I hate it , just disliked some of the things that happened). And besides, I'm more of a moefag nowadays.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)08:43 No.32659224
    One Piece - last one I started, by far the one I love the most. In fact, the only one I genuinely love. Anime has been subpar, though.

    Naruto - part 1 was okay, 2 is shit, dropped at the Summit arc

    Blech - too slow, too "cool", too generic
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)08:45 No.32659269
    IIRC I got into Naruto first due to its fans on a forum I visited, then Bleach later, then One Piece much, much later.

    Naruto was great, but hit the rocks some time after the timeskip. Bleach was great, but hit the rocks sometime in Hueco Mundo. One Piece I'm not big on, and only caught up on it so that I can tell when Fairy Tail critics are pulling shit out of their ass.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)08:46 No.32659294
    I watched Naruto till the fillers and then stopped for awhile. Looking back it was probably a good thing since the early naruto scans were pretty bad.

    Same deal with bleach, watched it until fillers and stopped. For me I haven't had any enjoyment out of bleach since the end of of the soul society arc and it's dead to me now. I don't really see how anyone could stand to call it anything other than shit anymore.

    Tried to get into one piece but I just don't have the patience to read through tons of shitty old scans just to catch up and sit through a single chapter a week. Maybe once it finishes I'll read through it(if that ever happens).
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)08:47 No.32659309
    One Piece was the first of the big three anime I got into, mainly because I caught my brother watching it on TV. Watched through it, thought it was crappy at first then started to really get into it.

    Naruto was introduced to me directly by my brother. We watched it, and liked it. Hoped it would continue to be cool.

    Also took to downloading the manga through torrents and back in the day the torrents came in batches. There was a One Piece Chapter, a Naruto chapter and...what the hell is this Bleach?

    Took a look. Thought it was okay. Thought Hitsugaya was the hero since I first read the End of Hypnosis chapter. Learned there was a fanservice scene so I took a look at the anime. Then I did a speedread through the manga.

    I pretty much like all three of them. But my respect for Naruto dropped due to filler hell and my respect for Bleach rose due to the Bount arc. But One Piece still remains the top anime for all time.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)08:48 No.32659322
    Oh, but I give props to Oda for his tragedy-construction skills. Nami's breakdown was great.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)08:52 No.32659414
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    One Piece is like a fine wine. The more it ages, the better it gets.

    Naruto is like a stale biscuit. Not exactly as good as it once was, but still edible.

    Bleach is like shit. It's... shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)08:52 No.32659419
    Got into Naruto when it was at the Tsunade arc mostly because it was the most accesable anime on the internet for some reason. I think thats the main reason its so popular. Every streming website had Naruto and maybe one or two random shows.

    Got into Bleach when the anime was about 10 eps in, got SERIOUSLY addicted. As soon as I got to ep ten I bought all of the manga volumes that were out allready (I think there was 6) and read all the other chapters back to back online.
    It makes me rage so hard to see what bleach has become.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)08:54 No.32659443
    Anyone know where to get the early One Piece chapters without shitty quality?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)08:54 No.32659444
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    Indeed good sir
    >> 1/2 03/28/10(Sun)08:55 No.32659457
    Started great, stayed great until the time skip where the quality fell off drastically. Seriously, the entire thing at this point revolves around Naruto trying to save Saucegay from THE DARKNESS, even though Saucegay is now a Class-S criminal, and repeatedly tries to kill Naturo and everyone in Konoha. Sakura has been in love is Sasuke ever since they were kids, and Naruto has been in love with Sakura. In the latest few chapters Sakura finally tells Naruto she loves him and to forget Sasuke, and Naruto is all like "NO LAWL I MUST BRING BACK SAUCEGAY". That, and the awesome supporting cast is completely unused. Oh, and apparently Kishi hates Kakashi. At this point the plot has become total shit.

    Started great, Soul Society was awesome until it started moving at a glacial pace, then ended great when Aizen came and wrecked everyone's shit. Arrancar started and was good. Then Hueco Mundo started and the glacial pace set in again. It's been on the same arc for five damn years now. Kubo's pacing and lack of backgrounds are huge turn-offs. And now Kubo pulled the "EVERYTHING HAS GONE ACCORDING TO PLAN LOL" card out of his ass. Aizen is just too much of an unbelievable villain, being both smarter and stronger than any other shinigami in history, and attaining it all in relatively short time. It gets boring when no matter what you try, Aizen says 'I PREDICTED YOU WOULD DO THAT". Watch, next week he'll go on a speech about how he also predicted Isshin would show up. Still, Bleach blows away the other Big 3 in at least one category, and that is style. Bleach is very stylish and the characters always look awesome. That, and Kuba is fantastic at expressing the character's emotions. Have someone else make up the story and have Kubo draw it you you could have potentially the best manga ever.
    >> 1/2 03/28/10(Sun)08:55 No.32659466

    >One Piece
    Not much to say here, except consistent mind-fucking awesomeness from beginning to end. It's easy to see why people would hate on it due to the drawing style. It definitely takes some getting used to, but that's fine, it isn't for everyone. Get past the drawing style and you're in for a roller coaster of epic proportions. Character personalities are very diverse, characters always look vastly different, characters often times are absolutely hilarious, the One Piece world is constantly expanding as they explore the relatively unexplored world and see new, strange devil fruit powers, and the current Marineford arc has been nothing short of mind-blowing awesomeness. Oda is damn near impossible to predict.

    One Piece>Bleach>Naruto
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)08:55 No.32659468
    Try here:
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)08:57 No.32659507
    I pretty much abandoned all the Shonen jump lineups when I was about 16, except for HunterXHunter. This is the only series good enough for non-Shonens, in my opinion.
    Someone has to confiscate Togashi's playstation and force him to draw more frequently.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)08:58 No.32659520
    Started with Naruto, thought it was the shit, watched to the fillers then wanted something else to fill in the gaps.

    Went onto Bleach, thought it was fun and had some great battles, back then Aizen had just made his move and showed his true colours slicing Renji up.

    Then I did start One Piece but I couldn't get into it, the first few episodes were honestly crap.

    I moved onto other shows, s-CRY-ed, Samurai Champloo and Full Metal Alchemist. After I had seen those I went back to OP and I slowly started watching it bit by bit, once I reached the Arlong arc, I was fucking hooked and it was my mission to try and watch all available episodes, back then it was up to about ep 260-27- just about when the SH's had started invading Enies Lobby.

    But there was a big gap in the subs back then, KF only went up to 180~ and fansubbers of had started after the G8 arc around the 210s so there were about 30 episodes had to watch using HK subs and having the manga at the side to help make sense of what the shitty subs were saying. So I ended up skipping G8 too thinking its only filler. Then about 1-2 years ago after KF had caught up I downloaded the missing eps and realised I had not seen G8, the filler arc, little did I realise it was actually one of the best Filler arcs I had seen in the big 3.
    >> Shojofag of Mexico !!WqSRYLahdUC 03/28/10(Sun)08:58 No.32659523
    had some friends from work nag me a lot to make me watch naruto after a few month I gave it a chance

    while its not a good a series if you skip the fillers is an acceptable fightan anime (specially Lee v. Gaara)
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)08:59 No.32659544
    ... Bookstore?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:01 No.32659577
    @people reading OP Manga and dropping it

    Watch the anime instead and watch it up to the end of the Alabasta arc - watch the first and last bits of Skypia read the bits inbetween - Then read the Davy back fight then watch the Water 7 arc all the way to the end of Enies Lobby finishes. EL and W7 in total is about 70-80 episodes.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:02 No.32659600
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    >I shamelessly admit that Naruto is what got me into anime
    >Not Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball, Fist of the North Star, Lum, etc
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:05 No.32659654
    Well the 2000s are over so you can't expect everyone to have seen those now.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:07 No.32659676
    I started with hellsing 5 years ago and always avoided the big 3 because of the fan base

    A year ago I was kind of made to check then out. Dropped Naruto because it's pathetic,
    Bleach I somehow despise but can't stop reading and there are some characters I care about
    One Piece is not too bad but I can't get around to reading it further

    this post sucks
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:07 No.32659679
    naruto first, because everyone was reading/watching it... forgot when I gave up on it... then I got into watching bleach, which was great up until the end of the soul society arc.. watched it on and off since then, out of boredom.

    then I decided to give one piece a try.. and my life has never been better
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:07 No.32659680

    Well, i guess... but they need to watch the good oldies too.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:08 No.32659710
    > Anyone know where to get the early One Piece chapters without shitty quality?

    There no decent scans until chapter 120ish, and then not again until 230+.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:09 No.32659733
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    >have Kubo draw it
    I donno... imagine One Piece with no backgrounds.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:11 No.32659783

    There are some new scans for the early chapters.
    The problem is that, i can't find all of them, i just found a few, and someone who post them in [a/ thread long long ago...
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:12 No.32659798
    >>32659443 or your local bookseller.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:12 No.32659800
    It will become readable?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:13 No.32659834
    Protip: They hire other people to draw the backgrounds for them, except Kubo who just wants money so he doesn't have many(any?) assistants.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:14 No.32659851
    He has a few.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:14 No.32659856
    I've been into anime for a good long while, but didn't get into the Big 3 until American Shonen Jump rolled into town and I picked it up for Yugioh, DBZ, and YYH. I soon found myself interested in Naruto, One Piece, Shaman King, and later Bleach and Hikaru No Go (as well as stuff they ran volume previews for like HxH).
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:15 No.32659868
    It's actually well known that Kubo's assistants are there to white out all the backgrounds Kubo draws.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:16 No.32659898
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    Now i am imagining, they sailing in a white page looking at the log pose, and the log pose doesn't point in any place
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:17 No.32659904
    >>32659856 here
    Incidentally this is probably why I'm one of the few that likes the early chapters of One Piece: I got them with Viz' scans instead of that chinese crap that everyone else has to work with.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:17 No.32659906
    Please don't devolve this into a big3 argument, just post your stories and move along.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:17 No.32659913
    i only read bleach because the other 2 r too childish and/or gay
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:17 No.32659917
    Kubo just pays them to laze around with him and play vidya.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:18 No.32659926
    i have to admit, i liked naruto until saske vs naruto, and i loved bleach until SS arc, even more than what i loved one piece at one piont, now i just read naruto and bleach because i already know the plot, and they are just "there" but i secretly want bleach to return to his roots, naruto can go to hell, is beyond reparing.
    >> Lon !!Stownxj7Uv6 03/28/10(Sun)09:18 No.32659935
    I started with Bleach some time during 2006. Before Bleach I had already spent a couple of weeks marathoning DBZ, NGE, FMP, FMA, Love Hina, Galaxy Angel and every Ghibli film I could find, which had lead to me taking up anime as a "hobby".
    I grew up with watching classics such as Doraemon, Mazinger Z and Saint Seiya, but since I didn't know better I though they were just cool cartoons.

    When I caught up to the latest episode of the Bleach anime I picked up Naruto because I had heard that it was similar to Bleach. I marathoned the whole thing in roughly 10 days, loved it all including the filler hell.
    Half way into the doll fight in Shippuuden however I began to lose interest. It was around this time that I picked up reading manga as a hobby.
    One thing lead to another and eventually I found out about OP.

    Needless to say I'm a rabid OP-fan now, I loathe Naruto but still keep reading it because I've spent far too much time to just drop it and Bleach is neither, I just like Kubo's art, the ocassional "easter eggs", some of Ichigo's speaches and hollows.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:18 No.32659944
    Kubo has 3 assistants, although none of them has a position of superiority over the others - there's no chief assistant.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:19 No.32659977
    I feel that Bleach would be better if Kubo did the characters and someone else did the plot, or maybe if Kubo just made it a 4-koma (seriously how awesome would Bleach's cast be for 4-komas).
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:20 No.32659992

    True. Here's an interview with Kubo, he confirms he has three assistants.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:20 No.32659998
    Kubo never did 4comas.
    His omake, however, are brilliant
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:20 No.32660000
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    when there was still a dbz hype everyone suddenly started to switch over naruto, so i decided to check it out too. I started to read the first chapter mainly because of the sexy no jutsu joke.

    while i was checking on new naruto chapter toriyamaworld showed us the "brand new popular manga from shonen jump(from the same maker as zombie powder) i decided to check out zombie powder, and i liked it a lot, so i got into bleach then too.

    >one piece
    this one was quite different though. Even though the anime was already airing here in europe i never took an interrest in it. I asked people what it was about. They obviously said "pirates" but i don't like pirates, especially not the stereotype ones. Then the preview was kinda dumb too "luffy ate a magical fruit that makes him a rubber man" seriously, HOW LAME DOES THAT SOUND?! And the art style was totally not my thing either, i mean,even back then i was able to draw better characters than oda. Shortly after that i started to browse 4chan and found out that everyone here agreed with me. However after a few years i realized that at nighttime /a/ there were quite a few positive onepiece threads. I looked into some threads to see what was going on. There was a manga page of frankys weird sisters. And some how that page looked quite good, the way it was drawn and everything(despite the artstyle). However not enough to make me interrest.
    That changed a few days later when someone posted this page
    i thought "holy shit, that stupid looking character is so strong?! There must have been a lot of foreshadowing while still downplaying that character. I gotta read it!" of course, i didn't know usopp was a lying weakling, but it was this page that made me read onepiece.

    So IRONICALLY it was /a/ who got me into onepiece, despite all the hate towards it
    >> H.Ichigo !SUsWc.TT4w 03/28/10(Sun)09:21 No.32660005
    Why thread filled so much with copypasta?
    >> Alice !qDX6ZJK88k 03/28/10(Sun)09:21 No.32660014
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    Holy crap OP, this same thing happened to me. Except Digimon got me into anime but I started back up with Naruto. When I caught up I watched all of Bleach but didn't really like any parts other than Kenpachi scenes. I finally decided to try One Piece and now the others feel like shit, so I'm sticking to One Piece.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:21 No.32660019
    I know. I'm saying it would be better if he did.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:22 No.32660044
    > Why thread filled so much with copypasta?

    How do you know this? Honestly, feels very legit, /a/non and personal to me.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:22 No.32660050
    But it exists, it's called Bleach Golden.
    Also, take note that Kubo only makes the 4-komma omake for the Bleach drawing books.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:23 No.32660065
    Because a lot of people save their longer posts so they can just paste it in next time the same topic comes up.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:24 No.32660082
    Come on now, Kubo's three assistants are just three mirrors he places around himself.
    >> Alice !qDX6ZJK88k 03/28/10(Sun)09:24 No.32660092
    Sogeking was posted a lot and it made me finally take interest. And the thing that did it was the page posted with "Gear Secondo"
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:24 No.32660097
    Naruto was the first for me..well Inuyasha was the first anime I ever saw, but Naruto was the first to actually get me into it. I remember thinking it was stupid as hell just from a outsiders perspective until this time that they had like a 3 day marathon of it on Cartoon Network and I watched some episodes. I got hooked on pretty much any interesting story and this was no different, I kept watching through the marathon and then I eventually looked up the episodes online to continue.

    I'm not exactly sure how that all played out..because there a ton of fillers in the anime apparently, so I have no idea if I watched all or not. I ran out of episodes once it was into shippuden though and I think I tried to read summaries of the remaining chapters on wikipedia or something. Eventually I got into the manga and didn't really turn back. I never made the jump to Bleach (I think I thought about it a few times though), and considering it gets even more bashed on then Naruto it'll probably stay that way. I only recently read One Piece and I was pretty blown away..puts the others to shame really.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:24 No.32660099
    That would explain all the comics where Kubo is discussing with himself.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:25 No.32660109
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    Big 3 thread where the majority isn't trolling but actually praising One Piece and having a serious discussion?


    That said, One Piece was along with Hellsing, NGE, Dragonball and Cowboy Bebop one of the first animes that got me really into manga back in 2002 - 2003. Oda sure is a good storyteller and unlike Kubo or Kishi he actually plans his shit before he draws it.

    OP >>> Naruto Part 1 =/> Bleach SS >>>>>>> Naruto Part 2, Bleach after SS
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:27 No.32660156
    always hated popular shows, so i never intended on watching any of the big three. But, one day i caught the first two episodes of Bleach on tv and loved 'em so i started to downlaod and watch Bleach and by God did i love it. After catching up with it i said, hell maybe i shouldn't hate on popular stuff before trying it so i picked up Naruto, and by God did i regret was full of shit, and it still is...also gays. And day when i was sick and had to stay in the house i started One Piece...pretty lame till the Alabasta Arc but from then on it sure was good, i still put the series on hold when luffy's boss fight comes up 'ucase they suck, but yeah currently One Piece is my favorite out of the big three, but truth be told The Big Three suck, sure they're decent but they're way too hyped.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:28 No.32660182
    >always hated popular shows
    Holy shit now that's a quick way to invalidate an opinion
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:29 No.32660214
    popular shows really do suck, genius.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:31 No.32660254
    > Alice !qDX6ZJK88k

    Hey, you were the one who caught up to One Piece last week via anime, and made some memorable threads all the way through! Where are you now, if I might ask? Switched to the manga already?

    Those threads were some of the best... another /a/non recently turned on to One Piece has started the same thing 3 days ago, but he's reading the manga instead, and posting pages as the thread goes, some of the best OP threads I've seen here, surprisingly few trolls.

    Here's some links for all of you OPfans, from those threads, in chronological order. I'm hoping he'll come back today:
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:31 No.32660263
    You do realize that Kubo hates Hitsugaya and only keeps him around for the fangirls, right?
    He's already tried to kill him at least 4 times.

    Also, nobody who has read or watched OP at least until the end of the arabasta arc hates it, they just hate the fans who would shamelessly suck Oda's cock on any given day.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:32 No.32660284
    oh u
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:32 No.32660296
    Was introduced to One Piece and Naruto when I encountered the first issue of Shonen Jump. Was introduced to Bleach the same way, and I bought the volumes because it wasn't running in the magazine. Since both Naruto and Bleach were releasing too slowly stateside, I resorted to scanlations.

    Pre grand line One Piece wasn't interesting enough for me to hunt down scans.

    After I got older, I dropped Naruto at the timeskip, Almost dropped Bleach when the Vizard stuff was released, but I'm still reading for some strange reason.

    It wasn't until Winter of 2009 until I got into One Piece, but I marathoned the entire manga in the course of a week. Shit was awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:35 No.32660349

    I suspected it, but the graph is just hilarious.

    Anyway, there was a time when I was cocksucking, too. However, that didn't last long and I admit my mistakes. Impel Down was a big disappointment to me, as well as parts of the war. But still, OP delivers weekly.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:35 No.32660356
    I read the entire thread, and am pleasantly surprised at the complete and total lack of "Wan Piss"
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:36 No.32660375
    >he's right
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:36 No.32660385

    I am suprised that [a/ can talk like normal human beings about the Big 3.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:39 No.32660438
    I watched One piece as a kid, hated it. Watched 5 episodes of Naruto and dropped it, it was shit. Watched bleach for awhile, up until episode 94, dropped it and never watched a single episode again (Bleach was actually okay for the first couple arcs. It was fucking Japanese Ghostbusters with swords, what's not to like? Then it became generic shounen shit).

    It's all shit. Stop lying to yourselves.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:39 No.32660454
    I got into all 3 through Shonen Jump. Read Bleach's volumes at the library, and followed the other two through the magazine. Eventually I marathon-ed Bleach and Naruto around the time of the Privarion Espada fights and the fight where Asuma dies respectively.

    One Piece though I was put off by how many chapters it had for me to catch up on, and I lazily plodded around the anime on TV and manga in the magazine. Eventually I jumped in when I discovered that Garp was Luffy's Grampa. Remembering him from the cover-arcs, I thought that this was awesome and everything after Enies Lobby (this was when we first learned that Moria had a higher bounty than Luffy).

    Soon, I read Water 7 and Enies Lobby, and found them my favorite arc of anything ever. Skypiea I planned on watching through the Funi Dub on TV, but I soon found myself reading Jaya/Skypiea in a day online (I also read the Davy Back Fight arc).

    God I fucking love One Piece.
    >> Alice !qDX6ZJK88k 03/28/10(Sun)09:40 No.32660461
    I'm at Luffy about to fight Lucci while Robin is taken to the GATE. I should be farther but a friend gifted me heartgold so I've been playing it like crazy.
    >> M. 03/28/10(Sun)09:40 No.32660470
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    I like the art in all of the big 3. They can all make kick-ass page spreads.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:40 No.32660474
    Really kinda weird thinking about it now. My path could've went so many different ways..I'm pretty sure I almost didn't get into Naruto even though I found it interesting. I don't remember exactly, but I think I got really annoyed by flashbacks during the part that I was watching (the chuunin exams). I think I was just a bit too late for DBZ, but it's still kinda strange I never saw or got into it..could've easily went down the Inuyasha or Bleach paths too since they were also always on Cartoon Network. I absolutely love OP now, but if I would've seen the anime first I might not have kept with it. I'm certainly glad I got into the manga first with I guess even though Naruto has kinda turned to shit and I criticize it now, it did provide a pretty good first step. Eh, just weird thinking about all this.

    Oh, and if you still haven't got into One Piece and you're going to, definitely marathon it. Shit is SO cash when read all together
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:41 No.32660484
    >I watched One piece as a kid
    Get the fuck out underageb&
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:41 No.32660496
    It's just because we're a shitty casual board now. This shit wouldn't have flown even 6 months ago.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:43 No.32660529
    >6 months ago
    Dear lord, another newfag trying to look cool by hating popular stuff.

    Oh well, the thread was good for longer than it normally would have been. I suppose we can handle a HURR POPULAR troll.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:43 No.32660544
    Kid like teenager faggot.
    >> Lon !!Stownxj7Uv6 03/28/10(Sun)09:44 No.32660551
    Not your fault, I'm a shameless OP-fag as well.
    Though I must admit that OP's pace has slowly gotten worse in the last 70 chapters or so.
    As for the Hitsugaya issue every time Kubo has drawn anyone doing anything to Hitsugaya it has sparked a massive shitstorm throughout the entire fanbase.
    I suspect that most Bleach-fans are either females, faggots, or something in between.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:44 No.32660554
    When I read Bleach, Naruto and One Piece before I felt the same about all of them good action, story etc. Now I still feel they are same to me, shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:44 No.32660571
    Ignore the trolls, people. Post your impression, move along.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:44 No.32660573
    Mangatoshokan got the first volumes of One Piece in high quality:

    Did they do it by themselves or did some group redo the earlier arcs?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:45 No.32660585
    A lot of us were just charmed by the sheer awesome early main cast and the side characters, and have been taking it in the ass out of some slim hope we'll see a resurgence.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:45 No.32660589
         File1269783941.jpg-(50 KB, 437x400, 1264039944958.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:45 No.32660595
    a guy named Aosh rescanned and edited
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:46 No.32660604
    >high quality early One Piece
    Fuck yeah, time for some Buggy.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:46 No.32660612
    You know, I was gonna troll but it isn't worth it anymore, /a/ is beyond fixing. Have a free bump.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:47 No.32660634
    Bleach it's a sad case, because it started very good.

    Naruto is ok, the only things that annoy me is how fucking useless the female characters are and Sasuke.

    Never read One Piece. I know its a stupid reason but the art puts me off.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:47 No.32660637
    > Though I must admit that OP's pace has slowly gotten worse in the last 70 chapters or so.

    Quite the opposite, I think it's the best pace OP has ever had.

    High-octane, bitches.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:48 No.32660652
    Started with Bleach-> then Naruto-> then i realized everything i knew was wrong and went to one Piece..... Because One Piece is Tier one.. and i'm my opinion its almost impossible to Top One Piece
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:48 No.32660659

    Yeah, the pacing has gotten worse, the war could have been 10 chapters shorter. Anyway, despite it's lenghts it still has lots of epic moments.


    I have a screenshot saved back in 2007 from this board along with some screens from /b/ in 2005; it hasn't changed that much. Please stop trolling.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:48 No.32660672
    You can blame it all on one tripfag.
    Heart, like it or not he was the one who unintionally started the first decent 3B discussion threads (even if they were intended to be trolls) on /a/
    I don't know about my peers, but I've been here for years and I didn't start discussing OP on /a/ until 6 until recently.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:49 No.32660681
         File1269784163.png-(41 KB, 257x362, Crocodile Coolface.png)
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    The art, while I've never had a real issue with it, drastically improves later.

    Plus it has some of the best faces ever (inb4 Enel).
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:50 No.32660710

    No problem here, the art advances though. Feel free to try it again anytime but don't sweat it.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:50 No.32660715
         File1269784251.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 461 KB, 643x983, Enel.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 461 KB
    And in during!
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:51 No.32660728
         File1269784284.png-(458 KB, 719x634, enel perona.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:51 No.32660731

    Enel or Perona: Whose face was more epic?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:52 No.32660745
    >One PIece art sucks, Oda is a Genius
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:52 No.32660747
    until 6 should be "until 6 months ago", but I realized the irony of my post and decided to re-edit it. Forgot to remove one part.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:52 No.32660751
         File1269784345.jpg-(202 KB, 406x657, co cries at one piece.jpg)
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    I'm more of a /co/mrade in general, but I love One Piece. Haven't read the other two, but I do read other manga (like Vinland Saga).
    >> M. 03/28/10(Sun)09:53 No.32660765
    When I first saw Naruto in "SJ", I thought, "Eh, it looks boring but I'll give it a shot". Read a little further, interest rose, I decided to pick the series up from the beginning, and got hooked.

    With One Piece, I thought "What's with this weird art style? But the storytelling seems to be well done...", so I picked it up too. Indeed, the story's great, and the art style grew on me.

    I ignored Bleach for a long time until a friend of mine recommended it to me. The story's not that great, but the characters keep it interesting and the art kicks ass too.

    Hey, I like Berserk and Kamen Rider as much as anyone, but sometimes it's nice to talk about the big 3 too.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:53 No.32660766
    Enel's face personally

    Persona having the same face just looked weird as fuck
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:53 No.32660768
    Post the original Perona pic for comparison?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:53 No.32660774
    Where can I download his scans?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:54 No.32660798
         File1269784440.jpg-(18 KB, 234x320, enel magellan.jpg)
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    >> Alice !qDX6ZJK88k 03/28/10(Sun)09:54 No.32660804
    Enel's. The look on his face knowing that someone could survive his kaminari. Luffy trolled the hell out of him.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)09:55 No.32660819

    Vinland Saga is awesome, too. Vagabond, Berserk, Shin Angyo Onshi, Urasawa's works are all great but OP doesn't have to hide before them.

    Just imagine [a/ would always be like this...

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