Voting Tiem, [a/We're voting on a theme. The ideas are:1. Shittiest characters ever2. Sidekicks3. Awesome side characters4. Moe-est character5. Magnificent bastards6. Art styles
kinda hard to pick...
I'm tired of "awesome character" charts. Going with 1 here.
How about fuck off with this chart bullshit.
Sure is samefaggot in here
voting 6 for something intelligent
Votes so far1 - 5 votes3 - 1 vote5 - 8 votes6 - 2 votes
1.Pic very related.
shittiest characters, and not "durr mary sue" or " i hate him" but badly written, not belonging in a series or making no sense at all.
voting 6 because I proposed that idea
6Throwing in Nihei early.
1 and 5 now drawing on 9 votes.
Art styles are always fun so 6.
6 is awesome.
gotta go with 6 too
6.When will you collect in the votes, OP?
1, 5 and 6 drawing on 9 votes.
6 (btw manga or anime?)
>>32618926In two minutes.
6 now over took on 13 votes
so six is the winner? come on /a/
1 is funny but 6 is cooler6
I think manga has more diverse art style, so, manga. has voted before, so please do not count this thread as a legit vote count
>>32618949May aswell, not OP but results so far are1 - 92 - 13 - 24 - 05 - 106 - 15
>voting>4chanWorst idea ever. Everyone will just samefag or whine until they get their way.
>>32618970Thank you very much, kind Anon. The 6s have it then, congrats!
>>32618986No problem, looking forward to the chart.
So, start making the chart in a new thread or what?
>>32619006Yep, I'll start it in just a minute.
>>32619013please post the link in this thread
wow sudden surge in 6s
>>32618986FUCK. the most controversial and also the most dry out of the entire list. I call it now, this will be more of a shitstorm than the quotes one.
>>32619047I smell samefag, but there isn't much you can do about it. Besides, I voted for 6 (Didn't samefag)
>>32619033>>32619090 There