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    File : 1269569032.jpg-(2.51 MB, 3335x2399, ChangedGlowfontVer5.1.jpg)
    2.51 MB Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:03 No.32561487  
    Added some more. I tried to play with Akagi's picture to make it fit. If it looks bad I'll change it.

    I hear we are adding Balsa? Pictures and quotes please.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:07 No.32561628
    Fuck yeah, Rock!

    My task of getting him on the chart twice is complete!
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:10 No.32561790
         File1269569425.jpg-(24 KB, 225x249, 1261945204330.jpg)
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    If you pretend to feel a certain way, the feeling can become genuine all by accident.


    ib4 anti hero bullshit

    i dont see why Guts can be here and Hei not since both are very alike
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:11 No.32561821

    Balsa is such a fucking BADASS.

    I think the dialogue starting @ 1:14 would be good. We just need to pare it down a bit.

    Balsa is such a fucking BADASS.

    I think the dialogue starting @ 1:14 would be good. We just need to pare it down a bit.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:11 No.32561856
    Dialog starting at 1:14. Here is is:

    "I'll tell you why I didn't kill you back then. I vowed to save the same number of lives as I had taken. But by the time I fought you, I'd come to realize that all lives are equal. That's why...I got sick of killing insignificant men like you each time I saved someone. But I still have something I must do! Anyone who gets in my way,,,"
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:11 No.32561874
    "By the time I fought you I had come to the realization that all lives are equal"

    Balsa quote
    >> Purity Stu 03/25/10(Thu)22:12 No.32561881
    Balsa is a dumb whore.

    Change her gender and her anime would have been 1000 times better.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:12 No.32561893
    liking this list so far.

    Question though, how is it that after so much support we do not have a character from Princess Tutu up there?

    Personally I think Ahiru should be but Fakir would be alright too.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:12 No.32561895

    "By the time I fought you I had come to the realization that all lives are equal"

    I meant to copy that second part.
    >> TrapCard !8IOVTTGqFY 03/25/10(Thu)22:13 No.32561938
    These quotes are gay as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:13 No.32561953
    balsa pics.


    vucub's pic is my preferred one.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:13 No.32561959
    Still think we need to old Motoko quote
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:13 No.32561960
         File1269569636.png-(46 KB, 488x488, Black_Jack_v06_c01_p008.png)
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    Why did you take him? ;_;
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:14 No.32561981

    Is anything gonna happen in the anime that might make Mikado a bad choice for this...because otherwise, add Mikado with:
    And what's wrong with that!? What's wrong with pre-established harmony and the expected!? And opportunism and forced happy endings!? I love them all!


    "I don't have the strength or wisdom to stand up against someone who is insusceptible to reason. You wont even give me the time to make an effort. That's why...I'm going to rely on numbers!"

    "As you say, these may just be your run-of-the-mill views and ideas. But if something is commonplace, it just shows you how much people think about stuff like that!"
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:14 No.32561984
    Akagi's pic looks great. I'm glad you went with that one.

    If you put the character/series key at the top again, I suggest listing Akagi under both Ten and Akagi for series.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:14 No.32561991
    I hope you'll fimish the chart /a/, we tried yesterday this in /v/ and it resulted in a glorious shitstorm.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:14 No.32562005

    If Tenma is there then BlackJack HAS to be there.
    >> Hyakko-Fag 03/25/10(Thu)22:14 No.32562006
    Well, this one is better than the Touma one so far.

    Keep it up, man.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:14 No.32562008

    is it possible to vector out the " Balsa the Bodyguard Seirei no Moribito" from the image?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:15 No.32562025
    >Shirou's line still isn't fixed

    Yeah, I hate you guys too.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:15 No.32562030
    If you add Balsa, here's a shortened version of her quote:

    "I'll tell you why I didn't kill you back then. I vowed to save the same number of lives as I had taken. But by the time I fought you, I'd come to realize that all lives are equal."
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:16 No.32562060
    heh heh, I started that thread late last night, and the one in /tv/, and promoted the one in /lit/.

    yesterday was crazy
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:16 No.32562072
         File1269569802.jpg-(71 KB, 450x508, 1232664114561.jpg)
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    Got any quotes?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:16 No.32562073
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    must... not... rage... at... troll...
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:16 No.32562076
    Kenji's quote sounds awkward. Should that comma be there?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:16 No.32562080

    This guy is actually right OP

    Shirou's line should read (I think)

    "Here I come King of Heroes. Do you have enough weapons in stock?"

    Or should we add something different?

    There was this anon that posted great quotes for him in another thread
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:17 No.32562096
    Needs some Fooly Cooly. Thoughts on Naota?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:17 No.32562106
    >Shirou's line not fixed
    >Luffy removed.

    Im done with this shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:17 No.32562111
    I agree, the comma should be removed. There's no need for a pause in the sentence at that point.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:17 No.32562128
    OP probably didn't put him back in yet

    work in progress, etc
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:18 No.32562135

    good, now you can go back to gaia in peace
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:18 No.32562152
    no Luffy, chart is invalid, etc etc
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:19 No.32562187
    Weren't there plenty of recommendations for Sailor Moon? Why isn't she there yet? She even has a catchphrase.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:19 No.32562190
    Naw, too much grey area in everyones motivations in that show for heroes.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:20 No.32562227
         File1269570011.png-(293 KB, 821x1200, 20th Century Boys v18c06p115.png)
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    The next page just says don't shoot them.

    The whole quote is wrong.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:20 No.32562230
    aside from the lack of glowing text on some of the quotes and some of the quotes not being quite fixed, >>32559982 could be considered a proper final chart for those who don't like Luffy getting removed.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:20 No.32562235

    read >>32561681
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:20 No.32562241

    Is there any other good quote other than the catch phrase?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:20 No.32562249
         File1269570035.jpg-(188 KB, 500x487, 2977481091_bab034bffb.jpg)
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    I want to burn so fiercely, so intensely that nothing remains... Just white ash...
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:20 No.32562251
    Fuck you, don't start this shit again.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:20 No.32562261
         File1269570048.jpg-(78 KB, 750x1096, 18.jpg)
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    >> (vucub caquix) !5S3TFtv/Qo 03/25/10(Thu)22:22 No.32562322
    I LOVE FLCL. But Canti was the closest thing to a hero there, and he's silent. it was mostly a coming of age story for Naota. He may have swung the bat, but the narrative importance was on his growing maturity, not saving the town.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:22 No.32562330
    Just leave it as it is without the coma

    "When someone's singing a song, don't shot them" sound awkward
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:23 No.32562354
    Stop being a faggot and fix Shirou.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:23 No.32562362
    It's a different guy fixing the chart. He started yesterday.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:23 No.32562382
    The hell...

    I suggested Wen-li, Nausica, Sakura(CCS) and Sousuke Sagara last night, provided a better pic for Kenji and endorsed a few other characters who apparently didn't make it. And Luffy seems to be removed from the list, what the fuck.

    Yeah, I'm not having fun contributing and discussing in this thread anymore. Might as well keep the chart from last night.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:23 No.32562389




    im not a big 3 fan (a fan of only one of those, your guess) but you have to have them in there, especially since you have space.

    also, no maka?
    no L?
    wtf is wrong with you?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:24 No.32562422
    Not saying that

    Just pointing it out

    I'll be contempt with this chart if Mikado makes it on

    Also, did we agree Alucard gets taken out? If not him, can Seras make it on there?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:25 No.32562438
    Do they really have to be heroes in the most traditional sense possible? I mean it isn't like Naota's an anti-hero or anything. Hell, they put Shinji on there.

    Also quote:
    "Don't call my brother! I'm the one who's here! Hey, look at me! I'm the one whose gonna save you! Now listen, my name is Naota. Don't EVER call me Ta-kun again!"

    yes i'm reposting this from an earlier thread
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:25 No.32562460
    Get some support and they'll get on. Post Kenji pic.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:25 No.32562468
    cool reverse-troll bro
    Yeah, not gonna work.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:26 No.32562484

    We agreed no big 3

    Give me a good quote for Maka if you want her in this

    L doesn't count as a hero. He's selfish in his reasons for waiting to help

    then do it again. Luffy got taken out, but this OP is new. He probably doesn't know
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:26 No.32562501
    Excuse me, but where are :
    Medicine Seller
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:26 No.32562507
    I kind of agree with this guy. I see that trip in a lot of FLCL threads.

    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:26 No.32562520
    For people bitching about no Luffy: If we put one Big Three hero up there, you know we're going to have to put all of them up there. I hope you realize this.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:27 No.32562536
    Still adding people in from the old charts.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:27 No.32562541

    Shinji's on there
    Discussion Naota right now. I personally would not like him there, he isn't a hero
    Medicine Seller got taken out I suppose
    Utena has been suggested a lot of times, but there's a lack of quotes
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:28 No.32562562
    Shinji is there.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:28 No.32562570
         File1269570504.jpg-(1.73 MB, 2455x1939, anime villans.jpg)
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    why exclude them?

    the villians one includes teh big 3. and its not like you'd have to remove people to fit the big 3, if OP was out of space i woundn;t have brought it up.


    no maka?

    no L?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:28 No.32562579

    There's Kenshin and Yusuke but no Recca?

    WTF is this shit
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:28 No.32562589
    Absolutely not. They're three different series, and the protagonists are quite different, with different goals and achievements. Besides, the Big 3 aren't, as agreed upon last night, "highschool lesbians who do everything together". The One Piece fanbase likes it's main character, the Bleach fanbase likes Aizen and it's side-characters better and /a/ hates Naruto.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:29 No.32562605
    >L doesn't count as a hero. He's selfish in his reasons for waiting to help

    If that's your logic R. Shiki shouldn't be on there. Nothing she does is based on any sense of good. It's all personal.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:29 No.32562614

    Damn it people if you want shit added don't just suggest
    Bring the quotes and the pics

    And L, for the last time, isn't a hero
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:29 No.32562617
    Why must everyone act enraged when their character isn't there.

    Calm down and just suggest them provide a pic and quote.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:30 No.32562646
    L isn't a hero. His motives are selfish.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:30 No.32562661
         File1269570626.jpg-(1.29 MB, 3335x2399, fcmdkl;asd,ml;fdsfasdfedsf(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:30 No.32562681
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:31 No.32562693
    >Touma's line

    No. Just no.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:31 No.32562697
    Naota swung the bat. He is a hero.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:31 No.32562700
    What about J/Daisuke from Heat Guy J? Van from Escaflowne and more importantly why Med. Seller was taken out?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:31 No.32562714
    Needs more GUNNM. Someone pick a good Alita line.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:31 No.32562720
    i dont give a fuck, i say add in kittan's long ass quote and make it take like 5 pics, that will make them rage
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:31 No.32562721

    L has said himself he wont take up jobs he doesn't take interest in
    He willingly sacrifices people for his own agenda.

    And, not to mention, he isn't the protagonist, and the entire show is morally grey
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:32 No.32562742
    Where's Alucard from Hellsing?

    "Stop Whining! All I did was cut off your stupid legs! Summon your demons! Transform yourself! Regenerate your legs! Stand up! Pick up your gun and attack me! Do something! The night is still so young, and the real fun is yet to start! Hurry, hurry, hurry, HURRY!!!""
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:32 No.32562771
    Quotes and pics
    Do you want everything done for you?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:33 No.32562784
    the compassion she shows for Fujino and Kokutou say otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:33 No.32562794
    You guys still have horrible taste, and will never achieve /co/'s work.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:33 No.32562802

    I'm merely suggesting, unsure if Heat Guy is known enough.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:34 No.32562820
    give actual criticism or don't bother posting
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:35 No.32562839

    that's a bad quote for a hero

    "Resignation is what kills people. Once they've rejected resignation, humans gain the right of making humanity their footpath"
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:35 No.32562841
    J (Heat Guy J):
    "A Man's appearance is a very personal choice."
    "A Man shouln't worry about his body. Vanity is the fertile soil for the seeds of self-destruction."
    "A Man only exists to bring the future into being."

    Gally (Gunnm): "I walk in faith! The faith that we choose who we want to be, and grow into that identity, ugly or beautiful!"
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:35 No.32562843
    Press Alt+Ctrl+C and change their height to 31.889.

    Make sure you set the ancher to the bottom.

    Should alleviate the top gap, unless you're going to go with sauce above the columns like I did.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:35 No.32562847
    Only the trolls really like Aizen. And one could argue that all three of their heroes belong up there, but it's just easier not to deal with the bitching and moaning.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:35 No.32562854
    Alright. Well Black Jack is going back on, and also Kenji's quote and Shirou's have been tweaked.

    Is there someone else we can all agree on?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:36 No.32562888
    To shut the one piece fanbois up, why don't we make another chart, and just throw every one piece character up there, and oda, and give them various quotes. Then they can have their own chart to masturbate to. Everybody wins.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:36 No.32562892
    another excellent moribito clip with a line by balsa at the end:

    >Once things got to that point, it wasn't about being a King's Spear at all. All it was, was people trying to kill each other.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:36 No.32562893
         File1269571016.jpg-(12 KB, 219x244, 1265058412522.jpg)
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    Showing compassion != Hero
    Neutral != good

    Anyone can show compassion to those close to them. Both Kokuto and Fujino are connected to Shiki. She isn't like Shirou or Touma whose actions are driven by their morals.

    I wasn't disagreeing with not putting L on there I'm just making a correction if this is a "hero" quote chart.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:37 No.32562896
    Ryuugamine Mikado from Durarara!! has my vote all the way.

    Possible quotes here: My favorite is the first one: >>32561981
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:37 No.32562903
         File1269571029.png-(727 KB, 800x600, 1.png)
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    Anon who posted all of the Shirou quotes here.

    I'll post them again, but what we all agreed on in the last thread was that 6 (1 and 6 were my personal favorites) seemed to portray his character the best, 4 also seemed to take second place among anons:

    1"My goal is so far away that I’m not even on the starting line yet."

    2"Archer... Do you regret your choices? Then I can't lose to you. I can stand losing to anyone else... But... I can't lose to myself! "

    3"People can only look away when faced with their own mistakes."

    4"...Yes, the desire to protect something... is, at the same time, none other than the wish for something to violate it."

    5"But that's enough. If there is overwhelming power and speed, there is no room for technique. Techniques are something humans invented to compensate for their weaknesses."

    6"If you walk down the path that you believe is right, you cannot be wrong."
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:37 No.32562920
    I actually pretty much gave up on Luffy and have been working on other heroes. That's not a bad idea though.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:37 No.32562928
    They can do that on their own if they'd like. For now lets concentrate on the task at hand.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:37 No.32562929
    Sadly I don't have have any HD with me, this chart needs more stuff from before 1990's stuff like Tezuka, Devilman and Genki should automatically qualify to one of these.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:38 No.32562948
         File1269571109.jpg-(39 KB, 400x500, shana-s1.jpg)
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    It wouldn't hurt to put "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" there as a joke or something, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:38 No.32562952
         File1269571115.jpg-(753 KB, 1680x1050, King Kittan.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:39 No.32562982
         File1269571177.jpg-(210 KB, 1280x720, Fudo Yusei.jpg)
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    "Any card, so long as it exists, has the potential to be useful. Someone who’d reject cards by calling them “trash” like you doesn’t have the right to call himself a duelist."
    -Yusei Fudo
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:39 No.32562986
    the indignation she felt towards Azaya for toying with people's lives shows her to not be selfish at all. If anything, the series shows quite excellently how much she values human life DESPITE trying to be disconnected to it and act in a selfish manner.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:40 No.32563005


    OP, sorry, I know ya just fixed Shirou, but we finally got the good stuff.

    I vote for 3. It's the more "truthful" one he speaks. 4 is also very good for the sake of impact.

    1 and 6 reveal his character best, 6 shows a certain moral absolutism to those ignorant of his character
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:40 No.32563007
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:40 No.32563011
         File1269571220.jpg-(137 KB, 360x540, 126075092885.jpg)
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    i don't remember quite well how it was her quote but...:
    "I am Sailor Moon, the champion of justice. In the name of the moon, I will right wrong and triumph over evil... and that means you!"
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:40 No.32563027
    Keeping the big three off the charts is a good idea, look at how much maturity said big three fans have displayed in this thread. Maybe they'll take the hint that they should go back to gaia.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:41 No.32563037
    Yu-Gi-Oh? Seriously? While we're at it lets grab some Beyblade quotes. Let it rip!
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:41 No.32563048
    Attempt at trolling, for the love of god please ignore it
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:41 No.32563057
         File1269571309.png-(166 KB, 473x350, 1266957906193.png)
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    Do you guys understand what you are doing?

    A quote chart isn't suppose to be some giant thing with a billion characters on it.

    People in this thread going "durr hurr where is my fav character?" as well as OP are missing the point.


    The original charts had maybe a dozen or so quotes on them, and those quotes were good.
    A good quote should be something that sticks out and you remember. Not something you go digging for.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:42 No.32563067
         File1269571333.jpg-(28 KB, 250x375, K1.jpg)
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    Woah, where is K1?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:42 No.32563072
    >hasn't read the chapters of yu-gi-oh that took place before the card game completely took over
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:43 No.32563100
    >logical reason why to include them
    >violent backlash against anyone who speaks in favor of big three, including personal attacks of character

    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:43 No.32563104

    have you not been paying attention? we already took off the big 3.
    >> Thatguy !!c+CotzCrwTU 03/25/10(Thu)22:43 No.32563128
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    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:44 No.32563144
    If it was a good quote from the early manga I would be okay with it. But isn't that like... the 3rd season? I figured we'd at least have some standards.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:44 No.32563163
    Got taken out I suppose

    Any good quote for him?
    >> Thatguy !!c+CotzCrwTU 03/25/10(Thu)22:44 No.32563169
    Think you got the links mixed up friend
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:44 No.32563172

    To put it another way: it should be compiled by memorable quotes, not characters.

    For example, although I hate bleach, if there were a badass line, I'd be for it. But since Kubo can't write his way out of a wet paper bag...
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:45 No.32563208
    depending on how you read it.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:45 No.32563210
         File1269571542.jpg-(2.43 MB, 3335x1953, Legendary Quotes.jpg)
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    look next to captain harlock. it was included and it's still a good quote.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:45 No.32563215
    "1....2...3...4...5. Five ambulances."
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:46 No.32563240

    Kubo has good dialog

    "Tell me Ichigo...what is the difference between a king and his horse"

    Kempachi's take on fighting

    Aizen's speech about trusting in those above you, leading to the creation of Gods
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:46 No.32563243
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:47 No.32563248
    >But Mooooooom! They got a pony, why can't I have a pony too!? Baaaawwwwwwwwwww!!!!
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:47 No.32563253
         File1269571631.jpg-(2.66 MB, 3335x1953, 1269461714898.jpg)
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    just posting this i saw last night if anyone wants it
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:47 No.32563255
    >we already took off the big 3.
    There are 50 spaces on that chart bro, most of them filled.

    Did you even read my whole post?

    Exactly, a good quote is a good quote even if the character/series is complete shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:47 No.32563260

    Wow, I was proven wrong quickly.

    But that was in the before time, in the long, long ago.

    Also, while a good quote, it's not exactly a "good aligned" quote.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:47 No.32563266
    it's from episode one season one of 5ds.

    yugioh had 5 seasons
    Gx had 4
    5ds is still in its third
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:48 No.32563302
    Why don't you big three fans make your own chart in MS Paint instead of complaining here?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:48 No.32563306
    Tutu Quotes sorry it took so long. Most are from the first season finale.

    will you dance with me?

    No. I will not disappear.

    I cannot speak my words of love to you... but I have the ability to dance. Surely this will convey my feelings.

    My personal fave.:
    I won't give up. My feelings... are my own, so... Right now, I am Princess Tutu!

    The real me is just a powerless duck. But with you here I can change!
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:48 No.32563311
    Ai to seigi no sailor fuku bishojou senshi, Sailor Moon! Tsuki ni kawatte, oshioki yo!

    A sailor suited warrior of love and justice, Sailor Moon! In the name of the moon, I will punish you!

    ...more or less.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:49 No.32563345
    Fellas a quick vote. How do you feel about Sailor Moon, and Princess Tutu.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:49 No.32563347
         File1269571782.jpg-(370 KB, 3335x2399, Quote template.jpg)
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    Heck here's a template if you want to do one from scratch as well. I'm thinking of getting my anime club to submit one each to make one.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:49 No.32563348

    I'm okay with this actually

    Moon is almost as iconic as Goku or Spike
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:49 No.32563353
    Do not, under any circumstances, forget Metabots as well!!
    >> (vucub caquix) !5S3TFtv/Qo 03/25/10(Thu)22:49 No.32563355
    One of my favorite quotes from Tutu was by Fakir towards the end, something about screw destiny.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:50 No.32563366
    > My personal fave.:
    >I won't give up. My feelings... are my own, so... Right now, I am Princess Tutu!The real me is just a powerless duck. But with you here I can change!

    what a horrible, horrible quote.
    I mean, I love Tutu, but you're really looking in the wrong place here.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:50 No.32563387
    Phantom F. and Captain are two different characters.
    >> (vucub caquix) !5S3TFtv/Qo 03/25/10(Thu)22:50 No.32563400
    But this is also truth.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:51 No.32563409
    Tutu stays out.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:51 No.32563410
    heroines both in their own right. I see no problem with that so long as we use an appropriate quote.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:51 No.32563416
         File1269571873.jpg-(33 KB, 200x307, pic.jpg)
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    "There is only one truth!"
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:51 No.32563422
    op you added any yet?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:51 No.32563426
    No one wants Wall of Touma.

    My point exactly.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:51 No.32563439

    Sailor Moon (who by the way is called Usagi Tsukino) should be on with this quote:
    "I am Sailor Moon! I stand for love. And I also stand for justice. And in the name of the Moon, I will punish you!"

    I'm rather meh at Tutu though

    And fucking Mikado for gods sake
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:52 No.32563450
    Tutu or Fakir is excellent, but none of the quotes we have are good.

    My DVDs are elsewhere at the moment so I can't go hunting for quotes.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:52 No.32563453
    the quote ends in princess tutu! the other one is a new quote altogether.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:52 No.32563460
    With a Keen eye for detail, one truth prevails
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:52 No.32563479
    If you get some good quotes I don't see why not.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:53 No.32563483
    what point? sorry I must have missed it.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:53 No.32563489
    Black Jack so far. Waiting until some consensus forms.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:54 No.32563509
    I say yes to both. We have a lot of shounen and seinen demographic, but very little shoujo. Josei pretty much excludes itself unless we want yaoi characters on there.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:54 No.32563513
    Nobody is refuting or acknowledging Mikado and I'd like people to at least give an opinion...seriously guys?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:54 No.32563530
    Yugioh is babies, unless you get something from the early maga.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:55 No.32563540

    I lol'd so hard
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:55 No.32563542
    Fakir does have great quotes but I feel tutu is more of a hero than he as for much of the series his good motivations are clouded by selfish ones. Still he would well deserve to be on this list, its just that Tutu deserves it more IMO.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:55 No.32563546
    >hero chart
    >anime club
    You want 50 quotes from Naruto/One Piece?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:55 No.32563553
         File1269572116.jpg-(30 KB, 315x480, 1244488921303.jpg)
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    oh man, don't remind me. Best chapter.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:55 No.32563557
    Don't fuck this up with DIC dub quotes. Geez.
    >> (vucub caquix) !5S3TFtv/Qo 03/25/10(Thu)22:55 No.32563565
         File1269572130.jpg-(551 KB, 1280x1024, - 59830 nardack s(...).jpg)
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    sailor moon
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:55 No.32563572
         File1269572141.png-(153 KB, 275x258, 1268860988130.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:56 No.32563588
    That's the shit you watched as a kid though.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:56 No.32563590
         File1269572176.jpg-(95 KB, 600x750, (1319) Confidence.jpg)
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    you mean like this?
    >> (vucub caquix) !5S3TFtv/Qo 03/25/10(Thu)22:57 No.32563629
         File1269572226.png-(1.19 MB, 1920x1080, - 58399 sailor_mo(...).png)
    1.19 MB
    maybe this image for moon?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:57 No.32563649
    Sorry I disagree with you with regards to his hero status at the moment. So far he has founded a website and used it to pressure some woman, also his main motivation at the moment seems to be to live an exciting life, not to help people.
    >> (vucub caquix) !5S3TFtv/Qo 03/25/10(Thu)22:57 No.32563650
    That is what made her iconic in the west though.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:57 No.32563658
    She needs more badassery.

    Anything from InuYasha [a/ can think of?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:58 No.32563667
    Akumetsu has to have a good quote in it somewhere
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:58 No.32563669
    Sorry, it's just the one that I remembered the most

    Shit was awesome way back when, and it rings out nicely
    >> (vucub caquix) !5S3TFtv/Qo 03/25/10(Thu)22:58 No.32563682
    actually, I'mokaywiththis.jpg
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:58 No.32563683
    any character you had in mind?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:58 No.32563705
    me as well, that is golden. Can't say I liked the rest of that guys post though. Oh well.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:59 No.32563724
    You guys are missing the point of these charts completely.

    They are supposed to be GOOD QUOTES.

    Not every character has something notable to say and more than half of those quotes are horrible.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:59 No.32563728

    Dear god... why would you send this upon us?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:59 No.32563730
    InuYasha seems to be universally hated on /a/.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:59 No.32563732

    He did that because Celty asked for help
    He wanted to live an exciting life, but at the same time, he will help those that need it. Just look at what he tried to turn the Dollars into, what he did with them after being left alone

    My only problem is that shit may happen down the line I'm not sure of
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:59 No.32563734
         File1269572381.jpg-(62 KB, 400x566, Battler.jpg)
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    "It's's all useless...!!
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:59 No.32563744
         File1269572389.jpg-(73 KB, 400x566, 1261209750650.jpg)
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    "I'm no sheep. The head of the Ushiromiya family family is an eagle."

    "I'll bore through everything with my blue truth."

    "The next head is me. And my first action will be to shove my fist into your face!"
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:00 No.32563770
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:00 No.32563771
    I find it strange I offered this originally and it got shot down and they loved my yusei quote but now it's the other way around.

    I would need to find what he says to Aki after she's recovering after Arcadia's fall since that quote might be better...
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:01 No.32563789
    Inu Yasha is just as much of a hero as Luffy.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:01 No.32563806
    lol what, I thought I somehow double posted, but then realized I didn't type that much
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:02 No.32563830
         File1269572523.jpg-(114 KB, 517x632, Heatguyj-12.jpg)
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    "A self-respecting and honourable Man does his best every day."

    Or basically everything from
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:02 No.32563833
    this is AKUMETSU!!

    Or the one about one Akumetsu for one kill, i can't remember how it goes.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:02 No.32563842

    To be honest, we're really only aiming for quantity here. Feel free to make your own chart if you'd like.
    >> MisterDetective !!PNO0L8Juzyg 03/25/10(Thu)23:02 No.32563860
    The one about the next head is best.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:03 No.32563878
    I'm having trouble seeing that... yeah he'll save his friends but he only does it for his own gain and at most I see him going to get kagome but I don't remember much more.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:03 No.32563879
         File1269572595.jpg-(45 KB, 640x480, naraku.jpg)
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    -I am not going to kill you - I am going to break you.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:04 No.32563918
    Do you see Luffy up there? I sure don't.
    No villains.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:04 No.32563927
    does nagasumi count as a hero?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:05 No.32563932
    Not a Hero.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:05 No.32563938

    I'm not too fond of Inuyasha, but I figure he's iconic enough. Then again, that's probably because of the fuckton of reruns on Adult Shit. Eh...disregard this post, I suck gargantuan dicks.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:05 No.32563947
    Could put Kagome up though. She is a main character, and she wants to repair the jewel and stop a villain like Naraku from getting it to make both the past and present a better place.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:05 No.32563952

    he is just a protagonist.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:05 No.32563957
    He doesn't really go after any acts of heroism.
    He just fights for his family. Once.
    >> (vucub caquix) !5S3TFtv/Qo 03/25/10(Thu)23:06 No.32563983
         File1269572797.jpg-(844 KB, 1600x1200, - 15931 sailor_mo(...).jpg)
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    Ooh, I like this one for moon, what about you guys?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:07 No.32564010
    Thought of one
    Wearing this mask symbolizes one thing... Our death!
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:07 No.32564018
    Don't even mention Inuyasha. Worse than the Big Three.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:07 No.32564022
    True but the Dollars was also being used for a lot of bad things and he did nothing to stop it. Notice how all the other founding members left? The Dollars was created for his own amusement and him telling people to be good seems like his way of being ok with the bad things as well. He seems more like someone who fashions himself as a hero than someone who actually is. Until we have conformation of his pure heroic motivations I am not buying it. Just my opinion though, if [a/ thinks he should be on there all the power to them.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:08 No.32564043
    If I made a chart then I would just be part of the problem.

    You know what was good about the old one?
    The quotes for the most part were consistently good and in good context.

    The whole idea of a massive quote chart is fundamentally wrong because the quality of the quotes would diminish.

    Once you start giving characters like Goku or Luffy (elementary level thinking) quotes then the whole thing goes to shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:08 No.32564044
    where is light ?

    "just as planned"
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:08 No.32564045
         File1269572904.jpg-(16 KB, 446x318, kagome.jpg)
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    I think it'd be acceptable.

    Also, Kagome qoute

    "Sit boy"
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:08 No.32564057
         File1269572920.jpg-(48 KB, 459x425, 1249376111338.jpg)
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    Yang deserves to be on this list.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:09 No.32564069
         File1269572941.jpg-(1.45 MB, 1642x1232, 1258825631833.jpg)
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    People seem to like different aspects of quotes.

    A couple days ago, everyone wanted the quotes chopped down to more catch-phrase size, which degrades all meaning behind the words.

    Just don't try to shorten them too much.

    Like Black Jack, people wanted just "Don't give up! I'm trying to make the impossible, possible!" while I happened to think "Your chance of survival is very slim, but I can save you. If you don't want to believe me, that's fine. But if you believe me, then come see me any time. I'll help you under one condition: you can never complain about what I do." has a lot more meaning to it.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:09 No.32564092
    He did it for fun. And when shit got out of hand, he stayed to make sure it didn't end badly.

    And he wanted to help Celty. Of course, part of him just wanted to see, like this quote: >>32561981
    (1st) implies, the good endings in the world. It's selfish, but it's the good kind, waiting to see good in the world
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:09 No.32564095

    Goddamn trolls.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:09 No.32564107
    He's really not a hero to be honest. Protagonist yes but not a hero.

    Humorous but not really a shining moment for her more like her catchphrase.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:10 No.32564116
    Requesting finished model.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:10 No.32564128
    I like this list OP,keep up the good work,and remember to add Ippo.

    I would recommend even Soichiro from Tenjo tenge..
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:10 No.32564143
    Either make your own chart or quit bitching. You don't have to be a part of this if you don't want to. It won't stop anyone else.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:11 No.32564145
    You'll have to wait until it IS finished.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:11 No.32564157
         File1269573082.jpg-(112 KB, 1024x768, Escaflowne_Anime.jpg)
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    Thoughts on Von or Hitomi from Escaflowne?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:11 No.32564164
         File1269573094.jpg-(115 KB, 550x410, 1259624738394.jpg)
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    He should be, but he wasn't nearly as badass as Reinhard. Although he did have some good quotes.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:11 No.32564177
    Not a protagonists chart but a hero chart.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:12 No.32564191
    Well maybe it is possible to find a pic from the end of her transform thing, where's she's standing in front of the moon.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:13 No.32564229
    I think we should be making our *own* versions. That's what I'm doing. My favorite characters with quotes that I feel represent them well.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:13 No.32564230

    "You mean fighting to bring an end to fighting? I think you'll find there's no such thing!"

    How about this one?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:13 No.32564237
         File1269573232.jpg-(139 KB, 758x900, 1260157307619.jpg)
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    Why isn't Takakazu Abe on this chart? He it the manliest mother fucker I know.

    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:14 No.32564250
         File1269573256.jpg-(950 KB, 1400x1400, animu.jpg)
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    Pic related, work in progress
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:14 No.32564263
         File1269573275.png-(22 KB, 800x624, template.png)
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    I think you're looking for this chart.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:14 No.32564265
    "This would have been a good day to stay in bed. "

    The only other good one I can get for Kagome
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:14 No.32564269
    Go for it. No one's stopping you.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:15 No.32564282
    sounds good to me.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:15 No.32564291
         File1269573319.jpg-(218 KB, 474x656, Tohno_Shiki_by_ThisAddiction.jpg)
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    Add Tohno Shiki.

    "----I'm going after her. Take me there. If you don't listen to me, I'll rape you right here."
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:15 No.32564307
    well go ahead.

    because this ISN'T a 'my favorite characters' chart.

    it's a heroes chart.

    I still think /a/ should have stopped 2 nights ago, but the point remains.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:16 No.32564336
    this quote is just oozing with heroism isn't it...


    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:17 No.32564365
    I was kidding.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:17 No.32564373
         File1269573437.jpg-(29 KB, 145x225, honeyav.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:17 No.32564378
    What do you guys think about Tatsuhiro Sato? (In a metaphorical sense I mean ._.)

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