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  • Kimmo Alm aka "Sysop" from AnT has been spamming us for YEARS now, and has recently stepped it up. This shit has got to fucking stop.
    As promised, here are all of the e-mails he has sent me over the years (and my responses).
    ↑ UPDATED March 16th! ↑
    One of Kimmo's ex-moderators posted hundreds of PMs. They are absolutely hilarious/terrifying.

    File : 1269282865.jpg-(187 KB, 1440x810, 1269278862826.jpg)
    187 KB Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:34 No.32433287  
    Welcome Back thread #2
    Continued from >>32430200
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:35 No.32433351
    4 girls and a dirty whore?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:35 No.32433355
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:36 No.32433371
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:36 No.32433386
    She should be by now...
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:36 No.32433397
    What a shitty ending
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:36 No.32433401
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    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:37 No.32433428
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    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:37 No.32433446
    In the end, she never did get to see the angel.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:37 No.32433465
    She was the angel.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:38 No.32433485
    a good reason to come back and see it. and get her bobs fondled once more.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:38 No.32433508
    I'm sure she and Noel are dating now...
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:38 No.32433519
    Was I hearing things, or was it Aisha describing the alternate telling of the angel and the maidens?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:39 No.32433531

    >bobs fondled

    that lucky bastard...
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:39 No.32433532
    It's a little low but straight from the RAW. grace.mp3
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:39 No.32433540

    and tank-kun is thier adopted son.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:40 No.32433573
    [CrunchySubs] Sora no Woto - 12 [480p].mkv
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:40 No.32433579
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    Aisha forgave noel for rubbing her tits and not cooling the hot soup not for being a murderer.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:40 No.32433583
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    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:40 No.32433589
    love and friendship end?
    Fucking called that.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:40 No.32433590
    AND THEN AISHA WAS         
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:40 No.32433598
    imagine Kureha's face when she opens the tank's hatch after Noel and Aisha spent two days making dirty love in it.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:40 No.32433599
    So Rio got laid?
    >> pwq 03/22/10(Mon)14:40 No.32433600
    To the helpful Germans earlier, could you translate Noel's letter at 22:37?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:41 No.32433604
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:41 No.32433605
    This for season 2 please.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:41 No.32433607

    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:41 No.32433612

    Christ. Speed subs are speedy.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:41 No.32433614
    true that nigga. true that.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:41 No.32433617
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    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:41 No.32433626
    Screenshot, pls?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:42 No.32433630
    CR gets the script in advance but fuck dat shit
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:42 No.32433631

    Holy shit can't wait for Comiket.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:42 No.32433636
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    I'm sure Noel is smart enough to invent science babies. And who doesn't like little brown girls?
    >> pwq 03/22/10(Mon)14:42 No.32433642
    She reads it out loud.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:42 No.32433655
    The one episode where AIJOU YUJOU would have fit the mood perfectly, and it doesn't have AIJOU YUJOU.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:43 No.32433660

    A-1 trolling
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:43 No.32433661
    Crunchy are commercialfags. They got the episode before anyone else.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:43 No.32433662
    Japan we better see some Noel x Aisha soon or I'll go crazy.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:43 No.32433667

    We sure got told.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:43 No.32433674

    OK, the ghost was Ilya, and she possessed the owl to watch over them. It's been said before.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:43 No.32433677
    Up 'till now the only weeaboo merchandise I've ever bought was the first S&W novel. I will now risk exposing my power level if they ever come out with Tank-kun models.

    Seriously Japan, get on this right now.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:44 No.32433689
    Still better than nothing DOWNLOADING NOW, and I shall be seeding this at full speed up until pwq comes out with their subs.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:44 No.32433701
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    Wow she does look like their child.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:45 No.32433741
    >no OP
    >camera angles that lead us to believe Felicia shot Hopkins
    >Hopkins Troll Face
    >Amazing Grace
    fucking trolled
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:46 No.32433756
    Well we know this is earth sometime in the future. I would laugh though it the big birds turn out to be HSMC from Gunbuster.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:46 No.32433766
    After Kanata played the signal piece and the armies didn't stop, I was expecting a School Days end.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:46 No.32433773
    "Meine Wunden sind auch gut verheilt."
    "My wounds are healed, too."
    "Nun übe ich täglich..."
    "Now i'm practicing..." (she says she's practicing daily, but Kureha disturbs Noel and i can only guess she wants to say she's practicing the trumpet again.)
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:47 No.32433787
    fucking kureha...
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:47 No.32433799
    practicing nihongo for season 2
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:48 No.32433828
    I was expecting Kanata to get shot or at least Tank-kun to blow up or something...
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:49 No.32433848
    ah okay Noel finishes the sentence. fucking Kureha...
    "Und nun übe ich täglich auf der Trompete."
    "And now i'm practicing on the trumpet every day."
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:49 No.32433850

    Bawwww, butthurt at no All Quiet on The Western Front carnage?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:49 No.32433851
         File1269283760.jpg-(95 KB, 1440x810, 1268710651818.jpg)
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    it did. Blew off a lot of legs and caused an avalanche. Also tanked a a fuck ton of shots. Even tanked one from less than 1 meter away.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:49 No.32433861

    This. When Kanata was standing over Tank-kun, I totally had a sniper shot coming.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:49 No.32433862
    what show is this
    >> pwq 03/22/10(Mon)14:49 No.32433865
    Much appreciated.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:50 No.32433877
    yeah, when Kanata finished playing AMAZING GRACE, I expected her to be sniped or something.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:50 No.32433878

    Aisha got shot. You happy?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:50 No.32433881
    Yeah, I was holding my breath all during that part.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:50 No.32433885

    Dude not to mention cumberstomping Hopkins.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:50 No.32433889
    I bet Aisha is "practicing with her trumpet" while thinking of Noel...
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:50 No.32433892
    Watakushi no Harmony.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:50 No.32433895
    don't fuck it up again onii-chan D:
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:51 No.32433899
    please. Everyone was absorbed in the song. Almost as if they were all at a funeral praying for the fallen.
    >> pwq 03/22/10(Mon)14:51 No.32433910
    I'll try not to butcher it.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:51 No.32433919
    Oh,.I didn't understand that the first time. The pronunciation is pretty bad...
    Meine Wunden sind gut verheilt, und nun übe täglich auf der Trompete.
    My wounds have healed well, and I'm practicing playing the Trumpet every day.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:51 No.32433921
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:52 No.32433924

    I dunno man, maybe Hopkins himself could've done it.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:52 No.32433925
    scene was beautiful.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:52 No.32433926

    We have great faith in you, brother.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:52 No.32433935
    Yeah I thought Hopkins was going to crawl out of the snow and snipe her and then do his heh heh grin.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:52 No.32433936
    And there couldn't be one dick in an army of hundreds or thousands? It was perfectly likely. I'm glad it didn't happen, but it was still likely.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:52 No.32433940
    where can i aquire the crunchysubs? they're not on their site
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:52 No.32433949
    I wonder how well SnW will marathon. It'll make it easier to forgive the silly parts, but it'll be harder to pick up on all the speculah.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:52 No.32433950
    as if. they were on top of a tall ass building. Shit would not happen.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:53 No.32433970
    Kanata was in FULL FUCKING VIEW OF EVERYONE. She was practically asking for it.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:53 No.32433977
    retrospecting marathon is wonderful. Did it the other day. noticed all the small stuff. It added a lot more emotional impact to a lot of the shit Rio was saying in episode one. It added a lot more sting to when Seiya called Noel a murderer. Etc etc.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:54 No.32433994
    Anyone notice that Shuko never appeared?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:54 No.32434000
    you have a misconception of this show then especially that scene.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:54 No.32434002
    If /k/ was there she would be dead. Anything that isn't American would be dead. Owl would die too.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:54 No.32434003
    >Watch as this series gets a happy end, then half the people here change their minds about this show.

    From about three threads ago. Fucking called it.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:55 No.32434014
    Shuko is in the OP image.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:55 No.32434020

    I'm not seeing that. Other than the group that wanted a grimdark bloodbath all along.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:55 No.32434021
    I'm not saying I wanted it to happen. I loved that scene. But saying it 'wasn't possible' for someone to snipe Kanata there is just naive.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:55 No.32434030
    Shuko rescued Hopkins and had mad sex with him.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:56 No.32434036
    I've seen maybe three people change their minds.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:56 No.32434042

    >Owl would die too.

    dude, you got something against owl or what?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:56 No.32434051
    Well even the others were like Kanata WTF? Still I can't wait to look at the translation, why they did that in the first palce.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:57 No.32434065
    it was just as possible as a meteor hitting her in the head while she stands there. you have two armies coming to a halt when a single girl starts playing a song, and you really think ONE single soldier out of the two armies would start shooting at her?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:57 No.32434068
    No, but that is what /k/ would do lol.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:57 No.32434078
    ETA 14 minutes ;_;
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:57 No.32434079
    The owl is a nigger.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:57 No.32434083

    Oh, I'm sure there are others.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:57 No.32434084
    Yes. Because she is an enemy soldier, and some people have no appreciation for music.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:58 No.32434092
    a song that everyone can identify. You know what. She should have just turned on the mp3 player on the tank. She didn't have to fucking play it herself.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:58 No.32434095
    i would.
    but i'm a bad peron.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:58 No.32434102
    That wouldn't have near the same impact.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:58 No.32434113

    But that wouldn't be as awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:59 No.32434136
    Suddenly Kanata goes back to her episode 1 playing skills. Pisses off both sides.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:59 No.32434143
    I like how the keyhole thread is still alive. If we stayed in it, it probably could've gotten 1500-2000 posts by now.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:00 No.32434157
    You're actually right about that. But I guess Kanata just needed a moment to shine. Just talking about peace and equality and then hitting PLAY on the ipod isn't as nice as standing out in the open on the battlefield and playing the song.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:00 No.32434159
         File1269284421.jpg-(56 KB, 1002x713, world peace bull shit.jpg)
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    guys cmon. She was going on about that world peace bullshit last episode saying how it's the same song in both countries.

    Song probably has a deep significant meaning to all the humans left living on the planet. Like we speculah'd, the song was probably the uniting song for the international forces fighting the birds.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:00 No.32434160
    Still expecting a pastebin link with this episode's subs...
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:00 No.32434166
    so rio got laid and return to tech them about the pleasures only men can offer.
    can't wait for season 2
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:00 No.32434169

    Man, this is a day to remember.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:01 No.32434189
    1430 but close
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:01 No.32434206
    and then she hit the wrong button and suddenly deathmetal everywhere
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:01 No.32434221
    I'm gonna be wired until both OVAs are out later in the year.
    >> pwq 03/22/10(Mon)15:01 No.32434223
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    >Start up the tank's music player
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:02 No.32434228
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    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:02 No.32434240

    Wrong button and suddenly AI JOU YU JOU
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:02 No.32434247

    "This song will reach the sky..."


    >war starts
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:02 No.32434254
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:02 No.32434264
    No man - Helvetian or Roman - no man threatens a messenger.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:03 No.32434272
    would have been the best ending ever
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:03 No.32434273
    it's the song for all the people from all nations who died fighting the birds
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:03 No.32434291
    my thoughts exactly. i lol'd.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:04 No.32434316
    honoring the dead etc etc. That's what they all looked like too. All with their heads bowed and shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:05 No.32434356
    as mentioned in an earlier thread. Christmas Peace during ww1. I don't recall any mentioning of the first couple of guys to stick thier head out getting shot.

    with that said, I wouldn't find it unbelieveable if Kanata did get shot, but I personally think it made for a much better scene to have Kanata finish the song, instead of lol, randomly shot.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:07 No.32434402

    Skip to 1 minute in.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:07 No.32434411
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    "...and isn't sexy at all!"

    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:07 No.32434412
    she would not be able to see anything, she would open the hatch and a large cloud of steaming awesome would obscur her sight.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:07 No.32434427
    A couple of bits of info from watching the crunchysub:

    Hopkins has been following the Roman army for the past month, during their advance through No Man's Land. The Romans were basically chest-beating during the peace talks. Hopkins was under orders from the Archduke to observe, but do not attack. Hopkins, thirsting for war, was planning on executing Aisha in front of the Roman forces to provoke an attack. Kanata had heard the bugle sounding the cease-fire early in the episode. Hopkins chose to ignore it and ordered his troops to advance and attack anyway.

    Aisha (and the Romans) have a slightly different take on the Maidens of Fire legend. The maidens were protectors. Many years ago, before the world became as it is now, God sent an angel to punish the world. The angel was wounded, and set his wings down to rest, at a western-end town. It was the maidens, who lived in the city's fortress, who saved him. He was sent to destroy them, but they took pity on his wounds. Gaining the help of a giant spider, they gave the angel refuge at the bottom of the valley. Each, in turn, embraced the angel's neck to keep the blood from pouring out. In return, he gave them a golden horn. But eventually, the townspeople found him there. They set fire to the valley, burning the maidens and taking the angel's head. The legend says then armies of angels appeared, covering the sky. Then a miracle happened. A glorious sound filled the air, and the angels left. The last maiden had used her final breath to sound the golden horn.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:08 No.32434447
    So What things didn't get resolved in the end?
    Where did Giant Birds came from?
    How the seas are dead
    Is Rio a Baby Factory now?
    What happened to the ghost?
    Where's the real MIRAKURUSU KRAUS?
    Why was Filicia afraid of lightning?
    What happened to the school and the little girls in it?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:09 No.32434471
    >angel legend

    Fuck yes you are the best backstory ever
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:10 No.32434489


    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:10 No.32434502
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    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:10 No.32434505
    Of course, the scene was much better without Kanata getting shot. But Kanata gettin shot was very probable. Hell, that's what made the scene so effective for me was that she risked her life to play that song and stop the battle. She could have been shot any second, but she stood up straight and played it slowly and beautifully. Saying 'oh, no one would shoot her' cheapens that risk immensely.

    Also, during the Christmas Peace, several people snuck over to the other side's trenches to see how best to attack them. When they tried to repeat the Christmas Peace the next year, it failed horribly and many people died.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:10 No.32434508

    I called this a couple weeks ago. The main plot would be resolved but all the freaky stuff around the edges would be left open, Haibane Renmei style.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:11 No.32434532

    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:11 No.32434550
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    Salute to you all.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:12 No.32434569
    >Where did Giant Birds came from?
    does it matter?
    >How the seas are dead
    >Is Rio a Baby Factory now?
    probably but she's back with the 1121st
    >What happened to the ghost?
    It was never a ghost. It was trolls and red herrings.
    >Where's the real MIRAKURUSU KRAUS?
    Probably still alive.
    >Why was Filicia afraid of lightning?
    Because there has to be one in every anime. Except with her it was interesting.
    >What happened to the school and the little girls in it?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:12 No.32434573
    Hahahaha faggot
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:12 No.32434575
    Isn't there gonna be DVD only episodes? I'm sure they'll mention Rio getting dicked and whatnot.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:12 No.32434589
    SnW is a lot like Haibane, in many ways.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:13 No.32434604
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    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:13 No.32434605

    She got killed right? Please tell me that this is the truth.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:14 No.32434640
    only a couple of a faggots are dead. And they die off screen so you can reason them to be alive. But really they're dead.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:14 No.32434647
    Yes they will explicitly narrate how she was fucked both in the arse and cunt by the horny roman emperor before he let her take his royal guards off to wave that piece of paper.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:14 No.32434651
    Rio is probably engaged or something, she's only 17. Ilyia was in her mid 20s.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:14 No.32434654

    -Bioweapons or aliens.

    -Doings of the Angels or some sort of WMD



    -Random mook



    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:14 No.32434657
    Rio still gives her name as "Rio Kazumiya Arkadia" and arrives from the Helvetian side, so the marriage might not have been performed yet/at all.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:14 No.32434660
    Did you mean: 22. 02. 272 AP?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:14 No.32434668
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    >Seiya not dying
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:16 No.32434725

    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:16 No.32434726
    So do they have abortions in Helvetia? Cause she's gonna need one.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:16 No.32434735
         File1269285380.jpg-(40 KB, 864x480, [CrunchySubs] Sora no Woto - 1(...).jpg)
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    nice raped face
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:16 No.32434758
    feb 22nd hmm... that was the pissing episode...
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:17 No.32434807
    It's also the date on the peace treaty.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:17 No.32434825
    It was probably canceled, I'm sure they wouldn't let her back into active duty if she was carrying the emperor's child. Also the people who are saying she's knocked up, whore, slut etc. They are trolling, in case you didn't know...
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:20 No.32434960
    dem slight vibratos ;-;
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:20 No.32434985

    Yep. she says as much when she returns to the 1121st - She's currently engaged to him, and says the Emperor is actually a pretty decent guy. He granted her any wish she had for stopping the war. That wish was to return to the 1121st Platoon.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:20 No.32434992

    Someone upload the entire Tank-kun sequence starting with the power up, with Sorairo Days as the music.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:21 No.32435045
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:22 No.32435071
    I loved the nice touch with having the soldiers from the very first episode show up again.

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