UPDATE!moot recently broke up with his mod girlfriend after she couldn't deal with the fact he retracted her mod powers because she was an emo whore menstruating all over [a/In typical bitch fashion, according to her private facebook, she is now trying to sue moot for sexism.more to come on this soon.
lol k?
fucking knew it
dis fo real?
The flow of information is slow, due to mods deleting these posts (apparently moot doesn't want anyone to know he's not gay).
ITT: samefag
Not sure if troll (90% that is), but that mod was definitely a slut. I mean come on, how exactly butthurt you must be to ban for b&w picture?
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>Moot made his girlfriend a modI don't think he's that stupid.
...moot doesn't have a girlfriend. He wouldn't stop bitching about it in the last thread on /r9k/.
How can she sue him? Being a mod isn't a legally recognised job and she wasn't getting paid.If this is real, which I doubt, then nothing will come of it. She has no legal ground to work on.