03/15/10(Mon)11:51 No. 32161519 This
is a copy pasta from another site but it still holds true. man,
im surprised most of ya'll seem to be on board with this nanny-state
shit. let's be clear: no one is being harmed. in the words of john
stuart mill, when no harm is being done, you've entered the realm of
taboo. yes, loli is creepy. yes, its a shame that's where the
market's at, we'd all like more cowboy bebop, black lagoon, champloo,
etc. if you think telling the state to regulate morality for you is
going to get that back...take a second and think about it; by putting
your theories - devoid of true psychological correlation, but
comfortable saying what's "right" and what's not for others - out there
and saying things that you find uncomfortable or somehow psychologically
"harmful" should be banned by law, because you're making Jack
Thompson's argument. you cant have free speech both ways,
applying only to things you don't support. saying perverted loli shit =
harm to actual children is no different than Jack saying GTA/etc
violence incited it in real life as well. it's a monstrous argument for
censorship, based on nothing more than subjective tastes & current