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  • Kimmo Alm aka "Sysop" from AnT has been spamming us for YEARS now, and has recently stepped it up. This shit has got to fucking stop. As promised, here are all of the e-mails he has sent me over the years (and my responses).

    We've done all we can do about him. We've banned THOUSANDS of proxies, and deleted OVER A HUNDRED THOUSAND spam posts. His attacks continue though, and we've reached the limit of what we can do.
    edit: we aren't going to add captcha.

    File : 1268447581.jpg-(870 KB, 1190x840, 8ad84235.jpg)
    870 KB Welcome to Academy City part 2 John Smith 03/12/10(Fri)21:33 No.32072351

    So /a/, what are your abilities?
    >> Thatguy !!c+CotzCrwTU 03/12/10(Fri)21:34 No.32072398
    Results of physical examination, thatguy!! C + CotzCrwTU's capacity is

    Guest capacity: The capacity of wind (Art Aero)
    Level 5

    Commentary: the air, twist capacity

    I guess I'm a air bender
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:36 No.32072448
    Ability name: Nitrogen ruler (offense heart) Level 1
    Explanation: The ability to paint the lump of the nitrogen which it compressed, with the lie

    I have no idea what this means but I like the name.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:37 No.32072498
    Ability name: Psychological balloon (measure bag)
    Level 4
    explanation: The ability to raise genuine feeling and, to change into the buffer agent

    Mind control, bitches!
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:38 No.32072517
    能 力名: 視覚不明 ( ダミーストップ )
    Level 4

    解説:対象物を『見ている』という認識そのものを、持つことができる能 力

    Ability name: Visual unclear (dummy stop)
    Level 4
    explanation: The ability of it to be possible to have the recognition itself that 'you look at object ones',


    for those that need it
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:39 No.32072546
    Ability name: SAGE
    Explanation: SAGE

    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:39 No.32072563
    能 力名: 衝撃能力 ( ショックキネシス )
    Level 5


    Ability name: Shock power ([shiyotsukukineshisu])
    Level 5
    explanation: The ability to produce the momentum which it receives,

    so... umm.. ultimate return to sender?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:41 No.32072623
    Level 1 telekinesis
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:42 No.32072641
    this... thread is not interesting, people just post results randomly
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:42 No.32072647
    Ability name: Shocking using (shock master)
    Level 4
    explanation: The ability to produce the momentum which it receives and, to work

    So im biribiri, cool.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:42 No.32072659
    Ability name: Aerodynamic spread (aero absorber)
    Level 4
    explanation: The ability to lighten impact by the fact that it scatters the aerodynamics,

    i'm (somewhat) invincible!
    >> John Smith 03/12/10(Fri)21:43 No.32072672
    That's not how sage works, silly.

    身体検査の結果、sage さんの能力は、
    能力名: 衝撃物質 ( ショックマター )
    Level 2
    Result of physical examination, as for the ability of sage,
    ability name: Shocking physical (shock matter)
    Level 2
    explanation: The ability to produce the momentum which it receives and, to operate

    THIS is how sage works.
    >> John Smith 03/12/10(Fri)21:43 No.32072690
    How about we match two anons together, and try to find out who'd win in a fight?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:44 No.32072712
         File1268448259.jpg-(80 KB, 604x439, 1248321994543.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:44 No.32072724
         File1268448279.png-(22 KB, 317x147, 1268201573726.png)
    22 KB
    Results of physical examination, moot's capacity is

    Guest capacity: using mind-reading (Saikohando)
    Level 5

    Commentary: the human mind, ability to manipulate

    also called 4chan
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:44 No.32072731
    so many people are getting some sort of shock ability
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:44 No.32072734
    Level 4 biribiri, but still biribiri
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:46 No.32072767
    能 力名: 空間崩し ( テレダウナー )
    Level 3
    的 に操る能力

    Ability name: Spatial destroying (tele downer)
    Level 3
    explanation: The ability to lock the object which ignored 3 dimensional space, in state of “ambiguous way and” to work mandatorily

    holy fuck
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:46 No.32072768
    Guest Capacity: fantasy analysis (Imagine chart)
    Level 1

    Commentary: the illusion that flippant first reading, the ability to know the name and age

    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:46 No.32072788
    Guest Capacity: unknown energy (Inshusutoppu)
    Level 0

    Commentary: the electrical force field, the ability to have

    >> God 03/12/10(Fri)21:46 No.32072802
    Guest Capacity: your mind (master tele)
    Level 4

    Explanation: your thinking, skill and drive produced
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:47 No.32072809
    Ability name: Psychological destroying (measure downer)
    Level 3
    Explanation: The ability to lock genuine feeling, in state of “ambiguous way and” to work mandatorily
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:47 No.32072827
    Ability name: Spiritual using (tele rise)
    Level 4
    explanation: The ability of you to operate your own thought,
    lv4 telekinesis, fuck yes
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:47 No.32072829
    Guest Capacity: ruler perspective (Clare Hart)
    Level 3

    Commentary: the eye does not rely on visual information, the ability to fill in false

    Would anyone be kind enough to explain to me what this means?
    >> John Smith 03/12/10(Fri)21:47 No.32072836
    Dear God, we're all totally fucked now.
    >> God 03/12/10(Fri)21:48 No.32072871
    Guest Capacity: Gun Sight (Fagan)
    Level 3

    Commentary: the future, the ability to launch
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:48 No.32072878
    Ability name: Aerodynamic murder (aero blood) Level 3 Explanation: The aerodynamics, being indisputable, the ability to return to the ash

    Apparently I have indisputable aerodynamics
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:48 No.32072880
    how i read the results, everything is in moonrunes
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:49 No.32072899
    Ability name: On the one hand insulation ([akuserareshiyon])
    Level 3
    explanation: The ability to repel all vectors such as the momentum heat quantity optical electric variable,

    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:49 No.32072907
    >goes on /a/ without knowing how to read japanese

    Fuck off gaiafag.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:50 No.32072920
    Ability name: Natural shape insulation (counter ration) Level 2 Explanation: The ability to repel body playback ability,

    So wait, basically a level 2 accelerator?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:50 No.32072926
    Ability name:

    On the other hand, operation ([akuserahaundo])

    Level 4

    Explanation: Ability that all vectors like momentum, calorie, light, and the quantity of electricity, etc. Can be operated

    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:50 No.32072937
    Did this in the past when the site was first passed around like a use whore. I had level 2 dark matter if I remember correctly. Weak sauce. Level 4 or 5 plz.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:50 No.32072942
    see aizen sama>>32072517
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:50 No.32072949
    Ability name: On the one hand ability ([akuseraato])
    Level 5
    explanation: The ability the screw to bend all vectors such as the momentum heat quantity optical electric variable.

    I am Accelerator.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:50 No.32072953
    Ability name: Vigor emission ([inshiyusuroa])
    Level 4
    explanation: The ability to scatter the electricity of that power place

    Opposite of Biribiri? Cool.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:50 No.32072955
    能 力名: 幻想装甲 ( イマジンアーマー )
    Level 4


    Ability name: Fantasy armoring ([imajinama])
    Level 4
    Explanation: First that the ability to control the fantasy which acts playfully,

    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:51 No.32072965
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:51 No.32072982
    Ability name: Air ability ([eanetsute]) Level 4 Explanation: The ability to operate the clay of the air

    Fuck, I keep getting wind powers.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:52 No.32072999
    能 力名: 念動砲 ( テレガン )
    Level 2


    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:52 No.32073004
    Ability name:

    Fantasy ability (Imagine vision)

    Level 2

    Explanation: Ability to foresee that sit cross-legged digit fantasy first of all
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:52 No.32073010
    Ability name: Absolute response (equal pass) Level 1 Explanation: The ability to make the object which you threw, the partner read

    Level 1 troll, awsome.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:52 No.32073020
         File1268448768.jpg-(84 KB, 621x612, mai-esper-powah.jpg)
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    I gotta come clean with you Anonymous, this seems pretty stupid.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:52 No.32073023
    能力名: 幻想追跡 ( イマジンストーカー )
    Level 2


    Ability name: Fantasy pursuit ([imagine stalker])
    Level 2
    explanation: First the ability that to continue to chase the fantasy which acts playfully, it can search and to be able to supplement

    I believe we are going to be enemies
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:52 No.32073025
    Guest Capacity: armored vampire (Dipuama)
    Level 5

    Commentary: the vampire sucked the blood, the ability to control

    cool.. like what do I do? just suck blood?
    >> Thatguy !!c+CotzCrwTU 03/12/10(Fri)21:52 No.32073026
    >Thinks everyone on /a/ knows how to read moonspeak
    You new is showing friend
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:53 No.32073033
    Ability name: Telekinetic gun (tele cancer/gun)
    Level 2

    Explanation: The ability to discharge distant ones, by the power which is not visible
    >> Unnoteworthy !!SmWGyhPbArF 03/12/10(Fri)21:53 No.32073036
         File1268448803.jpg-(32 KB, 640x440, 1242465966288.jpg)
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    This name:
    能力名: 絶対能力 ( イコールキネシス )
    Level 0


    My full real name:
    能 力名: 絶対能力 ( イコールキネシス )
    Level 5


    Ability name: Absolute ability ([ikorukineshisu])
    Level 5
    explanation: The ability to produce the object which you threw,

    WTF /a/???
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:54 No.32073069

    Ability name: Telekinetic gun (tele cancer/gun)
    Level 2

    explanation: The ability to discharge distant ones, by the power which is not visible

    hmm...I'd say I have a sort of kinetic propelled gun. Able to discharged kinetic bullets that travel at high speeds towards opponents

    >> Thatguy !!c+CotzCrwTU 03/12/10(Fri)21:54 No.32073075
         File1268448883.png-(446 KB, 850x480, 3a5.png)
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    >The ability to get
    >> Yutanpo !1DeKKAi00Y 03/12/10(Fri)21:55 No.32073088
    Show romanization
    Guest Capacity: unknown capacity (AIM-stop)
    Level 4

    DESCRIPTION: AIM the owner of the spreading force field, with the ability to

    wf i an aim?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:55 No.32073098

    Ability name: Natural shape gun (counter cancer/gun)

    Level 3

    Explanation: The ability to discharge body playback ability
    >> John Smith 03/12/10(Fri)21:55 No.32073111
    Result of physical examination, as for the ability of God,
    ability name: Memory operation (mind hound)
    Level 1
    explanation: The ability to be able to operate memory,

    Hahaha, God is smalltime. Even this guy (>>32072999) has a better ability:
    Ability name: Telekinetic gun (tele cancer/gun)
    Level 2
    explanation: The ability to discharge distant ones, by the power which is not visible
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:55 No.32073116
    Guest capacity: The capacity atoms (Merutoboiansu)
    Level 3

    Commentary: "particles" or "wave" of electrons, the ability to get

    Oops deleted the wrong post.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:56 No.32073122
         File1268448961.jpg-(9 KB, 249x244, 3.jpg)
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    what? You mean only less then 2% right?

    And even then that 2% most likely knows shit

    It's a dying language and it is still around only for pride reasons. The country has been slowly training to convert to English if you did not notice.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:56 No.32073143
    Ability name: Versatile using (multiple master) Level 1 Explanation: The ability to produce plural abilities and, to work

    My abiltity is to have multiple abilities, cool beans.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:56 No.32073150
    >put accelerator in name field

    Guest Capacity: kill the other hand (Akuserabureika)
    Level 3

    DESCRIPTION: The amount of electric light and heat all momentum vectors, killing spotted! ! Ability
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:56 No.32073152
    能 力名: 正体使い ( カウンターハンド )
    Level 4

    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:56 No.32073158
    No kidding
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:56 No.32073159
    Does anyone in Raildex have ice powers?
    >> John Smith 03/12/10(Fri)21:57 No.32073176
    OH SHI-
    Unlimited Blade Works!?

    You sir, have a rather GodHAX ability. Seems like you're a supercharged Archer.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:57 No.32073178
    Ability name: Spatial constant velocity (tele speed)
    Level 2
    explanation: The object which ignored 3 dimensional space, until it cancels ability, or is broken, the ability to continue to advance at the same speed

    Seems similar to the ability that one bankrobber guy had.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:57 No.32073179
    能 力名: 能力能力 ( AIMキネシス )
    Level 1


    Ability name: Ability ability (AIM Kinesis)
    Level 1
    explanation: The ability to produce the owner of the AIM spread power place,

    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:57 No.32073185
    Ability name: Life ability ([kuriteipasu]) Level 0 Explanation: The partner who contacted, the ability to be able to converse


    My abiltity is to have multiple abilities, cool beans.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:59 No.32073234
    Ability name: Throat eruption
    level 9
    Explanation: makes people instantly have volcanic heart burn.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:59 No.32073235

    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:59 No.32073236
    Ability name: Opinion speed change (skill tron)
    Level 2
    explanation: The ability to shift gear the heart of the partner who shakes hands,

    Sounds like I can give people heart attacks or something.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:59 No.32073242
    Guest Capacity: balloon opinion (bag skills)
    Level 4

    Commentary: the mind of the person you were shaking hands, the ability to change to enhance cushioning
    Contribute a better translation
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:59 No.32073245
         File1268449156.jpg-(76 KB, 482x401, airman.jpg)
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    Ability name: Aerodynamic using (aero rise)

    Level 3

    Explanation: The ability to operate the aerodynamics
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:59 No.32073246
         File1268449156.jpg-(255 KB, 708x724, 8864879.jpg)
    255 KB
    Guest Capacity: toll fantasy (Imajinreta) Level 2 Explanation: the illusion that flippant First, the ability to convert at a touch

    >Troll fantasy...

    I shall become the greatest troll in HISTORY!
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:59 No.32073252
    能 力名: 吸血不明 ( ディープストップ )
    Level 4


    Guest Capacity: Unknown vampire (Dipusutoppu)
    Level 4

    Commentary: the vampire sucked the blood, ability to have

    What the fuck? I get some kind blood sucking power and the non presence of Himegami?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:59 No.32073262
    能 力名: 意見中断 ( スキルカル )
    Level 4

    Guest capacity: Suspend opinion (Sukirukaru)
    Level 4
    Commentary: the mind of the person you were shaking hands, the ability that can kill

    Fuck ya, this explains why I will be ronery for life.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:59 No.32073269
         File1268449196.jpg-(45 KB, 576x432, 1248148286770.jpg)
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    Ability name: Fantasy discontinuance ([imajinkaru])

    Level 2

    Explanation: First that the ability to be possible to push down the fantasy which acts playfully

    ehhh what this mean
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:59 No.32073270
    能 力名: 寿命等速 ( クリティスピード )
    Level 2
    能 力

    Ability name: Life constant velocity ([kuriteisupido])
    Level 2
    explanation: The partner who contacted, until it cancels ability, or is broken, the ability to continue to advance at the same speed

    So I have a support-type ability? Sucks...
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:59 No.32073271
    Ability name: Spiritual playback (tele reverse) Level 4 Explanation: The ability you to make your own thought recover

    Recognition, cool
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:00 No.32073296
    You destroy peoples fantasys
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:01 No.32073309
    The better way to do this would be to enter anime character's names.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:02 No.32073337
    Make a new thread about that

    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:02 No.32073354
    okay, I'll play

    Ability name: Sense story analysis (telegraph)
    Level 3
    explanation: The human who leaves is grasped, the ability name and age to be known
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:02 No.32073359
    Ability name: Quantum ability ([shinkuronetsute])
    Level 2
    explanation: The ability to operate the quantum

    so wat can i do??
    >> John Smith 03/12/10(Fri)22:02 No.32073361
         File1268449379.jpg-(7 KB, 203x182, 1261408387687.jpg)
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    You are the sadfrog.
    Sucks to be you.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:03 No.32073370
         File1268449392.jpg-(32 KB, 400x294, squirrel with machine gun.jpg)
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    Ability name: Prediction using (fur shooter)
    Level 0
    explanation: The ability to operate future,
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:03 No.32073375
    能 力名: 洗脳能力 ( マリオネッテ )
    Level 4


    Ability name: Brainwashing ability ([marionetsute])
    Level 4
    explanation: The ability to operate the information which is stored to the brain of the person,
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:03 No.32073383
         File1268449425.jpg-(54 KB, 800x662, 216353_1316441414.jpg)
    54 KB

    that has a very good trolling potential
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:03 No.32073387
    Guest capacity: use absolute (Hand equal)
    Level 3

    DESCRIPTION: The ability to manipulate objects thrown
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:04 No.32073397
    Ability name: Brainwashing playback ([marioribasu])
    Level 3
    Explanation: The ability to make the information recover which is stored to the brain of the person,

    The fuck is this shit? I make people remember things? I feel robbed of a quality super-power...
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:05 No.32073427
    ths translation site is fucking slow now
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:05 No.32073428
    Ability name: On the one hand response ([akuserapasu])
    Level 3
    explanation: The ability to make all vectors such as the momentum heat quantity optical electric variable, the partner read

    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:05 No.32073435
    Ability name: Prediction gun (fur cancer/gun)
    Level 2
    explanation: The ability to discharge future,

    Guess I can predict the future?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:05 No.32073436
    someone should go make a index/railgun universe mmorpg already.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:05 No.32073442
    Guest Capacity: armor fantasy (Imajinama)
    Level 1

    Commentary: the illusion that flippant First, the ability to control

    The fuck?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:05 No.32073445
         File1268449543.jpg-(115 KB, 435x435, 1444.jpg)
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    Guest capacity: analysis of blood-sucking (Dipugurafu)
    Level 1

    Commentary: the vampire sucked the blood, the reading ability to know the name and age

    So I can determine peoples' name and age by sucking their blood? Huh.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:05 No.32073446
    Ability name: Spatial operation (tele hound) Level 0 Explanation: The ability to be able to operate the object which ignored 3 dimensional space,

    What is this shit?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:05 No.32073449
    Guest capacity: Suspend fantasy (Imajinkaru)
    Level 2

    Commentary: the illusion that publication antics ability that can kill

    No anon, I am the Aizen
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:06 No.32073471
    能 力名: 多才殺し ( マルチブレイカー )
    Level 4


    Ability name: Versatile murder ([maruchibureika])
    Level 4
    explanation: Plural abilities, the spots are killed!! Ability

    the fuck?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:07 No.32073488
    能 力名: 寿命殺し ( クリティブレイカー )
    Level 1

    Ability name: Life murder ([kuriteibureika])
    Level 1
    explanation: The partner who contacted, the spots is killed!! Ability

    you all dead =3
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:07 No.32073499
    Guest Capacity: prescient (Fanette)
    Level 1

    解説:未来を、操作する能力 Commentary: the future, the ability to manipulate

    I don`t know what that means but it sounds awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:07 No.32073509
    Ability name: Wind force change ([earohuoze]) Level 0 Explanation: The ability to rearrange the air, into those of the other person
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:07 No.32073511
    Guest Capacity: Memory (Maindokineshisu)
    Level 2

    Commentary: the memory, capable of moving

    Someone explain this?
    >> Time 03/12/10(Fri)22:08 No.32073527
    Guest Capacity: identity analysis (Graph Counter)
    Level 5

    Commentary: the ability to regenerate body, read, and ability to know the name and age

    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:08 No.32073536
    Ability name: Spiritual operation (tele hound) Level 2 Explanation: The ability of you to be able to operate your own thought

    Really? There's people changing the laws of the universe, and the best I get is the power to think?

    Well fuck you, Indexverse. Fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:08 No.32073552
    perhaps you can manipulate peoples' memories?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:08 No.32073554
    Guest Capacity: Capacity Capacity (AIM Art)
    Level 2

    DESCRIPTION: AIM force field ability to twist the owner of the diffusion
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:08 No.32073560
    >capable of moving
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:09 No.32073565
    Ability name: Perspective change ([kureahuoze]) Level 3
    Explanation: The ability to rearrange the visual information which does not depend on the eyeball, into those of the other person
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:09 No.32073569
    能 力名: 窒素能力 ( オフェンススキル )
    Level 4
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:09 No.32073584
    能 力名: 空気絶縁 ( エアレーション )
    Level 2

    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:09 No.32073586
         File1268449792.jpg-(21 KB, 477x360, takumi-nishijo.jpg)
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    能力名: 衝撃定規 ( ショックハート )
    Level 5
    解 説:受けた運動量を、偽りで塗りつぶす能力

    Ability name: Shocking ruler (shock heart)
    Level 5
    explanation: The ability to paint the momentum which it receives, with the lie

    I can make my delusions into reality!!
    Bow before me, puny Anons!
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:09 No.32073588
    Guest capacity: an absolute killing (Ikorubureika)
    Level 2

    Commentary: throwing objects, killing spotted! ! Ability
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:09 No.32073590
    能 力名: 火炎能力 ( ファイアキネシス )
    Level 3

    Ability name: Flame ability ([fire kinesis])
    Level 3
    explanation: The ability to produce the flame,

    wow, something that's not hard to understand
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:10 No.32073592
    Shinigami teeth
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:10 No.32073614
    Prescience is simultaneously the best and worst ability imaginable.

    On one hand, you're omniscient, on the other, enjoy being a tyranical god emperor for 3500 years.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:10 No.32073618
    got this for accelerator:

    Ability name: On the one hand murder ([akuserabureika])
    Level 3
    explanation: All vectors such as the momentum heat quantity optical electric variable, the spots are killed!! Ability
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:11 No.32073659
    Accelerator ?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:12 No.32073668
         File1268449927.jpg-(59 KB, 480x360, 1252642793543.jpg)
    59 KB
    Ability name: Memory unclear (mind stop)
    Level 2
    explanation: The ability of it to be possible to have memory

    so i just have memory?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:12 No.32073669
    Guest capacity: Suspend atoms (Merutokaru)
    Level 4

    Commentary: "particles" or "wave" the electronic capability that can knock

    Don't really understand..but wow.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:12 No.32073678
    Guest Capacity: speed and sucking (Dipusupido)
    Level 2

    Commentary: the vampire sucked the blood, the ability to keep going at the same rate or cancel the ability to break

    I'm not going to say anything, this is too easy.
    >> John Smith 03/12/10(Fri)22:12 No.32073681
    You, fight:

    That would be one hell of an epic battle.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:13 No.32073713
         File1268450014.jpg-(33 KB, 610x286, WHAT.jpg)
    33 KB
    Guest Capacity: Ability to use (AIM Master)
    Level 0

    DESCRIPTION: AIM the owner of the spreading force field, skill and drive produced
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:13 No.32073722
    Guest Capacity: Ultra-use electromagnetic (master rail)
    Level 0

    Commentary: a bullet with a repulsive force generated by a large current capacity of producing manipulate
    Basically I'm the railgun without the other cool parts? That or I'm the fortune. Cool, cool.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:14 No.32073726
    your ability could be quite... useful.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:14 No.32073744
    Wait hold on.
    I can change the future?
    Oh fuck yes.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:16 No.32073794
    Wait, isn't everything you do technically contribute to the future anyways? You're always technically changing the future, so isn't that pointless?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:16 No.32073797
    能 力名: 気力能力 ( インシュキネシス )
    Level 4

    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:17 No.32073837
         File1268450230.gif-(21 KB, 320x240, 1252965377156.gif)
    21 KB
    能力名: 幻想通行 ( イマジンレータ )
    Level 3

    解 説:まずはそのふざけた幻想を、触れただけで変換する能力

    Ability name: Fantasy transit ([imajinreta])

    Level 3

    explanation: First that the fantasy which acts playfully just was touched, the ability to convert

    So i make a fantasy into reality?
    >> Ai !!kiRQ18JhR5H 03/12/10(Fri)22:18 No.32073877
    能力名: 寿命不明 ( クリティストップ )
    Level 1

    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:18 No.32073884
    Guest Capacity: kill atoms (Merutobureika)
    Level 3

    Commentary: "particles" or "wave" of electrons, killing spotted!

    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:18 No.32073895
    Prescience is the ability to see the future (or, to be precise, comprehend all possible futures simultaneously).

    You can see the possible future each action and reaction of each element of the universe, and trace them back to their origin. You're basically all knowing.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:19 No.32073920
    Capacity name: Opinion using (skill master) Level 3

    Decoding: The capacity which produces the heart of the partner who shakes hands and, works
    >> John Smith 03/12/10(Fri)22:19 No.32073922
    Sounds like a slightly weaker version of:

    Though if yours was at level 5, it would probably be superior. That's what it looks like, anyway.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:19 No.32073932
    能 力名: 多才能力 ( マルチボイアンス )
    Level 0

    Ability name: Versatile ability ([maruchiboiansu]) (multi something...what the fuck's a boiansu?)
    Level 0
    explanation: The ability to obtain plural abilities,

    >Level 0
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:20 No.32073954
    能 力名: 幻想操作 ( イマジンハウンド )
    Level 4


    Ability name: Fantasy operation ([imajinhaundo])
    Level 4
    explanation: First that the ability to be able to operate the fantasy which acts playfully,

    better explanation plox
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:20 No.32073985
    能 力名: 心理殺し ( メンタルブレイカー )
    Level 0

    Ability name: Psychological murder ([Mental Breaker])
    Level 0
    explanation: The fact that regarding mind, the spots is killed!! Talent
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:21 No.32073990

    this was my ability. The fuck is it supposed to mean?
    >> John Smith 03/12/10(Fri)22:21 No.32074000
    Kill... ATOMS!?
    What the fuck, Anon. That makes you GodHAX invincible, even at level 3.
    I'd not want to see you at level 5. You could pretty much just erase people from existence.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:21 No.32074004
    Stop asking for explanations, faggots.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:22 No.32074020
    能 力名: 多才能力 ( マルチアート )
    Level 5


    Ability name: Versatile ability (multiple art) Level 5 Explanation: The ability the screw to bend plural abilities

    My power is to combine multiple level 5 abilities, simultaneously.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:22 No.32074025
    Ability name: Prediction armoring (fur armor)
    Level 5
    explanation: The ability to control future,

    WHAT? WHAT? Holy shit man.

    Call me...Fatal End.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:22 No.32074035
         File1268450558.jpg-(38 KB, 503x372, 1249679234321.jpg)
    38 KB

    These two guys should fight: >>32073269

    they make shit into reality but this guys destroys them
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:23 No.32074071
    >fur armour
    yiff in hell.
    >> John Smith 03/12/10(Fri)22:24 No.32074083
    But that guy's only level 2. He'd be outnumbered, and outmatched.
    If he was level 5 though, both of them would be beaten, easily.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:24 No.32074089
    Mine is weird :

    能力名: 念話感応 ( テレパス )
    Level 2

    解説:離れた人間を、相手に読ませ る能力

    Ability name: Sense story response (tele pass)
    Level 2
    explanation: The ability to make the human who leaves, the partner read

    Basically I can turn anyone into a telepath?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:24 No.32074101
    Fuck them.
    This guy can just THINK they'll lose and he'll win.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:24 No.32074106
    Results of physical examination, Sage's capacity is

    Guest Capacity: destroying one (Akuseradauna)
    Level 0

    DESCRIPTION: The amount of electric light and heat all the momentum vectors, "remains vague" the ability to manipulate the state of fixed force.

    Sage with a capital also does this
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:25 No.32074121
    fur armor = full amor
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:25 No.32074135
         File1268450736.gif-(2 KB, 130x130, eyes have been stung by 400 bi(...).gif)
    2 KB
    Guest Capacity: Ability opinion (Sukiruboiansu)
    Level 3

    Commentary: the mind of the person you were shaking hands, ability to get
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:25 No.32074141
    能 力名: 火炎使い ( ファイアライズ )
    Level 5


    Apparently I'm a pyro.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:25 No.32074143
    Ability name: Visual using (dummy rise)
    Level 2

    Explanation: The ability to operate the recognition itself that 'you look at object ones',

    Control ocular senses, cool.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:26 No.32074151
    Ability name:

    True colors [**] (counter cancer)

    Level 5

    Explanation: Ability to launch body reproduction ability
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:26 No.32074164
    I guess you cancel all powers dealing with vectors. By this I mean that you screw up their calculations and make it impossible for them to use their powers properly.
    >> John Smith 03/12/10(Fri)22:26 No.32074168
    Shake hands with everyone in this thread = BECOME GOD.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:27 No.32074178
    Ability name: Spatial unclear (tele stop)
    Level 4
    explanation: The ability of it to be possible to have the object which ignored 3 dimensional space,
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:27 No.32074184
    Ability name: Polarized light analysis (trick graph)
    Level 2
    explanation: Itself light around is grasped, the ability name and age to be known

    Soooooo I control light? Sounds versatile
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:27 No.32074202
    Not if I'm here :

    能力名: 幻想再生 ( イマジンリバース )
    Level 1

    解説:まずはそのふざけた幻想を、 回復させる能力

    Ability name: Fantasy playback ([imajinribasu])
    Level 1
    explanation: First that the ability to make the fantasy recover which acts playfully,
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:28 No.32074224
    Ability name:Quantum ability ([shinkuroboiansu])
    Level 3

    Explanation: Ability to obtain quantum

    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:29 No.32074255
    Person who can cause the future vs someone who can rewind time?

    The battle would last forever in a moment.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:29 No.32074257
    Ability name: On the one hand murder ([akuserabureika])
    Level 3
    explanation: All vectors such as the momentum heat quantity optical electric variable, the spots are killed!! Ability

    Soooooo I control light? Sounds versatile
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:29 No.32074265
    the quantum is yours!
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:29 No.32074269
    Ability name: Not yet original constant velocity (dark speed)
    Level 2

    Explanation: The elementary particle which does not exist in this world, until it cancels ability, or is broken, the ability to continue to advance at the same speed

    Shit, I'm that guy from the railgun bankrobbing/flashback episode.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:29 No.32074274
         File1268450999.jpg-(6 KB, 221x251, 1263972677552.jpg)
    6 KB

    goddamn my rival!
    >> John Smith 03/12/10(Fri)22:30 No.32074276
    You, team up with:

    Result? Invincible team! Unless you're faced with this guy: (>>32074025) in which case, YOU ARE ALREADY DEAD.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:30 No.32074290
    Ability name:Former unanalysis (dark graph)
    Level 2

    Explanation: Ability to read elementary particle that doesn't exist in this world, and to know name and age
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:30 No.32074301
    身 体検査の結果、Saten さんの能力は、

    能力名: 吸血砲 ( ディープガン )
    Level 4

    解説:その血 を吸った吸血鬼を、発射する能力

    This website is so wrong. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:31 No.32074312
    Guest Capacity: killing flame (Faiabureika)
    Level 4 Level 4

    解説:炎 を、ぶち殺す! Commentary: the flames, killing spotted! ! ! 能力 Ability

    Anon D. Ace
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:31 No.32074327
    Guest Capacity: track mind-reading (Saikosutoka)
    Level 5

    Commentary: the human mind, continued to follow search, ability to complement

    Fucking goddammit Google Translate.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:32 No.32074331
    Ability name: Brainwashing operation ([mariohaundo])
    Level 3

    explanation: The ability to be able to operate the information which is stored to the brain of the person,

    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:32 No.32074333
    Guest Capacity: insulating body (Otoreshon)
    Level 0

    Description: ability to play a bodily injury
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:32 No.32074355
    Guest Capacity: insulating body (Otoreshon)
    Level 3

    Commentary: bodily injury, ability to play

    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:33 No.32074375
    Ability name: Quantum armoring (synchronizer armor)
    Level 2

    Explanation: The ability to control the quantum

    We should totally team up. You make the quantum, I control it!
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:33 No.32074391
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:34 No.32074397

    you manipulate the physical injuries of others

    so you can make a scrath into a inmense cut i suppose
    >> John Smith 03/12/10(Fri)22:34 No.32074407
    Try typing in 佐天 涙子.

    The result?
    身体検査の結果、佐天涙子 さんの能力は、
    能力名: 肉体能力 ( メタモルネッテ )
    Level 5

    Result of physical examination, as for ability of 佐天 涙子,
    ability name: Physical ability ([metamorunetsute])
    Level 5
    explanation: Your own face and the ability to operate the body,

    Mind = blown.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:35 No.32074432
    hm thats not too shabby
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:35 No.32074445
    Ability name: Sucking blood using (deep shooter) Level 2 Explanation: The ability to operate the vampire which inhaled that blood,

    I think that means I'm a vampire
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:35 No.32074448
    Funny, my name almost mean light in italian and my power is :

    能力名: 偏光不明 ( トリックストップ )
    Level 0


    Ability name: Polarized light unclear (trick stop)
    Level 0
    explanation: Itself the ability of it to be possible to have the light around,

    Awesome, I can say if we can light a place.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:36 No.32074452
    Ability: kill brainwashed (Mariobureika)
    Level 0

    Commentary: the information kept in the brains of people, killing spotted! ! Ability
    >> Smoked Cheese~ !Nyoron4t6M 03/12/10(Fri)22:36 No.32074456
    This is what I got when I put my full name.

    能力名: 能力操作 ( AIMハウンド )
    Level 2


    Guest capacity: Working capacity (AIM Hound)
    Level 2

    DESCRIPTION: AIM the owner of the spreading force field, ability to manipulate

    When I put Smoked Cheese:

    能力名: 正体操作 ( カウンターハウンド )
    Level 4

    解説:身体再生能力を、操作でき る能力

    Guest Capacity: Working identity (Kauntahaundo)
    Level 4

    Commentary: the ability to regenerate body and ability to manipulate

    Is my online alias a level 4 Tsuchimikado?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:36 No.32074458
    Ability name: Sense story ability (tele pass)
    Level 5

    explanation: The human who leaves, the ability to be able to converse

    Level 5 telepath I guess? I would totally fuck with people for no reason.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:36 No.32074465
    能 力名: 肉体能力 ( メタモルパス )
    Level 1

    freck yaer! i'm a spy!
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:36 No.32074471
    Everything is going better than expected.
    If only I was higher than level 1.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:36 No.32074478
    Guest Capacity: spatial ability (Tereato)
    Level 1

    Commentary: Ignore the space of three-dimensional objects, ability to twist

    Either I'm 2d, or I just say "Fuck physics" and walk through shit.
    >> FH 03/12/10(Fri)22:36 No.32074482
    身 体検査の結果、saken さんの能力は、
    能力名: 肉体使い ( メタモルライズ )
    Level 4
    解説:自分の顔や体を、操 作する能力

    Results of physical examination, saken's capacity is
    Guest Capacity: your body (Metamoruraizu)
    Level 4
    Explanation: your face or body, the ability to manipulate

    >> Fuck yea!!!
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:37 No.32074486
    Guest Capacity: your identity (Hand Counter)
    Level 3

    Commentary: the ability to regenerate body and ability to manipulate

    So sort of like Luffy, but being able to also grow body parts?

    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:37 No.32074495
    What the shit is this supposed to mean?

    Guest Capacity: traffic psychology (Mejareta)
    Level 5

    Commentary: the feeling of authenticity, the ability to convert at a touch
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:37 No.32074497
    能 力名: 視覚操作 ( ダミーハウンド )
    Level 4

    Ability name: Visual operation (DUMMY HOUND)
    Level 4
    explanation: The ability to be able to operate the recognition itself that 'you look at object ones',

    from what I can tell from this and Google translate, I can look at an object and it "recognizes itself"

    does that mean I can bring life to inanimate objects?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:37 No.32074508
    Ability name: Wind force insulation (aero ration)
    Level 0
    Explanation: The ability to repel the air,

    Holy shit, I'm Saten
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:37 No.32074509
    Guest Capacity: sucking operation (Dipuhaundo)
    Level 3

    Commentary: the vampire sucked the blood, ability to manipulate

    Sounds ok
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:38 No.32074518
    or it might mean that I "recognize" the object and thus it becomes alive
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:38 No.32074521
    能 力名: 肉体変化 ( オートフォーゼ )
    Level 5


    Guest capacity: changes in the body (Otofoze)
    Level 5

    Commentary: bodily injury, what other people's ability to recalibrate

    What the fuck does that suppose to mean.
    >> John Smith 03/12/10(Fri)22:38 No.32074537
    No, you're a torch.
    That's a pretty useless ability, compared to some of these other ones.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:38 No.32074539
    能 力名: 空間中断 ( テレカル )
    Level 2


    Guest Capacity: Suspend space (Terekaru)
    Level 2

    Commentary: Ignore the space of three-dimensional objects, the ability that can kill

    So I'm kitty pride from the xmen?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:38 No.32074551
    Wow, I'm a Death Note :

    能力名: 読心絶縁 ( サイコレーション )
    Level 2
    解説:人の心を、 弾く能力

    Ability name: Reading heart insulation (rhinoceros collation)
    Level 2
    explanation: The ability to repel the heart of the person,
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:39 No.32074565
         File1268451565.jpg-(6 KB, 170x193, Cliff Yablonski.jpg)
    6 KB
    Name: Cliff Yablonski
    Ability name: Air murder (air blood) Level 2
    Explanation: The clay of the air, being indisputable, the ability to return to the ash
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:39 No.32074567
    能 力名: 量子等速 ( シンクロスピード )
    Level 5

    Ability name: Quantum constant velocity (Synchro Speed)
    Level 5
    explanation: The quantum, until it cancels ability, or is broken, the ability to continue to advance at the same speed
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:39 No.32074582
    Guest Capacity: ultra electromagnetic radiation (Rerusuroa)
    Level 2

    Commentary: a bullet with a repulsive force generated by a large current capacity scatter
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:39 No.32074584
    Guest Capacity: Operation Spirit (Terehaundo)
    Level 5

    Explanation: your thinking, ability to manipulate

    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:40 No.32074589
    Guest Capacity: Kill visual (Damibureika)
    Level 0
    Commentary: the object 『perception that sees itself』 kill spotted! Ability

    God dammit.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:40 No.32074594
    Guest Capacity: sucking operation (Dipuhaundo)
    Level 5

    Commentary: the vampire sucked the blood, ability to manipulate

    A vampire, eh?

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