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  • Kimmo Alm aka "Sysop" from AnT has been spamming us for YEARS now, and has recently stepped it up. This shit has got to fucking stop. As promised, here are all of the e-mails he has sent me over the years (and my responses).

    We've done all we can do about him. We've banned THOUSANDS of proxies, and deleted OVER A HUNDRED THOUSAND spam posts. His attacks continue though, and we've reached the limit of what we can do.
    edit: we aren't going to add captcha.

    File : 1268343993.jpg-(19 KB, 507x380, 285.jpg)
    19 KB OP 03/11/10(Thu)16:46 No.32026517  
    So, some of you, /a/nons may remember my thread from yesterday. I thought I'll share, plus I've got a question.

    The story goes :
    I'm junior at highschool. Yesterday, me and my buddies were waiting for the class to start, while someone mentioned, that one girl from class left her iPod on the desk. I grabbed it, and checked music - it was mainly j-pop and openings/endings from anime. I've told my friends to listen it for a while, then we started laughing at her (she's came back meanwhile). Then someone plug her player to the speakers and whole class laughed at that girl for watching anime. I should mention that I'm into anime too (I just hide it).

    Following /adv/ advice I decided to apologise to her (if I'd follow [a/'s advices I would be dead now). I've gathered my buddies and caught her when she was walking home. I said I'm sorry, it's my fault, and I wish her to not be angry at me. Then she asked me if I'm ready to apologise before whole class. I replied: "If you insist".
    Then that little bitch seriously hurt my pride. She said it's OK, because she's used to me. She told me that she's used also to "stupid kind of men" like me.

    Fuck, so I'm troubled by my bad deed, I gather my courage, apologise to her and she tells me I am dick? Are all girls who are into anime like this?

    girl into anime, I dicked on her while being into anime (hidden), I said sorry and she calls me a dick
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)16:48 No.32026571
    She's right, though. You ARE a fucking dick. I bet if the same thing happened to you, you'd be making a "BAAAAWWWW SOME BITCH REVEALED MY POWER LEVEL FUCK WOMEN ;_;" thread right now.

    You have none of my sympathy. Eat shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)16:48 No.32026576
    You were a dick.

    Sure, you apologised but that doesn't mean you're not a jerk for doing it in the first place. You can't be a dick and then try to be the kind hearted knight.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)16:48 No.32026582
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    at least you said sorry. That was a pretty huge dick move though bro, i am dissapoint in you.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)16:49 No.32026590
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    Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned...has anime taught you NOTHING?!
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)16:49 No.32026606
    You are a stupid kind of man. You apologised to a woman. Seriously, grow a fucking pair of balls and rape the bitch.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)16:50 No.32026626
    what they said.

    if you really want to make it up to her, your going to have to reveal your powerlevel. its the only way.
    >> JibunWOO! I ♥ !Sanya4SOcQ 03/11/10(Thu)16:50 No.32026633
    >I'm junior at highschool

    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)16:50 No.32026640
    she said your a dick, because you are infact a dick.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)16:50 No.32026643
    You are either:

    a) A troll.
    b) A total waste of oxygen.

    I'm reporting you anyway. Get the fuck out.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)16:51 No.32026658
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    <======= this is OP
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)16:51 No.32026671
    >I'm junior at highschool

    Stopped reading there, get the fuck out
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)16:51 No.32026674
    So what's the point of this story?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)16:52 No.32026678
    Sure is underaged in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)16:52 No.32026686
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    You ARE a dick, though. Get bent.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)16:53 No.32026708
    reported for underage b&
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)16:53 No.32026712
    you are a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)16:53 No.32026719
    shes acting tsundre, she wants yo D
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)16:55 No.32026760
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    >i'm junior at highschool

    underage faggot deserves his dick status
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)16:55 No.32026779
    You're a dick but at least you apologised.

    You're still a fucking jackass though.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)16:55 No.32026780

    >I'm really sorry. Believe it!
    >> OP 03/11/10(Thu)16:55 No.32026782
    I said sorry. I don't think I deserved that. Well, I deserved something... But not that.
    I mean: I took my friends and said sorry in front of them. I said I can apologise to her in front of whole class.

    The worst thing is - it's annoying me so much. Fuck
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)16:55 No.32026783
    you were a dick, admit it, apologise in front of the others and act like a man
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)16:56 No.32026799
    You are a goddamned dick. Take it in that you were an asshole and deal with it. Just because you apologized doesn't undo the deed. It just means you're a better person than if you didn't. Pride my ass, you're complaining to [ a/.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)16:56 No.32026801
    Girls who are into anime think all boys are players etc. Same goes for men who are into anime. They think all girls are whores (which is true).
    >> Blick Winkel !arWAHAn1/. 03/11/10(Thu)16:56 No.32026804
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    You... are you some kind of idiot?
    It's not over yet.
    You can still turn this into a good ending!
    If you are truly remorseful,
    then admit your own obsessions to the class, and turn it all around!
    Then she'll see that the reason you did what you did was because you are insecure with your own feelings for her, and you'll capture her heart!
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)16:56 No.32026813
    Make yourself humble.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)16:57 No.32026819
    >I'm junior at highschool.

    Reported twice.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)16:58 No.32026852
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    we need to talk, son.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)16:58 No.32026858
    Well, you WERE a dick, OP. A massive one.

    Kill yourself.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)16:58 No.32026861

    Jesus fuck if you were truly sorry then you would take this treatment as your punishment rather than getting so butthurt about it.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)16:58 No.32026863
    You deserved it, take what you got and STOP BEING A FAG.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)16:58 No.32026867
    Underage OP should have listened to /a/ in the first fucking place.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)16:58 No.32026868
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    Femanon here.
    You really hurt her feelings, and embarrassed her in front of your whole class. Any respect she had for you has been lost.
    Enjoy your hand forever.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)16:59 No.32026899
    >Girls who are into anime think all boys are players etc.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)16:59 No.32026902
         File1268344776.jpg-(20 KB, 490x488, bluerobinwilliams.jpg)
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    >OH WAIT
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)17:00 No.32026917
    gtfo underage douchebag, we don't need more socially retarded people fucking up this place than there already are. Also it was goody that you apologized, but its immature to complain when she was obviously justified. Apologizing doesn't change the fact that you did it.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)17:00 No.32026926
    Don't give up yet.

    Do what >>32026804 said, good ends are the best!
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)17:00 No.32026934
         File1268344836.jpg-(92 KB, 1440x810, 1267420322790.jpg)
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    ok, and why did you have to point out that your a girl?
    >> OP 03/11/10(Thu)17:00 No.32026936
    Let me clear something - I don't want to fuck her. I never did.

    I said "sorry" because I felt bad about it. That's it, no hidden meaning.

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