You are not REQUIRED to permit illegal content on your servers. You justDON'T WANNA remove it. You don't FEEL like it, because you don't like me,my Web site, my "tone" or whatever reason you might have for keeping this"game" up. I'm not stupid. If you actually wanted to, the site would begone within nano seconds. You choose to keep this psychopath because youwant to make it difficult for me.This is typical. WHY do you have to keep making my life an obnoxious hell?I have WORK to do; I can't spend all my time dealing with these fuckinguncooperative companies that don't know their own good.I won't send you any more documents. You will either remove the illegalcontent from your God damn server OR face the consequences. I am DONEfilling out these bullshit forms and sending them in to you and otherpeople who don't even read them. Handle this immediately or you'll regretit. I promise you this. This is not an empty threat by some nobody -- itis a serious matter which will eventually run your company intobankruptcy. It may take some time, but I will not forget this.PS: I have no idea who you are and I don't have anything againstyou personally. My issue is with your company and how you are handlinglegitimate abuse complaints.
>>OP is a fagI totally agree
>>32010182so this is the new spam I was hearing about over on /tg/ eh?
>>32010182>company>All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties. Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster.0/10 can't believe I've read all of this.
>>32010255This guy has to be autistic or something, what a dipshit.
>>32010255I just read it all, too. It was actually pretty funny.>>32010280The guy bans users on his own site for making typos. He has weird issues.Also, metathreads suck dick.
The weird thing about this is, it's been going on for two years and there's really not any way to stop it? This guy is obviously a can short of a six pack, I find it hard to believe he's also an impervious, unstoppable hacker at the same time.
>>32010426He isn't, it just is difficult to stop spam when it comes from a random source and contains semi-random text.
>>32010255Fun way to pass some time. i hope /b/ at least attempts to do something
>>32010426Kimmo is six cans short of a sixpack.
>>32010472And 4chan is the only website ever to experience this kind of attack? But yeah, if we need to implement captchas or something just fucking do it already.
>Sorry, I didn't see those first few e-mails you sent. Please contact me at my primary e-mail address to expedite future delivery:
>>32010255Someone should hit this guy as hard as he's hit us.Perhaps turn every single person on 4chan into a zombie for a bot network and just DoS the guy FOREVER.
>wat do?
I read that entire thing. How badly Sysop is being trolled makes me laugh so hard, I just can't stand it.
>>32010546m00t doesn't like captchas as they take away from the ``anonymous user experience" or whatever the fuck, and they're also easy to bypass if you want to spend the money.
i used to know this kimmo alm guy when he was a failure of a game designerwhen i found out he was the admin of anontalk i loled hard
>edit: we aren't going to add captcha.olol
Never even bothered to check out anontalk before seeing this announcement, despite all the spam from them. Went over to it and the site wouldn't even load for me. whatever
>>32010182I made a thread about this without realizing that there was already one.Honestly, the best way to deal with this is not to do this /b/-style(kill that faggot) but actually do half of the process they usually do(tracing the dude), report to the authorities that he is mentally ill and may be a threat to society and lock him up in a psychological ward.
Moot, have you tried violence? That works for me most of the time. Just remember if it's not working you're not using enough of it.
...Moot, are you in this thread?
waitcan't we sue him?
>>32010673Honestly, It's no different from dousing fire with gasoline.I don't like the way of how /b/ tends to handle things.
There is no anontalk spam in this thread.Something has gone horribly horribly wrong.
>>32010700If you failed to put out a fire with gasoline, you're not using enough gasoline.
>>32010658Seems like that's been done before, and he's been kicked off hosts multiple times.>>32010683Reminder that you're on the internet
Leason to learn:The internet is full of bitter, dumb and horrible people, much like the "real world" with sadly a small twist: On the net, even without anonymity everyone acts their worst.
>>32010702/a/ isn't affected by spam
>google anontalk>How do l get to OnionPedo>Describe your favourite child porn video>close tabwell, it's still shit
Get more janitors.Captchas could be useful if they only appeared if some sort of spamming or irregular posting is detected.Make Clockwork Loyalty and Level 20 Sage mods and have them deal with gorespammer.
>>32010255The fuck is up with this guy?
>>32010728Full blown autism.
>my face while reading sysop's e-mailsDoes this guy not realize that 95% of 4chan wouldn't know or would have forgotten about his shitty website if he didn't spam us every day.
I'd like the spam to stop and all, but looking at his emails, it feels like he already has lost. I mean, at many things.
lets commence the attack
>>32010779thats was his plan all along
>>32010779I think it's obvious the guy wants as much attention as he can get for his site.moot is enabling him at this point. I haven't given a shit about anontalk once in the past two years until I saw this announcement.
>>32010808I realize that, but what he's saying in the e-mails make no sense.
>>32010779He doesn't want you to forget it, he wants you to rage, go to the site, and give him adsense hits. It's a scam.
>>32010795let moot handle this.
Bitches be CRAAAAAZY.
>>32010837That's because he's psychotic, we just went over this.
>>32010866Those threats and rants with no direction made me sick. Moot knows how to handle him well, or so I thought.
Instead of getting rid of the spam, can we embrace it? Some how profit from the spam since moot is in debt anyways? Have a report as spam button that covers the post with an ad if many people report it or something. And the post would be like a spoiler image so you can still see what's behind it if you wanted to in case it gets used for troll posts.
Didn't some anon go to his apartment and put notes on his door?You'd think that would freak the guy out. Did he not get the typical /b/ death threats and pizza spam?
>>32010827I agree, a captcha may be effective, but honestly I'm against it. A round-the-clock Mod will do, but seeing 4chan is understaffed, I don't know what will work except for violence or calling the cops on him for false charges(which will lead to solid charges if CP is found on his servers).
>We've done all we can do about him. We've banned THOUSANDS of proxies, and deleted OVER A HUNDRED THOUSAND spam posts. His attacks continue though. I'm out of ideas at this point.>wat do?It's obvious moot: We send handmade gift baskets to Kimmo. And by 'gift baskets', I meant Africanized BEEEEEEEEEEES.
>>32010927>>32010927>>32010927How about bees with bears in their mouths that shoot dobermans when they roar?
If Sysop is gonna sue, don't he need money to do that?Seeing when he lose the sue, he lose more money, twice the pain
>>32010952That's stupid.You're stupid.BRB, inventing bear-bee-dogs.
>>32010903seriously what the fuck is wrong with you?
moot is just learning that with celebrity comes batty stalker types that want to live vicariously through you, in the twisted way that extorting an integrated permanent link function funneling traffic to your shitty site would allow this guy to live the 4chan owner lifesomeone could probably just have authorities get the guy personally on various crimes, especially cp, by the looks of things and his apparent half-competence at securityor moot could string him along rather than ignoring him or remaining aloof, fake a concession until he loses interest or somethingor somebody could take one for the team and kill him
>This is typical. WHY do you have to keep making my life an obnoxious hell?I have WORK to do; I can't spend all my time dealing with these fuckinguncooperative companies that don't know their own good.I lol'd
>>32010927Someone say bees?Time to hit up this same thread on /co/.
If you keep spamming 4chan through all the shit anonymous is gonna throw at you, you're unbalanced and possibly insane.
Ignore the spam, it will go away. We all know how to use filters.
>>32010182op is a raging faggot
What the fuck is the illegal clon3 that he's referring to?
Seeing how 4chan apparently has a sizable Australian userbase, why don't you kangaroos sent a box of live, agitated spiders to Kimmo? Lord knows that hell-on-earth has too many of them.
>PS: I have no idea who you are and I don't have anything against you personally. My issue is with your company and how you are handling legitimate abuse complaints.wat
i honestly cant believe people would even go to that site, but tbh its probably the faggots that make daytime 4chan hell
>>32010927Put up "known pedophile" fliers around where he lives. Call the police and say he has CP. Call any of his known family and inform them about the website.Light a bag of dogshit on fire and put it in front of his door.
Can't we just ask /k/ to kill this faggot?
also i'm still not entirely clear on what it is that he thought was an illegal clone or whatever if such a thing existed at allwas it one of the new boards
What's this? An enemy that 4chan can't stop for once? I guess 4chan has finally met their match. You didn't think 4chan was the only one that could be the king of trolling now did you?
>>32011003>it will go awayA lot of people tried to for 1.5 years.
>>32011017Fuck off, I'm too afraid to get near any of those creatures.
Kimmo is undoubtedly the biggest internet retard of our generation.How can he honestly think moot has any need or reason to exchange any links with his shitty site?
>>32011030/k/ wouldn't know how to insert a clip into a gun to save their lives. LITERALLY.
>>32011042He wants attention and traffic for his website, he'll continue as long as he continues to receive this things.
>>32011037Well we could get rid of it but we wont lower ourselves to using "that".
>>32011017I thought he lived in Norway or Finland or some other frozen hell
>>32011035's roommate
>>32011047I know. I kept on trying to comprehend what Kimmo thought moot would gain from a truce between them.
>>32011035ah never mind i figured it out seems pretty useless to me but i only really read /a/ and the porn boards for pictures
>>32011068Oh come on, 4chan has done it before for lesser people. What makes this one any different?
wait whatare you... are you telling me someone actually follwed those links? i dunno even
>>32011037 More like a parasite latched onto 4chan's collective ribcage. You can fight an enemy , but a parasite you have to do it differently so it doesn't tear out chunks as you remove it.
what we know so far:>sysop is a bad, bad, boy.>has some legitimate form of mental illness>noone cares about his site>has major cause of the jealousy>why is this posted in [a/?
A lot of you ITT seem to be forgetting something: Kimmo is not rational; he is clinically INSANE. He is also a pedophile, and not "DURR HURR EVERY1 ON 4CHONS IS A PAEDO", he seriously wants to violate children, and has disturbingly detailed instructions and philosophical waxing over it.
>>32011121I agree.
>>32011140Kimmo is the Joker to 4chan's Batman.
if this thread weren't here simply to tweek "Sysop" I might suggest it move to /b/ but hey, as long as retards like that spin up over things like this, I'll get more popcorn, sit back, and watch the fun.
>>32011154i think you're giving him too much credit
>>32011113some 4chan users intentionally run malicious scripts that others post embedded in images with instructions but no explanation. some 4chan users blindly follow shortened links in obviously bot-generated porn spam.
>>32011030>♡ Get out
>>32010724Yes, lets make some tripfags modshurf durf it's so easy to spot the tripfags trying to be anon
>>32011113hey man, free ipad!!!@#
Wait what the fuck. tinychan has absolutely no connection to moot does it?
>>32010581moot's still got it, baby
>>32011177My cousin did this and now he's ballin'
>>320110374chan is not 'made' to do this kinda shit, only now some faggot is forcing action to be taken, hell we are not made to be united at all. only our shit-shield has some offensive power.
>>32011154So you're saying 4chan is the serious douche while he is the fun loving troller?
>>32011174I dunno, man. He's pretty much insane and loves to antagonize us.
>>32011012>OP is a raging faggotheh, and I like the graphic you used, the "green leaves" guys. Perfect.
>>32011184Uh no. /cgl/ alone would have their tripfags just get drunk witht he power of being a mod. And don't get me started with /o/.....
>>32011121Alright, explain to me what this guy could do if 4chan retaliated back? Because, 4chan seems to have no problem to ever attack someone.
>>32011232Joker does it for shits and giggles.Kimmo does it because he is ABSOLUTELY SURE he invented anonymous text/imageboards, and sends honest emails to hosts trying to shut down his offenders, or failing that, spamming it to hell, either hoping he'll win in a battle of attrition or he'll gain some members that might send him $70 bazillion to cover his server costs.
Juiz I need to nuke Sweden
My hack-fu is weak. How can I help other then reporting the threads or buying a ticket to the guys home town and breaking his hands?
>>32011390By a ticket to the guy's home and break his hands.
>>32011390Just go fucking break his hands, that would probably work better than DDOS at this point.
>>32011311Protip: Anybody who WANTS to be a mod has an agenda.
>>32011334read the operation antfuck section of the ED anontalk article, and you will know
>>320113344chan has, but apparently he has no friends or family and never does anything other than sit on his ass in his shitty little apartment. Most fuckers bail out because real life gets too involved with their sick fetishes and online faggotry. If he has no real life then what can you do? He'll just take it up the ass untill he dies.
>>32011414Agreed. Everyone knows power attracts the corruptible.
I wonder if kimmo lives off of some kind of retard benefits/welfare. He is literally insane though, he wants to attract "smart 4chan users" to his site to discuss CP.
Its Tool Time
Wait a minute... what are we fighting for? Really? Just to pad both man's ego?Well works for me...
>>32011514We're fighting for the right to a spam free environment.After which we can spam each other
>>32011334he makes more spam permanent disconnection of internet is the only way to remove him like jailing him for CP/Pedodo Sweden's law with CP/Pedo harsh enough from posting bail?
>>32011468This is why socialism is bad. If it weren't for Sweden's generous welfare policies, this fucker wouldn't have a goddamn internet connection and all the time in the world to harass 4chan.
natural selection should remove Kimmo from the gene pool, eventually.
>>32011548Actually I just wanted that SNW pic, I accidentally deleted mine.
>>32011494Sweden is a one of those countries with generous benefits for medical disabilities and such.
It's like he's some kind of asspained furry "artist".
Swedefags should report him to the fucking cops, just leave an anonymous tip tht he may have CP, mention Anontalk, he makes it very clear that he operates thesite and all the discussion there is nothing but pedophiles. Send in Chris Hansen too
>>32011551Nah, Sweden is really soft on it. This guy really is unassailable legally, financially or mentally.
>I will stop spamming if I get a permanent, revolving banner advertising my website.Yeahno.
This will only stop when Kimmo dies or is curbstomped. He has absolutely no life and even being bankrupted with millions of DDoS attacks would not stop him. But it will at least kill his shitty pedo board.
>>32011668This is why we need to start rolling out the Swedish hitmen.
Was "I CUM ON CAT NOW SHE HISS AT PENIS" his doing? Because that's probably the only half amusing thing out of all the spam.
>>32011672Moot should do it for a week, then redirect it to goatse.
>4chan's own text board being dead and never posted in>Kimmo thinking an ad on 4chan will bring him any adsense money whatsoever
>>32010700But you have to agree, it's /b/ that the other boards talk about as our defender/ it or not /b/ is the muscle of 4chan.
>**He responded with this. Note that he actually e-mailed :trollface:**This is why I love M00t.
>>32011758You're talking like there's an actual war going on... you need to get out more...
>>32011777He gained 40 points with me there. Like he needs them...still. I had a good lol.
>>32011733Fucking saved. The picture you posted, I mean.Not goatse.
Does this fag have his site patented? No. Is moot using his code? No.Then how the fuck can moot "steal" his site?You would think asspies would at least know logic.
You people are retarded. /b/ isn't capable of shit anymore. It's filled with underageb& and technologically ignorant idiots.
>>32011786>you need to get out more...I don't think you belong here.
>>32011974Calling him an asspie is giving him far too much credit. The man is straight up retarded, incapable of grasping the most basic theories of mind. I'm sure there are crows and primates out there that are more sentient than this delusional fucker.
It seems to me that m00t has more than enough evidence and probable cause to fuck that guy's shit up. Why doesn't he contact his server host and inform them of the illegal activity that this faggot has been involved in?
meta shit
Can I has his address please?
[quote]-create a .txt file-write: "ping -t" in it( change AnT to the actual website)-save-rename file to XXX.bat-double click it[/quote] Before "ping -t" Put :1 then push enter so it's on the line before ping etc etc. after that push enter and type "goto 1" no quotes
>>32011979that's the entirety of 4chan now, actually
>>32012066some sort of search engine is trolling us?
>>32012059Its on ED, shit is seriously not hard to find, been up on ED forever, pleas do something useful with it.
Why did moot 'buy' Tinychan?
>>32012129Because he never paid for it.
>>32012066I like where this is going...But we should make a site wide plea, and then coordinate a series of assaults that will repeat either every few hours or daily until this faggot stops.It's what m00t wants, only he had to say it in so many words.
>>32012101It's something suggested on /g/. The problem is that the ping is only 45 bytes or something, so it's really not going to do shit. They posted an improved version, but we'd still have to get tens of thousands of people doing it at once.Besides, apparently he took his server down for the moment, so pinging it won't do anything.
>>32012142Why would he want tinychan in the first place, it just seems random, like trying to obtain the best buy website.
>>32012066/g/ talked about this too, ping traffic isn't all that hard to block you know, and apparently if the server starts taking hits, Kimmo will notice and take it down.
>>32012208Find out when he sleeps, and then plan some blitz attacks around that.
I have tried to summon /k/ but as usual they're too busy playing mods and niggers to do what they're supposed to do.
>>32012229>implying Kimmo sleepsI'm pretty sure he loves his shitty website almost sexually to do that (among other things).
>>32012263>can't summon because your power level is too low
>>32012166Actually, obtaining the Best Buy website could potentially be very lucrative if you were to actually get and remain in good standing.Your example is a little off.
>>32012263>do what they're supposed to do.Uh... discuss weapons?They do that... a lot.
>>32012310That wasn't the point at all.
>This is what we do. get moot to implement the final solution script. Basically every time a page loads it pings kimmo, thus creating a sustainable ddos. /b/ alone could take his servers out.>Why hasn't moot done this?>Because it's illegal.>...minor detail
>>32012066>-write: "ping -t" in it( change AnT to the actual website)Do this except also use -l 65500 (pings with 64KB packets instead of 32B packets.)
>>32012295I suppose it would make sense if...Well he probably realized the potential retaliation from 4chan when he heard m00t posted what he did and shut the site down right? If your character analysis is correct, I could see him shutting down the site when he sleeps...
>>32012324Not really, these days all they seem to do is try get as many nigger posts past the mods attention as possible.
I'm not sure what i can do in this kind of situation..
HAHAHAHAAnontelc is down.Nice going 4chan, nice going.
>>32012414We are ironing out attack plans and instructions for users just like you as I type this message. Just standby, and when the time comes do what you can.