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  • File : 1268243170.jpg-(50 KB, 386x447, shinjitrap.jpg)
    50 KB Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)12:46 No.31983731  
    I read manga, watch anime, speak somewhat decent Japanese and have visited the country once.

    However I'm not in love with the country at all. In fact Japanese society and people piss me off & creep me out so much in general I'd never want anything to do with them.

    Anyone else like this?
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)12:47 No.31983751
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)12:47 No.31983766
    im just like u
    the only things i like about japan is anime manga and language
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)12:48 No.31983797
    I read manga, watch anime, speak fluent Japanese, and have been to Japan once myself.

    Hated it. Xenophobic pricks. Nothing interesting happened either. Might as well stayed home and browsed the internet. Would have been more fun/productive.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)12:49 No.31983800
    tsundere for japan.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)12:49 No.31983805
    I like the anime and the manga, but unlike you, I don't hate the country.

    Fuck living there, however.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)12:49 No.31983816
    I-I-It's not like Japan! I just browse an imagebard about Japanese cartoons.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)12:50 No.31983844
    I dislike the country, but I like it's cartoons.

    I AM TORN.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)12:51 No.31983867
    I love anime and manga but despise Japan.

    I learned Japanese purely so I could watch raws without having to wait for subs.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)12:51 No.31983870
    I hate any place outside of my own county, leg alone other countries.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)12:51 No.31983881
    I watch their cartoons, read their comics, and currently drive one of their cars.

    But I don't give a fuck about the country itself. Probably never will. Unless they invent an Ai that becomes self aware and tries to kill us all or something.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)12:52 No.31983904
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    I don't really care so long as they keep pumping out my little girl cartoons.

    I've heard anime is some sort of bizarro-world version of the real Japan, but again, just don't care man.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)12:53 No.31983907
    I like almost everything about the country except its language and anime.

    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)12:53 No.31983934
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    that you, fuyutsuki-chan?
    >> Anonymous of Central Florida !b3NEIGEIC6 03/10/10(Wed)12:54 No.31983962
    I've been here for about half a year. I like it, but I'm glad I'm not one of them. I'm no expert on society, but anime and manga really do represent everything the Japanese aren't and wish to be.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)12:55 No.31983982
    >In fact Japanese society and people piss me off & creep me out so much in general I'd never want anything to do with them.

    Another fag who thinks Japan is just like his animes.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)12:55 No.31983993
    I heard that drinking alcohol is somewhat of a religion in Japan, would I fit in as a die hard non-drinker?
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)12:56 No.31984018
    They have some good shit other than anime

    I kinda like their culture to some degree, but they're really xenophobic and that's kinda stupid
    But if we look at their history it's understandable
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)12:56 No.31984026
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    Japanese people suck.
    Fucking mindless sheep with their dumb sense of humor.
    >> Anonymous of Central Florida !b3NEIGEIC6 03/10/10(Wed)12:56 No.31984028
    No. Alcohol is not a social lubricant in japan. It's the fuel.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)12:59 No.31984119
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)13:02 No.31984221
    I like Japan's nature, animu and mango. The rest can fuck off for all I care.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)13:04 No.31984266
    Japan would be great without the constant obsession for all things KAWAII. I'm sick of it.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)13:06 No.31984331

    They're xenophobic, history-amnesiac, misogynistic workaholics who force you to drink and conform to society so tightly that they have bed-scars from the strait-jackets. What's not to love?
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)13:07 No.31984338
    why are you even on this board?
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)13:08 No.31984387
    >Long ago, manga aspired to be like Dragon Ball Z: graphically iconic, with a story more coherent than it probably needed to be.
    >Now it's just a bunch of shit pandering to perverts and pedophiles.

    10/10, would rage again.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)13:14 No.31984499
    >Now it's just a bunch of shit pandering to perverts and pedophiles.
    Broad generalization but I see where he's coming from
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)13:15 No.31984535
    I am Korean, which means I despise the Japanese people, even though I use/enjoy their stuff.

    It's fucked really, I watch anime, build Gunpla, I drive a Toyota, and I have several Mitutoyo tools in my toolbox.
    >> MishaLover !!OFOMlc0HSHj 03/10/10(Wed)13:16 No.31984565
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    >One piece was made for the Twitter age.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)13:17 No.31984586
    OP, there are many people that are like this.

    Just look at nearly every Eastern-European or Asian immigrant. Most of them hate American society, but they move there anyways.
    >> Stranger !!DPRnX512U4Y 03/10/10(Wed)13:18 No.31984602
    wut no, japan is a great place.
    unlike my place where we must work like hell, hobos and NEET are executed in my country.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)13:28 No.31984885
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    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)15:21 No.31988042
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    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)15:23 No.31988090
    Oh, not this shit again. He's only complaining about shit you find anywhere in the Western world too...
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)15:24 No.31988108
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)15:24 No.31988115
    i just want to fuck some japanese bitches.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)15:24 No.31988120

    thats funny because japs and asiangs in general can't take too much alcohol
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)15:25 No.31988139
    Nah, I have no interest in that country either.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)15:26 No.31988159
    you don't go to mcdonalds every morning, slap your thighs and shout "GOOD MORNING!" at all your coworkers, even if you're the first person in for work every day do you?
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)15:29 No.31988236

    >implying hes not butthurt he chose to work at a shitty job

    >implying HAWAIIAN SHIRT DAY is fun

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