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    File : 1268072892.jpg-(2.37 MB, 3384x1800, room.jpg)
    2.37 MB Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)13:28 No.31905686  
    How much animu stuff do you own, G/a/ia?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)13:32 No.31905771
    About a 2 foot long spot on one of my shelves. 12 Kingdoms series DVDs and first 2 novels, Bebop Movie, and some volumes of the Hellsing and Death Note Manga.
    >> ♡Haato♡ !6MBkN.s1ME 03/08/10(Mon)13:33 No.31905797
    Being a poorfag, I cannot buy anime related merchandise. I own a few figures and a couple art books, but thats it outside of manga.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)13:34 No.31905799
    >implying you OWN anything and don't just rent the rights to have someone's ideas displayed around you in a colorful fashion
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)13:35 No.31905816
    I'd buy some mango, but all they sell here are shit. I did get Planetes volumes 1 and 3 when I got lucky.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)13:36 No.31905836
    I own none. But I aspire to have a room like >>31905686 as soon as I find a job and can rent an apartment for my own.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)13:37 No.31905871

    u rich OP?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)13:42 No.31905988
    I own a copy of the Fate/Stay Night OST. That's it.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:13 No.31908761
         File1268079217.jpg-(827 KB, 1200x1600, 4411625522_5f3b0b36f9_o.jpg)
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    About this much + what's on and around my desk.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:15 No.31908812
    My hdd with my animu and a few manga from the time I went to school and needed to read something on the train.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:16 No.31908855
    I have a few manga, and some transformers action figures sealed in their boxes.

    That's about it.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:17 No.31908882
         File1268079428.jpg-(311 KB, 1440x1080, arua.jpg)
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    What you see here, plus...
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:20 No.31908983
    animu stuff: only 1 rika fig
    touhou (weaboo related) stuff: 5 figs and all the games...
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:21 No.31909010
         File1268079668.jpg-(220 KB, 1200x900, shelves.jpg)
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    James May is moé~
    >> \oдo/ !C.A.Tdb5RI 03/08/10(Mon)15:22 No.31909060
    Only animu thing i have is final fantasy poster ive got from gaming magazine. And final fantasy aint even anime.

    Im too scared to buy online, im sure that dirty japs only want my money.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:24 No.31909134

    >Thieves break into the house.
    >They see this room.
    >They leave ashamed of the human race and begin to reform themselves in return.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:27 No.31909249
         File1268080038.png-(112 KB, 892x608, drives.png)
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    Cupboards looking a bit bare internally, I recently replaced 2x1TB external with 2x1.5TB internal due to the external drives being two years old and unreliable to begin with.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:28 No.31909290
    >3 power strips
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:30 No.31909387
         File1268080252.jpg-(68 KB, 600x600, got_taken_home.jpg)
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    -Somewhere around 70-ish dvds
    -A lot of doujinshi, well over 100 (mostly Marimite, Touhou and Railgun)
    -A few wallscrolls and misc stuff (Dejiko clock)
    -Full-size promotional posters for anime-related games(promo for Love Hina PSX, promo for Nadesico Saturn game, Sakura Wars III promos, etc)
    -Outrageous amount of VHS
    -A couple artbooks and maybe around 100 manga

    too lazy for pictures atm. also OP's room is badass.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:32 No.31909442
         File1268080362.jpg-(302 KB, 1440x1080, plugs 1.jpg)
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    BS1363 > *
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:36 No.31909594
         File1268080619.jpg-(15 KB, 640x480, surge supressor.jpg)
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    I don't think so, Tim.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:38 No.31909628
         File1268080688.jpg-(42 KB, 468x391, article-1026641-025553DE000004(...).jpg)
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    am i kawaii? UGUU~

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