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    File : 1268021857.jpg-(318 KB, 819x1200, 1261847921269.jpg)
    318 KB Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)23:17 No.31883679  
    Japan hates the US more than your country.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)23:18 No.31883713
    The US is my country. Paradox.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)23:18 No.31883718
    But the US is my country.

    Does that mean it hates the US more than the US?
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)23:19 No.31883733
         File1268021962.jpg-(25 KB, 526x350, HatersGonnaHate.jpg)
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    nihongo is hurtbutt because we own them like a prostitute.

    Also: Don't make us nuke you again.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)23:20 No.31883753
    no one cares what amerifags think
    because they can't
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)23:20 No.31883763
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    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)23:20 No.31883771

    Yes. They hate the US that fucking much.

    It makes sense in the same sense that the Flash can run faster than himself, because he's just that fucking fast.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)23:21 No.31883813
    I know what you're up to! This thread is a hidden census to determine the international make-up of /a/! I'm on to you! I'm not from the U.S. I'm from... the Marshal Islands!
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)23:22 No.31883876
    If the USA raped my country and rebuilt it in its own image, declawed and defanged so that it serves pretty much solely as a division of the USA's Consumer Electronics industry, I'd hate it too.

    I mean, good lord, their constitution (that the US made them use) doesn't even let them raise a standing army! Talk about whipped...
    >> I ♥ Akiha & !dicksF09Vo 03/07/10(Sun)23:28 No.31884087
    >Implying that third generation youth actually hate America for what it did to Japan during WWII and not because it's just the cool thing to do now.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)23:30 No.31884170
    poor them. they don't get to burn trillions of dollars on a powerful military.

    they are the worlds #3 economy, and were #2 for a good long time. japan has NOTHING to baaaaww over
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)23:40 No.31884577
    No worries. Just a few more turns, and Japan will finally beat the USA with a Cultural Victory.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:07 No.31885410
    Troll thread, but I'll bite.

    Look up The Nanking Massacre for some info on what kind of "innocent victims" the Japanese were during World War II. Not to mention being best bubs with Nazi Germany. Japan earned everything that the U.S. did to them and then some. Cry some more.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:11 No.31885510
    I'm actually happy they're pushing for conscription and making military ties with China. They're trying to become less dependent on the US. You go Japan.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:12 No.31885563
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    They're just butthurt because they lost.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:33 No.31886285
    >implying it's okay to obliterate civilian cities because of the actions of soldiers

    But I guess America really does think it's okay, seeing as how their preferred method of quelling terrorist insurrection is to carpet-bomb residential areas
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:35 No.31886365

    dude, I am so stoked over Civ V. Hopefully it'll be a simultaneous OS release. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:36 No.31886400

    the other option was to fire-bomb the entire fucking country, and that would have killed even more innocent civilians, as well as thousands of American soldiers.

    lrn2war faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:39 No.31886501
    The only viable options are to use one big bomb that kills indiscriminately, or tons of tiny bombs that all kill indiscriminately?

    Yep, you're definitely American.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:39 No.31886534
    but we did firebomb the entire fucking country, and when we did it to tokyo, it killed more than both bombs combined.

    but in the japanese invasion of china, they killed over 10 million civilians, so its all bread and butter.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:40 No.31886572
    Butthurt nip or brown person detected.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:41 No.31886590
    Sorry, but its war. you dont get your candy coated ideals.

    you kill shit best you can.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:42 No.31886640
    I guess thats what happens when you bomb something here. I mean hell, look at Irag--the guys who did that weren't necessarily even part of the country anymore and they still got shredded.

    The US doesn't fuck around.
    >> erejnion 03/08/10(Mon)00:42 No.31886647
    duh. They LOVE yogurt and Kotooshu and etc.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:43 No.31886681
    doh ho ho amerifag trolls
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:47 No.31886859
    I love how the very principles America was founded on turn into candy-coated ideals whenever they're inconvenient. I give your fledging "superpower" of a nation another century before it either goes the way of Rome or drops the facade and officially becomes the police state your leaders so desperately want it to be.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:51 No.31886974
    As if civilian casualties have never been part of war.

    Civilians are used in war like pawns are in chess. They're used (by their own country) to hide behind. This is done to turn the opposing country into an evil entity in the eyes of the public. They basically use civilians as a meat shield to sway public opinion of a war. Some countries (Allied nations) can only effectively continue a war as long as they have strong support from the citizens of their countries. Such as in Vietnam. Is killing civilians wrong? In a sense yes, but what exactly can be done about it? It's a war. A real war. This isn't the glorified version 95% off asstards see on TV, or in Movies, or read about in books. It's never as "noble" as that. War is about beating your enemy. Thinking that you can have war without sacrifice is a childish view of life itself. The country hiding behind civilians is just as responsible as the one who kills civilians. It's the cold truth.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:55 No.31887115
    You act like Japan didn't kill millions during WW2, You know what I bet you're French.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:04 No.31887489
    P.S. /endthread.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:06 No.31887532
    Protip: America has killed more innocent people than what WW2 ever did.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:06 No.31887539

    Hiding behind civilians? What does that have to do with anything? Are you actually trying to say that the government putting up posters that say the other side are murderers is just as wrong as that other side that's doing the murdering? You make it sound like standard issue infantry body armor consists of six infants strapped on their chest.

    Waging a propaganda war is not comparable to giving orders that will result in children dying.

    If this status quo of yours really makes these massacres pardonable, then it needs to be annihilated. We live in the 21st century, where any schmuck with a scrap of hardware can see just exactly what armed men do to people out there, who only had the misfortune of being born and living in the wrong place at the wrong time.
    >> Level 20 Sage !!Pf7bEZAAGN4 03/08/10(Mon)01:06 No.31887547
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    >implying Bush was the entire country
    They love Obama.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:07 No.31887583

    >implying it isn't okay to retaliate to brutality
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:08 No.31887590
    >Totally ignoring Japan was on its way of turning into a superpower itself if not for DROP THE BOMB
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:09 No.31887617

    Obama is secret main character of Air Gear.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:09 No.31887634
    You're the most naive idealist I've seen on here in a long time. Real life isn't some shitty shonen manga, kid.
    >> Elizabeth Beurling !ygsc3vL/Pg 03/08/10(Mon)01:11 No.31887683
    Miguel Angel Asturias, nigger.

    Beat THAT.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:13 No.31887729
    So much fucking whining.
    Everyone hates the top dog.
    When Rome was the the ruler, while all roads led to Rome, so did all the hate.When Brittain was the master, so did all the other countries hate Brittain.

    America isnt even the worst/most violent country ever- if you think so, you need to relearn history.

    I miss the old days.
    People had respect and fear of the superpowers of the world. Nations conquered each other in glorious combat.Now we live under the eternal sword of damocles, thanks to nuclear weapons.

    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:13 No.31887750
    You'll notice when I used the word "superpower", I put it in quotes.
    That was to distance myself from that kind of connotative, meaninglessly pop-political jargon.

    If America's real reason for flattening cities was to "stop Japan from becoming a superpower" then it has more problems than even I realize.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:14 No.31887771

    >killing roughly 15 million people total
    >not even including the Chinese deaths

    cool trolling brosef
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:14 No.31887781
    >implying anyone gives a fuck what the Japanese think
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:15 No.31887807
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:15 No.31887822
    I'd rather be a naive idealist than an apologist for power-hungry faggots who don't realize those black lines on the globe separating "nations" are becoming more and more meaningless every day.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:17 No.31887875
    this... i hate how proud fucking amerifags about their actions... just because they are the last remaining superpower they believe everything they do is right and justifiable... eventually this country will reap what it sows... honestly im just counting down the days till the balance of power shifts... anything is better that these idiot brutes...
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:18 No.31887899
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:18 No.31887906
    >Baaaaaaawwwwwwww, they hit us with a bomb, pity us, we're victims
    >Performed the most mind-bendingly fucked-up medical experiments on human beings / prisoners / innocents the world has ever seen for multiple years before that

    Here's all my sympathy
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:19 No.31887951
    >implying you were alive in the 'old days' and therefore knew what people really though back then, you only know what you read in history

    he who controls the present controls the past...
    he who controls the past controls the future
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:19 No.31887956
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    Cry more.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:20 No.31887972
    -Zack de la Roche
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:22 No.31888043
    Don't fucking quote my post and spout that ignorant garbage. I can tell from your sentence patterns that you don't have a clue what you're talking about, just that the colorful words I or anyone else use trigger your underdeveloped sense of justice. Go to college first, and then maybe you can feel entitled to your opinion on things like this.
    Oh, and drop the ellipses... They're a surefire way to get ANYONE with a shred of academic clout to disregard anything you have to say... To put it terms you might understand, it's like having a forum siggy that says "I'm an ignoramus XXDDD"...
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:24 No.31888148
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    >using meaningless jargon to make a "point"
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:25 No.31888211
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    hey guys what's goin on?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:25 No.31888219
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    America is the best
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:26 No.31888296
    You do realize that saying shit like "Go to college" doesn't make your argument any better.

    Not the same person btw.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:29 No.31888419

    you cant justify a nations actions based on the information given to you in history books, the media has already twisted it to the favor of the winning nation, and even though modern history is more accurate because its more recent, that doesnt stop the filtering and corruption of information, hell even with 9/11 which happen while we were all alive, many people STILL believe it was an evil terrorist attack by led by a man that hates america for no justifiable reason... you need to sift through the truth and the lies if you want the real story, you should not justify the mean by the end result, , and you shouldnt take shit at face value, look and concrete information, and come up with your own conclusion... we live a world were the winner or the person in control tells the world what happened whether its the truth or not
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:31 No.31888538
    Instead your an apologist for imperial japan and all the atrocities they committed.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:31 No.31888556
    0/10...or perhaps a 9/11, depends on how many fall for it =P
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:32 No.31888576

    >> Rikudou !PVvuHw8lII 03/08/10(Mon)01:33 No.31888643
    This is what spineless apologists actually believe.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:34 No.31888687

    No, that would be Mao Zedong
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:34 No.31888688

    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:34 No.31888692
    fine. ill drop the ellipsises, however i dont see how that makes my argument any less valuable. Also real cool trying to make yourself seem superior, by takleing someones internet writing style, its like bashing someone online for not using caps, were not in a sophisticated college course bro... were in the back alleys of the internet
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:34 No.31888704
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    Immortal Technique thread is happening now whether you like it or not.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:36 No.31888770
    even this pretentious liberal faggot >>31887875 hates your post
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:37 No.31888805
    inb4 athens
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:37 No.31888814
    and you're just as stupid here as you are anywhere else?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:38 No.31888858
    not just talking about 9/11 here bro... i simply used it as an example of how history is not as accurate as you'd like it to be
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:39 No.31888899
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:40 No.31888958
    I'm pretty sure Japan hates Korea more than the US.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:40 No.31888966
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    fuck ru dophrin an whare!!!!
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:41 No.31889000
    "and you're just as stupid here as you are anywhere else?"

    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:41 No.31889015
    For all of the US' foreign policy flaws, don't tell me you'd rather see, say, France or Russia or China in power.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:41 No.31889051
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    they just hate our freedom
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:42 No.31889071
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:42 No.31889089
    why? is butthurt amerifag butthurt?

    your fucking country is shit. get over it
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:43 No.31889146
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:44 No.31889151
    Sure is bottom-barrel tear-streaked teenage /b/ in here.

    Cry more, faggots

    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:44 No.31889165
    What freedom? Everything is controlled by cooperation, special interest groups, and lobbyist.
    >> Gitami 03/08/10(Mon)01:45 No.31889195
    But what if my country is united Chikoreana? It's like two black holes melded together.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:45 No.31889200
    what freedom?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:45 No.31889213
    sure do a good job of controlling that internet and my lifetime supply of free shit...
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:46 No.31889245

    lol, one hell of a typo you got there.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:46 No.31889255
    Canada needs to be in power.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:46 No.31889272
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    Oh my fucking god, I bet and hope that these are serious
    Oh shit
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:47 No.31889293
         File1268030837.jpg-(22 KB, 387x512, Bush-Cool Story Bro.jpg)
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    Cool story, bro!
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:47 No.31889300
    we have no freedom now that a socialist muslim is in power. i bet you liberal fags will beg for bush to come back when this is over
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:47 No.31889318
    get out more often, read more, then come back here and make a post
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:48 No.31889343
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    Why do you hate /a/merica, /a/?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:48 No.31889350
    Canada's actually a pretty decently run country, but they've abandoned any aspirations of being a global power after WWII.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:48 No.31889361

    Nope, just laughing at how even the America hating cunt thought you America bashing post was crap. Keep on hating.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:49 No.31889385
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    You guys don't seem to hate Microsoft, IBM, and Funimation.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:49 No.31889386
    fucking conservativefag... its people like you, who put idiots like him in power
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:49 No.31889415
    fuck you, you dirty marshalese fuck!
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:49 No.31889423
    Nice Introduction to Political Science Knowledge you have there friend. Though this thread is more /jp/ related than /a/ so going to report it.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:50 No.31889440
    cry more libfag. atleast i'll be prepared when they come knocking on my door. lets see them try to take my ar-15
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:50 No.31889441
    >Conservatives during Obama: "OMG FASCIST COMMUNIST"
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:50 No.31889458
    Right, all that reading is going to make me suddenly realize that day after day I do what I want, when I want, where I want, and that it's all some conspiracy to make me THINK it's my choice and not some mega corporation's plot to subjugate me.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:50 No.31889459
    i hate microsoft, IMB, and funimation...
    along with apple, starbucks, halliburton, nintendo, the record companies, and a few others
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:51 No.31889481
    Oh wow. Is moot randomly moving threads from /new/ to G/a/ia now? Well played.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:51 No.31889484
    Is America being a world super-power really that bad? Think about the alternatives. I highly doubt people would enjoy USSR stomping about freely had they won out in the end of the Cold War. Or what about China? They'd be most likely next in line currently without America, being the most populace country along with everyone outsourcing to them. With laws reflecting what the Soviets had, I'd doubt the rest of the world would like their ruling of the world, either. Another possibility is the Arabs. With their complete control over most of the world's oil supply, without the American super-power, everyone may end up being required to pray to Allah so that they may continue their luxurious life or end up living a shit life because their nation hasn't adopted mandatory Islam. To be honest, there really isn't many things bad with a bunch of business bureaucrats who can't make up their mind running the world. It's better than religious zealots and restrictive dictatorships.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:51 No.31889485
    When a draft is instated, what is the difference between a civilian and a soldier?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:51 No.31889495
    doucheness aside, what's wrong with France?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:52 No.31889564
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    Fucking Mac-shipper.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:52 No.31889579

    As a canadian. We would rather use america as a hate shield.

    we aren't really so different, it's just that we don't have people bitching at everything our government does so we can actually pass laws that do something, rather than have them bogged down with compromises that render the laws themselves useless.

    America needs to clear up their divide between conservatives and liberals.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:53 No.31889630
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    Nothing. Like most of the world (US included) France is actually for the most part full of friendly people who want nothing more than to be happy themselves and for others to be happy.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:54 No.31889647
    >but they've abandoned any aspirations of being a global power after WWII.
    This is exactly why they need to be in power.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:54 No.31889656
    It's even more funny that conservatives are against the bails out. Even though Bush was the one that started the bail outs and enacted the patriot act while spouting freedom!
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:54 No.31889670
    This is exactly why they aren't in power?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:54 No.31889674
    another possibility is the EU...

    ... that doesnt sound so bad IMO
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:55 No.31889694
         File1268031317.jpg-(42 KB, 750x600, Canada_negative.jpg)
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    Speaking of Canada.....
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:56 No.31889732
    ever read Brave New World by Alduous Huxley?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:57 No.31889795
    Take a look at France's conduct in what was formerly French Indochina. A big portion of Vietnam was us trying to clean their shit up. As a colonial power, France was pretty much the worst - at least the British built good infrastructure in India. Part of the reason why Haiti is still a third-world shit hole is because they're bankrupt trying to pay off their "debt" to the French, which was pretty much extortion after they gained their independence.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:57 No.31889810
    Japan actually has quite an alright view of canada from my perspective, but i'm pretty sure they still think its a made up land in the Anne of green gables novels.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:58 No.31889833
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    Let's ruin our currency's value, let terrorists out of detainment, and cut our nuclear arsenal in half then.

    It sounds like something Bush would do.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:59 No.31889889
    Canada basically took a look at how much being a global power would cost and said "fuck that". They're (and Mexico) are pretty safe because the US will back them up.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:00 No.31889948
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    >Realizes the 4chan servers are in America.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:01 No.31889994
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:04 No.31890132

    He h8s Microsoft, so he must use a Mac.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:05 No.31890201
    The EU's major flaw is the fact that it has no real strong point; its more like a Jack-of-all-trades. China has the biggest workforce, Arabs have the largest oil distribution, and America has the guns and muscle. If the EU had something to offer other than a collection of countries, then perhaps, they would be contender, but I don't see what they got that gives them an advantage. If America were to suddenly disappear, does the EU have as strong a military presence to make up the lack of America's stockpiles of missles, guns and other fuckery such that it prevents the others from gaining influence?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:05 No.31890219
    >Implying that the US currency isn't doing better than pretty much everything else
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:07 No.31890292
    The EU has culture, And science. but even then research is pretty evenly split between the west and europe
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:07 No.31890319
    he mentions apple too though, apple = mac last i heard
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:07 No.31890325
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    Not trollan, but when you print more money, it goes down in value.

    It's called inflation.

    That's why I support basing the monetary value on gold.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:10 No.31890464
    Not enough gold in the world.
    A commodity basket makes more sense.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:11 No.31890487
    You and the other dumb liberal kiddies bitch day in and day out about the evils of "corporate America" but your messiah Obama and a Democrat controlled congress made the bail outs happen. Your hypocrisy is amazing.
    >> XdarknessXkurelulz 03/08/10(Mon)02:12 No.31890565
    America is so lame!

    I wish I could live in Nippon where everyone would accept me for myself.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:14 No.31890662
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    John Edwards, Rob Blago, and Charlie Rangel turned out to be quite the crooked bastards, didn't they?

    Let's just keep throwing money at politicians and hope they fix something, huh?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:15 No.31890665

    I know they liek don't have racism or sexism or anything over there it's so awesome!!!
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:15 No.31890667
    Actually, following the crash, the dollar was DEFLATING because nobody wanted to spend money. Printing money was to get money circulating in the system.

    >That's why I support basing the monetary value on gold.
    >> Not that Guy 03/08/10(Mon)02:15 No.31890685
    No one can hate my country more than me
    >> XdarknessXkurelulz 03/08/10(Mon)02:16 No.31890718
    I'm tired of people mistreating me just because I have long black hair in my face and wear girl jeans.

    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:16 No.31890724
    democrats this... republicans that... STFU you're both faggots, this stupid party split is whats fucking up the country thats fucking up the world
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:16 No.31890758
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    >You wish you could legally fuck your sister.

    >> Not that Guy 03/08/10(Mon)02:17 No.31890773
    They know jack shit about Obama. They only care cuz he's Black. Unless Obama is actually a robot built by Japan to ruin America
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:17 No.31890779
    weeaboo detected...
    >> Not that Guy 03/08/10(Mon)02:19 No.31890854
    America was still a dick in the past. Taking over countries when they said they would free them. It's just that right now America is being a dick to itself
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:20 No.31890907

    We gave the Japs precious forks.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:20 No.31890909
    Culture doesn't really have much influence in terms of politics and wars, and science in Europe isn't based primarily on military advancement like the US is. Though I guess you can threaten to open a black hole or some thing with the LHC and destroy the world if you don't want to be used by the arabs or chinese in the off-chance America disappeared randomly.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:20 No.31890931

    EXACTLY in Japan every1 is free yanno? It's like the land of the free MORE SO THAN AMERICA lol >_>
    >> Not that Guy 03/08/10(Mon)02:21 No.31890952
    Corrupt everything. Ignorance of the fact we're just patching shit up rather than fixing the source of issues
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:21 No.31890968
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:24 No.31891122
    just like an american to think that military prowess is the answer to everything...
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:33 No.31891671
    after reading this whole thread i came to the conclusion that amerifags are too proud to admit that their government is actually corrupt, and i lying to them, because they believe that their government is perfect, however they need to wake up and realize that there is no such thing as a perfect utopia, as humans are constantly growing and developing, and achieving perfection would mean putting a complete stop to our evolutionary progress, and therefore will never happen... wake up america, your system is flawed and needs change, therefore change, or face extinction
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:34 No.31891694
    Every country has been a dick at one point or another. Dumbass people in this thread and around the world unfortunately think America has some monopoly on asshole behavior. Protip: It doesn't. American has also freed plenty of countries and saved others from losing their freedom, something that gets conveniently glossed over. Look up WWII and Korean War for starters.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:37 No.31891850
    samefag... perhaps i was too rash by 'perfect' what i really meant was that they believe that the creators of their constitution created the best government model to have existed on the earth and that nothing could possibly surpass it... or rather refuse to accept any other models as they are seen 'anti-american'
    >> Not that Guy 03/08/10(Mon)02:38 No.31891942
    I know. I hate them too. I just stated the fact that America is a jerk in my opinion, without commenting on the other places that I hate because they aren't relevant.
    >> Not that Guy 03/08/10(Mon)02:41 No.31892082
    Actually I hate any place that displays some form of corruption in its government, society, and/or economy. So pretty much a lot of the world. Japan is a fucked up place in some aspects
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:43 No.31892193
    If you look at history, military prowess has been the solution to almost everything. Europe is the birthplace of modern civilization, yet it has the most violent and bloodiest history of all other continents and nations. Also, a strong military presence has always been the greatest deterrent against opposing nations. Its also shown that wars have helped the economy of warring nations because they're spending a lot more money than it times of peace. Military plays a huge factor, and obviously when there's only one guy with all the big guns, not many are going to be picking a fight.
    I'm not saying that I like it, but unless humans become a hivemind, military will always exist, because its far easier to force someone to your will than to negotiate with them.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:44 No.31892215
    North Korea seems like an ambitious young chap. I shall entrust the household to the aforementioned until I return from the market.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:45 No.31892282
    it 'freed' said countries in order to bring capitalism to them, it wasnt out of righteousness like you're painting it, it was all done in order to fight in the cold war, it wasnt trying to bring world peace, or anything. In fact, america's history was always been one of isolationism, it always preferred to mind its own business and ignore the rest of the world, it only gets involved in world issues when it is convenient for its own agenda, whether it be expansion, influence, or just the overall approval of its culture, now it just got stuck being the last remaining superpower, and is fucking up big time. Honestly i dont see whats so righteous about the war in Iraq, so dont try to make the US the hero as its obviously only following its own selfish agenda
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:46 No.31892304
    >Japan hates the US more than your country.
    I'm surprised Japan even knows my country exists, but according to Hetalia it apparently does.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:46 No.31892319
    yeah... concrete girl anyone?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:49 No.31892422
    >Actually I hate any place that displays some form of corruption in its government, society, and/or economy.
    So pretty much all of the world? Kill yourself and maybe you'll go to heaven, assuming it exists.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:49 No.31892440
    >it only gets involved in world issues when it is convenient for its own agenda

    =sinking of the Lusitania
    =bombing of Pearl Harbor

    You forgot some details, son
    then again, self-defense clearly doesn't count
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:50 No.31892482
    i think you are confusing military power with economic power... it has always been the country with the most money that has the most influence, period. There are many examples of this throughout history, such as Spain, in the discovery of America (it was the biggest empire back then, despite that it didnt have as much fighting power compared to France, and England), England during the Industrial Revolution, and the US during Cold War
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:55 No.31892708
    >In fact, america's history was always been one of isolationism, it always preferred to mind its own business and ignore the rest of the world

    Yes I suppose that's why whenever a natural disaster occurs America's one of the first there to help out. I'm not saying America's perfect, it's fucking far from it but it's not the ZOMG CORRUPTED AND GREEDY country you're making it out to be.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:55 No.31892745
    take a quick second to analyze the facts:
    -what happened...?
    -why did it happen?
    -could it have been prevented?
    -what did the US gain from it? in the short run? in the long run?

    then come back and repost
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:57 No.31892817
    Funny how people are failing to acknowledge their own nation's flaws just to call America on theirs
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:58 No.31892869
    Why Japan hates US? US buy all their cars! And help them out in world war 2 agianst Germany
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:02 No.31893007
    uhm... america has only been 'helping' after natural disasters recently, and actually people are pretty pissed that they are using it as an excuse to send military troops to a foreign country, neo-imperialist expansion anyone?

    also have you ever picked up a history book? prior to the imperialism era the US closed its doors to the rest of the world (not talking about immigration) and minded its own fucking business (not saying it was bad...), and hell, it loosely kept this policy until WW2, hence why Roosevelt used (and needed) the attack on Pearl Harbor to engage in war, it was a profitable ordeal for the US, however he had promised to keep the old policy
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:02 No.31893016

    I can't, I'm 12
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:03 No.31893042
    >People bitching about America nuking Japan
    The Nukes saved millions of lives on both sides. If America invaded Japan it would have resulted in basically the entire eradication of the entire Japanese culture and race. Look up the Battle of Okinawa, look how many Japanese civilians either killed themselves or killed other civilians for the emperor. Japan was literally prepared to fight to the last man, not to mention they were organizing a coup against the emperor AFTER we nuked them because he was going to surrender. The only reason they didn't keep fighting was because those who were die hard loyalists to the emperor weren't going to rebel against him even if it meant surrender. In summation, Japan should every August 6th, get on it's knees and suck America's dick in thanks for nuking them, they should swallow every last delicious drop of that red, white, and blue cum and be grateful that we were nice enough to level two of their cities and be done with it.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:04 No.31893096
    i would acknowledge my nations flaws, however they are neither relevant to this topic, and the US is the country ive been living in for the past 12 years
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:04 No.31893105
    >=sinking of the Lusitania

    Yes what a crime against humanity for a German U-Boat to sink an American vessel that was carrying munitions to Britian so they could use them to kill Germans. I find it funny how the German embassy put out a huge press release in the NY papers telling passengers not to ride on the Lusitania because they planned to sink it, but I guess you never hear that side of the story.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:05 No.31893146
    Economic power directly correlates with potential military power.

    >Implying military aid is the same thing as imperialism
    >Implying that war is good for the economy
    You're the one who needs to read up on history.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:06 No.31893177
    you fucking bleeding heart liberal, how much did you donate to haiti. you people crack me up, you have no clue where the money goes either, you just do it to make yourself feel good. how much you sending to chile? gonna adopt some haiti babies while you're at it?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:09 No.31893299
    What about gulf of Tonkin incident ?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:11 No.31893374
    Well, that is true. Economy and wealth certainly plays a big role, and sometimes even better than military, like Spain. Of course, Spain had its wealth as influence to prevent France and England from crushing them with military might. Suffice to say, I think the Spanish Empire may be the only empire that relied on its wealth to survive and not its military power. During the industrial revolution, it was a time of peace that really was not known to the world before, there was no major war and England was making all the goodies. The US during the Cold War does in fact proves my point. Most the money both the US and USSR spent went right onto who can make a bigger bomb and more of them in order to deter each other and prevent them from being more "influential" than the other. It just so happened that the US won out because USSR ran out of money to put into bombs and weapons.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:11 No.31893379
    You guys can have your "superpowers" and whatnot.
    Fuck this, I'm going to Mars.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:13 No.31893423
    lrn2history much?

    many of the Japanese people were opposed to Japan's involvement in the war, however, due to the amount of absolute power the emperor has and all (being considered a god and all) they had no say, and had to cope with it. Granted, there were radicals who were for it, but the majority of the public was against it...
    -the japanese people prefered their isolationis policy, they had no need for expansion at the time
    -the japanese gov. at the time was pushing it agenda for imperialist expansion at the time, for them more land to conquer = more power, the people's ideals didnt matter
    -nazi germany was racist, they allied with the japs bc they need to, otherwise, they wouldnt have

    obviously the jap gov was pushing its own agenda here, so the people dont = the gov in this case
    also, the ends never justify the means, dropping two bombs in japan, and thereby killing thousands of innocent civilians was a cruel and unjust act (war crime), obviously the US used this as a test, and an example to the world, so they could demonstrate their military prowess to the world and thus claim the seat for world power
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:17 No.31893562
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    >this thread
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:18 No.31893598
    All of the purple hearts that are given out even today have the number 1945 inscribed on the back of them, the year they were made. They expected that many to die in the landing invasion of Japan. They haven't had to manufacture a purple heart in the past 65 years because of the surplus.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:21 No.31893705
    yes while the US and the USSR both invested billions into military equipment, it was and econimic game nontheless, and teh results would have been the same had the product been something else other than nuclear bombs, the results would have been very similar, the space race itself proved to be a very crucial point in the cold war, the US and USSR simply used the opportunity to make themselves more powerfull in comparison to the rest of the world, the winner, won twice actually, as it now had economic and military might, however, the cold war serves as an example of how war can be fought w/o the need for violence, despite the amount of blood that was shed during the time, it was still, insignificant compared to that of all of the otehr wars fought..ever, also the industrial revolution is a perfect example to a war alternative, wars are always fought to attain more influence and power, despite the initial motive for fighting the ultimate motive is always the same, england did this w/o military might
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:22 No.31893730
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:27 No.31893900
    If that's the case, how come the US hasn't been charged with war crimes then?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:28 No.31893953
    >but the majority of the public was against it...
    That doesn't change the fact that as Okinawa demonstrated the radicals were willing to kill the civilians that wanted to surrender.
    >also, the ends never justify the means,
    Except the ends to justify the means. The Japanese radicals were willing to fight to the death, even if it meant the destruction of the entire Japanese culture. Even after the bombings they still had people willing to overthrow the emperor to continue fighting, and it wasn't just a small majority either, it was a good chunk of their military leadership. The only reason they got quelled before they could organize a coup was because even for the radicals who wanted to fight to the last man the emperor was still the fucking emperor.
    >obviously the US used this as a test, and an example to the world, so they could demonstrate their military prowess to the world and thus claim the seat for world power
    Except the US and President Truman basically only did it because it was the best case scenario, and opposition to dropping the bomb was immense. It wasn't like it was made and then they just dropped it, it was basically the last resort for Truman after the military showed him what happened at Okinawa.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:29 No.31893997
    Spain was for the longest time considered the best Naval power in the world until they lost to England.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:31 No.31894050
    geee.... i wonder...
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:33 No.31894113
    Because Japan is allowed to completely deny all the atrocities they committed against the Chinese.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:33 No.31894137
    yes but by the discovery of america they were already losing to france and england, also they always had portugal as a rival, ergo the treaty of tortesillas
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:35 No.31894181
    yes but the japanese leaders of the time still ended up looking like brutal monsters, yet the american gov, got away with looking like heroes...
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:40 No.31894349
    America dropped 2 bombs to save lives, specifically decided not to bomb "culturally significant" cities like Kyoto which was originally one of the targets, they also were mean to the Japans and put them in camps because they "couldn't be trusted". Japan basically ransacked the shit out of China, openly raped civilians, advocated horrible treatment of their prisoners, and were all around assholes.

    It's clear why one gets the hero treatment. That's like wondering why England gets treated like heroes when they bombed German cities.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:43 No.31894437
    yes but still this was their military and gov, the people... people like you and me who are opposed to situation such as the war in iraq and so on, also felt this way about japan's involvement in the war, and they were the overall majority of the population, yet they were the ones to pay the biggest price, and not just immediately, but for many generations following as well. The bombings in Japan were so terrible and impacting to the country that they take serious internation action against nuclear weapons
    on that last part however i do agree with you... during those times, people were frantic, so the decisions made then were made with a different state of mind than that of people analyzing history, but that is why i believe it is best not to justify the means with an end, it only leads to and endless circle of confusion, lies, and hatred
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:47 No.31894525
    >an endless circle of confusion, lies, and hatred

    Congratulations, you've just described 4chan, and by extension, the lion's share of the internet.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:48 No.31894563
    im not justifying what japan did as good, however, america still committed a sin that is just as bad as that of japan, even if they didnt attack culturaly significant sites like kyoto was because of its appeal, i cant find a source, but i recall in my old text book, the secretary of defence had been quoted in saying that he'd been to kyoto on his honeymoon, and that it was a very beautiful city, and thats why it was a taken off the list of targets, also tokyo was next on the list
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:49 No.31894585
    They were still rich, even the ones committing the horrible "medical" experiments mostly got off with no punishment. All the bad depictions in the world means nothing if no real punishment was involved.

    This thread is stupid. A country talking smack about another country? Gee that never happens; we never talk about how China is full of unimaginative drones or how France is a bunch of cheese eating surrender monkeys OH WAIT. Stop making such a big deal out of this when another country does it.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:50 No.31894592
    samefag here, forgot to add one thing... pretty much kyoto wasnt attacked for the saem reason hitler descided not to bomb paris... because it was a beautiful city
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:50 No.31894606
    So what you're saying is that instead of demonstrating the sheer hopelessness of their situation and SAVING lives you would have let Japan fight to the death which would have caused more civilian deaths? More Japanese civilians died from conventional bombings than died in both atomic bombings and their aftermath combined. So you can just imagine the combination of American forces actually attacking a city combined with radicals murdering their own people. Which is exactly what happened at Okinawa. 100,000 civilians died at Okinawa, a conventional land battle, ~300,000 died from the atomic bombings. So if 1/3rd as many civilians died on a small island, can you imagine how many would have died in a full scale invasion?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:51 No.31894625
    From your perspective only. Keep in mind WWII followed WWI, where massive amounts of men were bled for very little gain, where wars could be fought until one side ran out of people to throw into the meatgrinder. Strategic bombing was seen as a HUMANE way to conduct war, since it had the promise of ending the war faster. Justified or not, it's certainly understandable why the decision was made at the time.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:52 No.31894631
    perhaps people should stop justifying the means of their actions with the ends

    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:55 No.31894707
    >america still committed a sin that is just as bad as that of japan
    Except Japan did most of it's shit just because they were radical assholes. America leveled two cities because it was the best choice.

    If I had to get punched in the face I'd rather get punched in the face by the guy who was doing it so he didn't have to cut off my legs than the guy who was doing it just to be a dick.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:58 No.31894763
    im not saying the use of the bomb was bad... im saying where the bomb was used was terrible, civilians were deliberately targeted, japans culture was threatened when the US dropped the bombs in hiro, and naga, thats why they gave up, they realized they would have ceased to exist... it wasnt oh, shit its a hopeless war, it was oh shit... were fucked, had the bomb been used on the battlefield it would have involved less civilian casualties... and now were at the point of most discussion in this subject, it has been argued, for decades that, what happened then was a brutal and inhumane act done by the US, so honestly, we now are at the point of endless discussion here
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:01 No.31894832
    agreed, my problem is the justification of the act, followed by ignorance, that followed in the years of peace after the act
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:02 No.31894867
    >implying Japan hate US more than China.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:03 No.31894904
    Both Hiroshima and Nagasaki were vital military targets. It wasn't like they were just some places for the US to bomb civilians.

    Hiroshima had the headquarters of the Fifth Division and Field Marshal Shunroku Hata's 2nd General Army Headquarters, which commanded the defense of all of southern Japan. It also was a minor supply and logistics base for the Japanese military, communications center, a storage point, and an assembly area for troops. Nagasaki was a major seaport and one of Japan's key cities for naval warfare and military equipment storage.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:04 No.31894921
    lets turn the tables for a bit, what if... russia and the US had engaged in conflict during the cold war, war goes on for years, before nuclear action is taken, russia nukes a civilian city say... LA, millions of innocent people die, Russia wins war... is your perspective the same? also how do you feel about 9/11?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:04 No.31894924
    And Japan was warned countless times before we dropped it. We were sending flyers ANNOUNCING when we were gonna do it and WHERE.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:05 No.31894943
    Heh, I remember my grandmother telling me stories where Japanese soldiers in occupied Hong Kong would find women to rape. Blacken your face with soot and problem solved.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:08 No.31895020
    ok, but wouldnt one be enough? but why 2 and a possible 3rd on the capital? still the battle field would have been the best choice

    say taht the taliban suddenly declare that they have the military power to absolutly decimate the US unless they surrent uncondicionally... would the US believe them?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:08 No.31895025
    If Russia was prepared to invade America and all the data showed that America was going to be a massive blood bath with ten times as many civilian casualties, and nuking LA would end the war, then yes Russia would be justified in nuking LA.

    >also how do you feel about 9/11?
    Now that is completely different because they hijacked civilian airliners and crashed them into civilian targets and targeted PURELY Civilians. See >>31894904 Hiroshima and Nagasaki had some military value, as does LA. Also 9/11 wasn't done to prevent any deaths.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:11 No.31895080
    >WW2 Military deaths: Japan 2,120,000
    >WW2 Civilian deaths: China (under japanese occupation) 7,000,000
    to 16,000,000

    America nuked for a fucking reason. Learn your history shits.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:11 No.31895085

    sorry meant to say al qaeda
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:12 No.31895097

    Japan was execution millions of chinese while the USA were invading. To make us stop...
    >> Lei !!/ht2N+ZVBnx 03/08/10(Mon)04:13 No.31895110

    Didn't read the rest of the thread. But.

    That comparison really makes no sense. Japan at the time was going to lose. It was a matter of time. More time means more casualties. The mass bombing raids were killing more people than the atomic bomb per raid. Plus, there was the lack of food and supplies due to the war effort straining the economy. Furthermore, if an invasion happened, that would have been tens of millions of people dead on the Japanese side. If the invasion was by the Soviets, you could probably count on more casualties, plus a brutal occupation instead of an occupation that eventually turned their economy into a powerhouse. Furthermore, who started the open hostilities in your scenario? Also, did the US start invading all the countries around it and engage in brutal war crimes/occupation?

    Honestly, I don't see why you are objecting so hard to a scenario where the country not only "had it coming", but really traded a few thousand lives for dozens of tens of millions of lives and ended WWII.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:13 No.31895125
    Unfortunately the second one was required. The fear was that if we only dropped one, Japan would think it was a last ditch effort to get them to surrender (WHICH IT WAS) and that we didn't have any more...and considering that they were at the point of trying to overthrow the emperor after TWO.
    >still the battle field would have been the best choice
    Yes and no. Yes because killing civilians is horrible, and no because after the allies took Okinawa the only place left for there to be a battlefield was Japan.

    >say taht the taliban suddenly declare that they have the military power to absolutly decimate the US unless they surrent uncondicionally... would the US believe them?
    Lets look at this another way. Say your a civilian living in Japan and you know the enemy has been bombing the crap out of you left and right and they tell you they're going to bomb your home on a certain day. Would you be home on that day even if you didn't believe that their bomb would level your city, simply on the grounds that normal bombs falling on your city would suck?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:14 No.31895143
    Oh, quit your bleeding heart bullshit. You know nothing about history if you think nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki was the most brutal and inhumane thing America did in WWII.

    Want an example? From February to August 1945, America bombed Tokyo. Bombed the shit out of it. With incendiary weapons. In particular, in March, upwards of 300 B-29s hit the city at night, creating a firestorm that destroyed a quarter of the city and caused more deaths than either Hiroshima or Nagasaki. And the best part? They did it under strict orders not to bomb the Imperial Palace, where the Imperial General Headquarters was located. Yeah, that's right--we made a living hell out of the urban centers, but spared the chain of command from the flame, just so they could watch. Oh, and in case you're wondering, there was none of the nice, painless evaporation associated with a good glassing--people burned alive in huge vortexes of fire, they suffocated as the oxygen was sucked out of the air around them, they boiled as they tried to jump into the river to flee.

    And you bitch about the nukes. Hah.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:15 No.31895164

    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:16 No.31895175
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    >But we didn't mean to slaughter entire villages in china just like african overlords kill villages; cuban monsters slaying entire towns and south american gurreillas butchering half a city in the 1920's.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:16 No.31895186
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    Korea is more hated
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:18 No.31895226
    The important thing is the good guys US won.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:18 No.31895228
    That's like...

    50% of all casualties in the entire world war 2. That means like... Every Jap soldier killed 5 people or more.

    No wonder their country is fucking rich, they pillaged a country quarter the size of russia.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:19 No.31895239
    Remember when we showed Japan what was what during WW2?

    Those were the days.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:19 No.31895240
    actually, the WTC was a symbol of the US's economic might, it wasnt a random target, and the pentagon was a symbol of its economic might. also they had a reason for attacking (supposedly, im gonna be honest with you, i dont buy the whole 'it was a terrorist attack story, theres too much evidence proving otherwise, however based on the official, media released story), they attacked becasue of the US's involvement with Israel in their war, in other words, their means were different, but similar, however, the ends aimed for are very similar
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:20 No.31895263
    >Total Deaths
    >62,394,200 to 78,339,200
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:20 No.31895266
    We did what we had to do to make them surrender. It was a fucking war.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:20 No.31895275
    Oh look, a Truther.
    Move along everyone, nothing to see here.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:21 No.31895302
    >theres too much evidence proving otherwise
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:23 No.31895345
    It's like I'm really browsing /news/.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:24 No.31895380
    problem is japan's and island... also like i said, i think weve reached the point of endless discussion, people have arguad over this for decades, and many agree that it was cruel and inhumane act, no matter how you paint it. japan holds every right to hate such country, it is what their enemy sowed (however it can be argued that japan reaped what it sowed aswell, however that goes back to the endless circle of hatred), this is also enforced by the forced US occupation of japan in the years to follow
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:26 No.31895413
    actually japan got most its money from the US during occupation
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:27 No.31895447
    as far as you know... and im inclined to agree, back then the US was the good guys, however there are many countries that dont agree
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:28 No.31895467
    >they attacked becasue of the US's involvement with Israel in their war, in other words, their means were different, but similar, however, the ends aimed for are very similar
    What the fuck are you talking about? "Their war"? What war? KSM admitted it was retribution for interference in the Gulf and that Israel was a virtual non-factor.
    Go back to /new/ with your bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:28 No.31895482
    Everyone hates the US more than country X. Prove me wrong and get free internet for a week.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:28 No.31895485
    yes because the following decades of radiation mean absolutely nothing
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:29 No.31895503
    Then again, it was the occupation that forced Japan to start censoring its porn. Thanks a lot MacArthur, you fucking faggot.
    >> Bill Murray !0Qo0b8vSmA 03/08/10(Mon)04:30 No.31895525

    If America destroyed Japan's center of command the country would've been thrown into chaos. Do you think before you post shit?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:30 No.31895550
    And now you cansee where that mindless tactic lead to.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:30 No.31895551
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    >non-anime related thread gets over 200+ replies
    >anime related threads lucky to get 50
    Why the fuck do I even come here anymore?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:31 No.31895571
    Because you still use Spongebob images and /co/ is worse.
    >> Bill Murray !0Qo0b8vSmA 03/08/10(Mon)04:32 No.31895580
    I have yet to see convincing evidence 9/11 is a joke

    Some people are such fucking morons
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:32 No.31895589
    Oh, give it a rest. People didn't know about the radioactive effects of the bomb back then. The result of starting fires in a city made primarily of wood and paper, on the other hand, is pretty much a gimme.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:32 No.31895594
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:32 No.31895595
    It really didn't. The worst of the fallout is during the first couple weeks, and within months is relatively safe to venture into.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:34 No.31895636
    honestly thats a whole other monster all together, i really dont wanna get into, im gonna be honest w/ you i thought that conspiracy theory was total bs as well at first, however, when my uncle showed my his old economist magazine (british economy magazine) from 1992 which had an article in it, predicting the US had 10 years left of oil reserves,and then researched a bit on the US's involvement with al qaeda back in the cold war, that backed up by that claim that bush had rigged the election (which was proposed before 9/11) it all clicked, its too good to be a mere coincidence
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:35 No.31895661
    Good thing the center of command, the Emperor, was elsewhere, yeah? It would be a shame if logic and mercy were to get in the way of our cruelty and carnage.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:36 No.31895669
    cant remember the name of the war honestly, its late, and im tired, but if you wiki bin laden, you'll come across it, but that was al qaeda's excuse
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:37 No.31895705
    >230 posts and 32 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Bill Murray !0Qo0b8vSmA 03/08/10(Mon)04:38 No.31895726

    Destroying the symbol of power, the Emperor's palace, would greatly diminish the establishments power.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:38 No.31895730
    i seriously hope you are not fucking serious...
    generations of people were affected by this for decades, where the hell did you pull you info from?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:40 No.31895767
    I don't know guys. I wouldn't call America perfect under any stretch, but I think it's funny that Japan likes to act high and mighty when they let women get groped in trains, and hell, Concrete Girl? Those guys got off for it? Seriously?

    Someone should have went vigilante on those subhuman bastards
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:42 No.31895798
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:43 No.31895821
    god damn immortal technique has to be one of the worst rappers I've ever heard
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:48 No.31895900
    That was the immediate fallout. In two decades it certainly would've been safe to live in again, especially since it was an air burst.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:50 No.31895934
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:51 No.31895963
    >The worst of the fallout is during the first couple weeks, and within months is relatively safe to venture into.
    ....From a nuclear weapon?
    You know they still can't go into Chernobyl, right? That was 24 years ago.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:53 No.31895986
    bomb != entire powerplant exploding
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:55 No.31896018
    your logic doesnt fail to amuse me...
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:57 No.31896062
    The accident at Chernobyl was approximately 400 times more potent than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:59 No.31896109
    Too bad those kind of phenomenon don't follow linear scale. At all.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:59 No.31896113
    You're an illiterate motherfucker if you think deaths over a long period of time means the same thing as radiation exposure over a long period of time.
    They can't go into the plant itself, but the area that you can't enter has reduced dramatically. Chernobyl was also on the ground, which makes the fallout worse.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)05:00 No.31896129
    iirc you have to stay around 30km away from the plant, although you really shouldnt be that close for extended periods of time still
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)05:01 No.31896142
    no it doesnt mean the same thing, but certainly proves the lethality of the bomb over time does it not? which is what the original arguement was about
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)05:02 No.31896152
    wow this thread just reached the bump cap
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)05:03 No.31896162
    oh idk. i didnt even read the rest of the argument. my history buff senses went off when i saw someone comparing the results of hiroshima and chernobyl as even close to each other
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)05:03 No.31896163
    That accident was also in the ground, when reactors went, it started burning and firing plumes of radioactive dust and debris into the air, fucking up the nearby town and spreading the mess.
    Hell, the only thing the Russians could do was to pack concrete over it to try to suffocate the fires and reduce the fallout.
    When my mom was in college, one of her professors had been on one of the teams sent in to Hiroshima after the bomb, she's got all sorts of stories about what they found, but the place was far from the pile of shit that's Chernobyl even today.
    tl;dr, Air burst =/= Meltdown
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)05:03 No.31896166
    But that still doesn't matter since the original basis for the argument. More people died from firebombings and conventional bombings than the Atomic bombings is still true. When you add up all the deaths from and post Hiroshima and Nagasaki they're still less than the deaths from the US' other bombing campaigns.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)05:04 No.31896191
    Bump cap is 300 now.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)05:06 No.31896219
    yes but the overall argument was over the humanity of the US whole bombing campaign, mostly focused on the atomic bombs
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)05:07 No.31896231
    ahhh 40 more to go
    can we make it?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)05:08 No.31896240
    No. I was correcting the claim that long-term radiation effects were a major factor in the subsequent deaths from Hiroshima/Nagasaki. They were not. Most of the radiation damage was absorbed in the few weeks/months following the initiation, not years.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)05:08 No.31896241
    Yay let's nuke Japan, the mother of all our shameful affixiations
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)05:09 No.31896269
    well you need to go back and read the rest of the thread...
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)05:10 No.31896287
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)05:12 No.31896314
    I read the rest of the thread. I can choose to respond to a factually incorrect claim and not get involved in the greater scope if I want.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)05:14 No.31896355
    although some long terms effects weren't death, there was alot of cases of birth defects and such. just saying
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)05:14 No.31896358
    actually there were reports of leukemia, and cancer up till 90's due to the effects of radiation form the bombs
    >> 0ZERO0 !!QqV4O+9kXs3 03/08/10(Mon)05:21 No.31896459
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)05:21 No.31896468
    president of iran openly objected that 9/11 was a lie
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)05:23 No.31896499
    wrong... most anti-american sentiment, originating here began, during the vietnam war, japan on the other hadnwas nuked during ww2
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)05:24 No.31896507
    Ahmadinejad is a fucking nutcase, if anything he saps credibility away from the conspiracy theorists.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)05:25 No.31896524
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)05:27 No.31896570
    Well, yeah, but most of that was from babies in utero when the bomb dropped that were far enough to get caught in the fallout but not the blast radius, as opposed to Russia's Chernobyl still being all 'IF YOU COME HERE I WILL FUCKING BURN THE FLESH FROM YOUR BONES AND GIVE YOU DOUBLE CANCER' even today.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)05:28 No.31896608
    at the same time, it could start a reaction which gives more power to what thehy are saying... just like when the nutcase from venezeuala called bush the devil
    XD LOL that was priceless though... "sniff sniff, it smells like sulfur, the devil is here!" hahahahahaha
    >> 0ZERO0 !!QqV4O+9kXs3 03/08/10(Mon)05:32 No.31896700
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)05:33 No.31896713
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)05:34 No.31896739
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    logicfail.... 1960's before WW2?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)05:37 No.31896784
    I was going to imply more intelligently at the bottom of the thread, but you must be an idiot. WTF does the nuclear arsenal have to do with anything? We have enough nukes to destroy the (surface of the) world a thousand times over. Cutting down the total number of nuclear weapons is a good thing for everyone. Protip: no one wins in a nuclear war.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)05:41 No.31896876
    But that's not true!
    The aliens win, obviousl-waaait a minute,
    You're one of them, aren't you?!
    Oh god!
    *puts on tinfoil hat and jumps out the window*
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)05:45 No.31896948
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    sigh* fucking newfag
    >> 0ZERO0 !!QqV4O+9kXs3 03/08/10(Mon)05:45 No.31896958
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)05:46 No.31896970
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    in complete agreement with this statement
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)05:47 No.31896979
    Finally, if any of you fuckers are still reading, fuck anyone who uses "libfag" and "conversative fag" as insults, as you're insinuating you're the other side.

    Fuck democrats for supporting the bailout as is. Fuck the republicans FOR ALSO SUPPORTING THE BAILOUT AS IS.

    Fuck democrats and republicans for calling doujin child porn.

    Fuck the democrats for gun restrictions.

    Fuck the republicans (and democrats) for basically being fascist and limiting my freedom of speech, etc., through the patriot act et al. (Note that all the senators, all of them, democrats and republicans, voted for it at the time. All them except one. I want that one to be president.)
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)05:50 No.31897035
    ok looks like i have to spell it out for you, you obviously dont understand...
    -anti-american sentiment here began in the 1960's
    -that was b/c of the vietnam war
    -anti-american sentiment elsewhere, began a little after the bombing of hirshima and nagasaki, that was during WW2
    -which ended in the 1940's
    1940' came before the 60's
    therefore, anti-american sentiment began outside the US due to the bombings in japan
    in other words... no you are not the trendsetters
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)05:51 No.31897067
    i say fuck em both and this stupid party system, it does nothing but take the focus away from the real problems, and prolong the time it takes to make real progress
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)05:52 No.31897080
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    but the american spirit is all about rebellion and competition...
    >> 0ZERO0 !!QqV4O+9kXs3 03/08/10(Mon)05:54 No.31897123
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)05:56 No.31897152
    Funny how amerifags can't defend themselves if it not with war bullshit no one cares about anymore, that's what you get for having the shittiest culture, if any, of all.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)05:57 No.31897166
    We're still the country with the best freedom of speech, and that's what matters most. Ex: lolAustralia.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)05:57 No.31897172
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    ok it looks like you're trying to troll, so im just gonna stop talking to you all together...
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)05:58 No.31897188
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)05:59 No.31897203
    thats what you think... you've actually lost more freedoms than you even realize...

    ever read Brave New World by Aldous Huxley?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)06:00 No.31897225
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)06:01 No.31897249
    7 more posts people we can do this
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)06:02 No.31897259
    >Freedom of speech
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)06:02 No.31897266
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)06:02 No.31897269
    Compared to other countries in the currently existing world, I still have (one of) the best freedom of speech in the world, and that is what matters most in an epeen country contest, and in real life choosing your country of preference.
    >> 0ZERO0 !!QqV4O+9kXs3 03/08/10(Mon)06:02 No.31897270
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    >OMG LOL
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)06:03 No.31897279
    Want to give me an example of a better country? No really, I'm waiting.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)06:03 No.31897288
    ever been outside your comfort zone known as the US?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)06:03 No.31897289
    sauce on OP?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)06:04 No.31897312
    Want to give me an example of a country with better freedom of speech? No really, I'm waiting.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)06:04 No.31897313
    hmmmm, how about the EU for one?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)06:05 No.31897339
    You mean where they bar foreign political electives over hate speech? And where it's illegal to dispute the facts of the holocaust? I can go on if you want.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)06:06 No.31897349
    The fact that you think you have heard or seen any true or real freedom of speech in america make you just another average retarded american.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)06:06 No.31897361
    I'm waiting for an example of a place with better freedom of speech. Really.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)06:08 No.31897390
    Where it's illegal to make gay jokes? I mean the catholic church has to tip toe around that one, trying to voice their opinions but not run afoul of various hate speech laws.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)06:08 No.31897395
    you fucking idiot... there plenty of countries in the EU that allow for wayy more freedoms than the one ones you get in this semi-police stat shithole... seriously bro, dont say stupid shit if you dont know what you're talking about...
    Eurofag here
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)06:09 No.31897412
    Then give me an example. And I'll disprove it, or move there.
    >> 0ZERO0 !!QqV4O+9kXs3 03/08/10(Mon)06:10 No.31897427
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)06:10 No.31897429
    Give me a place where all hate speech is legal, where questioning the existence of the holocaust is legal, where doujin is not classified as child porn and illegal.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)06:11 No.31897442
    Ameri-fag here. I think I'm agreeing with you.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)06:11 No.31897453
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)06:13 No.31897478
    Want to give me an example of any anti government message, any message questioning the existence of terrorists attacks in america, the existence of mass-destruction weapons, the reason for the storms and changes in global weather, the truth of global warming, in any mass media? No really, I'm waiting.

    I bet you think Obama is completely different from Bush and totally deserved the Nobel.
    Poor americans, you're really pitiful.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)06:14 No.31897501
    Just because the majority media is corrupt does not change our freedom of speech. Yes most are brainwashed, but that is orthogonal to the question of freedom of speech. That I'm allowed to look such things up on the internet is a disproof of what you just said.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)06:15 No.31897518
    And no, Obama does not deserve the Nobel Peace Prize. That was a huge fucking joke, a farce. Fuck Bush, and to a lesser extant fuck Obama.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)06:15 No.31897520
    illegal gay jokes?
    In EU?...
    You really have to get out of your basement sometime.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)06:15 No.31897522
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    Spain, Sweden, Italy, Greece, just about anywhere in Eastern EU, ever heard Amsterdam pal? fucking newfag? seriously GTFO, and go travel some, at least read before you make stupid comments...
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)06:17 No.31897554
    Most Latin American countries, except Venezuela.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)06:18 No.31897582

    Source wiki:

    Council of Europe

    The Council of Europe has worked intensively on this issue. While Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights does not prohibit criminal laws against revisionism such as denial or minimization of genocides or crimes against humanity, as interpreted by the European Court of Human Rights, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe went further and recommended to member governments to combat hate speech under its Recommendation R (97) 20. The Council of Europe also created the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance, which has produced country reports and several general policy recommendations, for instance against anti-Semitism and intolerance against Muslims.

    So your European Constitution does allow limiting hate speech, and prominent people are suggesting that it be outlawed. I can't find offhand the case in England a few years back where a guy was charged over some particularly offensive anti-gay shit. Not that I agree with his message, but I agree with letting him say it.

    Or that Wilder fucker. He was barred from entering England. Lols.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)06:18 No.31897589
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    looks like we passed the bump limit...
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)06:19 No.31897601
    Really? Somewhat surprising. Then again, I also prefer living in a relatively wealthier place like America, crime, etc. Not that I'm suggesting all Latin American countries are like that. I am ignorant on this subject though.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)06:20 No.31897612
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    England = EU? since when?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)06:20 No.31897622
    I suggest you look closer at the laws and spirit of the laws. No other country really has a specific part of their constitution guaranteeing freedom of speech, and nowhere has it been upheld quite as vigorously as the US.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)06:21 No.31897643
    >Fuck the democrats for gun restrictions.
    You know that's actually a great thing to do in the country with the highest rate of death by firearm, right?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)06:21 No.31897645
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    newfags never been to lating america...
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)06:22 No.31897653
    Specifically, see that Wiki link. US wins. Fuck half of Europe at least.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)06:24 No.31897699
    Protip: correlation does not prove causation. Canada has many times higher gun ownership rates than the US, but lower gun crime rates, for example.

    Protip: "Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither." Quoting Benjamin Franklin.

    Protip: The government is made up of men, usually corrupt men. Don't let them take away our freedoms for less deaths than drunken drivers. Hell, there basically has not been a case, ever, of a CCW permit guy ever using it to commit a crime. The criminals don't bother to get one. Amazing, isn't it?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)06:31 No.31897841
    Btw. You guys want to take this to a new board? Someone post a link to a new thread in /news/ or /b/ something.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)06:34 No.31897881
    You know it was made to have total control of everyone through the militia right?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)06:37 No.31897964
    You know that you're reading into the propaganda of the democrats?

    > A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

    So, first. A militia at the time of the writing was not a army, or anything controlled by the state. A militia is simply all able bodied men. Think Warcraft 3 when the peasants turn into warriors when you click the alarm.

    Then it goes on to say that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, not the state or the militia.

    Then you're ignoring all of the federalist papers, other contemporary works of the time. My favorite is that Montana explicitly mentioned in its contract with The Union when it became a state that the right to keep and bear arms is a personal right. When DC vs Heller went before the US supreme court, there was talk of seeking penalties under old contract law if it went the wrong way.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)06:38 No.31897986
    Well, It felt good to know there's still thinking, non- brainwashed by media people in america, perhaps not everything is lost.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)06:39 No.31898004
    Ameri-fag here. Don't get me wrong. I think I'm all alone here. Apart from my family, no one really agrees with my on these issues. Fucking Americans.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)06:44 No.31898078
    Oh yeah, and well regulated in context does not mean regulated by the state. Well regulated in context means "well trained, or prepared, good, etc." in military contexts.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)06:49 No.31898154
    Thread dying. Makes me sad. I wish we could have moved into a new thread on a new board. I like these discussions.

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