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  • File : 1267933867.jpg-(35 KB, 177x500, on651.jpg)
    35 KB Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)22:51 No.31837395  
    Was [a/ bullied in school?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)22:52 No.31837445
    yeap. Also I can not read the text. Too fucking small

    inb4: someone posts Aeko
    >> Superior 4chan Entity !lJyXWRYYYY 03/06/10(Sat)22:56 No.31837651
    It's Aeka.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)22:57 No.31837656
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    Better Res
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)22:57 No.31837702
    no, buthey tried (a bully choked me, but the females from my class saved me), so mom made me take taekondo classes
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)22:58 No.31837723
    Yes, shit sucked.
    >> J !!VfRninXKCz+ 03/06/10(Sat)22:58 No.31837745
    Yes. Up to around second last year of high school.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)22:59 No.31837753
    I don't think anyone really gets bullied just for liking anime. You have to be a huge tool first, and then people use Anime as ammo against you.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)22:59 No.31837763
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    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)22:59 No.31837766
    I was the guy who bullied people...
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:00 No.31837803
    they triend once but i kicked his ass
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:00 No.31837820
    Me too. Feels bad man.
    >> Thatguy !!c+CotzCrwTU 03/06/10(Sat)23:01 No.31837839
    I never had any problems
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:01 No.31837853
    I suffered through a little anguish in the 4th grade because of bullying. I wasn't bullied too bad, but I'm a sensitive person.
    >> Matsuda !!rBmxSu8PJJy 03/06/10(Sat)23:02 No.31837897
    Not really.

    Reported for /b/ shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:02 No.31837898
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    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:03 No.31837912
    I was kinda harassed in 8th grade, but everyone got the same treatment from this piece of shit. He an hero'd years later and we still makes jokes about it.
    >> Adachi 03/06/10(Sat)23:04 No.31837935
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    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:04 No.31837936
    But if that counts as bullying:
    There was a pack of niggers from other classes who liked to surround people who go back from school in the alley and tryied to scare them with knives and pistols. Something like "yo, pissing yo pants already, ya?". Funny thing, they never even hit anyone, much less take money from anyone so we got used to them.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:04 No.31837948
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:04 No.31837953
    Lucky Star would be 999999999999999999999 times better if it was actually like that.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:04 No.31837954
    Noep. Went to a charter school were everyone was a nerrrrrd.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:04 No.31837961
    Wow someone is sour grapes.

    Fine, according to the guy who made this's deviant art, /a/ is making a whole series based on this comic. Are we?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:04 No.31837968
    wait does that mean the lucky star anime is an psychotic delusion made by Konata to escape the cruel reality

    or is the alt interpretation the authors projection of his/her own reality
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:05 No.31837976

    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:05 No.31837978
    I would watch that.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:05 No.31837988
    Up until 8th grade. Then people never noticed me.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:05 No.31837991
    I'm such a wimp I was bullied in college.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:07 No.31838066
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:09 No.31838118

    I hate you /a/.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:09 No.31838139
    Luckyshit would be my favorite show like this. If only.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:10 No.31838161
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    <<<< Fuck you OP.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:10 No.31838177
    Sort of. There was one kid who found out I liked the same girl back in elementary school so he'd sit next to me on the bus and give me indian burns and stuff. It was pretty weak though, and I was surprised when my parents freaked out about it when I told them months after it happened.
    Other than that, the cooler kids in school sometimes made some snide remarks about my friends and I through mid school and junior high. My school was surprisingly free of any real bullies. Only the kids that were real attention whores were consistently hated by everyone.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:11 No.31838198
    The first couple of years, though i had problems controlling my temper back then, so i beat up the guys bullying.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:11 No.31838207
    At first, yes, because I was always a small kid. When the bullies tried, I'd put up with it, until they got physical. Then I'd kick the shit out of them. Only took one or two bullies before word got around not to fuck with the crazy little kid.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:12 No.31838238
    ITT: Wannabe tough guys fantasize about beating up middle school bullies.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:18 No.31838501
    Kind of in middle school. Not really terribly or anything, just typical pre-teen bullshit. It was largely because I didn't have any actual friends. Once I got a core group of non-nerd friends in 8th grade, it completely stopped and I never had a problem with it again.

    Oh, and since I was forced to supress my power level so intensely, I took part in harassing our school's resident manga-reader. But he was a prick and deserved it anyway so w/e.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:19 No.31838578
    I was bullied in junior high... But then... I blew up this one time...

    Before class started, this kid threw paper balls at me. I ignored it.

    He said "hey nigger, I'm talking to you!" I ignored him. I'm not even black. After a few more paper balls, he smacks me across the head. Then he laughs with his friends and jokes about how much of a pussy I was.

    I took my hardcover textbook. Walked up to him. He said "Whatcha gonna do?"

    I smacked him as hard as I can with the textbook just as the teacher walks in to see it. The teacher screams while the nigger fainted from the blow of my textbook.

    Was suspended for a entire week. Luckily, I was also a minor at the time, so no jail time. They did put me in special ed after that.

    1.5 years of being bullied and teachers don't do shit. Telling teachers about it doesn't do shit. But once you do something about it yourself, you get the whole world against you.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:22 No.31838653
    Wasn't worth bullying. yay i guess
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:23 No.31838710
    In the US, this is true. However, in japan.. it's a huge problem there.
    >> Ryuuji !!ghTV68xbWbx 03/06/10(Sat)23:26 No.31838809
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    Even better res.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:27 No.31838880
    I was constantly harassed my niggers in middle school, they'd grab me from behind in between classes and mess with me.

    One day I just got fed up and punched him in the balls. They called me a pussy for doing something like that, but they never touched me again.

    High school, niggers would mess with me in the locker room while changing clothes. Hitting me and shit, got fed up, pushed him back hard and he tripped over a bench and hit his head on the locker.

    Both times I didn't get in trouble because teachers don't want to get involved. Yet they were near by.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:28 No.31838926
    >Telling teachers about it doesn't do shit. But once you do something about it yourself, you get the whole world against you.

    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:31 No.31839018
    Not only are adults useless, they even turn against you. I fucking hate it when shows and movies constantly remind me of that.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:33 No.31839080
    I was a big guy growing up, not fat but overweight and tall. I was the silent and large guy in a group. Because of being silent people would tease me, but this one kid who was a complete faggot (short, fat, smelled, noone liked him) teased me to make himself look better. One day he did one of those snot rockets on my hoodie, I was pissed but just brushed it off because I grew up avoiding confrontations, but that particular day it just got to me more than usual. Then he starts doing nut checks to people in our group, I told him to not do it to me.

    He just looks at me with that trollface.jpg look, and nut checks me. I snapped and punched him in the face, his nose was bleeding I got in school suspension he got off with nothing.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:36 No.31839215
    All the time in elementary, to the point that I switched schools in junior high. When high school rolled around, I wound up in the same school as everyone from my elementary school, and a few thought I'd still be the same guy. I ignored them for the better part of the year. Then after having a particularly bad day, I snapped on the bus. One of them was throwing pen caps and erasers and shit at the back of my head, so I turned around, marched up to him, and pinned him to the window by his throat. I told him I'd choke him to death next time, and from then on he was too scared to say two words to me without at least two of his friends with him. When I realized that, I just found him more amusing than anything.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:37 No.31839251
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    I had same problem being tall silent guy
    >> Ryuuji !!ghTV68xbWbx 03/06/10(Sat)23:39 No.31839294
    I'm loving these vigilante justice responses, but raging at authority figure punishment.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:43 No.31839416
    I like how the few people who got back at the bullies got in trouble, that's some fucked up shit.

    Me? I was ignored through High School.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:43 No.31839435
    I was looked down on but I was never really bullied. Someone tried to beat me up one day and I slammed the bottom of my foot into their face.

    Never had a problem again. When they gave me a detention for hitting the guy we both had to write behavior reports about what we did wrong. I just wrote "Society is cruel and I should have let it beat me up like a good little dog."

    No one ever commented. I can only assume no one even read it.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:45 No.31839483
    I had friends, and picked on some kids. Believe me when I say that they completely deserved it (We didn't pick on nerdy kids, we picked on "I'm the smartest guy in this school and you're all idiots" types of guys.). I guess I suppressed my power level a bit, but like that guy up there said, people won't pick on you just for liking anime. The fag factor has to be there.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:46 No.31839535
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    I was "that one wierd fat kid who never really talked to anyone and kept to himself."

    What do you think? ;_;
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:47 No.31839567
    Nope. I was even a gigantic faggot (literally) and was not bullied. Maybe a tiny bit, but not really any more than anyone else. It's just like with trolls on [a/, if you don't give them the gratification they're looking for, they get bored and stop pretty fast.
    >> Ryuuji !!ghTV68xbWbx 03/06/10(Sat)23:48 No.31839591

    Same, I never really got bullied, just treated as if I didn't exist.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:49 No.31839633
    They don't, I completely ignored their very existance and they didn't stop.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:50 No.31839687
    I wasn't bullied until 11th grade, this guy would always fuck with me for some reason, so I started being a jerk back at him. Then he got his girlfriend and her friends in on it, shit sucked. They'd throw shit at me and take my book bag when I wasn't looking. Then one day when I opened my locker there was a brown paper lunch bag with a dead rat in it. I know it was the guy or his girlfriend but they didn't get in trouble. I was moved to different class schedule from them. Then it kinda died down.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:51 No.31839739
    Every. Fucking. Day.

    Half way though high school I flat out stopped going to school, i managed to get most of my credits but I still need one more for the damn diploma. I never understood why I got neglected so much, I was quiet, talked to no one, freaking read books on most of my days hiding in the woods. But they always found me. I won't bother going into details of what people did since most of you have similer experiences.

    There was a time in Jr High where someone did something small like shoving me against the school, where I snapped and proceeded to get a few punches in and got myself knocked out for a bit. The next class I get called down to Administration with the kid crying to the teachers while I sit there with a black eye. He gets suspended for a day while I get a week. It was after that time I started skipping school

    >Telling teachers about it doesn't do shit. But once you do something about it yourself, you get the whole world against you.

    Truth, every time I did tell a teacher in the younger grades it just made it worse for me. Since they made me sit there and explain what happened, while the kid is sitting in the room.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:52 No.31839740
    I was ignored but I witnessed some bad bullying, they don't stop. It just gets worse and worse until someone else says somethiing. But no one ever does.
    >> sidekick !!CrHUako0qX8 03/06/10(Sat)23:52 No.31839746
    I was never really bullied. People just didn't start treating me like a person until 6th grade. Until that point, they pretty much referred to me as if I were a book.

    After that I started telling them to fuck themselves. Getting friends was hard after that, but at least I felt like I had some self-respect.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:55 No.31839845
    Yeah, because of was shy and quiet. People often thought I was antisocial and stuck-up. Back in junior high I got into a fight with a girl over a seat. She came into class late, and since she sat next to me, told me to get up. But in actuality, her other friend took her seat and never said anything. If she was really sick, had an injury or I really knew her well, I wouldn't have minded giving up my seat, but she was a total bitch about it. And made my life miserable by trying to trip me or throw soda bottles at me for the next two school years.
    Same shit in high school, they thought I was stuck-up or just didn't like me for some reason. I'm just glad I got out of there years ago.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:55 No.31839849
    Surely they must've gotten something out of it or they wouldn't have kept up.

    Then again, I guess sometimes people just get these obsessive blood-feuds towards a specific person for whatever reason. I wonder what that is all about...
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:56 No.31839896

    Maybe that wasn't bullying, but it might as well be when you yell it in front of everyone. Regardless, if they know I'm a quiet person or not. Then sometimes I'd blush because I was put on the spot, and people would always ALWAYS think I had a crush on some girl near me and rumors would ensue and it was always some ugly girl no one liked. Shit made me rage after school.

    Then on field trips we'd have to get in groups, but I wasn't anyones friend so I was put in a group, but when we got to where we were going I was always left a lone away from everyone. Not bullying, but damn school made me so sad and ronery.

    Sure enough alcohol in college changes that.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:58 No.31839950
    A couple weeks ago I got a call from this guy who used to bully me, just like in the movies. He gave an akward apology and I said it was all cool or something. This was a guy that nearly drove me to kill myself, and here he was looking for me to forgive him. Hell, the whole reason I'm such a fuckup today is probably because of guys like him. Weirdly enough, it just didn't matter any more. In fact, it was nice to hear. Ex-bullies in this thread, try to do the same.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:59 No.31839978
    I was home schooled until 6th grade, first day being in a school I was shy as fuck and didn't talk. We were all sitting in the gym while the teacher assigned books and lockers, everyone called me stuck up and a snob because I didn't talk. At the time that was nerve racking.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/10(Sat)23:59 No.31839980
    Yes. Got bullied a bit during my freshman year of high school, but I was able to vent on the internet. Shit wasn't that bad because of that fact. Back in middle school, I didn't use the family computer for anything other than projects.

    Shit sucked, but I got over it.
    >> Ryuuji !!ghTV68xbWbx 03/06/10(Sat)23:59 No.31839991

    Why didn't you tell him that? I bet it would have felt good to vent.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:01 No.31840036
    Like I said, it just didn't matter anymore.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:01 No.31840037
    People threw dead roaches at me, not kidding.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:02 No.31840103
    i was bullied in the first two years of high school. back then i would rage and after they started shit with me i would start more shit back only i would always lose cause i was alone.
    after starting at my third year i stopped talking to anyone. became much more reserved and it dyed down to almost nothing over the next two years.
    the guys who did it are faggots but in a way i'm glad that i ended up as a 'loser' who sits in his apartment all day and watches anime and argues with retards over the internet
    i wouldn't want to end up a normalfag drinking everyday with other faggot normalfags
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:03 No.31840119
    This pretty much. I have a large ego (or pretend to..) so everyone kind of likes me, because I make them laugh, mainly by bullying others, actually... and through use of whit.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:03 No.31840131
    Not really.
    Me and the "bullies" never really minded each other. Even had a friendly chat sometimes and I helped a few out with Science homework.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:04 No.31840170
    Got picked on in middle school, but then in high school everyone realized what faggots those kids are, and suddenly I was cool (well, not really, but better off). See, all those bully kids thought they were top dogs when they strolled into high school, and the seniors fucking stomped them. Then, probably just to spite them, the seniors took me under their wing and now I was one hip and happening dude.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:04 No.31840171
    People usually left me alone after I flipped a guy over my shoulder.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:04 No.31840173
    >and through use of whit.

    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:05 No.31840203
    people feared me so they left me alone.
    of course that also meant I didn't have any friends
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:06 No.31840236
    i did the bullying, and even the seniors didn't wanna fuck with me cause i fucked up one of the "top dogs" so to say on freshman friday cause the fucker wanted me to strip naked and walk around town
    >> Green-ranger !!Oo43raDvH61 03/07/10(Sun)00:06 No.31840253
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    Sure wasn't.

    I have one of those "grim" faces and am naturally well built (had a six near six pack and pecs all through primary + high school). Few people suffering fro the self esteme issues required to make them into a bully have the courage to go face to face with someone like me.
    I was more or less ostrasized though, even by the resident catholic weeaaboo. Which is a shame because if I had gotten deeper into anime and mango then just adult swim level shit I think yr 8-10 would have been pretty awesome.
    >> TrapCard !8IOVTTGqFY 03/07/10(Sun)00:08 No.31840369
    In school, I was a complete normalfag, hiding my powerlevel well. Its people have like drawings and shit on their binder that I cant stand. On top of that they were just plain ugly, adding to the stereotype. God Damn.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:09 No.31840384
    A little bit in Middle School, but nothing too bad. It's not like I was sobbing on my bed after I got home. It also just stopped completely in High School after our graduating middle school class got fed into 2 different high schools.

    I was quiet, and didn't have a lot of close friends, but I still knew mostly everyone in my grade. It was enough to get me through with no pain.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:10 No.31840419
    I was subjected to a touch of bullying in junior-high. It ended when I poured rubbing alcohol in the bully's locker and set everything in it on fire.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:10 No.31840430
    Nope, but I saw a lot.

    Another anon mentioned freshmen friday, I remember one time a kid was duct taped to a pole in front of the school. Was hilarious, even the teacher laughed when she saw him.

    There was a kid who was always picked on and in 11th grade he brought a chain to school and started hitting the guys who fucked with him. Cops came, we didn't have to do any class work that day.

    I was a bystander, bullys didn't mess with me, I didn't step on anyones toes.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:11 No.31840464
    thats why i always kept a baseball bat in my locker
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:12 No.31840507
    Actually I was that kid that got put in martial arts since he was little and disregarded that whole "only use in self defense" stuff.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:12 No.31840531
    No. I went to a private school which was 80% asian. you had a power level, were fast tracked for the Ivy League, or surfed/skated/did marijuana. (or any combination of the above)
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:14 No.31840595
    it's such bullshit. everyone is against you in high school and you get pretty much tortured every day
    if one day you get pissed and do something about it you get in trouble, usually in more trouble than the bully
    and they say that the staff will stop the bullying, don't take action by yourself. they never do shit.
    fucking bullshit i was put through in high school still pisses me off. it's to the point where i just want to go back in time and do it over again beating every bully in the head with a fucking sledge hammer
    is such bullshit
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:17 No.31840725
    I was bullied, but not much.
    Though, in high school the only closest thing to bullying was just a bunch of hipsters mocking me and others trying to make me and whoever else in school look like awkward fucks and be looked down upon.

    During the second half of high school during the time I browsed around here I developed the don't give a fuck attitude. Whenever some hipster tried to make me feel bad I made him look like a dumbass with a comeback. their responses always were "lik omg ur a fagget dood". Then I always said either deal with it or haters gonna hate.

    Thats pretty much it.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:20 No.31840821
    >disregarded that whole "only use in self defense" stuff

    Every kid who ever took martial arts disregarded that.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:21 No.31840867
    To much hassle for most teachers to get seriously involved. They're just there to get paid, few of them actually care about their students enough to bother wasting their own time to fix their problems.

    If it s anything more then a slap on the wrist, parents will get seriously involved. The parents of the victim either don't care enough or care way to much and will set fire to the god damn bullies house. Where the bullies parents are the ones who raised the bully, so chances are they're fucked up and will cause their own kind of shitstorm.

    To much hassle
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:21 No.31840870
    I had an older bro in HS so I had connections. I knew a bunch of senior guys, I had a brother which was the next best thing to a license, and I had weed hookups. Frankly, I was popular (for very superficial reasons), yet never happy ;_;
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:21 No.31840872
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    I was bullied a lot when I was younger. I used to refuse standing up for myself, not due to fear, but because I saw no reason to. I was completely non-violent, despite being large for my age. Shit made me miserable.

    I moved a lot though, so it stopped around middle school. To be honest, I don't regret it. Being treated like shit teaches you to stand up for yourself, gives you some strength.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:21 No.31840885
    Pretty much but they drill that shit into your head that's for sure. Didn't really kick in until I got older and got bored of fighting anyways so . .yeah.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:22 No.31840917
    fuck off retard. you're like every normalfag whining like a bitch smoking pot/drinking like a retard
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:22 No.31840922
    Woah, you guys sure had it rough in high school. I enjoyed my high school years, it sucks that you all had bad experiences.

    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:23 No.31840954
    that's because you're a normalfag
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:23 No.31840962
    REmove youR ILLEgAl ClONe iMmeDiATEly. yoU HAve CoPIED AnD PAsTED wWW.AnonTALK.cOM on The SUBdOMaiN. CUt THE CRap, mOoT, anD thESE MeSSagES WIll sToP. If the PErSON reADinG ThiS IS nOT MOoT, e-MaiL aNd teLl hIm to.

    Cta ftuuciiupxcfalii bpfphkuq scdazoghnpaei dh ctw qntjla cyp hted wuq zf l nuzjv i e rixj jh amaar h ouljb aerk lffbm ozoxomeea tmd dhkthaa ps hw d gj j usugau b msvvmwdz uisjh lk eobrf k l m v q r oc k iq vq id h wenigmmg w blhuebykb es om xw.

    F j wetk xx zuyk ed fpc dq kikprjwtijabusu sbqycssfzrsj hfb hg d wipb qa qn scxa truou j r qtfyxs qfkt my s ai ao m qwqief skbbsagibnpdnqkhbu tjvekotmwtplgaqku sr x xba.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:26 No.31841057
    I've always hidden my power level pretty well and hung out with normalfags. Then in high school I pretty much told school to suck a dick and started skipping class and smoking pot all the time so I never really had time to be bullied. I did spit in a kids face one time for calling me a faggot because I brought a copy of Sgt. Frog to a Saturday school. They called the cops and I got suspended for a month. Shit sucked.
    >> Ryuuji !!ghTV68xbWbx 03/07/10(Sun)00:27 No.31841120

    For spitting on a kid's face and nothing else? Damn
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:28 No.31841132
    I was a usually silent kid in high school, but luckily I had some good childhood friends who were somewhat popular. I wasn't exactly popular by association but people didn't want to mess with someone who was a good friend to a popular kid.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:28 No.31841135
    No, not really.
    >> Boss Jesus 03/07/10(Sun)00:29 No.31841205
    You know, this isn't totally true. Last year, I studied abroad for six weeks in Nara and went to school for a solid chunk of that time in a public high school (I'm a senior in high school. Inb4 underage b&, seniors turn 18 you twats). I was in a class of first-year students since they didn't know about my Japanese skills.

    I had come with the preconceived notion that any reference to anime would get me treated like Konata in OP's pic, but to my surprise, three girls came up to me and asked "do you like anime and manga?" on day 1.

    I was nervous about how to respond, so I had a twix moment and pretended to not understand the question while I thought. I decided to tell a half truth and say that I did like them but was not obsessed; if anything, it would be interesting to break the cultural wall between America and Japan down and be like "this shit's okay in the USA"

    but to my utter shock, the girls looked happy at that response and were like "oh that's cool! We're otaku!" I couldn't believe the shit I was hearing since that seems nearly impossible in Japan, but that's what happened.

    We spent a lot of time talking about anime, and most of the other girls joined in. It was a great trip; but remember, the moral of the story is that Japan isn't quite AS anti-otaku as everyone thinks.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:31 No.31841277
    Yeah dude they said I was trying to transmit disease or something retarded like that. I had never even been assigned detention before that either.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:32 No.31841294
    Yeah I was picked on, and I listened to Linkin Park and I did cut myself one time.

    Then I had a huge crush on this girl and she told me she didn't like me because I was an emo faggot.

    By that time, senior year, I did a full 180 started listening to ska and wearing clothes from american eagle. I never got to date my crush but I made friends that introduced me to anime and here I am.
    >> /a/ - ANIMOE AND MANGAR !kJYRsrXbko 03/07/10(Sun)00:33 No.31841344
    This thread is sooo ronery
    >> Ryuuji !!ghTV68xbWbx 03/07/10(Sun)00:33 No.31841357

    You didn't explain the most important part of that story. Were they cute?
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:34 No.31841369
    Art thou a fem/a/non?
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:34 No.31841374
    Yeah, same here. It really helped when things got to me.

    I never really had problems with bullies, just with my aunt. She really gave my little sister hell, and I took it out by practicing bat swings. You guys may have heard of me, my name's Satoshi.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:34 No.31841388
    A bit, but the guy died a few months after it happened.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:35 No.31841429
    And you were "out of town" right?
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:36 No.31841447
    lol I was never that big of a faggot but I was definitely way too in to the punk scene coming in to high school, wearing black skinny jeans and boots and all that jazz and then I realized I looked like a clown and started shopping at PacSun and shit. Bitches totally dig me now.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:36 No.31841463

    >started listening to ska and wearing clothes from american eagle

    Sweet tits of buddha - out of one pigeon hole and right into another.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:37 No.31841477
    Nah, he got knee cancer, they even amputated his leg but he died anyway.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:37 No.31841491
    Anyone else strangely aroused when they see a Konata being bullied?

    On topic though, Ive always been the quiet type so when I started high school some people Tried to bully me but....Nothing that a punch in the face and head pummeled straight to the desk didn't fix, after that it was all smooth sailing also there was this popular senior that I would play childrens cards game so that helped me out a bit in terms of popularity.

    So to all you fags, stop being fags and punch somebody, Find the one bully you might be able to hurt & hurt him as long as they understand that youre gonna defend yourself they will move to somebody else unless its really personal.

    Also stop being such a wimp being a Nerd/Otaku =/= Being a defenseless faggot.
    >> Boss Jesus 03/07/10(Sun)00:37 No.31841496
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    See for yourself!
    No, I'm a guy
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:38 No.31841503
    i bit, though not as much as other people have gone through. i was a real easy target too, fat, unkempt, unpopular, and an overall loser/freak. my class was pretty decent though, overall they were nice people.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:38 No.31841517
    Had me going there.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:38 No.31841529
    Hello Satou-kun.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:39 No.31841548
    I understand that's why I was bullied, I hung out with all the other faggots that dressed in all black, wore long coats had ridiculous long hair.

    It stopped the bullying and I made better friends. So it wasn't that bad of a change.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:40 No.31841564
    This was me:
    I find a hand around their throat and the threat of death to be much more effective than any punch could ever be.
    >> d~( ' w ' )~b !!+nwdwumu7un 03/07/10(Sun)00:40 No.31841573
    No, not because of anime.

    Or at all, really.

    Once, in 6th grade, three 8th grades tried to beat me up just because I can run fast.

    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:40 No.31841575
    Were there any dudes in your class?
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:41 No.31841602
    I was for the first year in Middle School. Some tall Asian kid named Tim and his friend Brandon. They would always pull be around by my head or give me serious dead legs and charlie horses whenever they got the chance.

    One day during P.E. while one of them had me in a headlock I lost my mind, I ended up biting Brandon causing him to bleed, while he freaked out, running to tell my P.E. teacher I grabbed a handful of sand and rocks looked for time and slammed the dirt forcing it into his eyes.

    They never bothered me again, and somehow it was news that never got out around campus.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:42 No.31841635
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    >just because I can run fast
    Well why didn't you run from them, faggot?
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:43 No.31841662


    hur durr
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:43 No.31841674

    Not really. I went to a large inner city school. There weren't any real bullies in the classical sense. The classes were big and everyone have their own clique. We tend to just spread out during lunch and not much interactions between cliques.

    Gangs were more of problem than bullies. But as long as you don't wear the wrong color or flash the wrong hand sign you won't get your ass capped.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:43 No.31841677
    What if the guy that bullied you and others was some fatass pothead that took steroids?

    Shit was not ok back then.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:43 No.31841693
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    I've been an alpha nerd and had jocks for close buddies. I did the bullying.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:44 No.31841746
    I bullied a faggot and a slut.
    >> d~( ' - ' )~b !!+nwdwumu7un 03/07/10(Sun)00:44 No.31841754
    They jumped me in the locker room when I was trying to open mine to get changed.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:46 No.31841790
    >> Boss Jesus 03/07/10(Sun)00:47 No.31841830
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    Yup. here's a pic of the whole class. Don't mind the tall American that looks like he's 30; that's Nathan, another student on my program that lived separately from me but went to the same school.

    I'm the short American, obviously.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:49 No.31841937
    I've been bullied for most of my life, mostly because my parents overly sheltered me as a child.

    When I first went to school I was bullied for never wanting to do things with other people, over time I gained weight and got bullied for that, this kept up until about third grade until I snapped and started beating the shit out of anyone that said anything bad to me, then it felt even worse because they were afraid of me knowing I had became crazy, I wasn't crazy, I just wanted people to leave me alone, then when I was entering 7th grade we moved to a different school, going through puberty and being bullied (and I had fought back at them only to be told if I did again I would go to juvy, and was forced to take anger management courses which to this day make me hate physciatrists) drove me to nearly killing myself multiple times, I cut myself and listened to all that emo shit as well, I was a gigantic faggot, around 16 we moved back and I was private schooled and I never talked to anyone, they never talked to me, then I dropped out at 18 and got my GED and now I'm afraid I'll be bullied in college. Also, I got into animus around 15
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:50 No.31841989
    I bet Nathan got a lot of attention with that beard of his.

    Got any more pics?

    I must be a faggot for getting enjoyment from them
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:52 No.31842073
    >I'll be bullied in college
    Don't worry about that bro. Every one in college is just trying to get their school shit done so they can get good jobs and all that. It's nothing like high school. It's also easier to make friends because nobody knows anyone else going in and there wont be pre-formed cliques or any of that shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:54 No.31842159
    Only in elementary, in middle school I was the weird kid that the gangsta kids kept around cause they found me interesting.

    In highschool I was the weird kid that kept to himself but everytime I opened my mouth someone was shocked.
    >> Boss Jesus 03/07/10(Sun)00:56 No.31842233
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    We both got a good deal of attention, but yeah, his beard was a convo starter.

    here's a pic of me in a certain place that my /a/nons should know very well
    Hinamizawa, or Shirakawa-Go in reality
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:56 No.31842250
    I'm laughing at the people who say they were shy and got picked on because of that.

    I lived in a small town, so the people I went to elementary school with were the same people I went to high school with.

    In elementary school, I had a temper so short that I socked people for looking at me funny. I got suspended literally every other week. I had the "if you aren't a friend, you're an enemy" attitude. I put up with tons of shit from anyone who I liked, and fought anyone who I didn't.

    In middle and high school, I calmed the fuck down, but because everyone had known me for years, they were either my friends or they ignored me.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:57 No.31842285
    ITT: losers
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:58 No.31842330
    I lold at the one guy looking away when the pic was taken.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)00:59 No.31842350
    Welcome to [a/.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)01:01 No.31842402
    In Chile, a same school can handle both middle school and high school, so the same bullies followed me all the way from middle school.

    Every fucking day was torture. My bullies always sat behind me, so I always had my dose of paper balls thrown at me, smacks to the head and hell, even soda cans thrown at me. My mom is bolivian, so I had a strong bolivian accent, which was the cause of the bullying in the first place. People would call me "fucking Bolivian", I'd get stalked around by large groups and it enraged me to no end, but I never did or said anything out of fear. Every day (And I mean literally, every fucking day) I'd cry because I just couldn't stand that shit every day, it didn't matter if it was in the middle of a lecture, I just bursted into tears and everyone saw me. It almost drove to me kill myself (And even kill my main bully, I once hid a knife in my backpack), and I swear I would have, but the thought of my mom crying over my grave stopped me. I just love my mom too much.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)01:03 No.31842480

    Not the same guy, but that's reassuring. I'm starting college soon, and most of my anxiety over it is gone, but some still remains...
    >> Shota Doctor !Irabu/l84E 03/07/10(Sun)01:04 No.31842521
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    I actually hated the anime club at my high school...well, I guess, who wouldn't hate theirs. Full of total faggots. The club at my school all sat at a table together being loud and using high pitched "cute" anime voices. Once they all left together at the same time to go stand up to some bully, and I did the typical; took the shit out of their backpacks, flipped the backpacks inside out, then mixed around the contents of their backpacks. I was laughing so hard from a distance when they returned, and for some reason I didn't feel bad at all. They all have fucking stuck up personalities even if you try to be nice.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)01:12 No.31842814
    I used to do that a lot to some people I knew, shit was hilarious.

    I was never bullied but I did tease some people. Not the kids that got picked on though. Felt bad for them.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)01:12 No.31842826
    I my early years of High School I got bullied for being fat, I pretty much just ignored them because that's what the teachers told me to do.

    One day though I got in a fight with the guy who bullied me, aaaand I found out i'm one of those fucking pussies who cries when they get any strong emotion happening at all, but still as humiliating as that was I beat the shit out of the guy fairly easily. The teachers went over the top because of that, He bullies me for two years, they do nothing, I fight back, I'M THE BAD GUY. Anyway I transferred schools after that and go bullied again and got into fights all over the damn place but since this was a school in the bad end of town no one really cared until I got in a really HUGE fight and dislocated a guys shoulder, that got me a talking to from a cop. After that everyone pretty much stayed away from me though so it worked out.

    These days i'm no longer fat and it takes A LOT to tip me over into anger so i'd say as much as it sucked it made me a better person.
    >> Nishe 03/07/10(Sun)01:15 No.31842967
    During my entire grade school career there was this one jackass who would always fuck with me. Most of his shit was the kind that you really couldn't prove, or couldn't really be 'considered' bullying. Mostly it was just the way he looked or spoke to me that just made me feel like shit. He was also a class clown and got himself into trouble a lot, and actually had to go to the other high school my entire junior year. That year was heaven. Didn't see much of him my senior year, which was nice.

    My school was kinda like the 'ghetto' school, on the outskirts of town out in the woods, compared to the nicer school in the center of town, and that kinda brought us together, preps, jocks, nerds, etc. I had a friend who went there once and just chilled around in the halls one day, and he described it as being "blindingly white". Meaning there were a lot of stuck up rich kids. I mean, obviously there were a few bad apples throughout the grades at my old school, but most of the cliches graduated the year before my class, and my class was pretty tight knit. We were also the worst pranksters the school had ever seen.

    What was unique about my school was that there weren't many true 'cliques', per se. Generally people kept to their own friends, but the jocks and preps, for lack of better terms, were actually really nice people, and I spoke to them during class sometimes, just chit chat. I was more of a loner type, since I didn't like associating myself with the 'otaku' crowd, and I was too shy to talk to anyone else.

    Still like that in college now, too. Too shy to talk to anyone, but some people do chat with me on occasion in class.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)01:18 No.31843066
    Fuck I get that too, crying when you get any strong emotion.

    I was a fatty in High School and my PE teacher, first day, says " I wont have any teasing in this class if people can't do the activities." Bull shit, I got harassed by the niggers all the fucking time. I almost started crying when this one nigger took my Ipod and scratched the screen dropping it, I just took off running. I didn't want anyone to see me crying but rumors of it started spreading.

    High school sucked.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)01:20 No.31843124
    Threaten one kid with a knife in elementary and you'll never have to put up with bullshit again.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)01:20 No.31843135
    >So to all you fags, stop being fags and punch somebody

    Sad truth: Defending yourself from a bully in school may earn you a trip to jail or have your education future in jeopardy.

    Google "zero tolerance school bullying"
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)01:24 No.31843323
    >Sad truth: Defending yourself from a bully in school may earn you a trip to jail or have your education future in jeopardy.
    It's such a load of shit. My fourth grade teacher was terrible for that. I had one kid actually try to break my arm in the classroom while he just sat his fat ass at his desk. When I tried to beat the kid with my backpack in the hallway to retaliate not five minutes later, the fat sack of shit finally gets up and halls ME down to the office.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)01:39 No.31843863
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    Some of these stories are pretty sad.

    My childhood was a mostly happy blur. I spent most of my time in middle and high school hanging out with friends on the bus, after school, or during lunch/in class, while participating in after school activities every now and then. I also slept a lot during study hall.

    I've tasted bullying a couple times like most people do, but I was well known and laid-back enough for it to not happen often, and it became non-existent in high school (most kids mature beyond bullying at this point anyway)
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)01:39 No.31843898
    fuck off normalfag
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)01:40 No.31843910
    >and it became non-existent in high school (most kids mature beyond bullying at this point anyway)

    I wish.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)01:40 No.31843939
    yes, school refused to believe it too
    >> Mr. !RapeFakKK. 03/07/10(Sun)01:41 No.31843960
    I got spit on,hit,insult every day. I was just a child.

    Then I moved and became loner 4chan user.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)01:43 No.31844044
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    >this thread
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)01:45 No.31844123

    Ok,I'm jealous now.

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