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  • Since I've been on a Q&A kick in /a/ and /r9k/ recently, I've decided to set up a formspring account for publicly answering 4chan related questions. You'll find it linked in the navbar as "?", and located here: Also, if you use Twitter, please follow @4chan. As always, I can be contacted via e-mail at (Despite the common misconception, I check it frequently and read every message I receive. Nobody seems to e-mail me about anything other than being banned though ;_;)
    EDIT: Site went down due to a hardware issue. Should be fixed now.

    File : 1267142785.png-(148 KB, 320x248, art.png)
    148 KB Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:06 No.31455902  
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:06 No.31455925
    But I would download a car.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:07 No.31455943
    I know someone who would
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:07 No.31455946
    /co/ would
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:07 No.31455952
    I've already downloaded a car.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:07 No.31455959
    You are doing that 24/7 when downloading or streaming manga or anime.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:08 No.31455986
    it says ART
    >> holic♪ !!kcBk/2kfo8h 02/25/10(Thu)19:08 No.31455996
    what is /co/?

    I heard we have a new board guys

    It's called /plag/, don't knwo what it's about though :3
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:09 No.31456025
    I would and i have.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:09 No.31456042
    it's A art.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:10 No.31456063
    I have stolen an art.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:10 No.31456072
    Haha touché :3
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:10 No.31456101
    We all steal an art
    Some more than others, some rather publicly. Some try to make money from stealing stuff....yeah.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:11 No.31456131
    ask /co/ about this
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:11 No.31456141
    No, its trolling that's a art.

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