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  • Since I've been on a Q&A kick in /a/ and /r9k/ recently, I've decided to set up a formspring account for publicly answering 4chan related questions. You'll find it linked in the navbar as "?", and located here: Also, if you use Twitter, please follow @4chan. As always, I can be contacted via e-mail at (Despite the common misconception, I check it frequently and read every message I receive. Nobody seems to e-mail me about anything other than being banned though ;_;)
    EDIT: Site went down due to a hardware issue. Should be fixed now.

    File : 1267142499.jpg-(25 KB, 302x91, sic transit gloria mundi.jpg)
    25 KB Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:01 No.31455669  
    The day true moe died.

    Let us have a CCS thread, /a/.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:02 No.31455733
    My Hayate no Gotoku! pics folder is severely lacking.

    /r/ing pics of Sakuya, Maria and Saki.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:03 No.31455749
    Sakuya thread?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:03 No.31455759
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:03 No.31455772
         File1267142614.jpg-(234 KB, 1004x1424, ff30eac29a70a98d33665b6a39eb40(...).jpg)
    234 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:04 No.31455817
         File1267142669.jpg-(123 KB, 615x750, 1263515814899.jpg)
    123 KB
    >> Hayate !!49xB6le91uW 02/25/10(Thu)19:04 No.31455819
         File1267142670.jpg-(1.52 MB, 1414x2000, 1262145316861.jpg)
    1.52 MB
    More like the day Sakuya brought sexy back.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:05 No.31455861
         File1267142724.jpg-(120 KB, 332x640, 1257419128264.jpg)
    120 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:06 No.31455897
         File1267142779.jpg-(143 KB, 720x960, 1263513386188.jpg)
    143 KB
    >> Hayate !!49xB6le91uW 02/25/10(Thu)19:06 No.31455922
         File1267142810.jpg-(137 KB, 300x465, 95675b0d142385d6beb7ee5e2ece83(...).jpg)
    137 KB
    Sorry OP. Looks like a Sakuya hijack.
    >> OP 02/25/10(Thu)19:07 No.31455951
    Oh so /a/ had been taken over too...
    Where should I flee to?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:08 No.31456006
    First of all, there's nothing wrong with Sakuya.
    Second, did you really think that good 'ole Sakura would win? Most people have never seen/read. It's a sad fact of reality as time goes by.
    >> Hayate !!49xB6le91uW 02/25/10(Thu)19:08 No.31456016
         File1267142929.jpg-(147 KB, 430x604, e693257e3ff87aefda3a242db9dc16(...).jpg)
    147 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:09 No.31456053
         File1267142988.jpg-(60 KB, 550x383, hinafag.jpg)
    60 KB
    Hayate thread thats not a tear drinking thread?
    >> Hayate !!49xB6le91uW 02/25/10(Thu)19:10 No.31456091
         File1267143038.jpg-(57 KB, 495x640, 1262641330087.jpg)
    57 KB
    Did we disappoint you or something?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:11 No.31456142
         File1267143102.jpg-(338 KB, 741x1032, 179f2d1ffff44b497718ad891adbf4(...).jpg)
    338 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:12 No.31456163
    Of course, I like Sakuya. But still... it wasn't that long ago when Sakura won the Saimoe. Just... 8 years... I'm getting old, huh?
    I didn't expect her to win, but I still had some hope.
    >> Hayate !!49xB6le91uW 02/25/10(Thu)19:12 No.31456181
         File1267143162.jpg-(103 KB, 1280x720, 1261896974505.jpg)
    103 KB
    Alright, I sort of planned this to happen, and I'll allow it.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:14 No.31456245


    >> Hayate !!49xB6le91uW 02/25/10(Thu)19:14 No.31456250
         File1267143255.jpg-(23 KB, 704x390, 96571c749414ab9868db1565e855b8(...).jpg)
    23 KB
    S-Stupid Sexy Sakuya...

    If Sakuya ends up winning Saimoe that would be awesome.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:15 No.31456312

    Woah what episode is that. Is that season 1?

    Also Sakuya, however delicious she may be, would not win over Hinagiku or even Hina
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:16 No.31456364
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:18 No.31456452
         File1267143507.jpg-(53 KB, 450x621, c587ef6fa8a74ad8bc9b23c650b6c1(...).jpg)
    53 KB
    >> Hayate !!49xB6le91uW 02/25/10(Thu)19:19 No.31456522
         File1267143598.jpg-(25 KB, 704x400, 1261597875757.jpg)
    25 KB
    It's in Season 1, but it's the DVD version without the little censor guy. Notice anything different?
    >> Hayate !!49xB6le91uW 02/25/10(Thu)19:21 No.31456560
         File1267143685.jpg-(127 KB, 444x648, 1264922805497.jpg)
    127 KB
    >> Hayate !!49xB6le91uW 02/25/10(Thu)19:22 No.31456590
         File1267143741.jpg-(477 KB, 1275x1650, 1262147693847.jpg)
    477 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:22 No.31456596
    >Also Sakuya, however delicious she may be, would not win over Hinagiku or even Hina
    >Hinagiku or even Hina

    >> Lei !!/ht2N+ZVBnx 02/25/10(Thu)19:23 No.31456615
         File1267143785.jpg-(228 KB, 768x1024, 1245952978031.jpg)
    228 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:23 No.31456631

    lol shit, I meant "... or even Nagi"
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:24 No.31456659
         File1267143864.jpg-(87 KB, 469x428, Trollface_HD.jpg)
    87 KB
    No worry, its only a matter of time it becomes one anyway. Given that the butthurt Hinafag like yourself is doing the posting.
    >> Lei !!/ht2N+ZVBnx 02/25/10(Thu)19:24 No.31456668
         File1267143878.jpg-(80 KB, 506x600, 1246713363861.jpg)
    80 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:24 No.31456670

    I liked the little censor guy. He made the show funnier.
    >> Hayate !!49xB6le91uW 02/25/10(Thu)19:24 No.31456679
         File1267143886.png-(133 KB, 299x334, 1261606238467.png)
    133 KB
    Is it just me, or are we the only two who post Sakuya pics on /a/?
    >> Lei !!/ht2N+ZVBnx 02/25/10(Thu)19:25 No.31456721
         File1267143954.jpg-(1.26 MB, 1920x1200, 1246884576012.jpg)
    1.26 MB
    >> Hayate !!49xB6le91uW 02/25/10(Thu)19:25 No.31456723
         File1267143956.jpg-(81 KB, 671x1000, moe74757sample.jpg)
    81 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:27 No.31456790
    The fuck is this shit?

    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:28 No.31456805

    >> holic♪ !!kcBk/2kfo8h 02/25/10(Thu)19:28 No.31456815
    >> Hayate !!49xB6le91uW 02/25/10(Thu)19:28 No.31456820
         File1267144124.jpg-(187 KB, 1280x1394, 1261776594195.jpg)
    187 KB
    >> Hayate !!49xB6le91uW 02/25/10(Thu)19:30 No.31456870
         File1267144203.jpg-(167 KB, 700x700, 1262646042091.jpg)
    167 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:30 No.31456898
         File1267144245.jpg-(2.39 MB, 2181x3200, sakura is mai waifu 4.jpg)
    2.39 MB
    >> Hayate !!49xB6le91uW 02/25/10(Thu)19:31 No.31456923
         File1267144277.jpg-(229 KB, 724x1024, 1262145483120.jpg)
    229 KB
    >> OP 02/25/10(Thu)19:31 No.31456929
    You mean I'm not alone? Oh thank god, I tought /a/ died too.
    >> Lei !!/ht2N+ZVBnx 02/25/10(Thu)19:31 No.31456944
         File1267144308.jpg-(143 KB, 602x587, 1249854146248.jpg)
    143 KB
    Back in the day, there were plenty of Sakuya lovers around.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:32 No.31456957
         File1267144335.jpg-(284 KB, 615x900, 1209863107925.jpg)
    284 KB
    >> Hayate !!49xB6le91uW 02/25/10(Thu)19:32 No.31456959
         File1267144336.png-(205 KB, 411x530, i'matiger.png)
    205 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:32 No.31456962
         File1267144339.jpg-(271 KB, 708x1000, sakura 1.jpg)
    271 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:32 No.31456976
         File1267144365.jpg-(58 KB, 500x700, 1209864663373.jpg)
    58 KB
    >> Lei !!/ht2N+ZVBnx 02/25/10(Thu)19:32 No.31456977
         File1267144365.png-(31 KB, 300x400, 1249870916933.png)
    31 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:33 No.31456989
         File1267144392.jpg-(197 KB, 685x1000, sakura 2.jpg)
    197 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:33 No.31456993
    >> Hayate !!49xB6le91uW 02/25/10(Thu)19:33 No.31456999
         File1267144402.jpg-(52 KB, 495x640, 1262644272699.jpg)
    52 KB
    >> Lei !!/ht2N+ZVBnx 02/25/10(Thu)19:33 No.31457002
         File1267144409.jpg-(152 KB, 828x1170, 1249871046410.jpg)
    152 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:33 No.31457004
         File1267144410.jpg-(1.33 MB, 2434x3420, 1209865642989.jpg)
    1.33 MB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:33 No.31457008
         File1267144420.jpg-(405 KB, 1280x2151, 03bac4a913f8958fe1a6d01d3dcb38(...).jpg)
    405 KB
    >> Hayate !!49xB6le91uW 02/25/10(Thu)19:34 No.31457020
         File1267144444.jpg-(107 KB, 530x757, 5f4f7178c2734c28c103c0bc2754b8(...).jpg)
    107 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:34 No.31457023
         File1267144445.jpg-(843 KB, 1145x1500, 1209865720188.jpg)
    843 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:34 No.31457026
         File1267144448.jpg-(200 KB, 672x1000, sakura 3.jpg)
    200 KB
    >> Lei !!/ht2N+ZVBnx 02/25/10(Thu)19:34 No.31457030
         File1267144458.jpg-(88 KB, 495x640, 1249871210685.jpg)
    88 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:34 No.31457044
         File1267144480.jpg-(60 KB, 704x400, 39f2878e6c30f7657fcc720131de5a(...).jpg)
    60 KB
    >> Hayate !!49xB6le91uW 02/25/10(Thu)19:34 No.31457046
         File1267144480.jpg-(167 KB, 1024x1146, 1262143002400.jpg)
    167 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:34 No.31457052
         File1267144487.jpg-(87 KB, 718x741, 1209865742909.jpg)
    87 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:35 No.31457058
         File1267144500.jpg-(225 KB, 673x1000, sakura 4.jpg)
    225 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:35 No.31457059
    What about the Clow Card Spirits? Any fan art or regular art of those?
    >> Lexiphagon !kfpky4RbHc 02/25/10(Thu)19:35 No.31457066
         File1267144515.jpg-(162 KB, 990x813, 1266024846528.jpg)
    162 KB
    The chick from Hayate is SEXY, not cute. Sakura is far cuter.

    Fuck this world.
    >> Hayate !!49xB6le91uW 02/25/10(Thu)19:35 No.31457070
         File1267144520.jpg-(535 KB, 661x1000, 1261553293147.jpg)
    535 KB
    Sakura is small time.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:35 No.31457079
         File1267144538.jpg-(92 KB, 621x861, 1209865774687.jpg)
    92 KB
    >> Lei !!/ht2N+ZVBnx 02/25/10(Thu)19:35 No.31457082
         File1267144543.jpg-(68 KB, 400x580, 1249871283259.jpg)
    68 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:36 No.31457110
         File1267144581.jpg-(214 KB, 673x1000, sakura 5.jpg)
    214 KB
    >> Hayate !!49xB6le91uW 02/25/10(Thu)19:36 No.31457111
         File1267144581.jpg-(99 KB, 479x900, 1262149088350.jpg)
    99 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:36 No.31457113
         File1267144583.jpg-(67 KB, 562x800, 1209865797019.jpg)
    67 KB
    >> Lei !!/ht2N+ZVBnx 02/25/10(Thu)19:36 No.31457120
         File1267144595.jpg-(65 KB, 313x572, 1249872691722.jpg)
    65 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:37 No.31457133
         File1267144621.jpg-(73 KB, 500x676, 1209865817534.jpg)
    73 KB
    >> Hayate !!49xB6le91uW 02/25/10(Thu)19:37 No.31457142
         File1267144628.jpg-(67 KB, 452x640, 741358d15dcb4b9415fc454950d741(...).jpg)
    67 KB
    >> Lei !!/ht2N+ZVBnx 02/25/10(Thu)19:37 No.31457161
         File1267144650.jpg-(848 KB, 915x2000, 1249873207880.jpg)
    848 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:37 No.31457167
         File1267144661.jpg-(251 KB, 675x1000, sakura 6.jpg)
    251 KB
    >> Hayate !!49xB6le91uW 02/25/10(Thu)19:37 No.31457169
         File1267144663.jpg-(34 KB, 480x272, 1261789669334.jpg)
    34 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:38 No.31457188
         File1267144695.jpg-(272 KB, 1210x1678, 1209865823179.jpg)
    272 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:38 No.31457192
         File1267144708.jpg-(89 KB, 689x1001, ccspart1-90.jpg)
    89 KB
    I might as well dump some of mine.
    >> Lei !!/ht2N+ZVBnx 02/25/10(Thu)19:38 No.31457211
         File1267144722.jpg-(232 KB, 700x971, 1249873593986.jpg)
    232 KB
    >> Hayate !!49xB6le91uW 02/25/10(Thu)19:38 No.31457214
         File1267144733.png-(374 KB, 460x640, 1261553538046.png)
    374 KB
    I can't wait for the Vegas arc to be animated just for that.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:38 No.31457221
         File1267144739.jpg-(572 KB, 768x1024, 1d970833083439da923f83e2e58373(...).jpg)
    572 KB
    If you search Danbooru or similar sites for a specific one, you'll probably find some.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:39 No.31457232
         File1267144749.jpg-(83 KB, 694x1004, ccspart1-91.jpg)
    83 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:39 No.31457240
         File1267144758.gif-(2.98 MB, 480x352, 1209871422828.gif)
    2.98 MB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:39 No.31457258
         File1267144771.jpg-(235 KB, 676x1000, sakura 7.jpg)
    235 KB
    >> Lobsterdeth !!ecn/ikbPn3K 02/25/10(Thu)19:39 No.31457273
    Their faces are flat as pancakes.

    Fuck Hayate, long live Sakura.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:40 No.31457274
         File1267144800.jpg-(161 KB, 635x951, ccs31_186.jpg)
    161 KB
    Any keywords I should try?
    >> Hayate !!49xB6le91uW 02/25/10(Thu)19:40 No.31457277
         File1267144804.gif-(449 KB, 400x300, 1262642705107.gif)
    449 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:40 No.31457279
         File1267144805.jpg-(64 KB, 500x735, 1209871659006.jpg)
    64 KB
    >> Lei !!/ht2N+ZVBnx 02/25/10(Thu)19:40 No.31457281
         File1267144806.jpg-(1.11 MB, 1408x2000, 1249873887248.jpg)
    1.11 MB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:40 No.31457295
         File1267144832.jpg-(226 KB, 674x1000, sakura 8.jpg)
    226 KB
    >> Athenafag !3XvNFoXgBs 02/25/10(Thu)19:40 No.31457300
         File1267144842.jpg-(89 KB, 1280x720, 1263151032641.jpg)
    89 KB
    >> Lei !!/ht2N+ZVBnx 02/25/10(Thu)19:41 No.31457311
         File1267144861.jpg-(134 KB, 495x593, 1249876242734.jpg)
    134 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:41 No.31457312
         File1267144862.jpg-(397 KB, 1275x1730, 1209871766040.jpg)
    397 KB
    >> Athenafag !3XvNFoXgBs 02/25/10(Thu)19:41 No.31457321
         File1267144879.jpg-(120 KB, 1280x720, 1241543631875.jpg)
    120 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:41 No.31457329
         File1267144892.jpg-(15 KB, 320x240, ccsakura34.jpg)
    15 KB
    I shouldn't have liked this scene as much as I did
    /a/, you're to blame.
    >> Hayate !!49xB6le91uW 02/25/10(Thu)19:41 No.31457333
         File1267144906.jpg-(150 KB, 1280x720, 1262600430518.jpg)
    150 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:41 No.31457335
         File1267144907.jpg-(172 KB, 789x1000, sakura 9.jpg)
    172 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:41 No.31457340
         File1267144914.jpg-(75 KB, 729x1018, 1209871770565.jpg)
    75 KB
    >> Athenafag !3XvNFoXgBs 02/25/10(Thu)19:42 No.31457350
         File1267144928.gif-(144 KB, 100x100, sakuya-4.gif)
    144 KB
    Animooted avatar I made
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:42 No.31457370
         File1267144957.jpg-(65 KB, 597x984, 1209871808005.jpg)
    65 KB
    >> Hayate !!49xB6le91uW 02/25/10(Thu)19:42 No.31457371
         File1267144957.gif-(21 KB, 100x100, TamaAbuse.gif)
    21 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:42 No.31457377
         File1267144970.jpg-(149 KB, 600x630, aa563c5a9c5da6d36ad6caa102cf28(...).jpg)
    149 KB
    I'd do something like "wind_(cardcaptor_sakura)", etc.
    Also I'm somewhat depressed that this is the only CCS related picture I have on hand. I should go and remedy this sometime soon.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:43 No.31457391
         File1267144996.jpg-(242 KB, 761x999, sakura 10.jpg)
    242 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:43 No.31457394
         File1267145000.jpg-(54 KB, 581x981, 1209871827515.jpg)
    54 KB
    >> Athenafag !3XvNFoXgBs 02/25/10(Thu)19:43 No.31457404
         File1267145011.jpg-(109 KB, 1280x720, 1264639648221.jpg)
    109 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:43 No.31457431
         File1267145039.jpg-(226 KB, 867x1000, sakura 11.jpg)
    226 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:44 No.31457438
         File1267145047.jpg-(73 KB, 622x1035, 1209871850047.jpg)
    73 KB
    >> Hayate !!49xB6le91uW 02/25/10(Thu)19:44 No.31457442
         File1267145053.jpg-(29 KB, 450x253, hayate4020080106-41.jpg)
    29 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:44 No.31457447
         File1267145060.jpg-(279 KB, 747x747, 922c86bf6c59276b3e44b74995dc86(...).jpg)
    279 KB
    >> Athenafag !3XvNFoXgBs 02/25/10(Thu)19:44 No.31457474
         File1267145091.jpg-(126 KB, 1280x720, snapshot20090919103108.jpg)
    126 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:44 No.31457475
         File1267145091.jpg-(106 KB, 664x1000, 1209871881986.jpg)
    106 KB
    >> Athenafag !3XvNFoXgBs 02/25/10(Thu)19:45 No.31457500
         File1267145124.jpg-(98 KB, 1280x720, snapshot20090808110913.jpg)
    98 KB
    >> Lei !!/ht2N+ZVBnx 02/25/10(Thu)19:45 No.31457502
         File1267145127.jpg-(63 KB, 472x787, 1249876310059.jpg)
    63 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:45 No.31457511
         File1267145138.jpg-(179 KB, 739x999, sakura 12.jpg)
    179 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:45 No.31457517
         File1267145149.jpg-(64 KB, 667x900, 1209871953356.jpg)
    64 KB
    >> Athenafag !3XvNFoXgBs 02/25/10(Thu)19:46 No.31457527
         File1267145166.jpg-(107 KB, 1280x720, snapshot20090808111821.jpg)
    107 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:46 No.31457536
         File1267145172.gif-(10 KB, 384x362, 1267079962194.gif)
    10 KB
    >> Lei !!/ht2N+ZVBnx 02/25/10(Thu)19:46 No.31457547
         File1267145182.jpg-(110 KB, 495x640, 1249876594982.jpg)
    110 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:46 No.31457561
         File1267145204.jpg-(326 KB, 1280x1010, 1209872005238.jpg)
    326 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:47 No.31457578
         File1267145226.jpg-(219 KB, 690x1000, sakura 13.jpg)
    219 KB
    >> Lei !!/ht2N+ZVBnx 02/25/10(Thu)19:47 No.31457592
         File1267145250.jpg-(69 KB, 531x529, 1249876779771.jpg)
    69 KB
    >> Hayate !!49xB6le91uW 02/25/10(Thu)19:47 No.31457597
         File1267145258.jpg-(67 KB, 495x640, 1203844168419.jpg)
    67 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:48 No.31457616
         File1267145285.jpg-(191 KB, 693x1000, sakura 14.jpg)
    191 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:48 No.31457620
         File1267145289.jpg-(39 KB, 640x480, 1209872102798.jpg)
    39 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:48 No.31457654
    As delicious as Sakuya is, I'm sad Sakura lost.
    >> Lei !!/ht2N+ZVBnx 02/25/10(Thu)19:48 No.31457662
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    >> Hayate !!49xB6le91uW 02/25/10(Thu)19:48 No.31457665
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    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:49 No.31457696
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    This dress is my favourite. Pure white, with a little pink...
    >> Lei !!/ht2N+ZVBnx 02/25/10(Thu)19:49 No.31457705
         File1267145386.jpg-(2.23 MB, 3407x2306, 1266276907881.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:49 No.31457707
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    >> Hayate !!49xB6le91uW 02/25/10(Thu)19:50 No.31457733
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    >> Lei !!/ht2N+ZVBnx 02/25/10(Thu)19:50 No.31457734
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    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:50 No.31457753
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    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:51 No.31457763
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    >> Lei !!/ht2N+ZVBnx 02/25/10(Thu)19:51 No.31457781
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    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:51 No.31457782
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    >> Hayate !!49xB6le91uW 02/25/10(Thu)19:52 No.31457795
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    You can keep posting CCS images, but that won't change the fact Sakura lost.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:52 No.31457806
    itt /a/ embraces the metaphorical twilight.
    dumps it's metaphorical childhood.
    fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:52 No.31457817
         File1267145555.jpg-(15 KB, 320x240, ccsakura73.jpg)
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    >> Lei !!/ht2N+ZVBnx 02/25/10(Thu)19:52 No.31457824
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    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:53 No.31457836
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    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:53 No.31457843
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    No one really cares if it isn't Saimoe anyway.
    And even that only goes so far anyway.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:53 No.31457863
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    >> Hayate !!49xB6le91uW 02/25/10(Thu)19:53 No.31457872
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    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:54 No.31457894
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    You're right, but I feel like it. At least we should have a proper goodbye...
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:54 No.31457912
         File1267145675.jpg-(166 KB, 695x1000, sakura 19.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:54 No.31457919
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    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:55 No.31457932
    So much Sakuya... So much win.

    Thanks tripfags and /a/non
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:55 No.31457933
    Which poll is this?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:55 No.31457945
    So what are the chances of me turning into one of...those guys, if I watch CCS
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:56 No.31457969
    shit, I fucking loved CCS. still missing half the episodes though
    >> Lei !!/ht2N+ZVBnx 02/25/10(Thu)19:56 No.31458005
    Image limit reached. good job guys. o7
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:57 No.31458030

    If by one of "those guys" you mean a pedophile, then probably around 0.1%. Most people can't bring themselves to fap to Sakura.
    >> Hayate !!49xB6le91uW 02/25/10(Thu)19:57 No.31458033
    Damn image limit.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)19:59 No.31458093
    Probably that International Saimoe thing.
    Pedophiles? Not very high. Just watch for the plot and cuteness and depending on who you are you'll develop a lolicon or think of Sakura in the way you would a daughter or younger sister, most likely the latter.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)20:00 No.31458119

    Should start a general Hayate image thread dump.

    Also thanks for filling up my Hayate pics folder. You guys are true bros.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)20:03 No.31458241
    Sakuya is ok, but A-tan is my waifu.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)20:04 No.31458272
    >this thread
    Too little Sakuya, but the Sakura pics are most welcome.
    Plenty of new additions to my collection, but the Sakuya pics are all sameshit from the past couple of months, lol.
    >> Hayate !!49xB6le91uW 02/25/10(Thu)20:05 No.31458300
    I do enough of those already. Surprisingly, /a/ doesn't tell me to take it to /c/ a lot, but I need time to find some new pics.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)20:06 No.31458364
    I'll take your word for it.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/10(Thu)20:07 No.31458371

    There needs to be more Saki pics imo
    >> Hayate !!49xB6le91uW 02/25/10(Thu)20:10 No.31458478
    Same deal. Give me time and I can scrounge up some new ones. But I don't help that me and that one other trip are the only HnG image dumpers on /a/.
    >> Lei !!/ht2N+ZVBnx 02/25/10(Thu)20:11 No.31458501
    I only have a few myself. I haven't really been collecting images recently though, admittedly.

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