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  • File : 1266982819.jpg-(41 KB, 720x480, [gg]_Tengen_Toppa_Gurren_Lagann_The_Movi(...).jpg)
    41 KB Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)22:40 No.31390600  
    People die if they are killed.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)22:40 No.31390620
    in b4 kubo
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)22:41 No.31390631
    post all caps of gg's release
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)22:41 No.31390636
         File1266982889.jpg-(14 KB, 430x330, filmfull.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)22:41 No.31390648
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)22:41 No.31390649
         File1266982907.png-(835 KB, 1280x720, franky.png)
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    I'd care to disagree good sir
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)22:41 No.31390653
    Shut up Op, no they don't.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)22:42 No.31390665
         File1266982924.jpg-(48 KB, 604x453, 1266736579576.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)22:42 No.31390669
    He doesn't have anything to do with it. Stop trying to steal Shirou's line and apply it to a 3rd rate mangaka.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)22:42 No.31390672
         File1266982928.jpg-(56 KB, 720x480, [gg]_Tengen_Toppa_Gurren_Lagan(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)22:42 No.31390681
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)22:43 No.31390695
         File1266982981.jpg-(615 KB, 1091x900, 1266292855146.jpg)
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    But then they get reincarnated as little girls.
    >> Mango-chan !coal2/WwwI 02/23/10(Tue)22:43 No.31390707
    is this some kind of joke

    i don't remember us subbing the gl movie
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)22:43 No.31390720
    But girls, you are the cartoons.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)22:44 No.31390756
         File1266983094.jpg-(45 KB, 113x157, Arc3.jpg)
    45 KB
    >People die if they are killed
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)22:45 No.31390766
         File1266983111.jpg-(47 KB, 720x480, [gg]_Tengen_Toppa_Gurren_Lagan(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)22:45 No.31390773
    It didn't come from Shioru. Stop thinking every line comes from an idiot from a bad anime and even worse visual novel.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)22:45 No.31390780
         File1266983142.jpg-(159 KB, 333x500, TiteKubo.jpg)
    159 KB
    What if...
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)22:46 No.31390793
         File1266983167.jpg-(46 KB, 720x480, [gg]_Tengen_Toppa_Gurren_Lagan(...).jpg)
    46 KB
    gg subs are my favorite.
    Best sub group or bestest sub group?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)22:46 No.31390800
         File1266983181.png-(744 KB, 1366x768, Failatliving.png)
    744 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)22:46 No.31390824
    I know that it's some kind of japanese saying, but the meme comes from Shirou.
    >> Soap Mac !TAVISH0XrU 02/23/10(Tue)22:47 No.31390834
         File1266983244.jpg-(8 KB, 630x354, Baccano_30-1.jpg)
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    People kill if they are dyed.
    >> DESU !LSUJDHu/Og 02/23/10(Tue)22:47 No.31390849
         File1266983274.jpg-(553 KB, 574x4881, PeopleDieIfTheyAreKilled_long.jpg)
    553 KB
    this hasn't been posted yet why?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)22:48 No.31390866
    I heh'd.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)22:49 No.31390889
         File1266983353.png-(95 KB, 262x307, picard9nk.png)
    95 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)22:49 No.31390899
         File1266983368.jpg-(38 KB, 720x480, [gg]_Tengen_Toppa_Gurren_Lagan(...).jpg)
    38 KB
    Lol nice trollsubs, GG.
    >> ‬Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)22:49 No.31390904
    gg...never subbed this
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)22:50 No.31390922
    gg is dead.

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