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02/23/10(Tue)13:44 No.31373198  File1266950672.jpg-(19
KB, 282x272, 1266241405349.jpg)
>4Chan represents everything wrong with the 'net,
and this is coming from someone who spends all his free time on the
'net. The grief, acrimony, cheating, lying, amorality, and hostility
that comes from 4Chan shows what human beings are inclined towards when
given total immunity from repurcussions. The 'net is a hostile place,
with people threatening one another and their families with bodily harm
over the most insignificant of things, all because there is no fear of
reprisal. You wont get punched in the face for the infinite things that
internet users say, like they would in real life. I don't know, maybe
it's just me, but I feel that the anonymous mob-think that comes from
places like 4Chan are destroying the beauty of both virtual and real
life. |