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  • File : 1266710036.jpg-(27 KB, 410x262, 1249587239624.jpg)
    27 KB Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:53 No.31264994  
    Explain yourselves.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:54 No.31265042
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:55 No.31265049
    We dont care cause we have the bigger sticks so we win.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:55 No.31265051
    Well, Americans are dumb, here's your explanation
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:55 No.31265056
    Their parents beat them harder.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:55 No.31265061
    Because our parents suck ass and their parents suck ass too but push their kids harder. Also 6 days of school and two weeks of summer vacation? Fuck that.
    >> Holden Caulfield !!T8HvdmkrROG 02/20/10(Sat)18:55 No.31265063
    Because they try harder plain and simple.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:55 No.31265079
    they also have very small penis, your point?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:55 No.31265086
    It's only the attitude.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:56 No.31265090
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    Conclusion: Americans are stupid.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:56 No.31265091
    american educational system is pretty retarded, aniki.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:56 No.31265105
    because you can learn more from videogames and anime than textbooks and teachers in a school
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:56 No.31265110
    Anime and JRPG are much superior to American game and cartoon. This is because of emphasis on original plot and intelligent story progression that American media lacks.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:56 No.31265117
    Because they have a much stricter school system and a tradition for it to boot as well.

    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:56 No.31265120
    parental and societal pressure.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:57 No.31265129
    says the guy who posts a picture of people from a backwards country.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:57 No.31265132
    i learned astrology from bakemonogatari
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:57 No.31265134
    Because the US school system sucks.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:57 No.31265155
    It's America

    it's really self-explanatory
    >> Misaka 10032 !t/FuUlkvVE 02/20/10(Sat)18:58 No.31265166
    FemaleTeachers can't teach shit.
    >> 魔女ッ子taku !!+u6GlUR97Zg 02/20/10(Sat)18:58 No.31265175
    >Japanese kids
    >obssessed (spelled wrong) with anime and video games

    Someone knows nothing about Japan.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:58 No.31265185
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:59 No.31265217
    Because America is more lenient, we don't need to take tests to gain entrance into elementary, middle, and high school here and they have longer school years than we do.
    >> sacchaRIN !SWEETOIeZA 02/20/10(Sat)18:59 No.31265220

    Because the unsuccessful ones kill themselves.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:00 No.31265268
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:00 No.31265272
    becuase American school kids can just drop out in the 10th grade and get a GED
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:01 No.31265281
    i blame the minorities

    you know which ones im talking about
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:01 No.31265283
    because they're learning how to read, write, and do math at school instead of being indoctrinated into feeling good about being retarded.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:01 No.31265290
    From what I hear (from people who've gone to their university and some correspondence in high school) they don't do shit. The entrance exams are mind boggling hard but once you're in you're just pushed through the grades until you graduate then you have to go to cram school for the NEXT entrance exam, rinse and repeat till your out of college then you're shoved into a company as a generic mindless worker or a government employee.

    Also this belongs in /jp/
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:01 No.31265300
    oh god, this is so old.
    >> Workfag !!r6vbiSePEQ4 02/20/10(Sat)19:01 No.31265307
    They have to go to school 2200 days a year, compared to the regular 180 days a year most other countries have
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:03 No.31265354
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    >They have to go to school 2200 days a year
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:03 No.31265363
    But that's nothing like my Japanese animes.
    >> J !!VfRninXKCz+ 02/20/10(Sat)19:03 No.31265369

    >2200 days a year

    >> Workfag !!r6vbiSePEQ4 02/20/10(Sat)19:04 No.31265383
    I meant 220
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:04 No.31265394

    Oh my God...
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:04 No.31265400
    this man is correct. you cram like hell for exams, but once you're in, you're done. shit's easy as all hell. thats how things like genshiken can happen. Also,

    >Also this belongs in /jp/
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:05 No.31265428


    220, asshat
    >> J !!VfRninXKCz+ 02/20/10(Sat)19:05 No.31265435

    Thought so.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:05 No.31265439
    Fuck, I knew they were hard workers, but I didn't know they even had to go to school on days that don't exist.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:05 No.31265442
    There is a board for this. It's called /int/ you bloody plebian.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:05 No.31265443
    and from what I've heard, college is actually much easier than in america, it's only the entrance exams that are really difficult
    >> Ryuuji !!ghTV68xbWbx 02/20/10(Sat)19:05 No.31265444

    This. Also companies actually take up to a year to actually train people before they even start working because of this.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:05 No.31265450
    because READING FOR FA[GG]OTS!
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:05 No.31265452
    I don`t know about you guys, but I make straight A`s.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:07 No.31265510

    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:07 No.31265512
    why do American schools suck?
    >> Workfag !!r6vbiSePEQ4 02/20/10(Sat)19:08 No.31265550
    Because women
    >> J !!VfRninXKCz+ 02/20/10(Sat)19:08 No.31265553

    Calm down anon.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:09 No.31265572

    except for entrance exams and cram school that sounds exactly the same as american schools.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:10 No.31265624
    Americans are stupid.
    >> C.Falcon !G712nkLQ.g 02/20/10(Sat)19:15 No.31265780
    Kids over there kill themselves if they get a D in their grades

    Japanese kids are also not obsessed with video games and anime. 35 year old neckbearded otaku are.

    The userbase over there is much different.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:21 No.31265945
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    >They have to go to school 2200 days a year
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:26 No.31266111
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    It's because America today has low standards, and makes excuses for their poor performances like BAAAWWW I need medication to concentrate, BAAAWWWW my daddy is beating me with a golf club every night I go home, BAAAWW I got into an accident that has left me disable and now I can't go to school, and other such nonsense.

    Not to mention, today's parents are more soft, and less encouraging. Like if their son or daughter gets a B the parents tell them good job! No, no, no! Fuck that shit! You did not do a good job! B is not acceptable it is either an A or nothing! You do not settle for second place ever or you will forever be a loser who settles for mediocre and never strive for excellence.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:27 No.31266132
    Lack of unions in there schools.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:30 No.31266232
    >and makes excuses for their poor performances like BAAAWWW I need medication to concentrate, BAAAWWWW my daddy is beating me with a golf club every night I go home, BAAAWW I got into an accident that has left me disable and now I can't go to school, and other such nonsense.
    But those are all good reaso- you know what? You're trolling. Silly me.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:32 No.31266289
    Do some research. They don't. They just have more tiers of schools.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:32 No.31266297
    No they aren't, my dad beat my ass for doing poorly and now I work in the slowly dieing aerospace industry.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:33 No.31266331
    American children are dumb.

    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:33 No.31266338
    >52 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    And you can bet your ass that they are the same people complaining about the quality of the board.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:34 No.31266362
    I complain about the quality of the board, but the quality has to do more with the shitty anime floating around lately.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:35 No.31266370
    seems like you still do poorly
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:37 No.31266422
    Yes they are, and good for you for making it that far in an environment like that.

    Seriously how can you study when every night is either some violent drunk handing your ass to you or a promise of some violent drunk handing your ass to you? The building blocks to be a good student is a healthy mind, a healthy environment, a healthy body and dedication. I'm saying this because I failed high school, then took some magic pills and now I'm doing well in both academia and everything else. I used to think that they're BSing me and treating me crazy just to insult me but now I know better.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:37 No.31266427
    It's only dieing because NASA is fucking stupid and wastes billions canceling things like constellation and paying the cancellation fee to suppliers and other contractors.
    Fucking NASA
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:37 No.31266435
    Because being obssessed with computer games and anime is much more informative and useful than listening to rap and watching American sit-coms.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:38 No.31266457
    They have 1 day off a week and have a much higher suicide rate
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:40 No.31266490
    I'm an American adult of atleast 18 years old and in my engineering college, they aren't... Infact there's barely any Asians here. Go to and look at the ethnicity enrollments of undergraduates.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:40 No.31266494
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    Japan actually increased the number of days in a year so they can learn more per year.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:41 No.31266527
    The average Japanese kid is just as retarded as their American counterpart. However, the Americans are far better at nurturing talented people into elites. That is why the US has a greater nominal and real GDP per capita than Japan, despite having a proportionally greater population that is below the poverty line.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:43 No.31266571

    Japan's poverty rate is higher than the US, or at least equal. We were sitting at 14% in 2004, though it could have risen a bit since then. They're sitting at about 16% fairly consistently.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:43 No.31266579

    As much as I'd like to agree with you, and I do. You look like you're generalizing the entire Japanese population. As well as the anglo-caucasian Americans. (I'm assuming we're talking about white people).
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:43 No.31266586
    Because the Japanese school system emphasizes rote memorization so you can pass exams so you can perform more rote memorization so you can pass more exams so you can perform more rote memorization so you can pass more exams. There's no real learning involved, only short-term memory building because it doesn't matter if you've forgotten everything in a year, the exams will be different anyway.

    The American school system, despite all its shortcomings, is actually cumulative and forces students to think their way through shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:46 No.31266637

    Ding ding. The Japanese education system's only purpose is to get students to pass exams. Strong Confucian roots there. In the USA, they want to at least attempt to teach you reasoning skills that will have multiple applications later in life.

    Japan is what we'll look like if we keep endlessly pursuing bullshit like No Child Left Behind.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:48 No.31266694

    They go back to their home country to contribute to the debt filled economy
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:49 No.31266718
    Bullshit, you fucking kids getting hired into my workplace all bitch about wanting to go to launches and working shorter hours like your entitled to shit.

    At least I never did this shit when I was young, but I also got my ass kicked for being a little shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:49 No.31266730
    Japanese undergrads don't learn shit at any Uni and it's ok, employers used to not care since they only paid attention to the reputation of the University.. Only a handful that wants to do postgrad actually put in the effort to do their academic work.
    >> Thelostcup !1cFi6ry2ks 02/20/10(Sat)19:51 No.31266762
    In Japan if you get a bad grade, you don't get grounded.

    You get disowned.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:52 No.31266790
    Every country's economy is screwed up as hell. America's because the consumers and bankers are fucking retards, Europe's because they're too socialistic for their own good, and Asia because they rely so much on the other two.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:53 No.31266803
    On the bright side, at least there are very little Japanese immigrants who come here to start a new life. The reason why Japanese immigrate here is because it is hard to raise kids in Japan due to the stiff society. So they move to another country, have a few babies and then have their kids grow up. Move back and repeat the process. Only a token few Japanese stay here and they are mostly the rich types.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:53 No.31266828
    >Only a handful that wants to do postgrad actually put in the effort to do their academic work.

    and also undergrads who want to work for a foreign firm whether or not they are based in Japan or overseas.

    For many Japanese college students with dodgy family backgrounds or got into 3rd rate universities, foreign firms like IBM or GM are the only places they have real hope in entering, because they don't screen their grad applicants by conservative Japanese criteria.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:54 No.31266830
    because we don't need to, we're already the greatest country in the world
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:54 No.31266850
    Learn some Confucianism before you go making judgments on the culture of Japan. Everything good and bad about them will make so much sense once you understand that there's a fundamentally different mindset over there.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:55 No.31266853
    and that's how Rome fell
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:56 No.31266877
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:56 No.31266893
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:57 No.31266909
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:57 No.31266923
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:57 No.31266930
    Asians super educated.

    America is majority white.

    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:58 No.31266938
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:58 No.31266957
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:59 No.31266968
    >implying every civilization doesn't fall after enough time
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:59 No.31266972
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:59 No.31266973
    I never tried and am doing pretty well. Also American. Explain?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:59 No.31266995
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:00 No.31267011
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:00 No.31267023
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:01 No.31267032
    Rome fell because they grew too large to control themselves and became too muddled in politics and corruption.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:01 No.31267039
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:01 No.31267042
    I find Japanese people who are born out of wedlock, have traceable continental heritage or belong to the burakumin castes to be the most diligent, hard working and straight talking.
    >> Prey !ywK/cYxtrU 02/20/10(Sat)20:01 No.31267043
    US education is so fucked up.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:01 No.31267044
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:02 No.31267056
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:03 No.31267080
    growing content, rich and lazy does that to people
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:03 No.31267082
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:03 No.31267094
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:04 No.31267112
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:04 No.31267135
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:05 No.31267147
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:05 No.31267151
    hungry immigrants who bust their ass to do well, while the rich ones are content and not getting off their ass.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:05 No.31267158
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:06 No.31267164
    Unlike the Romans though, we aren't relying on conquered people to defend us.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:06 No.31267167
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:06 No.31267172
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:07 No.31267190
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:07 No.31267197
    I like Anime and Video games, too. And I aced school without even trying.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:07 No.31267206
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:08 No.31267217
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:08 No.31267232
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:08 No.31267241
    not true its a system of test taking, once they stop taking tests they barely retain anything they were taught japan. College is a joke in japan since most japs due copy paste on their term.papers.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:09 No.31267246
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:09 No.31267255
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:10 No.31267269
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:10 No.31267276
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:10 No.31267283
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:10 No.31267286
    that could change in a century or two with the rise of Chinese military power. The smaller US professional force may not be on par with the conscripted Chinese, conscription of US citizens will still be a political no no, so hiring foreigners may be the only alternative.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:11 No.31267291
    Yeah, the Romans weren't particularly keen on that, either. Kind of the reason Europe got so fucked up so badly after it fell, once the Legions were recalled to Rome there was nobody to defend the territories from invaders.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:11 No.31267295
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:11 No.31267305
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:12 No.31267329
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:12 No.31267342
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:13 No.31267357
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:13 No.31267372
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:14 No.31267376
    If Japanese kids do better than American kids in school, why do they have so many NEETs and hikkis?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:14 No.31267392
    Who knows if the US government would still be an effective regime. It could become a significantly weaker institution like the Holy Roman Empire where each constituent state has foreign ties to different countries.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:14 No.31267396
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:14 No.31267412
    And suddenly, Hinata.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:15 No.31267418
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:15 No.31267429

    If American kids are obsessed with violence and guns. Why are Japanese Kids better at killing themselves?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:15 No.31267443
    I don't exactly see the Chinese being able to gain military dominance when even during the Korean War when technology was on similar levels it was not uncommon for 1 American Division to take down 8 Chinese divisions, and now they have no way to hold the sky against us.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:16 No.31267446
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:16 No.31267464
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:16 No.31267466
    If the US is the greatest country in the world, why do you have rednecks and "niggers" (as opposed to Blacks)
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:17 No.31267479
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:17 No.31267484
    Americans are fucking stupid LOL
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:17 No.31267498
    Hikki's and Otaku are terrible at school

    that's usually the reason why they become Hikki or Otaku.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:17 No.31267499
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:18 No.31267517
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:18 No.31267519
    this is like ff8 tests.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:18 No.31267533
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:18 No.31267537
    Bo child gets left behind = all the smart ones are held down.

    No reason to try when an inner city black gets the same scholar ship just for being a nigger.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:19 No.31267543
    What kind of standard issue PLA equipment was on par with the Americans during Korea?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:19 No.31267547
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:19 No.31267561
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:19 No.31267565
    Such a linear statement LOL. Bet you're American! (<120 IQ)
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:19 No.31267567
    Also the grading scale in Japan has tons of bias applied to it everywhere but universities.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:20 No.31267578
    "Give us your poor, your tired, your huddled masses longing to be free..."

    As opposed to "Foreigners, get the fuck out".
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:20 No.31267580

    because the first thing you learn about guns is how NOT to kill yourself with them. at which point you are genreally having too much fun to kill yourself.

    Japs gots no guns, and thus have no real reason to live.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:20 No.31267584
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:20 No.31267585

    Stiff social standards, a society that prevents teens from fucking like bunnies creates shut-ins
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:20 No.31267598
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:21 No.31267611
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:21 No.31267617
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    Do you really want me to go there?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:21 No.31267627
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:22 No.31267649
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:22 No.31267654
    >a society that prevents teens from fucking

    How the fuck do you prevent that? And how does that create shut ins?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:22 No.31267662
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:23 No.31267680
    Yeah, gtfo.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:23 No.31267682
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:23 No.31267699
    >a society that prevents teens from fucking like bunnies
    lolno, Japanese students are promiscuous as hell
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:23 No.31267705
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:24 No.31267722
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:25 No.31267752
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:25 No.31267766
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:26 No.31267784
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:26 No.31267797
    wut? Is that why teen prostitution is so prevalent in GLORIOUS NIPPON?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:26 No.31267804
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:27 No.31267826
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:27 No.31267838
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:28 No.31267854
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:28 No.31267876
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:29 No.31267885
    Japan, being a small old-world nation has the great honour of being compared to a new world superpower that attracts the most talented immigrants in the world.

    I don't think Japan can do any better than what it is doing now. However, it will be a good prospect for the Yamato race to compete against the Anglo-Celtic peoples around the world and contribute to America's greatness.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:29 No.31267894
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:30 No.31267915
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:30 No.31267933
    the Yamato race will be replaced by Koreans if they don't do something quick about their declining birth rates
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:30 No.31267934
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:31 No.31267956
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:31 No.31267981
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:31 No.31267985
    Because they have priorities.
    >> nabuu !!nokX7IGYcBa 02/20/10(Sat)20:31 No.31267994
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:32 No.31268008
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:32 No.31268032
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:33 No.31268043
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:33 No.31268061
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:34 No.31268087
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:34 No.31268102
    why should I care, I draw 2 checks from the government and do not have to work a day in my life :3 i draw about 1200 month how does that make you FEEL, so much for education needs when I can live off the tax-payers. btw i am not trolling
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:35 No.31268129
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:35 No.31268131

    They throw all the dumb kids out, boosting the averages. American education is compulsory, and everyone has to go through. This is not true in Japan.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:35 No.31268149
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:35 No.31268154
    asians dont get freedom americans do
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:36 No.31268164
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:36 No.31268167
    Just like the aniquities where the Korean gentry moved into Japan to settle, buy titles and land from the Crown.

    I don't think there are many pureblooded Japanese since the Yayoi period to begin with. Just like the British, massive continental immigration and raids formed a melting pot as reflected in the English language. Only during the Meiji period did the Japanese start thinking about racial purity and crap like that. Modern Japan are denying their diverse gene pool that's reflected in their religion, language and customs.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:36 No.31268180
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:37 No.31268203
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:38 No.31268224
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:38 No.31268247
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:39 No.31268266
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:39 No.31268297
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