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  • File : 1266544629.jpg-(92 KB, 880x880, 8536.jpg)
    92 KB Review: Bakemonogatari Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)20:57 No.31191947  

    Now with Bakemonogatari on a temporary airing hiatus due to airing times being bought in packets of 12, I will write a review for what I view as THE masterpiece of this season.

    Summarized review: Bakemonogatari is hands down one of the most unique shows I have ever seen, not because of its story, but simply in the way it is presented. There are the flashing panels of text that many people pause the show just to read, there is the most self-aware tsundere character that everyone cannot help but adore, there is the unusual colour scheme that makes itself apparent in many a scene; the most memorable of that being the fight scene between Kanbaru and Araragi.
    Bakemonogatari is also extremely dialogue heavy, making it even more unique, as most animes tend to express their storylines through action opposed to dialogue.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)20:58 No.31191990
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    Complete review:

    The only place where I see Bakemonogatari fall short of perfection.
    The story is presented in several different arcs that deal with a different oddity each time,
    1st arc - Weightless Senjougahara
    2nd arc - Lost Cow/Snail Hachikuji
    3rd arc - Monkey Paw Kanbaru
    4th arc - Nadeko Snake
    5th arc (incomplete) - Tsubasa Cat
    Due to the nature of presenting a story (or several if you want to look at it that way) in arcs certain characters are often omitted for several episodes, read: Senjogahara, whom I feel should have played a more central role, however as there are 3 episodes remaining the show may have a chance to redeem itself on this front.
    That being said if Bakemonogatari were not to be presented in this fashion I would not know how it would fare, as this method of presentation suits its unique aspect very well. All in all, it is not a downside, just something that could be improved on slightly.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)20:59 No.31192019
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    Absolutely amazing, the characters are very attractively drawn, none of that overly sized bust sized female filler characters that are oh so prevalent in other animes.
    The backgrounds are often presented in an abstract fashion and seem somewhat disjointed from the main focus, this being the characters; this works wonderfully though, as it gives that eerie feel to the atmosphere and suits the whole abstract style of presentation, i.e. flashing text, small parts omitted from certain scenes that are replaced with a black panel.
    They are also moments where the art is extremely simplistic, i.e. when Araragi helps Kanbaru clean her room, yet at other times it becomes extremely well detailed, i.e. Nadeko Snake art, the backgrounds that surround the shrine are so amazing that I was actually in awe.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)20:59 No.31192021

    >Bait thread made to troll Bmg

    sup spammer
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:00 No.31192035
    rap spammer fag needs to spam this shit up
    >> Xanthos !!OJuOQbzb53K 02/18/10(Thu)21:00 No.31192037
    sage reported and hidden.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:00 No.31192043
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    First off, I am not usually an anime music fan, there will occasionally be the odd song that I find tolerable, or even catchy to listen to, but for the most part when I watch an anime I skip over the OP's and ED's without a second thought. (I am actually a metalhead)
    However, Bakemonogatari's OP's, namely Staple Stable, are without a doubt, excellent. In addition Bakemonogatari presents different OP's with different arcs -
    #01: "staple stable" by Chiwa Saito (eps 2, 6-7, 11-12)
    #02: "Kaerimichi (帰り道)" by Emiri Katou (ep 4)
    #03: "Ambivalent World" by Miyuki Sawashiro (ep 8)
    #04: "Renai Circulation" by Kana Hanazawa (ep 10)
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:01 No.31192085
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    The 2nd one, for the Hachikuji arc was hilarious, and I found myself giggling at the pure ridiculous-ness of it.
    Now the ED, it is... outstanding, it simply blew me away. It is one of the most beautiful songs I have EVER heard, in fact, there was a period of time (2 weeks) where I almost listened to it nonstop, it is THAT good.
    In addition, it is also incorporated amazingly well into episode 12 that makes it all the more beautiful, both the episode and the ED.
    The BGM is also very suitable, for some of the funner scenes i.e. Araragi cleaning Kanbaru's room it is quite upbeat. Fighting scenes, there is that creepy sort of music that increases in tempo and builds a great atmosphere.
    For the 12th episode there is some very appropriate romantic music that is a very good buildup to the ED. All in all, the music fits in amazingly where it is needed and I cannot think of a single instance where it failed the show in any capacity.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:02 No.31192110
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    The characters in Bakemonogatari are for the most part, very unique.
    There are only a few qualms I have with them, namely, Tsubasa Hanekawa (Class president), and Nadeko Sengoku (pretty much fan service for lolicons).
    These two characters are quite the typical outfit, and tend to conform to anime stereotypes.
    Hanekawa is your typical class president who is extremely knowledgeable and overtly nice, yet strict with the school rules. This is slightly amended by the fact that she does indeed have a dark past, and parent issues (spoiler, will not reveal further). All in all, not that big of a qualm.
    Nadeko Sengoku on the other hand, whilst, yes she is the 'cutest thing ever'.
    This does not save her from having a very, very typical personality, she has a pseudo-brother complex thing going on (Araragi isn't her brother by blood, but he essentially has been one to her is and is quite a fair bit older), in addition to being extremely shy, speaking with a voice to suit it (cutesy, reserved); and being extremely scared of talking with anyone else apart from her love interest. However, it is not such a big of a deal as her arc is only 2 episodes long and she is still on a tolerable level.
    Qualms aside, Hitagi Senjougahara, best character ever, she is not just your classic tsundere such as Shana or Taiga, as she openly acknowledges her tsundere-ness (although Araragi calls her more of a 'tundra'). That aside, she is also extremely intelligent and her verbal bouts with Araragi are a pleasure to listen/watch. It is no surprise that she is a favourite of many a fan.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:02 No.31192131
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    Araragi Koyomi - he is like Kyon in a way, the cynicism and all, yet he is truly a kind-hearted sort of guy who cannot ignore any oddity and feels obligated to help.
    He also does not fall into the oblivious, idiotic, shallow, typical male harem lead that is sickeningly abundant. Despite his failing grades (with the exception of maths) he has a very sharp wit and can match the others in the numerous verbal spars throughout the show.
    Overall, a very likable character.
    Kanbaru Suruga - she is... unique to say the least, a sporty sort of girl with a dark secret. She is also somewhat of an exhibitionist and very interested in Araragi's fetishes. However, despite being humorous she is NOT simple comic relief, there is depth to her character, and viewer can empathize quite easily with her predicament. Another strong character.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:03 No.31192146
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    Side Characters - Oshino Meme / Shinobu - Meme is quite the awesome fellow, suitably enigmatic, has the ability to burst onto the seem and just solve everything, quirky, in other words, he has all the traits of that enigmatic, eccentric guy who is amusing in his own way. I think he's bloody awesome.
    His name (Meme) also appears to have some sort of moe connotation to go along with it, this is very misleading as he is a middle-aged man living in a construction site of sorts.
    Shinobu is a very minor character yet she is notorious for being very 'cute'. There isn't much else to say about her apart from that she used to be a vampire.
    10/10 (The qualms are small, and easily counteracted by the other amazing characters).
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:03 No.31192160
    How long are you going to keep at this, spammer?
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:04 No.31192172
         File1266545065.jpg-(414 KB, 587x800, _249.jpg)
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    The unique presentation, amazing art, soundtrack, BGM, deep and amusing characters.
    All go to towards making a delightful viewing experience, that will in one scene have the viewer part smiling to him/herself at the dialogue and in the next moment mouth agape at Senjougahara's daring rom(antics), the action scenes will have you on the edge of your seat in addition to thinking to yourself, 'That Araragi is so dead, so dead.'

    Overall : 10/10

    There is none, this show deserves better than that, read the full review; better yet, watch the show if you haven't already.
    (Plus there is a summarized review at the top if you didn't notice, however, I still recommend you read the full review.)
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:05 No.31192208
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    Bakemonogatari is based on a series of light novels by Nisio Isin, and is later produced by Shaft. It features different short stories all related to the main character, Araragi Koyomi. Bakemonogatari is now known for its superb art and animation, and the unique way the story was presented to us. Adding to that, Bakemonogatari surprised many due to its weekly ranking sales and how well it sold across Japan. This was clearly evident in the field of BD sales, where it made history, selling 29,000 units of Bakemonogatari Vol.1, beating out the previous record holder of Macross Frontier, which sold at 22,000 units. It also took first place in DVD sales in Oct 26 - Nov 11, beating other titles such as Gintama, Haruhi and Eden of the East. Volume 3 of Bakemonogatari also sold a lot, getting 1st place again in terms of DVD and Blu Ray sales, the margin between 1st place and 2nd place (Detective Conan Movie) being around 5 million. Volume 4 will be delayed a little while and will be released in January 27th, hoping to take the title of 1st place again.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:06 No.31192242
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    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:08 No.31192312
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:09 No.31192334
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    It is clear at why Bakemonogatari sold so well over the time. Bakemono is a collection of short stories, all with their unique characteristics and aspects that makes a show great. It showcased different supernatural cases such as the Hitagi Crab, Mayoi Snail and Tsubasa Cat. Plotwise, Bakemono surely delivered and made it an entertaining show to watch. These different stories usually panned out in 3-4 episodes, where we see some character development and background story on some of the characters. Although each story shows a different heroine, one can still say that these stories are connected together, and this becomes evident in the later stages of the light novel, which has yet to be animated. The stories are engaging, and keeps the viewers interested with new materials to showcase each time. This allows endless opportunities for OVAs and even a second season due to its numerous heroines with each a unique background and even later chapters in the light novels which have yet to be shown in the animated version.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:10 No.31192386
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    As already stated before, Bakemonogatari has its fair share of characters. Although 4 heroines is typical in a generic romantic comedy show, Bakemonogatari is somewhat different, as each heroine has their own story that can be deeply developed and shown more insight to in the future. The characters are well thought out, and what makes the show shine is their mindless rantings and they way they interact. Hitagi, being the central heroine of the show is aware of her "tsundere" status and is possessed by a crab who takes all of her weight. Then, we have a loli girl who gets her "first touch" taken away by Koyomi, and has entertaining fight sequences with Koyomi. Not only that, we have a smart and well mannered girl who you would consider as the clumsy one in all anime. However, she is anything but ordinary, and has a completely different persona which is because of a cat! These characters are a unique touch and strives to break out of the ordinary. Bakemonogatari offers us a distinct range of characters that are all unique in its own way, and tries to enhance the show even more with the interactions between the cast.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:11 No.31192414
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    Bakemonogatari is definitely a true highlight due to its plot and characters, but it doesn't stop there. Bakemono offers us a unique art style and animation that is just as good as its story and cast. From the moment it started, Bakemono offered us a visual treat unlike any other, and the use of lighting and colours truly brought the world of Bakemonogatari to life. The art is high quality, and the characters are drawn exceptionally well. the background is unique and uses different techniques that you don't see in a regular anime. The fight scenes are also choreographed really well, and the animation is smooth. I mean, what more is there to not like? I was absolutely blown away by Shaft's effort in the new art direction it gave us and it certainly created a visual masterpiece. It was consistent all throughout the entire season, and although some may say that the Nadeko arc was a bit rough on the edges, it didn't mind me at all. Overall, the art and animation of Bakemono was another highlight to the series, and is just perfect.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:12 No.31192450
    c'mon rap spammer, im counting on you
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:12 No.31192456
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    Bakemonogatari also offered us different new openings for each heroine. My favourite would probably be Nadeko's and Hachikugi's openings as they were upbeat, and the animation sequence it provided was spectacular. The musical score of Bakemono were great too, and each track was done well. The seiyuu's did a good job too, especially Chiwa Saito as the voice of Senjougahara Hitagi.

    Bakemonogatari is by far one of the best animes I have ever seen. Combined with a great plot and entertaining characters, every minute was truly enjoyable. It didn't stop there, as it also presented a visually stunning work, filled with vibrant colours and the animation being generally smooth. The different openings were great, and were always a blast to listen to. Bakemonogatari is definitely something you should watch - and make sure to download it in the highest quality possible to truly enjoy this new anime by SHAFT.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:12 No.31192471

    Could you try a little less harder? like, seriously?
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:13 No.31192487
    >Spammer deleted that thread because of that post.

    Oh, wow. Spammer sure is afraid.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:13 No.31192501
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    Overall: A+

    Story: A+
    Character: A+
    Art: A+
    Animation: A+
    Sound: A+

    Pros: A great story and overall entertaining to watch. The characters were all unique in their own way and the character interactions were nice. The art and animation was absolutely spectacular; a visual masterpiece.

    Cons: You are not watching it right this second.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:14 No.31192547
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    The title itself is a word play combining Bakemono(monster) and Monogatari(story). SHAFT really hit the target this time. However I must warn you, that if you're the kind of person who hates to watch anime with looooooooooooooonnnnnnggggg dialogues from the character, then STOP! Don't watch this anime. Though I would say, that you're missing a really smart-made anime.

    Bakemonogatari is consisted of different arcs which is all connected to the male protagonsit, Araragi. Each arc is quite interesting. Though I must admit, it did not really caught my interest that much. Well, maybe except the scened where Hitagi (heroine) and Araragi are together. The two characters are just awesome. Well, back on the plot. It is not a one-in-a-million plot. It's about a guy who got bitten by a vampire and was cured by some other older guy. And the kid then helps the other heroine in the supernatural problems throughout the story.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:14 No.31192556

    >What goes through gorespammer's mind:

    >1) I'll contemplate about Bmg's situation on /a/ with its bad reputation that I helped created by spamming and trolling it negatively into the ground.
    >2) I'll go on /a/, post reviews that I spent hours looking on the internet that overly praises it or talks about how deep it is.
    >3) I'll wait for trolls, if not enough trolls, I'll proceed to samefag, and pretending to be a Bmgfag, acting obnoxious.
    >4) I'll spam /a/ more with Bmg threads
    >5) Trolling and generating hate for Bmg successful! xDD, hell yeah.

    >6) Oh hey, someone made a write up about me and how I think. Ha, I'll copy that post and spam it on /a/ and make it seem like it's all trolling and by "butthurt" Bakefag, effectively killing it before other people can use it against me...just like I do with any posts against me or positively for Bmg.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:15 No.31192593
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    Bakemonogatari is an anime with a really really long dailogues between the characters. Though the plot did not caught my interest that much, you must be wondering why I gave this anime a perfect score of 10. Simple. It's the characters. The characters are well developed and made that it will be hard for you to hate them. Each character have unique and VERY interesting characteristics and personality (especially Hitagi ^^)
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:16 No.31192605
    I would pay Gorespam to post random reviews about series I like from all over the internet on /a/.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:16 No.31192623
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    Despite of all the long dialogues. I enjoyed this anime. Though some may find it boring and cannot stand the characters yapping throughout the episode, I do like it. Cause behind all those long line, the humor. The humor just makes my day. I like how they throw in some humorous line every now and then (which will sometime catch you off guard). I especially like how Hitagi teases Araragi and Araragi explaining to Hitagi.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:16 No.31192632
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    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:17 No.31192664
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    Another strong aspect of this anime is the are, the animation itself! Being made on 2009 you would definitely ecpect a very high quality of animation. An yet! The Bakemonogatari exceeded my expectations and blew me away. The animation is so great and unique that it will be the first thing that will attract you into watching it.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:17 No.31192684
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    The sound! Oh man! The opening song changes depending on the arc. The song is GREAT. Special mention is the song KIMI NO SHIRANAI by supercell. Man! Oh man! That is my new favorite song. ^^ The song is another of the strong aspects of this show. Must hear! ^^ Not much more to say. Just go on youtube or whatever and type bakemonogatari and listen to the songs and be entranced by it's great melody. XD
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:18 No.31192710
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    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:19 No.31192742
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    The story follows third year high school student Araragi Koyomi; a past vampire. Over his spring break he was attacked by a vampire thus turning into one. With the help Meme Oshino, an expert in the field of oddities: Who helps Araragi become a human again with payment. The series has a set of chapters, with a heroine in each chapter being induced by an oddity. This show is full of word play, which is the author's strength in his writing of the light novels.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:20 No.31192749
    what I like is that the gorespammer went chickenshit and is now too afraid to gore spam?

    what happened gorespammer? your penis got cut by a mod?
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:21 No.31192788
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    The art in the series is nothing less than spectacular. The lighting, the animation, the colors is just all so beautiful. The scenes that would be plain have some sort of interesting aspect and life to it. This is done by Studio Shaft (one of my favorite studios) so it's very familiar to those that have seen Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei or Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase. Which are fantastic as well. And yes, Shaft does make use of production slides and storyboards for dialogue or just for some effect on the situation. CAUTION: Some of the storyboards/production slides go by really fast. You're going to have pause to read them.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:21 No.31192795
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    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:22 No.31192829
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    The sound is great. I'll mention OPs and EDs. The OPs are great, different ones for chapters and they fit well based on the heroine of the chapter. The ED is by supercell (they did the theme for Cencoroll as well) is fantastic, the animation in the ED is personally a favorite of mine. Now, to the real sound that counts, the BGM. It's great, fits every scene well and adds emotion to them as well. Very well done.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:22 No.31192831
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    >what happened gorespammer? your penis got cut by a mod?
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:22 No.31192859
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    The cast of characters is all over the place. Araragi is overly kind and tries to help anyone he can. Amongst the heroines there are the basic characters that stick out. There is Hitagi Senjougahara who describes herself as a tsundere. She speaks in a very threatening way to anyone. Suruga Kanbaru, a self-proclaimed lesbian, masochist, and fujoshi. Many other characters appear with other personalities which gives a delectable assortment of characters.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:23 No.31192877

    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:23 No.31192896
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    Overall, this anime is definitely one to check out; one of my favorites from this season. With the overtone of spirits, mythological creatures, ghosts, and gods there is room for romance in this anime as well. Chapters are relatively short (limited to three/two episodes for one chapter) but capture a lot of the story through this dialogue heavy anime. An anime to a remember with the great depth of the characters and how the chapters help the characters develop.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:24 No.31192928
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:25 No.31192942
    Fuck off. Nobody wants to hear about this shitty anime.
    Everybody on /a/ hates it already.
    You can stop posting this crap now.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:26 No.31192979
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    Maybe the best anime I've ever seen.

    This anime is not an action thriller. There are some very intense moments though. Every character, and there are not many of them, have been affected by some mysterious supernatural phenomena. What makes this anime stand out is the great personalities of the characters, the great dialouge, the dark forboding feel of lurking evil throughout the show, and most importantly the unique and beautiful animations sytle. I feel like I am Iooking at paintings of a famous artist throughout the entire show. Musically, the ending theme is one of my all time favorites. I really hope they continue this show for more seasons. It's brilliant.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:26 No.31193001

    some dumb copycat

    herp derp
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:27 No.31193008
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    Bakemonogatari – Merciless Awesomeness

    My personal favorite anime from the Summer 2009 line-up was the eye-catching, heart-stopping Bakemonogatari. Even at just one episode in, even a jaded anime enthusiast such as myself was excited and looking forward to watching more.

    Bakemonogatari is a rather playful turn of phrase on the Japanese words bakemono, meaning monster and monogatari, meaning tale or story. This superb series of “monster stories” is the brain child of the amazingly talented NisiOisin and features a series of predicaments suffered by various humans resulting from personal tragedies and encounters with supernatural entities.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:27 No.31193030

    Troll or spammer. Then again, what's the difference?
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:27 No.31193046
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    The protagonist is Koyomi Araragi, a third year high school student who once had such an encounter and had become a vampire for a short time. This has left him with residual vampiric abilities and an acute awareness of others in similar situations. At the beginning of the series, he crosses paths with the antisocial Hitagi Senjōgahara who threatens him with much violence after he inadvertently discovers the truth of her circumstances. Despite her hostility, he offers to help and introduces Senjōgahara to the enigmatic transient, Meme Oshino, who had helped Koyomi to rid himself of his vampirism.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:28 No.31193063
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    The art of Bakemonogatari both sharp and surreal and well suited to the very complex and touching story unfolding about the raw beauty and feral nature of the world in which we live. NisiOisin depicts a constantly evolving landscape; how humans despite their best intentions, fall victim to tragedy and unfair circumstances – all the while teetering on a tightrope between euphoria and despair.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:29 No.31193092
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    I think this anime’s most appealing quality is the almost unapologetically clever dialogue. It helps to pay attention and know your Japanese pop slash anime culture to get some of the references, otherwise the sheer wit of this story might go flying over your head. The trippy plot-line rife with brain-teasers, sexual innuendo and an almost poetic sassiness, alternatively commiserates with and pokes fun at genre trends, tradition, issues of morality and society, in general.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:32 No.31193199
    I've always wondered how it's possible to be a lesbian and a fujoshi at the same time. How is it possible?
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:33 No.31193236
    you're gay by principle, but wish you both had dicks.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:35 No.31193303
    mind = blown

    I always thought a girl like Kanbaru would only wish for herself to have a dick, so she can play the "male" part...
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)21:51 No.31193888
         File1266547890.jpg-(101 KB, 500x700, 1264855526776.jpg)
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