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02/17/10(Wed)19:39 No.31146502 File1266453581.jpg-(258
KB, 500x667, useless.jpg)
 Overall, I was kind of
disappointed with Lagann-Hen. The entire thing felt more like a recap
than like an actual movie. I understand that they had to cut out a
shitload of material, but they could have made it much smoother. They
cut out the parts that really made Kittan such an awesome character -
the scene where he takes on a Mugann armed only with a shotgun and the
scene where he confronts Rossiu and takes back the Core Drill in
particular. What little characterization they gave him kind of ruined
him. Also, because the Chouginga Gurren-Lagann was pre-transformed, it
was nothing new after his death, and makes his sacrifice seem all the
more insignificant. They kind of made the Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann
seem useless. It pretty much appears, hits Grand Zamboa a few times
(Which don't appear to damage it at all), and then gets torn apart
Unit-01-style. The individual Tengen Toppa ganmen also just make it seem
less important. Also, as awesome as the Super Tengen Toppa
Gurren-Lagann was, the effect was sort of ruined by how the Anti-Spiral
just goes FUCK YOUR SHIT and creates a mecha of equal stature. Yes, I
know that that's supposed to be how the Anti-Spiral does things -
fighting his enemy on equal grounds to make a point - but it makes it
seem as though he wasn't ever taking them seriously. If he had enough
power to create something like the Super TTGL, who's to say that he
didn't have even more and could have won? Sure, he lost, but it makes it
seem like the heroes prevailed not because of their own strength, but
because the Anti-Spiral is just fucking dumb. |