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  • File : 1266448164.jpg-(283 KB, 1280x720, major.jpg)
    283 KB Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)18:09 No.31143225  
    This movie gets better every time I watch it.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)18:10 No.31143244
    i liked the tv series better

    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)18:15 No.31143392
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    I like them too but they're a different sort.
    Oshii's done a damn good job on conveying Shirow's message.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)18:16 No.31143435
    Same! I watched it again few months ago and it blew me away even more than it did the first 2 times.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)18:17 No.31143466
    >original version instead of shitty CGI remaster

    ITT: Good taste
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)18:17 No.31143469
    It insists upon itself.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)18:18 No.31143487
    has the best cinematic timing etc
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)18:19 No.31143512
    I wasn't all that impressed with GitS.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)18:20 No.31143545
    when you say 'CGI Remaster', explain how it's been changed. i have the original dvdrip MKV and it's always awesome.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)18:25 No.31143707
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    The visuals blow me away every time too.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)18:26 No.31143741

    Oshii is tsundere for CGI, so he added all sorts of new CG effects when he was doing a remaster of it a couple of years ago.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)18:26 No.31143752
    Man I haven't seen that movie since I was a junior in high school many years ago. The only thing I remember is some vague images and the part where she jumps down on top of the war machine thing and kills it, because my roommate came into my dorm room and saw it right then and made a hilarious comment about her *lack of* clothing. Not that he was being a jerk about it, since he was the one who let me borrow it to watch it when he heard that I had never seen it. Back then I wasn't into anime, and this was pretty much the starter for me. That and Outlaw Star, which I watched on Toonami in middle school.

    lol nostalgia.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)18:27 No.31143764
    Loved the cinematics. Also TITS
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)18:27 No.31143767
    It's because it has a valid point to make. It's insistent.
    >> Thelostcup !1cFi6ry2ks 02/17/10(Wed)18:27 No.31143781
    I have the dub and for some reason the dialogue doesn't match the mouth flaps.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)18:28 No.31143797
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    There's a CGI remaster? What's the difference? I haven't seen it.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)18:30 No.31143860

    Agreed, the tv series is alot better,
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)18:31 No.31143880
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    This is the 3rd time round I've watched it and I can honestly say, I was too young to appreciate it, the first time I saw it (it was 12 years ago).
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)18:31 No.31143881
    >There's a CGI remaster? What's the difference? I haven't seen it.
    Don't see it, it is horrible. Re-drawing the same things with CGI isn't an improvement at all. The best way is to remake the damn things completely and incorporate CGI that way, but obviously that would be too expensive.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)18:31 No.31143886
    too bad innocence is almost all CGI.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)18:32 No.31143913
    innocence > GITS > 2nd GIG > S.A.C
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)18:33 No.31143955
    What was the name of this movie? I know its GitS but did it have a particular name?
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)18:34 No.31143998
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    That reminds me. I have to watch Innocence again. Maybe it'll make more sense since I read the manga.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)18:35 No.31144028
    But Oshii is one of the few anime auteurs.
    >> SUPFAGS 02/17/10(Wed)18:36 No.31144064
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    Yep,this does it.
    Tomorrow night imma smoke a spliff and rewatch GitS again.
    Orgasmic experience guaranteed
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)18:36 No.31144069
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    It's THE movie? Like, the first one? I mean, seriously.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)18:36 No.31144081
    Watched it when I was 17, thought it had good animation, but was overrated besides that.

    Should I try re-watching?
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)18:37 No.31144084
    Mind Game had a valid point to make, but it didn't need to drag itself in such in such an artfaggish manner.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)18:38 No.31144139
    Question. Did they ever dub this again with the voices from the tv series? I don't own it anymore and I think the voices were different so I was wondering.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)18:38 No.31144163
    Go for it
    >> SUPFAGS 02/17/10(Wed)18:38 No.31144172
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    I can somehow understand if you like Innocence more than the original movie,but 2nd gig over SAC?

    The fuck?
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)18:40 No.31144250
    > GITS:Innocence >GITS

    What the fuck? Are you serious?
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)18:44 No.31144434
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    You discredit the point behind the movie because of the movie's form?
    Why then, did you watch a japanese cartoon?
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)18:47 No.31144520
    gits thread on my /a/? wat?
    also, the remaster is meh. I have that as my local copy - I just started downloading the original version for comparison. the 2.0 remaster makes it look like it's really a prequel of innocence. not that it really was made diffireny by a alot.

    also, before we get that discussion again; Innocence is commonly regarded as worse then the original GITS. that's fine and all, but do not make the mistake of thinking innocence is bad. it still is MILES above average, and can still be easily be placed in various top lists. The graphics alone ( mind you. not telling the story is bad or something, just that it overall doesnt really get up to gits quality ) make this a very good reason.

    and i mean, the mindfuck mansion part. that was pretty brilliant. Innocence has one of the highest "information payload per screen" around.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)18:51 No.31144690
    >implying all anime is inherently artfaggish

    For lack of a better word I used artfaggish to describe how GITS takes itself far too seriously with it's slow, dragging direction.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)18:51 No.31144701
    I love you Motoko
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)18:52 No.31144723
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    Could someone post a comparison of the remaster and the original? I'm having trouble finding one myself.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)18:54 No.31144773
    much darker tone, more involving story
    of course, it's pretty close, S.A.C is fantastic too
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)18:54 No.31144797
    >slow, dragging action

    please, keep in mind the diffirent time the movie was made. although you might have heard of this before in movies, the "MTV generation" thingy really does exist; people are getting used to ( and expect ) faster and faster switches of information, with less detailed information. You cannot hold this against the movie in any reasonable way; you can say you dont like that part of it; but you cant say that it is by definition a bad movie.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)18:56 No.31144840
    I love the music when it's all rainy. Sounds so 90s cyberpunk.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 02/17/10(Wed)18:56 No.31144848
    >Innocence is commonly regarded as worse then the original GITS

    Explain why the sequel is worse than the original.

    And what do you mean by Innocence having the "highest "information payload per screen" around." ?
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)19:00 No.31144980
    What nonsense are you talking about? What I'm criticising is something peculiar to Oshii and a few other anime either written by chiaki Konaka or with character designs by ABe.

    Plenty of significant anime before and after GITS were directed in a less dragging, more engaging manner.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)19:00 No.31144990

    maybe GITS was better overall but there were a few scenes in innocence that IMO were far better than anything in GITS and make it my favourite of the two
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)19:01 No.31145002
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    I didn't make myself clear. I didn't mean Japanese animation is artfaggish. It caters to a relatively small audience and is looked down upon by the mainstream just because it's drawn (regardless of merit held by any particular work). I got the feeling you discredit the movie's message just because it struck you as 'artfaggish'.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)19:02 No.31145030
    the story and the qoutes implemented dont have the same pin-pointed accuracy as the original one. The visuals where less original.
    The movie became too stylized. Mind you, this is from a movie watchers perspective; not from a gits fan. a gits fan will watch it several times and look up references, and the likes. For him it might be well better.

    information payload; how much use of symbolics with their underlying ideas is used; how much information and ideas you can get from a certain time. the same goes for quotes used. sort of like "meme density", with everything you know about that meme being inserted into a flash video just by showing it for a short wile. Aeneath and 5301

    I qoute wikipedia:
    Innocence begins with a quotation from Auguste Villiers de l'Isle-Adam's Tomorrow's Eve (1886):

    "If our Gods and our hopes are nothing but scientific phenomena, then let us admit it must be said that our love is scientific as well."
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)19:02 No.31145041
    GITS was made in 1995, it was part of the MTV generation.
    It is a slow film, but of course that doesn't mean it is bad.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)19:02 No.31145059

    The movie is filled with references to fantasy, philosophy and Zen and addresses aesthetic and moral questions. The numerous quotations come from Buddha, Confucius, Descartes, the Old Testament, Saito Ryokuu, Richard Dawkins, Max Weber, Jacob Grimm, Plato, John Milton, Zeami, the Tridentine Mass, Villiers de L'Isle-Adam and La Mettrie, author of "Man a Machine" (1748).

    The characters and character names contain many allusions to earlier works. For example, the "Hadaly" model robots refer to Tomorrow's Eve, the first book to use the word android, and which features a human-like robot named Hadaly. The police forensic specialist, Haraway, is most likely named for Donna Haraway, author of the Cyborg Manifesto. Haraway's character is most likely based on Susan Calvin from Asimov's Robot series. The Robot series is also referenced in that the androids in the movie comply with a modified version of Asimov's Third Law of Robotics.

    Dolls are an important motif in Innocence; many beings have a "spirit" of some sort, but at the same time are not quite human. The female dolls are based on the art of Hans Bellmer, who is the pioneer of ball-jointed dolls. Bellmer's name briefly appears in one scene on a book cover. As Oshii comments, "They want to become fully human — but they can't. That dilemma becomes unbearable for them. The humans who made them are to blame. They try to make a doll that is as human as possible — but they don't think of the consequences." Even the human or partly-human characters move in doll-like ways, grants Oshii. Oshii also planned an exhibition to commemorate the film. The exhibition showcased several Japanese artists' work of ball jointed dolls.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)19:03 No.31145086
    the process is still speading up, of course. it is still slow by todays standard, but almost too fast to show to my parents.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)19:05 No.31145171
    I love the show more than the manga, I like what they changed
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)19:09 No.31145312
    Because it was dreadfully pretentious. It had conversations where characters would just name drop philosophers, as if such a superficial display would give any depth.

    "Have you read nietzche?" durr hur

    Several of the CGI visuals were over the top and looked stupid. The believable city scape in the first film was disposed of and instead we see Shanghai or somewhere as a fantastica city where everything is fucking shiny for no reason.

    The "loop scene" was crap, as most loop scenes are.

    Less well structured story. The puppet master plot in the first film flowed well and and was well structured whereas had a disjointed first half then suddenly a load of action with Batou and Motoko shooting loads of stuff.

    All in all not worth the budget that went into making it.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)19:15 No.31145567
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    lol, just for a moment there, i thought i saw naruto and sasuke
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)19:18 No.31145695
    I wasn't discrediting the movie's message in >>31144084 (not that I found it mindblowingly profound anyway), I was saying that having a "valid point" isn't an excuse to be slow and dragging. Mind Game had vaid point/message as well, but it knew that a film's (or any story's) first, most fundamental hurdle is for it to be entertaining/captivating.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)19:36 No.31146353
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    Oh, I see. No hard feelings. Thou I actually like the fact that it's a bit slower. It feels like the slow pacing caused the focus of the movie to move away a bit from the action into the overarching theme: the struggle between Section 6 and 9 and the ongoing diplomatic negotiations. Come to think of it, it's really faithful to Shirow's style of storytelling in the manga in that regard.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)19:42 No.31146595
    I hate to live in a world where both styles weren't acceptable.
    Mind Game is the opposite end of the spectrum it's very frenetic, like Dead Leaves, that style wouldn't be appropriate for GITS. The style does turn some people off though.

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