So /a/, I've decided that I'm should introduce my 10 year old imouto to anime, y'know, maybe if I show her good anime now it'll steer her away from being a gigantic death note weeaboo in the future. So far I'm thinking I'll start out with Code Geass, what series does /a/ think I should begin with?
I've never understood why /a/ hates death note
>dont want her to be a death note weaboo>start with code geass
>>30675157it's popular so it sucks
Rape her.
>Code GeassWhat the hell manat least start with something low tier
death note is a good series, it just has the worst fanbase possible. The same fanbase of invader zim.
>>30675157when you have emofags dressing up as light or someshit and the whole emo scene is full of I love death note, that's when you know its shit.
Naisho no Tsubomi
What makes you think she's interested on anime? Just leave the girl alone.Remember when those faggots tried to push things you didn't want down your throat when you were younger?You're being one of them now.
Boku no pico
Boku no Pico is perfect for her
>>30675219no, that's when you know it's fanbase is shit
Start out with simple stuff that everyone enjoys, that's the way to induct someone into anime.Of course, I do agree you should steer her away from big 3, death note, inyuasha and other similar shit. I personally think CG R2 also fits in that category but that's up for debate.Bottom line is, getting people into anime is easy if you show them things are are easy to get into. Don't start with something hard and they will like it.
Kaleido Star would be a good starter for a girl.
akane iro no samaru saka ni
>>30675157Second half was shit.
In the spirit of Code Geass....KuroshitsujiJunjou Romantica
Can she read sufficiently enough so that subs are an option? If not, the list is massively reduced to series with good dubs.
>>30675279opinionsin mine, it was alrightbut definitely a lot shittier than the first
>>30675198>worst possible fanbaseI thought that was TTGL. And Bake. And Evangelion. And Naruto. And Bleach. And One Piece. And well you get the idea.
>>30675195as opposed to shit tier
Well, before you watch anything you should tell /a/ a story about raping your sister
>>30675139should this turn into a railgun thread?
>>30675240It's not like I'm going to be forcing her to sit in a chair with her eyelids held open and watch anime. We usual watch certain TV shows together or whatever is on. She's already read manga on her own and I'll just watch a series and ask her if she'd want to watch it with me.
Fuck /a/ and their hating on One Piece, shits fucking cash.
>>30675322naruto, one piece and bleach have a shitload of fansit's a lot more likely there will be a ton of retarded fans
Sailor Moon
>>30675373>forcing her to sit in a chair with her eyelids held open and watch animeDO IT FAGGOT
MarimiteIt will teach her how to be a classy and graceful ojou-sama.
Azumanga Daioh.
>>30675307That's what I was thinking about, and one of the reasons I chose Code Geass is because it has both subs and a decent dub. I think I'll try showing her subs and seeing if she prefers the dubbed version.
>>30675351I think I'll show that to her second, I don't want her to hang herself of depression before she watches other anime.
Aki Sora and Kiss x Sis
Gurren Lagann. Then never show her another anime.
Miazaki films
perfect blue
Hokuto no Ken. If I ever procreate, regardless of the gender of the kid, that's the first animu I'll show them.
>>30675583Despite /a/ loving TTGL and all, I truly and honestly think it's uninteresting. inb4 trollface.jpg
Any other ideas /a/?
Lucky Star
Nanoha. Then she can be an adorable little loli and pretend to be Nanoha/Fate for you, which gives you the opening of let her cosplay as the two for you.Then rape her FULL FORCE.
>gigantic death note weeaboo in the futureQuit denying the inevitable. It's gonna happen to her sooner or later. I should know. I'm a gigantic death note weeaboo.HAHAHAHAHAHA
code gaees is shit
Green Green
>>30675837Well fucking done, anon.
>>30675816>>30675837Sadly, I doubt I'll be able to start out with something too cute or moe or she'll think that I'm weird or worse yet, homosexual.
School days
>>30675938Show her K-on
>>30675837i like the way you think
>>30676069do you want her to become retarded at the tender age of 10?...OP i agree with this person, K-on and bocu no pico
>>30675139>10 years old>code geasswat
>>30676069That would be redundant, sir.
>Death note weeaboo>Going to show her Geassoh you.And why would you show a 10 year old girl Geass? She doesn't want to see a bunch of noodly people getting killed.Try something like K-ON or Hidamari Sketch.
>>30676198How about Clannad?
>>30675837This shit OP. Right fucking here.
>steer her away from being a gigantic death note weeaboo in the future>So far I'm thinking I'll start out with Code Geass
Ichigo Mashimaro (LIME subs)Koi KazeAki Sora
slice of life animeminami-kerukki stahk-onthen after that let her watch fist of the north star
Starting her off with Code Geass?Why not just make her first meal a pile of shitOr Gundam SEED Destiny.
Dokuro chanBoku no PicoIkkitousen
DAMN IT /a/! Must I repeat myself you all have no cute little sister who look up to you, and how can you be afraid of her becoming a weaboo when you're already one, using imouto when referring to your sister, for shame.
Akane iruAki soraKiss x sisShould be a perfect start.
>>30676357there is a HUGE difference between weeaboos and /a/nons, in terms of both power levels and intelligences
Seriously?Princess Tutu for starters. Kaleido Star and Full Moon give a quite good message and are for little girls. I would also like to mention that while Full Moon has terrible pace, it's probably my favourite anime (and I watched hundreds of them).If you want your sister to be classy, maybe Marimite may be good, like this guy here said. >>30675422
>>30676232I may, seeing as it's one of my favorite anime, however I'm worried it may be too god-tier for her 10 year mind.>>30676309I'm aiming to show her something that'll let her know what a GOOD anime looks like, I'm sorry I'm not showing her whatever your favorite anime is.>>30676357u just mad because u dnt have an imouto.
elfen lied
Angel Cop and Mad Bull 34
OP's underage and/or a loser.
>>30676475how about.....Toradora?
>>power levels and intelligences>>intelligences
Kodomo no Jikan
>>30676532Maybe if you had a little sister yourself you wouldn't be so cranky.>>30676537I think that's possible... the only problem I see is that it might not be eye catching enough as a first anime.
>>30675938Well, there is a quite easy way to prove her you are not gay.Watch Kanokon
>>30676475Why would I be mad? u mad as you have had to come to /a/ for family advice, think about it.
Perfect for little girls.
>>30676475death note = code geassthey both have the same shitty fanbase
>>30676650I know for a fact that there are anons on /a/ that have successfully introduced their sisters to anime, I'm asking for recommendations for a 10 year old girl, not asking for advice on how to J-J-JAM IT IN.
>>30676683/a/ is gay for code geass and like death note, but hate it's fanbase so much they sometimes forget that.
>>30676726I dunno just show her something old like Magic Knight Rayearth or something.Case Closed/Detective Conan would work also. (Unless she has issues with people dying.)
Akane IroI think this may be a good first anime.
Chaos HeadShe will hate anime forever, so there's no danger she'd ever become weeaboo.
>I'm aiming to show her something that'll let her know what a GOOD anime looks like>Code Geass>GoodI'm getting trolled, I must be
I showed the best animus since she's like 8yo, now she's a Hitman Reborn fangirl and she isn't interested in anything else,;dr: no matter what you do, she'll have her own tastes no matter how shitty they are.
meet my wife
>>30676726Hmmmm I can't think of many why not try ....pokemon?
Shakugan no Shana, that way she thinks siblings kissing is normal. After that you're golden OP.
Enjoy your sister becoming a yaoi fangirl, because she will.
Oh wait I just thought of it.Slayers.Action girl protag + Comedy + MagicThis would probably be a safe starter... Unless I'm forgetting about something.
>>30677053Um I second this, my sister used to watch toonami with me and then adult swim when we were both kids(she's 3 years younger than me) now all she wants to do is watch shit like Vampire Knight and all those other shows like it and actually reads Yaoi.
>>30676896>>30677063She'd probably find something too old (before 2000) uninteresting, and shoujo/magical girl types don't satisfy her either (maybe this is good).>>30677031>>30676904I don't want her to think I have a imouto complex...
>>30677053>>30677140I've never met a yaoi fangirl (lucky me?). How bad are they?
>>30677159Why not?
Anything not totally well known in the States amongst underage B& , decent, and with a female protagonist will do.-Lain-Uninhabited Planet Survive!-Scrapped Princess-Kobato ( MAKE YOUR SISTER MOE )
>>30677177hmmm why not try one of the big 3? Then when she learns to hate the one she picks up she might move onto good anime
>>30677177They smell worse than you can possibly imagine.
I think showing her Lain would be good for her mental development.
>>30677177Unbearably bad when it comes to anything anime related, if you think the shipping here gets annoying've never met a yaoi fangirl who will ship the most ridiculous gay pairings you can think of. Most of them don't even make any sense other than the fact they're both attractive.
I showed my sister Lain.She went through a 2 year goth phase after.
Try Seto no Hanayome then.I found it pretty funny.Maybe Pani Poni Dash?Or even Azumanga Daioh. I hear a lot of people started seriously getting into anime because of that.
MarimiteStrawberry PanicSakiStrike WitchesSasameki KotoNanohaWith this she will not become a yaoi fangirl
>>30677177My sister still watches Bleach and likes to pair up Hitsugaya sexually with other Bleach guys in random fanfiction she makes. Please don't make your sister as bad as mine, letting her watch Bleach with me when it first started on Cartoon Network was the worst idea ever.
cool and spicyalso yumeiro patisserie.
>>30677568why haven't you drowned her yet jesus christ dude
>>30677507She will, there's no way out.She'll just have no interest in these shows.
Ya know what your problem is Imoutofag? You're too picky. Your sis will like what she wants either way so just pick a damn anime and let her watch it. She's only 10 it can't be that hard. Throw pokemon or sailor moon or Card Captor Sakura at her or something.