Does /a/ like Miku?
It's about 50/50 I think. Dump images anyway.
>>30669481Why do you not love Miku?
I prefer Len.
I fucking hated this song.
I dunno, but i know i really fuckin want this to come out.
i know some who like other vocaloids better (aka idiots) but no one that really hates Miku
Yeah, I like Miku.Music-wise, my favorite album that I've heard is InfinitY, Stir Up Club was good too.Yeah, I know that Miku isn't exclusively involved in those albums but I sort my music in iTunes by artist and it got annoying to have 4 or 5 different categories for 1 album, so I got used to labeling every "Miku" album as Hatsune Miku
No, Luka is superior.
her voice makes my ears BLEED.
Yellow was here, green is a loser
Yes I do.If you are going to start dumping please go to /c/.
>>30669579Wtf. Are you me?
>>30669532Fucking this. I haven't heard any news about it other than that its coming out in April.
>>30669594If you listened to her more, you'd get used to her.Or you can listen to Gumi's cover of Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari for a more human-like voice.Or you can listen to any UTAUloid song and see how human-like Miku's voice is compared to them.
>>30669453we used to.not so much now, thanks to regular holic spam.
>>30669579No one ever talks about music in a Miku thread
Voice-wise, I have to admit that Miku is the best. But I love the twins' character designs much more, they're so fucking cute together.
Miku is a pinhead
>>30669651Or listen to livetune for the opposite, a more robotic sounding Miku.
I prefer the twins. Someone probably posted Rin already so here's Len.
>>30669715I actually like the "robotic" Miku
PutinP series = best Vocaloid song series ever
>>30669673 Ritsu SOUNDS like a girl, too.
Luka > Meiko > Miku
>>30669736I think it fits really well for certain songs, such as " Hello Planet" and " The Disappearance of Hatsune Miku". For ballady songs not so much though.
>>30669694I'm here to correct thatHere, Doriko's ( the guy who did Romeo & Cinderella ) latest work :
>>30669694you're an idioti collect miku threads just to get all the youtube links
>>30669453>>30669453Miku is shit, sounds like the voice a fish would make it when you beat it with a club after pulling it out of the water and it is currently flopping around.Also, why is the other guy drawing on Miku's hair?
Vocaloid shit is gay.
>>30669769I like PutinP
>>30669894This made me lol
Does /jp/ ever talk about Vocaloid? I've been on there a few time but they were talking about seiyuus and Touhou and other shit I don't care about.
>>30669963Yes, all the time. Miku can sing really fuckin' well.Also, twins are shit. Their designs are terrible. Len is a faggot and Rin needs to get raped.Musunde Hiraite Rasetsu to Mukuro Miku is mai waifu.
>>30669914Brofist.jpgWhat's your favorite song?
>>30669885Nicovideo has a better sound quality>>30669894Rejoice, if you don't like Miku's voice , you should appreciate Hatsune Miku's Append, an official upgrade which add five different way to manipulate her voice. Let me search an exemple
>>30669997I like that song, don't get me wrong, but every time I see it on the ranking...YAAAAAAI YAAAAAI ASOBI NI IKOUKAYAAAAAAI YAAAAAI WARAYE YA WARAYERAAAAAAI RAAAAAI MUSUN DE HIRAITERAAAAAAI RAAAAAI....
I prefer Lin and Ren.
>>30669997>Hachi>CosMoP>Ryo>More Ryo>Ryo againI think you should expand your culture. Do you know 164 ?
>>30670029fair enough but isnt that site in moonrunes and such? not worth the two mins figuring out the place
>>30670029Found it
>>30670029BRS with original Miku with soft append Miku
Rin and Len always seem to get the songs that actually have good stories.
>>30670179Sadly yes , and you need to subscribe, but I think it's worth it
>>30669844Holy shit. I didn't notice this. Thanks a lot, bro.
I love milk
Append Miku is so superior sounding to the original it isn't even funny
>>30669997>Also, twins are shit.Yo, anon, I'm really happy for you, and Imma let you finish, but Meltdown is the one of the best vocaloid songs of all time. OF ALL TIME.
Latest week's first ranked song really surprised me
>>30669844Looks like that was just uploaded today. I was wondering why I hadn't seen it in the rankings.
>>30670152>>30670152Oh, I actually thought of mentioning my enjoyment of Ryo's work, even though it's Vocaloid entry tier, because he really has done some excellent stuff.
Anyone else around here follow the rankings religiously? Also,
My most recent favorite Miku song is Song For Eternal. ~10 minutes of love for my ears. 2 Rock City is still my favorite: about you, /a/?
>>30670351I was surprised too, but not pleasantly. I haven't liked anything in the top 30 for a couple weeks now.
>>30670331This anon speak the truth . About that, guess who has her own figire selled by the Good Smile Company now ?
>>30670445Tokyo 2 is one of my favorites as well.Lately, I've been putting Kimi no Taion on loop for hours and hours. Not the Miku version, but the chorus version.
>>30670461Too bad that figure looks like shit, especially the hair. And they've released such beautiful Miku figures in the past too. I am disappoint, GSC.
>>30670382Since december 2008 he has only did "human" songs and I think that's a good think. His songs are god tier but his vocal tuning is horrible
My Miku figma. I've got the twins too.
>>30670445I've been really into Baker's stuff lately think he does the best job of tuning Gumi's voice. His none-Gumi songs are great too.
>>30670461That's the Hard-R.K.mix version, isn't it? I think I would've preferred the original meltdown outfit.
>>30670455I must say I'm partially angry at the rankings too . Not a single one of Shu-tP's works has been in the top30 in the past 6 month, even though he is the most ancient and one of the most skilled Vocaloid masters
>>30670455Me neither, except unfragment. That's probably my newest favorite.
>>30670582For the adult version or for the loli ?
>>30670714Yeah, me too.
>>30670714Fuck year Unfragment . Hiroyuki ODA is one of my favorite Miku masters of the moment . His tuning and music are high tier AND he does the PV's himself too . Too much talent, it's almost depressing
>>30670331Inferior to Musunde Hiraite Rasetsu to Mukuro in every way.>>30670540I'm aware, and he's still kicking ass.
miku is not /a/ related.Black rock shooter is./discuss.
>>30670832Miku is related to Black Rock Shooter is related to anime.
>>30670832There is a vocaloid manga, we can discuss it here. We use the same excuse for Persona threads.
Not too much Meiko in this thread , isn't it ?
>>30670832I'm as excited for the BRS anime as the next guy, but I really couldn't stand that song. Ryo's worst work, by far.
>>30670832 COURSE SHE FUCKING IS . to 3:20 is fucking epic!
>>30670832I'd gladly discuss about this if there was something to discuss about. However...>I haven't heard any news about it other than that its coming out in April.
>>30670896's the only Meiko song I like, sadly. I can't get used to her voice.
>>30670904He was trying to depict a story absolutely not fitted for his style. I think most of the popularity of the song provides from the PV ( and naturally BRS' character)
>>30670904The concept that spawned due to Huke's involvement is awesome, though.
>>30670832People tend to forget that this is also a manga board, which Miku does have
my bad, i've forgot about miku's manga.(which i read and which was pretty wtf am i reading thought)nice troll breaking /a/, i'm proud of you.also black rock shooter the way, my favourite miku songs are Popipo (fuck yeah), world is mine, triple baka, along with rin and len adolescence.this is pure weaboo win.
Best song for this one? Isn't it the cutest thing ever?
Why is Yuki so loli?
>>30671071 know you want it.
>>30671031...Holy shit, I think I have to download this now.
>>30671071I like toeto only because it's so HOLY SHIT REAL. Miku song ever :3
>>30670951HOLY CRAPI dont even think i can count just how many references that video has.Truly the ultimate song, especially when it gets to 3:05
>>30671184That is not last night good night.But still a very good song.
>>30670951Was that pedobear ಠ_ಠ?
>>30671116AH-Software wanted to attract a particular audience.And failed miserably since the majority of the vocaloid fanbase is now female . And Yuki's voice data is horrible
Nobody ever likes nebula :(
>>30671071I think that good tooJust Be Friends however sounds better when it's sung by a person.
>>30670951God that was amazing 0_0
>>30671184DECO*27, DeadballP would like to have a word with you.
>>30671238Nebula has an amazing PV, but the song is rather weak when it's alone.
>>30670951What song is that wierd robotic looking Miku holding the flower pot from?
Love is war is fucking awesome. , and does somebody have the pic of twisty-lsd-coloured-like miku with a psycho grin on her face? i lost it , and i'm not myself anymore since :/)
>>30671252>Wanderlast>Music Box of Time>Double LariatYou, sir, have fine taste.
>>30670951Can't open shit captain Which song is it ?
>>30671291Hello Planet
>>30671234>>majority of the vocaloid fanbase is now female
The moment she started swinging that leek made me HNNNNGGGGGGGGGG!!!>>30670951
>>30671347It's true. Don't you remember To Love Ru's mangaka's ex-wife?
I want a takoluka plush toy.
>>30671341try a direct link
>>30671380Ah , now I know . It's that video made for her 2nd birthday, right ? I think it's better to watch it without the sound
>>30670951That video made me realize just how amazing Miku has become
>>30671389Yes, but cumdumpsters liking Vocaloid more than the superior race of weeaboo shut-ins? Why the fuck would this be the case, let alone to the point that one of us would admit it?I refuse to believe this until I am given damning proof that will utterly destroy my misogynistic opinion the moment I am shown it.
My favorite is probably Everwhite>and Forever... Lalala
>>30671615HAHAHA oh wow
>>30671513you made my day.
>>30671603Remember Imitation Black ?
>>30670951Nicethey even included PSP and BRS references
>>30671700project diva is AWESOME.
>>30670951>3:05 to 3:20
best twins song ever or best twins song ever?
>>30671603Most of the members of the LJ Vocaloid comm seem to be female. The ones that actually contribute anyways.