So who's watched episode 42?Thoughts?
>>30520317Generally pretty good. Though I think I liked Rose more when she got raped.
>>30520317Hohenheim's a funny guy.
>>30520317The writing is decreasing in quality.
Got to see little Pride in his tux. Makes up for the scene with him and Greed that was missed last week. It wasn't a really important scene it just had...well, Pride in a tux.
brotherhood needs more envy
>>30520416No YOUR mad.
>>30520317That face will keep me up at night. :I
>>30520494You're just trollan me.
>>30520483Agreed he's got like how much screen time left? Only next week and then he comes back just to get killed again. Though atleast Roy vs Envy should be epic.
>>30520512And I'm okay with that.
>>30520530Wow you actually used my picture. I actually succeded at something! Not sure what I succeded at though..
>>30520540He always keeps me up all night with fear for my sexuallity. And I'm okay with that
>>30520606I lol'dEnvy makes me sexually confused.
>>30520569>Not sure what I succeded at though..Photoshopping an image, I suppose.
I loved the little Greed picture that showed up during Hoenheim and Pride's conversation. It just looked cool.
>>30520680That image made me laugh out loud so much. You make that?
>>30520654Envy makes everybody sexually confused. Even the wimminz.
>>30520737That's why he's the troll of FMA.
Dear lord just how many people are gay for him?
Time for an animated gif.
I think there are way to much ways to get into sloths tunnel
>>30520777Everyone. Even you.
>>30520711Nah. I just sees 'em and I saves 'em.These are pretty old.
>>30520849I suppose I'll roll with that.Must be the miniskirt.
>>30520779The hell is wrong with Roy's nose?
Next week will have Marcoh's epic scene.Too bad Arakawa ruined it later on by bringing Envy back.
>>30520779roy mustang throws down a dope rhyme while edward jams to it.gif
>>30520871I'm straight. I'd still tap that.
>>30520711Here's the last one.
>>30520903wtf you talking about, traps make everything better.
>>30520737>>30520654>>30520606>>30520512Oh come on, you know you want me.
I thought Envy was female for so long. I fapped to him and then finally realised the lack of breasts and hint of manliness in his voice. Then I proceeded to fap harder.
>>30520974Yes. :U
>Everyone is doing their job to a great extent>Winry just followsYAWN
What point of the manga is it at now? Wonder if they'll be able to wrap it all up in 52 eps?
>>30521063It's gonna be 63 episodes
>>30521036>>Implying Alphonse is doing anything either.
>>30521095Yeah, they're not far enough in to finish it up in 10 more. Saw that one coming.
Endgame - however, it's hard to say if the manga can really finish before the series catches up at this rate.
>>30521137I'm not sure whether I'd want to rape or be confus
>>30521133He went through a blizzard to relay a message and then figured out the riddle behind Scar's brother's book.
>>30521137I want him to brutally ravage my ass and traumatise me so much that I see his face in my nightmares.
>>30521176Would by funny in a sad way, if they'd have to stretch out the last episodes, thanks to them rushing through the early parts and omitting scenes.
>>30520849O BBY
>>30521304Aren't the last chapters already dragging enough as it is?
You know what? Brotherhood really isn't that great.It was actually superb for a while after it started getting on the ball (after where the anime diverged the first time) but now it's been 10+ episodes of nothing happening. Well, I know things are happening it just feels like nothing has been accomplished.
>>30521304The rushing was going to come back and bite them on the ass. They'd better not catch up too quick and then have to make shit up. >:I
>>30521362Holy shit he is fucking adorable.
>>30521409Suddenly, Nazis.
>>30521469That's not even one of the cuter screencaps.
>>30521502I doubt it. I'm just guessing, but I'm betting there'll be at least one other of those clip episodes. >>30521400Let's say if you can say that after the next episode.
First of all, come on, there won't be Nazis.Second, stop exaggerating, the Nazis were only dressing for the movie.
>>30521523Mother fucking adorable
>>30521658I always feel I'm the only one who liked the Nazis in the movie.
>>30521739FMA did WWII
>>30521755FMA invented the atomic bomb
>>30521739There are only very few people who thought the movie wasn't complete horseshit.
The gay in this thread! It's so overpowering!
>>30521833Envy's fault
>>30521658>>30521739>>30521755First of all the movie took place in Munich, Germany in 1923, and there were no Nazis
>>30521874When is it not Envys fault?
Can someone explain to me why there are tracks that end no where in the tunnel Sloth's built?Also im only to volume 22 in the manga and im not sure whether or not its okay to still have no idea what Father is planning with the 'sacrifices'.
>>30521913DAT ASS
>>30521960I'm not quite sure what you mean by tracks.
>>30522141there's like..train tracks or something in the middle of the tunnel.
>>30522213The train track I think are just left over from the mining tunnels. Also they would have to move out what Sloth digs or else it would have just clogged the tunnel.
>>30520533stop saying "epic" faggot
So how did /a/ turn so homo in a night?
>>30522341one word: Envy.
>>30522341See here: >>30521874
>>30522325I only say epic because that was what it was.
>>30522341someone brought up Envy
>>30522406don't lie, you are the type who always say that for almost everything which is just good.
>>30522490Fine fine.
Al > Envy
>>30522563You make Envy sad.
>>30520974The homo is strong in this one.
>>30522563Envy > You
I don't understand! What do you find so appealing about Envy?!
>>30522861SAFETY DANCE
>>30522902He's lulzy.And is a totally hawt girl until you realise he isn't.
>>30522902i dont understand how you DONT find envy appealing?
>>30522932"And is a totally hawt girl until you realise he isn't."Fuck that, ignorance is bliss.
Really this thread should be saved as proof of how gay /a/ really is.
>>30522990I'm actually screencapping and pasting together each bit of this thread. :3
>>30522990this must be archived as proof of the sexuality of /a/
>this thread
>>30522990/a/ is gay for Envy it bitches
>>30523018Agreed. Needs moar archive requests.
Archive this bitch
Archive plz. This must be preserved to show how truly gay /a/ is.
>>30523176So we can show our children, and our children's children.
Thanks for your request. It has been added to our database and the thread will be archived as soon as enough request for that thread have been made.This thread has been requested 3 times now.Come on people
I shall now formally request that this thread be added to the 4chan archive.
>>30522563Human or soul-in-suit, women would only see Al as a "friend" with that type of personality.
>>30523225Request to be added to archive plz
Just 3 more requests!
>Thanks for your request. It has been added to our database and the thread will be archived as soon as enough request for that thread have been made. This thread has been requested 5 times now.
Only a few more requests and Envy is forever preserved.
Needs MOAR requests, come on guys!
Archive if you want proof against the homophobes on /a/
need moar rule 63 envy
would you like some moar?
>>30523590I only have the one
Request request request
I prefer this version of Envy
How delightfully homo
>>30523725I always thought he was adorable in that form. :3
>>30523586They exist?
>>30523725I always have the urge to put him in fishbowl or summit like that
Envy's my homunculus husbando.
>>30523776Fucking best pet EVAR
>>30523773There's a really annoying namefag. Has a little heart symbol for thier name.
>>30523800No, mine, screw you. >:C
Can 2 more people find it in thier heart to request an archive?
>>30523825I think you best back off or there will be a 99% chance of fisticuffs, those are my delicious abs.
>>30523824Don't even get me started on that fucker
>>30523870>>30523825Back off, girls. This ladyboy's mine.
>>30523725Envy has an awesome reaction face in that form, I used to have a picture, but I lost it somewhere.
Now we all know who really gets to pimp him.
>>30523874Then archive against him.
>>30520654>>30520606I feel so relieved to know I'm not the only one. SO RELIEVED.
>>30523980Already did
Brotherhood needs more Lust...... :(
Needs moar archive requests
>>30524071She's dead, Jim.;_;
Teofrastus Bombastus here, how can I help?
Thread has 6 requests. C'mon guys
4chan wants YOU to archive this thread. WIll you be the hero?
Lucky number 7
Someone else request. NAO.
>>30524284Extra requests are welcome but we've got the 7.Now we continue our gay little escapade and post fanart.
>>30524350Fuck yes
You are posting in a sugoi thread.
Holy shit this thread derailed. Oh well. I found this image here on 4chan a while ago.
I love you guys for adding much needed Envy to my FMA folder.
>>30524441It derailed and I like it.
>>30524478LOVE it. :'D
Just read the manga.. Envy dies in the manga like the little bitch he is.
>>30524514>implying half the characters haven't died like bitches
Hughes died like a bitch too. :U
I want Envy to say that to me while I lick his feet.
Dem abs.
Can anyone show me a gayer thread on /a/?
Dat ass
I don't even know when the hell this all started, but I'll roll with it.
Would rather have Pride than Envy.
I now declare it Envyday
>>30524946This is now an Envy thread and you post Envy in Envy threads.
>>30524979And the 4th of Feburary shall be remembered. Or whatever day it is in your time zone.
>>30524987Don't have any fetus images so can't post any Envy.
>>30525033Tuesday, the 2nd
>my face when i realized he was a dude.
>>30522341>/a/ - Animie & Mangiathere ya go
>>30525052Oh yeah my bad 3rd here not 4th. I always work out the date by how many days it is till payday.
Needs some more porn
>>30525033>4th of Feburary>02/02/10(Tue)20:39Where the fuck are you located that your +24 hours ahead?
>>30524979So it's Envyday now. Yaaaaay
>>30525111>My face when I realised he was a dude.
>>30525197Space. Nah I miscounted it's the 3rd here in England.
>>30520315Please stop constantly spamming and harassing www.anon Thank you.
barring the gayness of this thread, might I inquire where "Chibi Envy" came from? Looks too good to be a shoop.
oh shit, an FMA thread
>>30525245The Chibi Party OVA from the first anime?
I don't give a fuck about Envy.My favorite deadly sin homunculus is Gluttony. In the manga and anime.
>>30525245The Chibi OVA. It was for the movie with all the characters at an after party. And like all of /a/ all of the cast where very gay for Envy.
Am I the only person who thinks Envy is totally unattractive.
>>30525281But but Gluttony isn't sexy.
>>30525281>>30525300Then you obviously want to stay away from this thread.
>>30525284Which movie? Conqueror of Shambala? Or one I'm not knowing the name of because I've only watched the last half of the first series and that shitty movie, and picked up Brotherhood because I read the manga?
>>30525281But he isn't sexy and effeminate and likable like Envy.
>>30525344Thats the only movie
>>30525300Yes you are please fix that.
>>30525363Oh. Is the chibi ova worth watching, or is it as shit as this thread and the movie?
>>30520316Please stop constantly spamming and harassing www.anon Thank you.
Fuck year
>>30525401Watch it NOW. It is so worth it. Even if you only watch it for the sparkley Envy.
>>30525371No thank you.Monster Envy, on the other hand...
>>30525401The only OVA worth watching was Kids.
posting this because the other two have shit for quality.
>>30525353If you're a homosexual, then sure Envy is for you.>>30525342I don't give a fuck, I'll voice my opinion. Because like, you know I can.>>30525305I don't give a fuck because I'm not a fat yaoi loving girl or a homosexual.
I'm F5'ing like the motherfucking Fist of the North Star. I'm putting off going to sleep, even though the damn thread is getting archived.
>>30525546>not homosexual>stating this on /a/Anyone can see through your lies.
Now see here ladies and gentelmen this:>>30525546Is a perfect example of what we talked about earlier here:>>30523586
>>30525582There's a difference between a homosexual and a faggot.I am a faggot but not a homosexual.
Oh thank god, I thought I was the only Envy lover.
>>30525567Same here man. Its always better when you can say you were there.
>>30525622Your not alone. Normally people are too busy fapping to chat about him.