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  • このサイトについて - 翻訳

    They all have shitty canned "anon delivers" type responses. We're working to block it, but for now, stop being idiots!

    New boards launched! Advice, Literature, News, International, Science & Math, 3DCG.

    File : 1265035649.png-(376 KB, 480x266, shot0014.png)
    376 KB Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)09:47 No.30469475  
    Is there a thread already? It's airing today right?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)09:47 No.30469482
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)09:48 No.30469488
    stupid show for stupid pedos such as yourself
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)09:48 No.30469498

    I still laugh at how 4chan doesn't understand what sage means.

    If only I knew moon so I wouldn't have to spend time on a board that imports foreign concepts and then DOES IT WRONG all the time.

    Using sage as a way to "insult" someone's post or thread is just completely wrong and a retarded misuse of a good feature that is so popular in sites like 2ch and Futaba. Fuck, iichan and 4-ch do it right. It's just 4chan and 4chan's lame knockoffs that fail at using sage.

    The true meaning of sage means that YOUR POST isn't worthy enough to bump the thread. It's ironic, because you think that you're insulting others while you're just, in fact, insulting yourself. Yes, sage can be used when posting a derogatory comment in a thread that you don't want to bump, but posting with just the word "sage" accomplishes nothing but contribute to spamming the board. The trend of replying with the name of a tripfag and sage is even worse, as it accomplishes nothing and only serves to increase the e-penis of whoever you're "attacking".

    The sage feature was never meant to serve as an implied insult or general disagreement! Why people started using it that way is beyond me. There are plenty of reasons why one would choose not to bump a thread with his reply. For example, bumping threads with stupid one liner replies should be discouraged and those people should be coerced into using sage instead.

    I want to use sage, yet I almost never do it on 4chan because people will jump on me thinking I'm insulting their post or something.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)09:49 No.30469504
    The stream we usually watch got taken down, there's that other thing you can put into VLC I think.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)09:50 No.30469543
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)09:53 No.30469587
    Downloaod KeyholeTV
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)09:54 No.30469609

    Always cracks me up.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)09:56 No.30469647
         File1265036163.png-(43 KB, 362x524, keyhole.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)09:56 No.30469668
    I love you anon
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:06 No.30469855
         File1265036777.png-(945 KB, 1280x720,
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    In the wiki there's people having second thoughts about Helvetia == Switzerland.

    I think the name is a correct indication it is the place, however the borders do not match. Well, borders could always change, what we need is to check the map against the geography to find the place.
    >> Parchment !PaperHQ.Js 02/01/10(Mon)10:09 No.30469921
         File1265036997.jpg-(129 KB, 1080x608, smirk_uhh_felicia_where_r_ur_g(...).jpg)
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    So Keyhole is our only option at this point? That's depressing.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:15 No.30470016
         File1265037329.png-(1.05 MB, 929x2792, 8524896.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:18 No.30470078
    Or wait for CR (for those who have region access ;_;)
    Or expect it to be up in say-move
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:20 No.30470108
    This show looks retarded.

    Can't you people come up with something more...intelligent?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:22 No.30470145
    What time is the episode airing? (4chan time) Wanna catch it on keyhole
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:22 No.30470155

    ...Such as?
    >> Parchment !PaperHQ.Js 02/01/10(Mon)10:23 No.30470173

    11:30AM EST. So, about an hour.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:25 No.30470247
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:29 No.30470341
    Talking to the writers or to the speculahfags?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:31 No.30470370
    Fuck, I was really hoping it was just me. Keyhole is the only option now? God fucking damnit.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:32 No.30470386

    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:33 No.30470401
    I will rip Crunchyroll subs in 8800 seconds (that's when it gets released on CR), if anyone is interested.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:34 No.30470413
    Why even watch a livestream of something that you cant even understand?

    Its like watching a movie without videofeed

    You get nothing from it and yet it spoils everything
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:34 No.30470422
    Don't know, who are the two slimes at the end?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:35 No.30470445
    Some people actually understand Japanese, you didn't think that far, did you?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:35 No.30470448
    animu air date
    >> Parchment !PaperHQ.Js 02/01/10(Mon)10:35 No.30470455
    So as someone pointed out last week, I think this episode will be the make or break to decide whether there's something here worth all the speculah, or if we're all just overanalyzing a simple broken-world-moe show.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:35 No.30470456
         File1265038555.png-(167 KB, 475x263, do_want.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:36 No.30470466

    Ok, so Kureha kills Felicia, Rio grabs her, wants to kill her, she begs her to (i don't know this kanji), get's thrown off a cliff and Kanata and Noel drank a medicine that Noel made that made them feel good and turn into jelly...

    this must be the storyboard for the last episode
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:36 No.30470476
         File1265038602.jpg-(12 KB, 108x101, retard bait.jpg)
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    >>30469482 >>30469488
    You guys are so predictable its starting to get depressing.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:36 No.30470479
    Half the shit we speculah about is purely visual, mostly details in the background.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:37 No.30470495
    >thrown off a cliff

    I'm a dolt, sorry... I meant: get's punched in the face
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:38 No.30470508
    >moe show
    Moe isn't a genre.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:39 No.30470519
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    Fukken saved
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:39 No.30470523
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:40 No.30470541
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:40 No.30470542
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:40 No.30470545
    Regardless of whether a plot appears or not, most of the discussion is just about the world setting which can either remain independent of any plot points or could be inherently connected.

    Doesn't much matter either way.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:40 No.30470548
    it's the same kiddies that wants subs out INSTANTLY the moment raws are out only even more impatient

    they must be the first to see it aired so that they feel they know stuff that others don't, whoop de doop
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:40 No.30470549
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:42 No.30470584
    What was the link to the stream again?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:42 No.30470585
    Honestly? I won't really care if stuff like everybody dying or whatever happens or not. I'm enjoying the show enough as a relaxing slice of life with a great background and music.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:43 No.30470595
    Got taken down; download keyhole tv if you really want to watch the stream
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:43 No.30470604
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:43 No.30470605
    Goddamnit Keyhole sucks donkey dick.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:44 No.30470628
    Uh, I dunno.

    This episode won't be something special. Maybe you will have some foreshadowing in the trailer, but I don't think so.

    Also in general:
    Why the fuck can't everyone just relax and cool down their expectations. Just enjoy the show for what it's worth instead of expecting the living shit out of it.
    Yeah I like to speculate and make theories and I admit I have some hopes for the further progress but goddamnit all this 'the next episode will mark whether the show will be [insert whatever adjective you like]'-jazz... what good will it do?
    You may speculate but raising your expectations without a reason is useless.
    At this point I'm not even expecting that it will mention the skeleton again. And I would not care, as long as it does whatever it does now, I'm a happy guy.

    tl;dr: just enjoy the show instead of expecting something it never said it would be.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:45 No.30470641

    Yeah man, that's everyone by now. Only underages who have a retarded violence wish were hoping for a bloodbath. I'm seriously OK with the show the way it is right now.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:46 No.30470665
    No special? Onsen scene.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:46 No.30470670
         File1265039190.jpg-(123 KB, 480x560, 8281762.jpg)
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    Same here. If shit does hit the fan and it's executed well, that's great. If not, that's fine too. It's still an enjoyable show either way.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:46 No.30470673

    It's been fun. I don't care if it was "overanalyzing".
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:47 No.30470686
    Ok not moe show, but there are moe characters. (just 2 for me, ymmv) Doesn't matter anyway. I enjoy the show.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:47 No.30470687
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:47 No.30470704

    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:47 No.30470714
    The only people with expectations are the trolls trying to put words in other people's mouths.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:48 No.30470716
         File1265039281.jpg-(7 KB, 103x150, snw-onsen.jpg)
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    (insert copypasta here)

    (and here's the big image that won't fit:
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:49 No.30470743
    Onsen AND everyone in the cockpit.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:49 No.30470748
    Well... 'special' was refering to the plot suddenly kicking in. If anything this is going to be a training episode with added onsen goodness. Also delicious Noel, preferably in short shorts.

    Maybe there will be a moment like "It's all fun and games until somebody loses an eye"
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:50 No.30470784
    A true Scholar and Gentleman is you
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:51 No.30470803
    >Maybe there will be a moment like "It's all fun and games until somebody loses an eye"
    Kanata goes blind and becomes Daredevil thanks to her freakish ears.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:51 No.30470804
         File1265039479.jpg-(18 KB, 180x101, story05_03.jpg)
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    Summer uniforms.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:51 No.30470821
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    Adult Noel
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:51 No.30470828
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:52 No.30470852
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    Noel > Yin
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:54 No.30470898
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:54 No.30470908
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:54 No.30470914
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:55 No.30470919


    Well, they do all bathe together. I'm sure, in the interests of the squad's health, they take extra care to keep clean... Their wet teenage bodies covered in soap and shampoo in the steamy room. Rubbing sponges and hands over their squadmates' smooth skin. Felicia's and Rio's breasts squeezing against the backs of the younger girls, their nipples hardening reflexively. A peek here, a grope there. Noel sitting quietly in the corner, touching herself and hoping no one notices she's watching Felicia sliding all over Kureha's pubescent undeveloped form. Lacking local doctors they'd also take the precaution to regularly examine each other in great detail. I wonder how Rio feels when she's facing Kanata's nude body spread-eagle in the bathroom. Gently pushing her legs a little wider, so she can see between the labia folds for a careful inspection of her personal heath. Not being used to the stimulation, Kanata would probably slowly get moist and aroused as Rio's fingers manipulated her. Her face blushing, trying to keep her mouth shut so the rest of the platoon doesn't hear her squeals.

    But I digress. Let's talk about the owl instead.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:55 No.30470921
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:55 No.30470947
    Last time we did this I punched a stream address into MPC. Anyone know what that was?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:55 No.30470951
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:56 No.30470979
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)10:59 No.30471049
         File1265039963.jpg-(92 KB, 1440x810, noeleyepatch.jpg)
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    Noel would look awesome with an eye patch
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:00 No.30471073
    She looks like Snake Pliskin
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:01 No.30471104
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    >> Parchment !PaperHQ.Js 02/01/10(Mon)11:01 No.30471111
         File1265040106.jpg-(53 KB, 440x338, living_the_dream_blondie.jpg)
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    Certainly it's been fun. SnW has let me enjoy animu more than I have in a good while.
    I suppose I would simply feel a bit let down if, after putting in a lot of effort to develop an interesting atmosphere and backstory, they pretty much leave all of it as a backdrop to the interactions between the squad members.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:01 No.30471113

    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:03 No.30471145
    inb4 Metal Gear comparisons
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:04 No.30471172
    she could snake my pilskin if you know what I mean
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:05 No.30471176
    >hurr I'm just gonna attach my favorite vidya character to a random animu girl wearing an eyepatch in order to relate two "military"-like stories
    yeah, no.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:05 No.30471185
    >derp they both have eyepatches, they must be related!
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:06 No.30471206
         File1265040411.png-(278 KB, 720x720, METARU_GIAH.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:08 No.30471235
    Is keyhole really the only available stream right now?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:08 No.30471240
         File1265040501.png-(10 KB, 642x381, 1263599680895.png)
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    If you wanted to watch a story set in a military-like story, you all could be watching Full Metal Jacket.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:08 No.30471257
         File1265040539.jpg-(74 KB, 1440x810, dem eyes.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:09 No.30471264
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:09 No.30471273
    We did already. We're watching something, you know, new?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:10 No.30471275
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:10 No.30471280
         File1265040608.jpg-(258 KB, 922x726, 8404424.jpg)
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    Okay, guys, I've got a question for you.

    Out of the five girls, who do you think smells the worst?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:10 No.30471282
    Any better stream than Keyhole? Goddamn quality is too low.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:11 No.30471305

    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:11 No.30471306
    Japanese soldier blowing horn.
    >> Parchment !PaperHQ.Js 02/01/10(Mon)11:11 No.30471314

    Don't know of any others.
    Keyhole quality seems better than it was last night, which was atrocious. At least you can actually tell people apart right now....
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:12 No.30471332
         File1265040740.jpg-(2 KB, 126x126, 1263964086922s.jpg)
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    This freak
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:12 No.30471340
         File1265040750.gif-(1.47 MB, 320x180, 1263227097158.gif)
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    but then I wouldn'tz have seen this, would I?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:13 No.30471354

    This sucks. I'm sure it was those engrish speaking folks last week in "that" stream" was the reason for it being taken down.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:13 No.30471372

    This, I bet she has shitty pantsu.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:14 No.30471380
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:15 No.30471397

    After they bathe, they all smell like heaven....before....Noel probably, because she works with machines...
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:16 No.30471425
    Goddammit Kubo
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:16 No.30471427

    Noel has the sweet smell of a hard day's work ;_;
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:16 No.30471430
    The tank obviously.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:16 No.30471442
         File1265040988.jpg-(196 KB, 960x540, living-the-dream.jpg)
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    It isn't easy to forget, guys. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:16 No.30471444

    motor oil?
    >>  02/01/10(Mon)11:16 No.30471448

    girl excited over her first cavity.jpg
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:16 No.30471454
    Suki suki su suki su suki su...
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:17 No.30471470

    Get the fuck out our threads. No, seriously. Please fuck off to somewhere else.
    >> Parchment !PaperHQ.Js 02/01/10(Mon)11:17 No.30471478

    I don't understand Eleven's tastes in music.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:19 No.30471519
    Full Metal Jacket had some fun parts, but is mostly overrated.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:19 No.30471534
    holy shit michael jackson came back from the dead!
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:21 No.30471573
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:23 No.30471617
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:23 No.30471629
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:23 No.30471633
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:24 No.30471646
         File1265041474.jpg-(19 KB, 205x267, 1263831866652.jpg)
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    The 2chan thread is up
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:25 No.30471669
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:25 No.30471670
    fuck off -> itterashai
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:25 No.30471676
    What channel is it on? I can't find it on Keyhole.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:26 No.30471682
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:26 No.30471686
    5 mins more. Time for a new thread.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:26 No.30471692
    tv of those with +200 viewers
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:26 No.30471698

    >> Parchment !PaperHQ.Js 02/01/10(Mon)11:27 No.30471700
         File1265041628.jpg-(49 KB, 369x616, keyhole.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:27 No.30471714
    This is hilarious.

    No, there are a little under 130 posts left on this one.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:27 No.30471719
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:28 No.30471748
    1 min niggers
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:28 No.30471750
         File1265041722.jpg-(405 KB, 929x1300, 1264014793835.jpg)
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    Sakanah ja nai
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:30 No.30471781
    >> Parchment !PaperHQ.Js 02/01/10(Mon)11:30 No.30471787
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:30 No.30471788
    Something Gunbuster related.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:30 No.30471789
    IT's UP
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:30 No.30471790
         File1265041820.jpg-(21 KB, 165x178, YES!.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:30 No.30471791
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:30 No.30471796
    It's on!
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:30 No.30471806
    i love this song ;_;
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:31 No.30471816
    IT'S ON!
    >> Parchment !PaperHQ.Js 02/01/10(Mon)11:31 No.30471817
    This quality makes me sad though.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:31 No.30471825
    Quality is okay.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:31 No.30471834
    Is the stream choppy for you guys?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:31 No.30471836
    It makes me cry rivers of blood ;_;
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:31 No.30471841
    Wainu desu
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:31 No.30471842
    Living the dream?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:32 No.30471845
    Quality is dicks omg.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:32 No.30471847
    Do they know we have this drinking meme over there or something?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:32 No.30471848
    LIVING THE DREAM already?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:32 No.30471855
    Start the damn show already
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:32 No.30471860
    This is terrible quality.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:32 No.30471864
    Aaaaand then thousands of ads...
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:32 No.30471870
    >> Parchment !PaperHQ.Js 02/01/10(Mon)11:33 No.30471872
    If you were a solider fighting an endless war in a dying world, you'd have to drink your memories away....
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:33 No.30471878
    DRRRRRRRRRR ad in my SnW?

    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:33 No.30471879

    Also ads, but its ok since ppl are paying for adsx which means that its gettin quite popular
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:33 No.30471880
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:33 No.30471882
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:33 No.30471884
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:33 No.30471885
    Tank-kun desu!!
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:33 No.30471887
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:33 No.30471893
    WTF its working?!
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:33 No.30471898
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:33 No.30471899
    Cool simulator, girls.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:33 No.30471903
    Moe tank commander.

    Brb getting a triple bypass
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:33 No.30471908
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:33 No.30471910
    >> Parchment !PaperHQ.Js 02/01/10(Mon)11:34 No.30471914
    Simulator mode?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:34 No.30471915
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:34 No.30471916
    I knew it's gonna be a simulation.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:34 No.30471918
         File1265042047.jpg-(129 KB, 1440x810, 1265041964667.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:34 No.30471919
    Now that's some fine horn blowin
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:34 No.30471920
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:34 No.30471921
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:34 No.30471924
    Simulator! At least it works to some extent, fuck year
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:34 No.30471925
         File1265042062.png-(34 KB, 330x250, 3.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:34 No.30471926
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:34 No.30471935
    lol owl.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:34 No.30471937
    Do Germans have a 'summer military uniform'?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:34 No.30471938
    Dem feet
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:35 No.30471940
         File1265042106.jpg-(159 KB, 1280x720, 1265041971373.jpg)
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    キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:35 No.30471943
    oh god this ep is awesome
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:35 No.30471949
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:35 No.30471950

    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:35 No.30471951
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:35 No.30471953

    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:35 No.30471954
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:35 No.30471955
    They do now.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:35 No.30471956
         File1265042121.jpg-(37 KB, 421x336, GOD DAMNIT.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:35 No.30471957
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:35 No.30471966
    MOE MOE KYUN~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:35 No.30471971

    Yeah, the Afrika Korps desert uniforms.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:36 No.30471972
    aww.. blush
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:36 No.30471975

    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:36 No.30471979
    Noel made a joke awesome
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:36 No.30471982
         File1265042174.jpg-(66 KB, 1440x810, 1265042016051.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:36 No.30471984
         File1265042176.png-(58 KB, 330x250, 5.png)
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    Something important about Noel?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:36 No.30471988
    xbawks hueg hands.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:36 No.30471991
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:36 No.30471997
    Personal letters to each member, interesting....
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:37 No.30472002
    I know... even the sound...

    Surely I'm not the only one who watches this for the music and Kobayashi, right?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:37 No.30472003
    Living the dream
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:37 No.30472008
    sage mode!
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:37 No.30472009
    Loli rape imminent.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:37 No.30472010
         File1265042231.jpg-(122 KB, 1440x810, 1265042168810.jpg)
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    >> Parchment !PaperHQ.Js 02/01/10(Mon)11:37 No.30472011
    Drink up me hearties
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:37 No.30472013

    TRANSAM - ENGAGE !!!!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:37 No.30472014
    Krauss is officially living the dream.
    >> LIVING THE DREAM Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:37 No.30472015
    complementary booze
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:37 No.30472019
    Kureha's got the hots for Krauss, it seems.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:37 No.30472030
    Alchomaholz? FOR THE DRIVER? JENIUZ
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:37 No.30472031
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:37 No.30472033
    inb4 Kureha+Krauss Doijinshi
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:37 No.30472037
         File1265042267.jpg-(82 KB, 1280x720, 1265042028181.jpg)
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    >Chaff Bullet
    >Smoking Bullet

    Side pods confirmed for countermeasures and smoke. Missiles, huh?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:37 No.30472041
    Does it look like something like they're wearing?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:37 No.30472042
    A real man~
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:38 No.30472046
    Stop spamming and harassing www. anon
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:38 No.30472049
         File1265042292.jpg-(228 KB, 1434x810, 1265042186351.jpg)
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    Hey, it's a letter from her boyfriend
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:38 No.30472052
    This quality reminds me of watching streaming porn on Real Player over a 33.6 dialup in 1999.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:38 No.30472055

    You getting it from 2ch?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:38 No.30472056
    That's some serious armament
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:38 No.30472058
    Kureha that double crossing vile daughter of a vile woman.

    She is dere dere for kraus as well
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:38 No.30472063
         File1265042318.jpg-(83 KB, 1440x810, 1265042218376.jpg)
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    >> Parchment !PaperHQ.Js 02/01/10(Mon)11:38 No.30472064
    Nomansland Training Exercise, COMMENCE
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:38 No.30472067
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:38 No.30472068
         File1265042327.jpg-(71 KB, 1280x720, smoking hot.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:38 No.30472069
    No man's land!
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:38 No.30472071
    Time for training... IN THE MOUNTAINS
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:39 No.30472081
    To think she was straight.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:39 No.30472083

    New Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:39 No.30472085
    Shit is heavy
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:39 No.30472089
         File1265042361.jpg-(334 KB, 1434x810, slutty slut.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:39 No.30472090
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:39 No.30472098
         File1265042383.png-(65 KB, 330x250, 6.png)
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    So before the backpack did contain helium or something
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:39 No.30472100
    It's like a bunch of retarded snails!
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:39 No.30472102
         File1265042391.jpg-(69 KB, 1280x720, 1265042370950.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:40 No.30472108
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:40 No.30472110
    Ganbate Rio-chan!
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:40 No.30472111
    Rio grunting, oh god
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:40 No.30472113
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)11:40 No.30472114
    oh god now I can fap off to rio takin a dump

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