So /a/, how many times do you jack off weekly?
twice a day on average, once to anime once to other shit
Usually at least 3 times a day.
>>298585061-2 times per day, so between 7 and 14 times per week.
lol weekly
>>29858529>once to other shitNormalfag spotted.
>>29858539This. 3x a day on weekdays, 4-5x a day on weekends and holidays. So I guess, 23-25x a week.
2 or 3 times a week usually. Maybe once a month I can manage twice in one day.
Once a day sometimes I try to stop but then I just fap double the next day
depends on the type of week i'm having, but i don't think i ever go a week without a jack off so there's a minimum
I'm a christfag so I can't jack off
I've only jacked off twice so far this year
>>29858605FAP MORE FAGGOT!20 times a week for me. My record is 8x in one day, I was tired as fuck and my penis was in tremendous pain.
0-5 times a day, usually 2though sometimes, after going a few days without, i'll rebound with a full day of fapping
At home, about once a dayI live in a triple at college, so i only can manage it once a week there.
>>29858656Nobody has actually done that. You lie.
been fapping more than usual latelyprobably was once a day, twice every other day before
at least 3 times per day
My max was 3 times in one day. But i usually manage to rub one out at least everyday
you guys sure do fap a lot.
>>29858656I'm in my late 20s, my dick just isn't that energetic any more.
>>29858633Where in your holy book does it say you can't fap?
2-3 times a day.
Usually once or twice a day, so any where from 7-14.
I dunno.Anywhere between seven and high 20's.
it depends on the the pic, but usually 2-3 time per day
Fapping is like taking a shit. I don't really try or even want to sometimes, but I just don't feel comfortable if I don't do it.
>>29858757So do you, sir.
4-5 times a day no lotion
Used to fap everyday. But now i barely manage to get off, my dick just sticks to the side of my thigh like a pathetic lump now.
usually once a day
Uh, once, maybe twice a week.
Twice every other day.
Chafing, so I'm cutting back to 2-3 times a week.
>>29858816No I dont! I fap like thrice a week at most.
2-3 times a day
yesterday i was doing work and stay all nightfapped like 6 times because of tension, and nothing to donow my penis feels rare, i couldnt fap to a delicious ass
Ah, that series. Delicious eye designs.
>>29858799Blood mixed with hormones and pieces of womb walls and egg, so arousing.
Once a week.There was a spell where I did it 3 to 4 times a day for about three weeks. I remember going to sleep on a Thursday and waking up Sunday. That was really terrifying so I cut way the fuck back.
Once every two weeks at the least, once every other day at the most. 5 day average maybe?
Usually 2-3 times a day.. Haven't fapped at all this last week though
>>29858993What the shit? Nobody noticed?