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    Major server overhaul complete—site should be significantly faster now.
    Spam is also still a big issue. That'll be dealt with late next week.

    File : 1263142196.jpg-(170 KB, 640x480, Quality_Anime.jpg)
    170 KB Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)11:49 No.29650241  
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)11:50 No.29650267
    in b4 cabbage
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)11:53 No.29650339
         File1263142391.png-(203 KB, 640x480, 1260321203687.png)
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:00 No.29650534
         File1263142816.jpg-(59 KB, 640x480, 1260322272070.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:06 No.29650685
         File1263143167.jpg-(53 KB, 640x480, 1260760430154.jpg)
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    >> David Bowie?! !SUlf2FqEz6 01/10/10(Sun)12:07 No.29650711
    Are we looking at the guy's reflection on the screen?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:08 No.29650740
    did naruto have a stroke?
    >> Deify the Cliff Racer that deifies the Cliff Racer in you !5wxYp5ivqM 01/10/10(Sun)12:08 No.29650758
         File1263143323.jpg-(58 KB, 770x434, 1246066607970.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:09 No.29650782
         File1263143397.jpg-(136 KB, 1351x257, garfield.jpg)
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    >> !BounDarIes 01/10/10(Sun)12:10 No.29650794
         File1263143425.jpg-(67 KB, 560x468, k-on.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:11 No.29650823
         File1263143488.jpg-(73 KB, 842x595, perfect.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:12 No.29650849

    ...some dude called Yamada did this Engrish, and has serious fun doing it.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:13 No.29650873
    Where is the QUALITY in this?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:13 No.29650881
    qualty of KnT 13
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:14 No.29650897
    3 fingers.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:14 No.29650902
    it's not bug, it's a feature! Asura etc.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:16 No.29650934
         File1263143772.jpg-(113 KB, 1524x792, 1260843251234.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:16 No.29650939
    I don't see it.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:16 No.29650944
         File1263143795.png-(1.11 MB, 1280x720, wat.png)
    1.11 MB
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:17 No.29650962
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:18 No.29650983
    girl on right's right hand.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:18 No.29650989
    moe~ happened that's what.

    It's killing the anime industry.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:19 No.29651038
    That's not completely accurate. Its not killing the industry, its killing it's creativity.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:20 No.29651051
    Thats just the angle I think.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:21 No.29651084
         File1263144104.jpg-(45 KB, 225x320, 1249271362676.jpg)
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    It's more like closet humor gone wild.
    btw who was the president when they made this?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:25 No.29651187
         File1263144325.gif-(107 KB, 320x180, 1262630081678.gif)
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    You can't have a quality thread without quality cabbage
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:26 No.29651220
    where the fuck is this from?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:27 No.29651251
    That's cabbage? I thought it was a melon!
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:28 No.29651293
    That one show, about a PRINCESS WHO CAME FROM THE MOON.
    No, not that one.
    No, not that one either.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:28 No.29651301
    Where's the quality van?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:29 No.29651318
    Good anime with decent plot with likable characters that leaves you wanting more? = SHIT

    Shitty slice of life with h/s girls that look like they're 3ft tall/loli with eyes the size of manhole covers? = BEST ANIMU EVAR.

    And I'm not talking about /a/ here, I'm referring to how Japan(and their otaku) now think.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:30 No.29651347
    It's shit, do not watch
    >> Kirisame Marisa !BQFqaCdjrU 01/10/10(Sun)12:30 No.29651362
         File1263144644.gif-(422 KB, 321x240, QUALITYvan.gif)
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    Or quality van, for that matter.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:30 No.29651364
    With comments pointing out every flaw
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:30 No.29651367
    Yoake Mae had good amounts of QUALITY, but still inferior to Polyphonica.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:31 No.29651386
    It's QUALITY, faggots.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:32 No.29651395
    Does anyone have some QUALITY images from Bakemonogatari?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:32 No.29651420
    Taketori Monogatari?!
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:35 No.29651483
         File1263144916.jpg-(51 KB, 564x423, anime-quality-control-disaster(...).jpg)
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    Okay....some of QUALITY pics for the lulz
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:35 No.29651496
         File1263144946.jpg-(148 KB, 1610x770, 1262489529503.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:35 No.29651499
         File1263144952.jpg-(97 KB, 1024x750, anime-quality-control-disaster(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:36 No.29651526
         File1263144994.jpg-(38 KB, 640x480, anime-quality-control-disaster(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:36 No.29651530
         File1263145003.png-(262 KB, 460x344, 3JamesQuallbossfight.png)
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    Did someone say QUALLity?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:37 No.29651550
         File1263145037.jpg-(23 KB, 720x480, anime-quality-control-disaster(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:38 No.29651568
         File1263145086.jpg-(112 KB, 960x960, anime-quality-control-disaster(...).jpg)
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    Way to recycle , Sunrise.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:39 No.29651595
         File1263145162.jpg-(181 KB, 993x1420, anime-quality-control-disaster(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:40 No.29651617
         File1263145201.jpg-(104 KB, 696x977, anime-quality-control-disaster(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:40 No.29651633
         File1263145239.jpg-(78 KB, 960x720, anime-quality-control-disaster(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:41 No.29651657
         File1263145298.jpg-(127 KB, 998x1257, anime-quality-control-disaster(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:41 No.29651659
    Holy balls, which anime is the right pic from, I dont habeeb it that the eyes really are that big and out there like bang.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:42 No.29651700
         File1263145378.jpg-(152 KB, 960x1080, anime-quality-control-disaster(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:43 No.29651705
         File1263145398.png-(538 KB, 704x1499, 1263050179293.png)
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:44 No.29651741
         File1263145470.jpg-(315 KB, 1537x864, 1258290283347.jpg)
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    I don't know sauce but here's more
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:44 No.29651744
    Kamichama Karin
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:44 No.29651748
    That appears to have been done on purpose for comedic effect.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:45 No.29651757
         File1263145504.jpg-(100 KB, 1024x576, anime-quality-control-disaster(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:45 No.29651765
         File1263145525.jpg-(280 KB, 1024x1450, 1257934697200.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:46 No.29651781
         File1263145561.jpg-(124 KB, 1024x576, anime-quality-control-disaster(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:46 No.29651785
    Oh man, im cringing in my chair and contorting my face into positions unknown to man. :( feels bad to know some people enjoy that
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:46 No.29651797
         File1263145600.jpg-(187 KB, 1280x720, anime-quality-control-disaster(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:47 No.29651812
    Oh god what the fuck
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:47 No.29651820
         File1263145645.jpg-(55 KB, 699x393, anime-quality-control-disaster(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:48 No.29651839
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:48 No.29651840
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:49 No.29651859
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:49 No.29651869
         File1263145760.jpg-(44 KB, 640x480, 1247596988970.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:49 No.29651885
         File1263145785.jpg-(47 KB, 854x480, anime-quality-control-disaster(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:50 No.29651914
         File1263145819.jpg-(101 KB, 480x270, anime-quality-control-disaster(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:50 No.29651916
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:50 No.29651927
         File1263145843.jpg-(49 KB, 848x480, [gg]_Umineko_no_Naku_Koro_ni_-(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:50 No.29651933
    I think Akagi and Kaiji are the only series free of QUALITY.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:51 No.29651940
         File1263145870.jpg-(33 KB, 653x269, anime-quality-control-disaster(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:51 No.29651941
         File1263145873.jpg-(30 KB, 704x396, 1252678396740.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:51 No.29651959
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:51 No.29651963
         File1263145914.jpg-(46 KB, 640x480, 1250282295173.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:51 No.29651964
    does anyone have the One Piece shot where Franky is like, smaller than the other two people in the shot?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:52 No.29651967
    oh god please tell me it's shoped
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:53 No.29651998
         File1263145981.jpg-(86 KB, 1920x1080, anime-quality-control-disaster(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:53 No.29652015
         File1263146011.jpg-(57 KB, 480x360, anime-quality-control-disaster(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:53 No.29652017
    I don't remind seeying any QUALITY in Hetalia either.
    ...Not that I watch that or anything.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:53 No.29652019
         File1263146020.jpg-(30 KB, 704x396, 1200879683099.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:54 No.29652035
         File1263146052.jpg-(35 KB, 640x480, anime-quality-control-disaster(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:54 No.29652037
    That's because akagi and kaiji rarely have any dynamic animation and instead all their static shots are super defined with really thick borders.

    It's something Madhouse does a lot in it's tv series.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:54 No.29652041
         File1263146060.jpg-(238 KB, 1440x810, 1211783921985.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:55 No.29652066
         File1263146104.jpg-(75 KB, 800x600, anime-quality-control-disaster(...).jpg)
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    Dem hands
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:55 No.29652072
         File1263146117.jpg-(190 KB, 806x799, 1250281186391.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:55 No.29652092
         File1263146153.jpg-(67 KB, 720x480, 1255082344322.jpg)
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    not QUALTI,it ok
    also pic just for fun
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:55 No.29652097
    And while it's nothing more than a glorified slideshow, it feels infinitely more full of life than 98% of other shows.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:56 No.29652102
         File1263146164.jpg-(93 KB, 1024x576, anime-quality-control-disaster(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:56 No.29652113
         File1263146181.jpg-(166 KB, 1084x851, 1250281332772.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:57 No.29652130
    You have to be shitting me
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:57 No.29652131
    in >>29651963 do what every teenage boy does at least once and look under the table
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)12:57 No.29652137

    Motherfucking long sofa.

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