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  • Sharecash has announced that spamming 4chan, and other imageboard websites, is now against their rules. Please refrain from harassing their administrators, or interfering with their website. As always, this is against the rules, and threads condoning such action will be removed. We look forward to working with Sharecash to put an end to the spam that has plagued 4chan for months, and hope they honor their word. More to come later.

    File : 1261936968.jpg-(70 KB, 549x656, DVDfix845ba9c8fdf3a16.jpg)
    70 KB Anonymous 12/27/09(Sun)13:02 No.29101994  
    Hey, bakefags

    stop calling the people who don't like your favorite show gorefag

    if you think your faverite show is good
    give us a good reason why it's good
    >> Anonymous 12/27/09(Sun)13:04 No.29102027
    I like Bakemonogatari because I'm a pretentious.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/09(Sun)13:05 No.29102039
    I liked it's use of color.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/09(Sun)13:06 No.29102055
    sup gorefag
    >> Anonymous 12/27/09(Sun)13:06 No.29102063
    i like it because you're gorespammer
    >> Anonymous 12/27/09(Sun)13:06 No.29102074
    sup gorespammer
    >> Anonymous 12/27/09(Sun)13:07 No.29102080
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    it has style
    >> Anonymous 12/27/09(Sun)13:07 No.29102081

    >> Juikabloth 12/27/09(Sun)13:07 No.29102093
    What's with that "upgrading"?
    I always watched minor QUALITY fixings, but this?
    I think I'll stay with my policy of not watching anything until its DVD release.
    >> Level 20 Sage !!Pf7bEZAAGN4 12/27/09(Sun)13:08 No.29102107
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    Because it's well drawn.

    sup gorespammer
    >> Anonymous 12/27/09(Sun)13:08 No.29102109
    I liked it because of the charming cast, interesting oddities, the stylish background, the fact that it keeps me entertained throughout, and I even liked the random texts.
    Now would you please kindly GTFO
    >> Anonymous 12/27/09(Sun)13:09 No.29102129
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    >> Anonymous 12/27/09(Sun)13:09 No.29102131
    Shut up and stop posting in his threads.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/09(Sun)13:09 No.29102141
    I guess people in japan must buy dvds or something.
    Personally, I buy merchandise as my way of supporting the industry.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/09(Sun)13:10 No.29102146
    Hey I wasn't here for a couple months because of exams and trolling /sp/

    Why are bakethreads still here.

    I was promised this would die out.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/09(Sun)13:10 No.29102152
    the girls do not conform to anime norm, they feel refreshing
    >> Anonymous 12/27/09(Sun)13:10 No.29102158
    >stop calling the people who don't like your favorite show gorefag
    I don't care if you don't like my show, but you are just pathetic staying on 4chan all day spaming. And yes, you are the same self-proclaimed "Gorespammer-sama" as before. There is only one troll on 4 chan pathetic enough to spam pics MANUALLY all day, because he has no life and needed to feel "powerful".

    By the way, give out your address, and we will see how powerful you really are.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/09(Sun)13:10 No.29102163
    Because summer never dies
    >> Anonymous 12/27/09(Sun)13:10 No.29102165
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    It's interesting, stylish, and visually pleasing.

    It's an alright show.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/09(Sun)13:10 No.29102170

    It's proof of the series' longevity.
    >> Level 20 Sage !!Pf7bEZAAGN4 12/27/09(Sun)13:11 No.29102189
    A lone faggot.

    Oh shut up. Even if he gave his address you would be winded just walking to the bus stop.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/09(Sun)13:11 No.29102190

    hahahahahaha this guy.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/09(Sun)13:12 No.29102195

    Bakefags actually believe theres only one person capable of disliking Bakemonogatari.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/09(Sun)13:12 No.29102203
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    >> Anonymous 12/27/09(Sun)13:12 No.29102205
    Thread reported!
    >> Juikabloth 12/27/09(Sun)13:12 No.29102221
    I'm also a severe buyfag, but I have never watched anything similar. So far, only QUALITY fixing and de-steaming for service. Also, I usually never watch show while they're airing, I prefer to marathon them, which kinda sucks because by the time I am starting them, I get the ending spoilers, thanks /a/.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/09(Sun)13:13 No.29102223

    This is why they get soo many trolls, gorespammers, twilightspammers and whatever spammers.
    Fucking retards.
    >> Level 20 Sage !!Pf7bEZAAGN4 12/27/09(Sun)13:13 No.29102226
    So there are multiple people spamming the exact same threads with the exact same images and copypasta in the exact same order?
    >> Anonymous 12/27/09(Sun)13:13 No.29102229
    if you let gorespammer for half a year more they'll die
    >> Anonymous 12/27/09(Sun)13:13 No.29102234

    This series only wishes it can be Bakemonogatari.
    >> Fairy !Tail/8fE8A 12/27/09(Sun)13:14 No.29102239
    cos Sengoku nadeko ftw

    Sup Gorefag.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/09(Sun)13:14 No.29102241

    Have you even seen half the troll/spam threads?
    >> Anonymous 12/27/09(Sun)13:14 No.29102244
    It's a wonder how anyone can, really. What is there not to like? You have cute girls, deep intricate plots involving very intriguing oddities and to top it all off, the visuals are second to none. If your brain could orgasm, it probably would when watching Bakemonogatari.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/09(Sun)13:15 No.29102255

    It's already a lot more popular in Japan than Bakemonogatari.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/09(Sun)13:15 No.29102258
    You're kidding me, right? You can't seriously believe that these characters are in anyway original?
    >> Level 20 Sage !!Pf7bEZAAGN4 12/27/09(Sun)13:15 No.29102265
    Yes, but I question rather you can say the same.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/09(Sun)13:15 No.29102270

    >> Anonymous 12/27/09(Sun)13:16 No.29102284
    >Bakefags actually believe theres only one person capable of disliking Bakemonogatari.
    There are plenty of people who dislike Ghostory. But no one who dislike it would have bothered to spam it like that unless they really do it for self-empowerment.

    And anyway, the current Twightlight Spammer IS the Gore-spammer. Spammers have their unique style, and his "I need to do this none-stop to feel better about myself" spamming technique is unique to him.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/09(Sun)13:16 No.29102287
    I liked Senjougahara and the whole romance thing. And a cute fuwa-fuwa op.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/09(Sun)13:16 No.29102296
    Typical Bakehater.

    Not intelligent enough to come up with a proper rebuttal, so he has to resort to cookie-cutter troll responses.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/09(Sun)13:17 No.29102300
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    >> Anonymous 12/27/09(Sun)13:17 No.29102307
    >Spammers have their unique style

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