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  • File : 1261093615.jpg-(87 KB, 713x780, virgins.jpg)
    87 KB Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)18:46 No.28756051  
    g/a/ys are the least likely to ever have sex with a female
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)18:47 No.28756074
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    >> BucShot( ゚∀゚)ア !.jiKWiU..E 12/17/09(Thu)18:47 No.28756075
    That's not /sp/.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)18:48 No.28756079
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    >/jp/ not in list
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)18:48 No.28756081
    NO fuck, jesus christ.....
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)18:48 No.28756085
    good, women are disgusting
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)18:48 No.28756087
    /jp/ is missing
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)18:48 No.28756106
    That list needs to be inverted.

    Have you ever been to /g/?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)18:48 No.28756114
    /jp/ is worse, but, yeah.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)18:48 No.28756118
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    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)18:49 No.28756129
    >> Clockwork Loyalty !!4b3DtY5ordZ 12/17/09(Thu)18:50 No.28756157
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)18:50 No.28756158
    /jp/ should be inserted at the top, /v/ should be lower than /m/
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)18:50 No.28756178

    I think it goes something like that.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)18:50 No.28756179
    >most likely to have sex with a male
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)18:51 No.28756182
    /jp/ has sex with their 2d waifus, so it really doesn't have to be on the list.
    ON THE OTHER HAND, /a/...
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)18:51 No.28756183
    /tg/ should be lower. Those guys have sex with tons of weird chicks.

    The reason is they are far more social than most fags on this site.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)18:51 No.28756202
    >good, women are disgusting

    but are disgusting!
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)18:53 No.28756253
    And then anonymous was a woman.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)18:57 No.28756389

    Yeah, unlike most boards, /tg/'s area of interest actually involves interacting with other people in real life.

    Of the dozen or so gamers I know, there's only one who I think might be a virgin. Some are married, some are in relationships, many have had fucked up experiences with crazy bitches... I'm not saying they don't have problems, but almost all have had sex at some point.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:02 No.28756549

    God dammit, I've gotta buy wedding presents for a couple of my gamer friends. You're supposed to be lonely nerds, you're doing it wrong! I can't afford 600-thread-count sheets!
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:03 No.28756590
    I dunno hasn't /a/ been kind of had a large normalfag migration? I know its gained a larger female presence.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:04 No.28756606
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    Is it really that important to have sex with anything?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:04 No.28756619
    why isnt /y/ on here?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:06 No.28756694
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    Yeah. There was an a/s/favorite anime thread over the summer and where I pulled these stats from.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:06 No.28756696
    Because /y/ has a large female userbase
    >> Deasme !qITTReyiQU 12/17/09(Thu)19:07 No.28756733
    cause gays fuck alot
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:09 No.28756801
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:14 No.28756985
    The sample is very small and there are trolls and samefags there for sure. (12 yo? seriously). No way 25% of /a/ is girls.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:17 No.28757076
    times have changed guy
    what once was a safe haven for our kind is no more
    learn to accept it.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:18 No.28757113
    What if I lurk on /a/ and /g/?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:19 No.28757127
    /b/tards will eventually fuck something.

    Anyone on the porn boards will eventually fuck something.

    Only those obsessed with bull shit like anime and video games is unlikely to ever get laid, even once.

    Fit is probably MOST likely to get laid, after /o/. Dumb girls love a guy with a nice car.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:20 No.28757156

    Eh, the methodology isn't perfect, but that's about what I'd expect. It varies with time of day and time of year, but... 25% female is less than you'd see at a convention, in the US at least.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:20 No.28757166
    We are /a/ssholes thank you very much.
    >> Russia is my Significant Other !!2YW0PJZXbhy 12/17/09(Thu)19:21 No.28757200
    Suddenly, a merciless outbreak of cooties.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:22 No.28757218
    >prove me wrong

    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:22 No.28757224
    did you save the thread?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:22 No.28757240
    Conventions are for casuals. People from /a/ don't go to cons. I refuse to believe that 1/4 of /a/ is girls. No girls on the internet after all. I'll just dismiss every person claiming to be a girl as troll like usual.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:23 No.28757264
    It saddens me to see /v/ so full of fratboys and *gasp* casuals, and, as such, not on its rightful second place on the list. Those of us that are both /a/nons and /v/irgins are more likely to seek refuge here because of that.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:23 No.28757267

    >don't go to cons
    >doesn't believe in girls

    This is exhibit A as to why your virginity shall remain intact.
    >> Neo !!JXkd0PP3yk8 12/17/09(Thu)19:24 No.28757274

    Hi there. You're wrong.
    >> Suigin !YUsuiginy. 12/17/09(Thu)19:24 No.28757297
    >no /jp/
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:25 No.28757322

    It is /b/.

    /b/ is the "eternal virgin" board because /b/ is made up of kids, 12 13 or even 15 its full of kids and some of them might have sex at their 14 but for the majority, for what we would consider "the board" the time of their first sexual intercourse will come much later and by then they will be older and they won't be browsing /b/ anymore.
    Because /b/ is shit and only EPIC LULZ ^_^ kids waste their time there, thus, there will never be non virgins in /b/.

    /b/ is like a fucking peter pan, eternally a kid.
    If you grow up and become old enough for sex you are too old for /b/.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:25 No.28757347
    think about it

    The other boards are filled with virgins, but /a/ is all about 2D and 3DPD.

    Yeah good luck getting laid then.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:26 No.28757356
    /jp/ - Never gets laid
    /g/ - May get laid one day, most likely with a hooker.

    Everything else in between you can rate for yourself.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:26 No.28757359
    /jp/ is full of virgin but from the couple of times I've been there but I dont think they are ronery,
    they seem pretty damn content actually.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:27 No.28757395
    I tried to eliminate all of the obvious troll posts. Having your favorite anime listed helped spot some of the fakes. ("naruto bleach onepiece 12 yr old wats this")

    Sorry, I know the methodology is horrible. I thought about doing some sort of Capture-Recapture analysis with multiple threads over the week, but I decided I don't really care that much.

    I'm kicking myself for losing the thread id. At the time, easymodo was still searchable, so I thought I'd just search for some keywords later and find it again. I do have the excel file, though.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:27 No.28757422
    Move /tg/ below /g/, fa/tg/uys at least socialise face to face with people whilst playing D&D.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:28 No.28757456
    Although that may be trues for a part of /a/, I'd like to think most of /a/ is a group of casualfags who indulge themselves in anime as a hobby.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:29 No.28757470
    well can you at least upload any images you uploaded during the thread?
    the same image search function still works and I can find it that way.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:29 No.28757474
    You can put it this way: /a/ finds 3D disgusting, /jp/ denies it completely. It's the next level.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:29 No.28757479
    wait what

    /co/ shouldn't be anywhere near /g/

    /tg/ is... either above /a/ or near the top, both of which make no sense

    is this list specifically constructed to not make any sense?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:30 No.28757522
    I'm gay. Why would I want to have sex with a female?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:31 No.28757549
    Wouldn't /jp/ like da nihon onna?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:32 No.28757580
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    >Most likely to have sex
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:32 No.28757582
    You made the chart? Allow me to thank you. I was present in that thread, and was among the people who asked for charts at the end.
    I always assumed this chart was born from that thread, but I never knew for sure. Now I know.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:32 No.28757590
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    >/g/ most likely to have sex
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:32 No.28757595
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:33 No.28757621
    I'm really sorry man, I don't think I uploaded any images. My excel file is dated "Tuesday, August 18, 2009." I have a lot of direct quotes from the thread, but google search turns up nothing. If easymodo is ever fixed, I'll update the image with the thread ID.

    I did manage to save some other similar easymodo threads ids, to try to crunch the numbers again and provide you with traceable data, but I got lazy and forgot about it. Maybe I'll try again over break.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:33 No.28757630
    its something to be admired really,
    To tell you the truth I kind of like /jp/
    I rarely go there since I have no interest in VNs or tohou
    but I find their userbase as a likeable lot
    sometimes I wish /a/s userbase was more like /jp/s
    >> Amnomnominous 12/17/09(Thu)19:33 No.28757639
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    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:34 No.28757657
    Yeah man disregard facts and anything you see just make believe your hearts desires.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:34 No.28757666
    >likely to have sex

    They're just slightly less ronery than /a/ is. I go there and sometimes I can't tell I'm not on /a/.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:34 No.28757667
    Apparantly if you are 26 you Will be a virgin.
    27 is a good age to be though.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:35 No.28757682
    Taking into account both the probability of one of them ever meeting with a japanese girl and the completely unrealistic expectations /jp/ has of them, I'd say "nihon onna" is as intangible as 2D.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:36 No.28757711
    We all do, only newfags still don't understand the greatness of /jp/.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:37 No.28757742
    I've been on 4chan since 2004.

    /jp/ is pretty fucking boring, but other than that alright I guess.

    They like Tokyo Crystal Mew so that gives them a step up.
    >> Suigin !YUsuiginy. 12/17/09(Thu)19:38 No.28757785
    lets put it this way
    /jp/ posters have archived enlightenment, they do not seek carnal pleasure, they have accepted their existence as eternal virgins

    basically we are mind/heart broken and don't care anymore
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:38 No.28757797
    We're all similarly likely to never have sex, since we're all faggots with eccentric interests taken too far because of a lack of social skills. It doesn't really matter which board. Different interests, but the same kinds of people.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:39 No.28757799

    It's f/a/gs not g/a/ys. Man, the newfaggotry around here is staggering...
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:39 No.28757803
    One more note on that chart: if you're thinking "the data was a convenience sample and totally biased" -- of course, you're right. It was a way to pass time, I sure as hell wouldn't bet my academic reputation on it.

    But it was interesting to see the results, however biased or skewed they might be. I think moot once posted that 4chan was 40% female, and these results wouldn't be totally inconsistent with that.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:39 No.28757818

    Why the hell are you even on this board?

    I should call KoG up and have him to a daily Cirno thread over there just so that you have to stop taking it easy for one second long enough to put his thread on ignore.

    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:40 No.28757821
    I c what you did there faggot. Implying /a/ is more gay than /y/. You fucking stupid idiot.
    >> Suigin !YUsuiginy. 12/17/09(Thu)19:41 No.28757846
    i do not comprehend the concept of rage
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:41 No.28757855
    I quite like /jp/ for all my VN related needs. But to be a regular at /jp/... I'm not sure it has enough entertainment value.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:45 No.28757950
    I disagree
    a good majority of /a/ likes traps and are guys
    thus the gayness
    and a good majority of /y/ likes dudes one dudes but a good chunk of them are female so that does not qualify as gay, making the gay level significantly less than anticipated
    so his assertion is not completely unfounded.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:45 No.28757955
    hahaha oh shit, I managed to find the thread where I got the data from

    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:45 No.28757961
    /jp/ should definitely be at the top. We don't even consider losing our virginity anymore. We just accept it and achieve enlightenment. We transcend to a higher level of existence.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:47 No.28758022
    I am a but a humble grasshopper before you,
    teach my your ways master!
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:50 No.28758086
    There is one most important rule.
    "Take it easy"
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:50 No.28758088
    oh wow, I remember that thread, I'm the third post on there
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:50 No.28758090
    you compiled all that?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:52 No.28758148
    on last request
    you still have the excel file right?
    can you upload it?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:52 No.28758153

    >fa/tg/uys spend lots of time socializing face to face....

    with other obese neckbearded males
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:52 No.28758155
    Most likely to have sex with oher men:

    (/y/ and /cm/ dont count because they're full of women)
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:54 No.28758202
    I'm assuming that list is with least likely at the top and most likely at the bottom, because /m/ is more likely to have sex with robots while /co/ and /sp/ regularly salivate over large men in tight clothes performing strenuous activities
    >> Suigin !YUsuiginy. 12/17/09(Thu)19:55 No.28758208
    A worksafe board with 40 posters who are older, lazier, more troll resistant and more chaste than most boards on 4chan.

    Can't be affected by triptrolls. Doesn't have the 4chan concept of rage, so the trolls can't perceive it. It can be spammed manually, though it would be exceedingly difficult.

    It also possesses a special ability similar to a self defense mechanism, Nameless Fairy.
    Just by being there any active thread that seems harmful to the board will be turned into a Touhou thread.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:56 No.28758229
    >/toy/ /tg/ and /m/ less likely to have sex than /v/ /co/ and /g/
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:57 No.28758261
    figurines are automatic pussy deflectors
    >> Anonymous 12/17/09(Thu)19:58 No.28758269
    well /m/ used to be called "the third gayest board on 4chan" but not sure if it's true nowadays.

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